11 research outputs found

    The Transformation of Medical Spas into Modern Spa Centers in Bosnia and Herzegovina: An Investigation Using a Decision-Making Support Model

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    Globalization and lifestyle changes have led to health becoming a major social preoccupation of the population. Spas are no longer just centers for disease treatment, but a means of preventing diseases and protecting human health. An increasing number of young people are trying to improve their health through spa treatments. This is why there is a growing tourist offer of spa centers. Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H) has rich natural resources that are conducive to the creation of spas. Therefore, this study looked into spa offers and evaluated the transformation of medical spas into modern spa centers in order to improve competitiveness. Spa transformation survey was conducted on the example of spas in B&H. Six, out of a total of fifteen registered spas in B&H, have been chosen randomly. The spa offer was evaluated by applying the decision-making model and expert decision-making. The obtained results showed that the spas of Ilidža - Gradačac and Ilidža - Sarajevo have "good" transformation; the spas Dvorovi and Mlječanica have "middle" transformation, while the spas of Gata and Sanska Ilidža have "bad" transformation in the process of creating modern spas. Based on the results of this study, spa managers can obtain the necessary information on how to adjust the offer to make those spas more competitive. In addition, the spas will also generate higher revenues. The decision-making model used has shown good results and can be applied to future studies and research

    The development of innovation and competitiveness of small firms - comparative analysis of business practices of Republic of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Predmet ove doktorske disertacije jeste analiza dostignutog stepena inovativnosti malih preduzeća u privrednoj strukturi Republike Srbije u poređenju sa, strukturno srodnom, privrednom strukturom Bosne i Hercegovine u smislu razumevanja nužnog podsticanja i unapređenja konkurentnosti kao vitalnog uslova rasta i razvoja nacionalne ekonomije. Istovremeno, cilj istraživanja je da se na temelju uvida u privrednu praksu razvijenih ekonomija, iskustava zemalja koje su već zakoračile u proces tranzicije, zatim strukturalne i dinamičke analize institucionalne i poslovne prakse u privredi Republike Srbije, odnosno Bosne i Hercegovine, kao i studiranja relevantne domaće i inostrane literature, kreira prilog razvoju, na inovativnosti malih preduzeća, zasnovanoj konkurentnosti nacionalne privrede kao svojevrsnog doprinosa razvoju preduzetničke ekonomije – ekonomije zasnovane na znanj


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    The purpose of this paper is to research how to improve loyalty to the dark chocolate brand Dorina through interaction created in the model composed of constructs such as brand image, brand impact, brand satisfaction and brand value. The data for this research have been gathered by an online survey. The total of 448 questionnaires have been collected in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). The respondents to the survey were consumers of dark chocolate Dorina. The results indicate that consumer satisfaction is the most important factor for the brand loyalty on the dark chocolate market, followed by the impact and value, while the brand image does not significantly affect the loyalty of the consumers. Furthermore, the results indicate that the brand image significantly affects the customer satisfaction. A limitation of this research is that only one country has been taken as a sample, which could lead to generalization of results. New functions of chocolate, such as a health function, provide a new segment of food industry analysed in this paper. Companies should pay attention to the improvement of their brand image in order to affect consumer satisfaction which is the most important prerequisite for the creation of loyalty among the consumers. The developed model has provided instructions for the dark chocolate manufacturers on how to improve loyalty of consumers and how to influence the very purchase

