256 research outputs found


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    Penumpukan kendaraan yang kemudian mengakibatkan terjadinya tundaan kendaraan sering terlihat di sepanjang Jalan Raya Padang Lua. Penumpukan kendaraan tersebut disebabkan selain status jalan yang merupakan Jalan Nasional yang menghubungkan beberapa ibukota provinsi (Padang- Pekanbaru dan Padang- Medan) Akibatnya,terjadi lalulintas kendaraan yang padat dan pinggir jalan tampak ramai dengan pejalan kaki dan aktivitas bongkar muat barang, serta aktivitas jual beli (pasar) yang ramai pengunjung. Penelitian ini dilakukan bertujua untuk (1) menganalisis tingkat kerusakan ruas Jalan Raya Padang Lua Kecamatan Banuhampu Kabupaten Agam, (2) menganalisis kecepatan kendaraan pada ruas Jalan Raya Padang Lua Kecamatan Banuhampu Kabupaten Agam, dan (3) menganalisis pengaruh kerusakan jalan terhadap kecepatan kendaraan pada ruas Jalan Raya Padang Lua Kecamatan Banuhampu Kabupaten Agam. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah seluruh arus lalu lintas pada ruas Jalan Raya Padang Lua dan juga kondisi jalan pada ruas Jalan Raya Padang Lua. Pengumpulan data kecepatan kendaraan dilakukan melalui moving car observation. Prosedur pengukuran di lapangan untuk nilai tingkat kerusakan jalan dengan metode PCl dengan menggunakan alat ukur berupa meteran untuk mengetahui luas area kerusakan dan klasifikasi tingkat kerusakan. Analisis data dilakukan melalui analisis regresi linier dengan uji F, uji t, dan uji determinasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) jenis kerusakan yang kebanyakan terjadi pada ruas Jalan Raya Padang Lua Kecamatan Banuhampu Kabupaten Agam adalah retak kulit buaya (alligator crack) dan lubang (pothole). Adapun jenis kerusakan lainnya yang terjadi pada ruas Jalan Raya Padang Lua Kecamatan Banuhampu Kabupaten Agam adalah kegemukan (bleeding), benjol dan turun (bump and sags), amblas (Depression), retak pinggir (edge crack), tambalan (Patching and Utility Cut Patching), retak memanjang dan melintang (longitudinal/transverse cracking), pengembangan (swell), dan pelapukan atau pelepasan butiran (weathering and raveling). Namun demikian, secara umum dapat dikatakan bahwa kondisi Jalan Raya Padang Lua Kecamatan Banuhampu Kabupaten Agam berada dalam kondisi baik (good) dengan rata-rata nilai PCI 60,7.(2) Kecepatan kendaraan pada ruas Jalan Raya Padang Lua Kecamatan Banuhampu Kabupaten Agam berkisar antara 22,49– 35,20 km/jam. Nilai rata-rata kecepatan kendaraan pada masing-masing segmen ii adalah 29,34 km/jam dengan standar deviasi 5,4 km/jam.(3) Kerusakan pada ruas Jalan Raya Padang Lua Kecamatan Banuhampu Kabupaten Agam terbukti memiliki pengaruh negatif terhadap kecepatan kendaraan. Pengaruh negatif ini berarti bahwa semakin tinggi tingkat kerusakan pada bagian jalan, maka semakin rendah kecepatan kendaraan. Sebaliknya, semakin rendah tingkat kerusakan pada bagian jalan, maka semakin tinggi kecepatan kendaraan. Kata Kunci: PCI, kerusakan jalan, kecepatan kendaraa

    Hysteroscopic and Pathologic Evaluation of Chronic Endometritis in Patients with Unexplained Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Chronic endometritis is one of the most specific, but not the most common causes of infertility, which reduces the amount of pregnancy and poor results of pregnancy, such as preterm labor and abortion. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of chronic endometritis in recurrent spontaneous abortions (RSA) and to determine the bilateral relationship between the histological and pathological findings of this inflammation. METHODS: A case controlled-prospective observational study was performed on one hundred women 20-35 years in the Fatemeh Zahra infertility center and Rohani hospital. Patient group include forty patients with unexplained RSA and control group include 60 women that underwent hysteroscopy due to vaginal bleeding or other causes except RSA. All of the women underwent endometrial biopsy and examined by pathologist for presence plasma cells in stroma. FINDINGS: In all patients endometritis rate was 8%. Patients with RSA had a significantly higher incidence of CE both hysteroscopically (30% vs. 6.7%; p<0.005) and pathologically (27.5% vs. 6.7%; p < 0.005). The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) of hysteroscopy in the diagnosis of CE were 93.3%, 97.6%, 87.5% and 98.8% respectively. Also the PPV and NPV of hysteroscopy, sensitivity, specificity in the diagnosis of endometrial polyp were 100%, 87.3%, 76.3% and 100% respectively. CONCLUSION: Based on the results, there was a significant association between CE and unexplained RSA. Due to high sensitivity and acceptable specificity of hysteroscopy in diagnosis of CE and endometrial polyp, we recommended hysteroscopic evaluation of patients with unexplained RSA

