15 research outputs found

    Struktur Bahsa Totoli (1991)

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    Struktur Bahasa Totoli

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    Sastra lisan Totoli

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    Buku Sastra Lisan Totoli ini merupakan salah satu basil Proyek Pembinaan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia dan Daerah tahun 1992/1993 yang pelaksanaannya dipercayakan kepada tim peneliti dari Universitas Tadulako, Sulawesi Tengah

    Morfologi dan sintaksis bahasa Totoli

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    Pcnelitian morfologi dan sintnksis bahasa Totoli mcmpunyai tujuan rncmperoleh deskripsi tentang morfologi dan sintaksis. Dalam bidang morfologi dibahas afiksasi, 'redupklikasi, klitikalisasi, dan pemajemukan. Dalam bidang sintaksis dibahas frasa, klausa, kalimat, dan proses sintaksis. Untuk mencapai tujuan itu, dalam penelitian mi ditcrapkan analisis niorfologi olch Nisa dan Samsuri serta digunakan prinsip dasar untuk menentukan sistematikan bahasa. Selain itu, digunakan analisis sintaksis tagmemik oleh Cook

    Sistem perulangan bahasa Kaili

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    Buku Sistem Perulangan Bahasa Kailki ini semula merupakan naskah Iaporan penelitian yang beiludul "Sistem Perulangan Bahasa Kaii", yang disusun oleh tim peneliti Universitas Tadulakó dalam rangka kerjaa sama dengan Proyek Penelitian Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia clan Daerah - Sulawesi Tengah tahun 1980/1981. Penelitian Syahruddin Kaseng dan kawan-kawan yang berjudul Survai Bahasa-bahasa di Sulawesi Tengah mengungkapkan bahwa pemakaian bahasa Kaili meliputi Kecamatan Sirenja, Sindue, Tawaii, Banawa, Palu, Parigi, Marawola, Sigi Biromaru, Dolo, dan Ampibabo. Jumlah penuturannya sekitar 334, 523 orang atau kira-kira sepertiga dari penduduk Sulawesi Tengah

    Malaysian youth's views on elements in taking selfie

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    The trend of selfies has become a new culture in society. Social networking sites have offered individuals, especially youth, opportunities to present themselves. This study aims to understand what elements Malaysian youth consider when taking a selfie. A sequential mixed method research approach was used first to collect qualitative data through the focused-group discussion method and then by a survey's quantitative data. Two focus group discussions were held to gather the youth's opinions, and the qualitative data were used to build a questionnaire and distributed to 395 youth in Klang Valley of Malaysia. The results show that the youth consider three significant elements, i.e., situational, technical, and social. Among the factors, overall, the technical factor is the most critical (mean = 4.587), followed by the social factor (mean = 4.541) and lastly situational factor (mean = 4.106). However, one of the items in the social factor outstands the others (mean = 5.005). The youths deemed that taking selfies with friends and others without considering their religious and ethnic background is the most important thing. This study concluded that even though the youths pay more attention to how to take a good selfie technically but at the same time, they do consider being inclusive towards other ethnic groups in their social life

    Strengthening patriotism through YouTube platform

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    Since YouTube platform emerges as one of the influential social media nowadays especially among the younger generation, it is good to be utilized as a medium in teaching and learning process to make boring subjects become more lively. For instance Kenegaraan Malaysia, a patriotism based subject which is vital in a context of nation building. Therefore, we use this platform to gain student’s attention through students centered learning activity such as producing patriotism themed video to be launched via YouTube. Certainly, the students will gain patriotism awareness while making the video, so will the viewers. Hence, patriotism spirit can be fostered in them appropriately

    Designing inter-religious dialogue model for the grassroots: a preliminary survey

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    In order to strengthen national unity and integration, the dialogue culture needs to be cultivated in Malaysia (Azizan Baharudin, 2008). Moreover, Malaysian society is still grounded with prejudice as this problem was never wisely dealt with (Abdul Rahman Embong, 2001). Nevertheless, the nature of current practice of inter-religious dialogue is too philosophical and theological thus the participation is limited to the elite or intellectuals. If the present model of inter-religious dialogue is meant only for the elite and not for the grassroots, how could it be the best platform for national unity and integration?. Based on this argument, an inter-religious dialogue model that is more appropriate for the grassroots need to be developed. Therefore, present research aims at exploring the nature of Malaysian society and the reality of inter-religious relations in Malaysia as an early effort to develop the inter-religious dialogue model. To achieve this goal, a survey was conducted on 426 multi-religious respondents around Klang Valley. Among the variables measured to assess the nature of Malaysian society and the reality of inter-religious relations in Malaysia were, motivation and skills in inter-religious engagement, prejudice, quantity of contact, quality of contact and inter-religious understanding. Descriptive statistical analysis was employed to determine the level of variables while inferential statistical analysis was used to assess the correlation between prejudice and selected variables (i.e. skills in inter-religious engagement and quality of contact) and correlation between skills in inter-religious engagement and quality of contact. The findings suggest that Malaysian society in general has a high level of motivation and skills in inter-religious engagement, quality of contact and inter-religious understanding. The level of prejudice and the level of quantity of contact on the other hand are recorded as low. The low level of quantity of contact however can not to be underestimated since the correlation analysis has demonstrated that contact is negatively correlated with prejudice. This correlation means low level of contact is associated with high level of prejudice while high level of contact is associated with low level of prejudice. Lack of contact among Malaysian is feared can increase prejudice. All these findings envisage the need and feasibility to implement inter-religious dialogue in Malaysia. The data in this preliminary survey will guide the researcher in determining the stages, contents, processes and specific activities related to the design of inter-religious dialogue for the grassroots