    Measuring competitiveness of companies in the field of food industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Promjene na tržištu uzrokovale su da poduzeća, kako bi bila konkurentna, smanjuju nepotrebne troškove. Pojam konkurentnosti sve se više istražuje. Ovaj rad nudi način kojim se može mjeriti konkurentnost poduzeća. Ispitivanje konkurentnosti provedeno je na poduzećima iz područja prehrambene industrije u Bosni i Hercegovini (BiH). Korišten je sistematski uzorak. Prikupljeni podaci analizirani su faktorskom analizom kojom je osam korištenih dimenzija reducirano na šest. Tih šest dimenzija određuju konkurentnost poduzeća iz područja prehrambene industrije iz BiH. Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su da se ove dimenzije izdvajaju od drugih i predstavljaju konkurentnost poduzeća. Te dimenzije su: troškovna konkurencija, cjenovna konkurencija, inovativnost proizvoda i poslovnih procesa, zadovoljstvo kupaca, pouzdanost isporuke i organizacijsko učenje. Ovo istraživanje pomoći će menadžerima poduzeća iz područja prehrambene industrije u BiH da poboljšaju konkurentnost na tržištu. Metodologija ovoga rada pomoći će i drugim poduzećima da poboljšaju konkurentnost i ostvare bolje rezultate na tržištu.Increasing changes in the market have caused companies to turn largely to lowering all unnecessary costs in order to be competitive. Competitiveness is a concept that is being explored progressively. This paper offered a way to measure enterprise competitiveness. Competitiveness testing was conducted on companies in the field of food industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). A systematic sample was used. The collected data were analysed by factor analysis. Out of a total of 8 dimensions used, the factor analysis performed a reduction of these dimensions and led to the final 6 dimensions that determine the competitiveness of companies in the field of food industry in B&H. The obtained results showed that these dimensions stand out from others and represent the competitiveness of the company. These dimensions are: cost competition, price competition, product and business process innovation, customer satisfaction, delivery reliability and organisational learning. This research will help managers of companies in the food industry in B&H to improve market competitiveness. The methodology used in this paper will help other companies to improve competitiveness and achieve better results in the market

    Primjena klaster analize u ekonomskim istraživanjima

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    Odabir primjena multivarijatne analize je široka i rasprostranjena. U kontekstu multivarijatne analize postoje mnoge metode koje se mogu primjenjivati u statističkim analizama. Klaster analiza je metoda koja uspoređuje jedinice promatranja na temelju njihove povezanosti te ih razvrstava u homogene skupine. Klaster analiza rijetko se primjenjuje samostalno u ekonomskim istraživanjima. Ona se obično primjenjuje s drugim metodama multivarijatne analize. Ovaj rad nastoji objasniti primjenu klaster analize u ekonomskim istraživanjima, teorijski, metodološki i praktičnim segmentima primjene. Osim ovoga daje se i pregled primjene klaster analize u ekonomskim istraživanjima te smjernice za buduću provedbu ove metode. Na kraju rada se kroz praktični primjer predstavlja uporaba klaster analize

    Model for investment decision making by applying the multi-criteria analysis method

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    When making an investment decision the investor has got many alternative investment options available. The task of the investor is to choose one investment that will best accomplish the objectives of the investment project. In order for an investment to be possible, it is common practice to create a document that plans and especially outlines the form of the investment project. In order to choose an investment that best meets the goals of the project, it is necessary to evaluate the project. There are evaluation methods available for the investor to assess the effectiveness of an investment project. The results given by these methods are usually conflicting, thus causing difficulties for the investor’s decision-making abilities. This paper presents a model for improving the decision process in investment. The purpose of this model is to indicate the need for using methods such as the multi-criteria analysis method in order to evaluate the effectiveness of an investment. Due to the fact that the results of the evaluation methods are often different, it is necessary to take into account that there are a number of criteria that need to be acknowledged, in order to make the best investment decision. Multi-criteria analysis can be used to rank potential investment projects and enhances the decision-making process that is required to meet the goals of an investment


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    U ovome radu istražuje se na koji je način povezana percipirana kvaliteta klijenata banaka s njihovim zadovoljstvom i odanošću. Istraživanje je provedeno na području Brčko distrikta BiH korištenjem namjernog prigodnog uzorka. U istraživanju je korištena online anketa kojoj je pristupilo 469 klijenata banaka, a od toga je 225 klijenata popunilo ovu anketu. Za mjerenje kvalitete je korišten prilagođeni SERVPREF model, a zadovoljstvo i lojalnost su mjereni uz pomoć četiri tvrdnje. Značaj ovoga istraživanje je u tome što će se kroz dokazivanje hipoteza utvrditi da je od važnosti za poslovanje svake banke upravo kvaliteta jer ona utječe, kako na zadovoljstvo, tako i na lojalnost korisnika te koja od dimenzija kvaliteta upravo najviše utječe na ove varijable. Rezultati koji su dobiveni ovim istraživanjem pridonose tome da banke bolje razumiju klijente. Provedena statistička analiza izvršena je uz pomoć programskog alata SPSS 20 te je korištena višestruka regresijska analiza, korelacijska analiza. Također je ispitana pouzdanost prikupljenih podataka uz pomoć Cronbach\u27s Alpha pokazatelja. Osim toga, primijenjena je i deskriptivna analiza prikupljenih podataka. Rezultati višestruke regresijske analize pokazali su da postoji značajan utjecaj percipirane kvalitete banaka na zadovoljstvo i odanost klijenata čime su dokazane prve dvije pomoćne hipoteze. Dokazano je da postoji značajan utjecaj zadovoljstva klijenata na njihovu odanost čime je dokazana treća pomoćna hipoteza. Dokazivanjem ovih hipoteza dokazana je i glavna hipoteza i pokazano da percipirana kvaliteta utječe na zadovoljstvo i lojalnost klijenata, a samo zadovoljni klijenti mogu postati odani