    A New Approach to the Detection of Mammogram Boundary

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    Mammography is a method used for the detection of breast cancer. computer-aided diagnostic (CAD) systems help the radiologist in the detection and interpretation of mass in breast mammography. One of the important information of a mass is its contour and its form because it provides valuable information about the abnormality of a mass. The accuracy in the recognition of the shape of a mass is related to the accuracy of the detected mass contours. In this work we propose a new approach for detecting the boundaries of lesion in mammography images based on region growing algorithm without using the threshold, the proposed method requires an initial rectangle surrounding the lesion selected manually by the radiologist (Region Of Interest), where the region growing algorithm applies on lines segments that attach each pixel of this rectangle with the seed point, such as the ends (seeds) of each line segment grow in a direction towards one another. The proposed approach is evaluated on a set of data with 20 masses of the MIAS base whose contours are annotated manually by expert radiologists. The performance of the method is evaluated in terms of specificity, sensitivity, accuracy and overlap. All the findings and details of approach are presented in detail

    Hypercalcemia associated with a parathyroid cyst.

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    Parathyroid cysts are rare. When they do occur they usually have no demonstrable endocrine function, but may cause respiratory distress by tracheal compression or may be mistakenly diagnosed as thyroid carcinomas or adenomas. We report a case of a parathyroid cyst which presented with hypercalcemia. CASE REPORT: A fifty eight year old man undergoing routine investigations was found to have hypercalcaemia. His calcium level was elevated to 3.63 mmol/l and the serum parathyroid hormone level was 18.4 pmol/l (normal range 1.0- 5.3). Serum alkaline phosphatase was at the upper limit of normal at 1 1 3U/1. X-ray of the renal tract revealed no evidence of calcification. He was asymptomatic and had no palpable neck mass. Ultrasound examination revealed a 3 cm cyst-like structure inferior and posterior to the left lobe of the thyroid, with a well defined wall approximately 2 mm thick. Exploration of the neck revealed a large cyst (6.5 x 5 x 3 cm), which was removed and found to weigh 57 g. Three other parathyroid glands with a normal appearance were found. Macroscopic examination of the removed specimen showed a smooth lined cyst containing greasy, pearly material. Histology revealed a fibrous lined cyst, containing several islands of parathyroid tissue with clear cell cytology and moderate nuclear pleomorphism. Post-operatively serum calcium returned to normal. The patient was discharged on the fourth post-operative day. DISCUSSION Many theories have been advanced regarding the aetiology of parathyroid cysts. Goris1 was the first to report a case. Nylander2 has suggested that they arise from remnants of the third or fourth pharangeal pouch or are vestigia

    The Relationship of Residential Environment with The Risk of Leptospirosis in Sleman Regency

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    The effort of leptospirosis prevention in Sleman currently only limited to counseling and treatment of the patient, while the patient search, ways of transmission of leptospirosis from rats to humans, have never implemented in an integrated manner. The study aimed to investigated the relationship between the environmental residential condition with the risk of leptospirosis in Sleman Regency. The research used a survey method Â&nbsp;with case control study design. The results showed that environmental factors, which are not proved to have a relationship with the risk of leptospirosis were residential condition ({p=0,108} OR=3,818 {95%CI:0,922–15,811}), the trash bin condition ({p=1,000} OR=1,138 {95%CI:0,420–3,081}) and the sewer condition ({p=0,415} OR=0,551 {95%CI:0,187–1,624}). Environmental factors that associated with the risk of leptospirosis was the presence of rats ({p=0,001} OR=13,594 {95%CI:2,754–67,107}). The effort should be made in order to prevent the increasement of Leptospirosis cases by sanitation improvement and avoiding direct contact with rats as well as it litter. The Government should be pay more attention in the vector control programs, especially in leptospirosis prone areas so the prevention effort to be able run effectively and efficiently