    Utjecaj osnovnih značajki korisnika na primjenu informacijskih sustava

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    Pri istraživanju odnosa korisnika i informacijskih sustava potrebno je ustanoviti kakav utjecaj imaju osnovne značajke korisnika na njihovo doživljavanje informacijskih sustava koje primjenjuju u svojem radu. U skladu s tim ovo istraživanje je provedeno u Vladi Brčko distrikta BiH i Javnom poduzeću Komunalno Brčko. Ispitivanju je pristupilo 479 zaposlenika, a 261 zaposlenik je popunio upitnik predviđen za ovo istraživanje. Kod mjerenja osnovnih značajki ispitanika uzeti su u obzir spol ispitanika, radno mjesto, starosna dob, stručna sprema, radni staž ispitanika te koliko oni koriste informacijski sustav tjedno. Kod mjerenja doživljaja korištenja informacijskog sustava primijenjen je modificiran model uspješnosti informacijskog sustava. Prilikom ispitivanja postavljenih hipoteza u ovome radu primijenjen je statistički programski alat SPSS 20,0, a od analiza je provedena multivarijabilna analiza varijance (MANOVA) te analiza varijance (ANOVA). Kod razvrstavanja postavljenih tvrdnji provedena je faktorska analiza. Rezultati dobiveni primjenom ove analize pokazuju da su kod modificiranog modela uspješnosti informacijskog sustava tvrdnje razvrstane u četiri kategorije. Rezultati ispitivanja hipoteza dokazali su da postoji značajna statistička ovisnost kod korištenja informacijskih sustava gotovo kod svih značajki korisnika, osim za godine starosti korisnika gdje ne postoji ova statistička ovisnost. Dobiveni rezultati iz ovoga istraživanja pridonijet će boljem razumijevanju načina na koji korisnici doživljavaju informacijske sustave u svojem radu i osnovne značajke ispitanika koje utječu na korištenje sustava

    Breast Cancer Detection: Role of Family Physicians

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    Croatia started implementing the national programs for early breast cancer detection in 2006, early detection of colon cancer and early detection of cervical cancer. A possible way to improve the adherence of the women to the screening on breast cancer could be by transferring the responsibility for the program implementation from the public health institutes to family physicians. The Project: »Model of early cancer detection integrated in a practice of family physician«, was carried out by the Department of Family Medicine of the Osijek University School of Medicine. The results have shown that responsiveness of women invited to do preventive mammography was significantly higher in the experimental than in the control group. The central role of FM in the implementation of preventive programmes has already been recognized in many countries as an advantage from the organizational aspects and by means of decreased expenditure, compared to the vertical programmes with strict formal control centered to the public institutions

    The development of innovation and competitiveness of small firms - comparative analysis of business practices of Republic of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    Predmet ove doktorske disertacije jeste analiza dostignutog stepena inovativnosti malih preduzeća u privrednoj strukturi Republike Srbije u poređenju sa, strukturno srodnom, privrednom strukturom Bosne i Hercegovine u smislu razumevanja nužnog podsticanja i unapređenja konkurentnosti kao vitalnog uslova rasta i razvoja nacionalne ekonomije. Istovremeno, cilj istraživanja je da se na temelju uvida u privrednu praksu razvijenih ekonomija, iskustava zemalja koje su već zakoračile u proces tranzicije, zatim strukturalne i dinamičke analize institucionalne i poslovne prakse u privredi Republike Srbije, odnosno Bosne i Hercegovine, kao i studiranja relevantne domaće i inostrane literature, kreira prilog razvoju, na inovativnosti malih preduzeća, zasnovanoj konkurentnosti nacionalne privrede kao svojevrsnog doprinosa razvoju preduzetničke ekonomije – ekonomije zasnovane na znanj