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    Crescent sand dunes called barchans are the fastest moving sand dunes in the desert, causing disturbance for infrastructure and threatening human settlements. Their study is of great interest for urban planners and geologists interested in desertification (Hugenholtz et al., 2012). In order to study them at a large scale, the use of remote sensing is necessary. Indeed, barchans can be part of barchan fields which can be composed of thousands of dunes (Elbelrhiti et al.2008). Our region of interest is located in the south of Morocco, near the city of Laayoune, where barchans are stretching over a 400&thinsp;km corridor of sand dunes. We used image processing techniques based on machine learning approaches to detect both the location and the outlines of barchan dunes. The process we developed combined two main parts: The first one consists of the detection of crescent shaped dunes in satellite images using a supervised learning method and the second one is the mapping of barchans contours (windward, brink and leeward) defining their 2D pattern. For the detection, we started by image enhancement techniques using contrast adjustment by histogram equalization along with noise reduction filters. We then used a supervised learning method: We annotated the samples and trained a hierarchical cascade classifier that we tested with both Haar and LBP features (Viola et Jones, 2001; Liao et al., 2007). Then, we merged positive bounding boxes exceeding a defined overlapping ratio. The positive examples were then qualified to the second part of our approach, where the exact contours were mapped using an image processing algorithm: We trained an ASM (Active Shape Model) (Cootes et al., 1995) to recognize the contours of barchans. We started by selecting a sample with 100 barchan dunes with 30 landmarks (10 landmarks for each one of the 3 outlines). We then aligned the shapes using Procrustes analysis, before proceeding to reduce the dimensionality using PCA. Finally, we tested different descriptors for the profiles matching: HOG features were used to construct a multivariate Gaussian model, and then SURF descriptors were fed an SVM. The result was a recursive model that successfully mapped the contours of barchans dunes. We experimented with IKONOS high resolution satellite images. The use of IKONOS high resolution satellite images proved useful not only to have a good accuracy, but also allowed to map the contours of barchans sand dunes with a high precision. Overall, the execution time of the combined methods was very satisfying.</p

    Quantum paramagnetism in a non-Kramers rare-earth oxide: Monoclinic Pr2Ti2O7\rm Pr_2Ti_2O_7

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    Little is so far known about the magnetism of the A2B2O7\rm A_2B_2O_7 monoclinic layered perovskites that replace the spin-ice supporting pyrochlore structure for rA/rB>1.78r_A/r_B>1.78. We show that high quality monoclinic Pr2_2Ti2_2O7_7 single crystals with a three-dimensional network of non-Kramers Pr3+^{3+} ions that interact through edge-sharing super-exchange interactions, form a singlet ground state quantum paramagnet that does not undergo any magnetic phase transitions down to at least 1.8 K. The chemical phase stability, structure, and magnetic properties of the layered perovskite Pr2_2Ti2_2O7_7 were investigated using x-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, and magnetization measurements. Synthesis of polycrystalline samples with the nominal compositions of Pr2_2Ti2+x_{2+x}O7_7 (−0.16≤x≤0.16-0.16 \leq x \leq 0.16) showed that deviations from the Pr2_2Ti2_2O7_7 stoichiometry lead to secondary phases of related, structures including the perovskite phase Pr2/3_{2/3}TiO3_3 and the orthorhombic phases Pr4_4Ti9_9O24_{24} and Pr2_2TiO5_5. No indications of site disordering (stuffing and anti-stuffing) or vacancy defects were observed in the Pr2_2Ti2_2O7_7 majority phase. A procedure for growth of high-structural-quality, stoichiometric single crystals of Pr2_2Ti2_2O7_7 by the traveling solvent floating zone (TSFZ) method is reported. Thermo-magnetic measurements of single-crystalline Pr2_2Ti2_2O7_7 reveal an isolated singlet ground state that we associate with the low symmetry crystal electric field environments that split the 2J+1=92J+1=9-fold degenerate spin-orbital multiplets of the four differently coordinated Pr3+^{3+} ions into 36 isolated singlets resulting in an anisotropic temperature independent van-Vleck susceptibility at low TT. A small isotropic Curie term is associated with 0.96(2)\% non-interacting Pr4+^{4+} impurities.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, 6 table
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