299 research outputs found

    Force Field Simulation Based Laser Scan Alignment

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    Assessment of white matter microstructure in stroke patients using NODDI

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    pre-printDiffusion weighted imaging (DWI) is widely used to study changes in white matter following stroke. In various studies employing diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and high angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI) modalities, it has been shown that fractional anisotropy (FA), mean diffusivity (MD), and generalized FA (GFA) can be used as measures of white matter tract integrity in stroke patients. However, these measures may be non-specific, as they do not directly delineate changes in tissue microstructure. Multi-compartment models overcome this limitation by modeling DWI data using a set of indices that are directly related to white matter microstructure. One of these models which is gaining popularity, is neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging (NODDI). his model uses conventional single or multi-shell HARDI data to describe fiber orientation dispersion as well as densities of different tissue types in the imaging voxel. In this paper, we apply for the first time the NODDI model to 4-shell HARDI stroke data. By computing NODDI indices over the entire brain in two stroke patients, and comparing tissue regions in ipsilesional and contralesional hemispheres, we demonstrate that NODDI modeling provides specific information on tissue microstructural changes. We also introduce an information theoretic analysis framework to investigate the non-local effects of stroke in the white matter. Our initial results suggest that the NODDI indices might be more specific markers of white matter reorganization following stroke than other measures previously used in studies of stroke recovery

    Improving undersampled MRI reconstruction using non-local means

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    Journal ArticleObtaining high quality images in MR is desirable not only for accurate visual assessment but also for automatic processing to extract clinically relevant parameters. Filtering-based techniques are extremely useful for reducing artifacts caused due to undersampling of k-space (to reduce scan time). The recently proposed Non-Local Means (NLM) filtering method offers a promising means to denoise images. Compared to most previous approaches, NLM is based on a more realistic model of images, which results in little loss of information while removing the noise. Here we extend the NLM method for MR image reconstruction from undersampled k-space data. The method is applied on T1-weighted images of the breast and T2-weighted anatomical brain images. Results show that NLM offers a promising method that can be used for accelerating MR data acquisitions

    Reordering for Improved Constrained Reconstruction from Undersampled k-Space Data

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    Recently, there has been a significant interest in applying reconstruction techniques, like constrained reconstruction or compressed sampling methods, to undersampled k-space data in MRI. Here, we propose a novel reordering technique to improve these types of reconstruction methods. In this technique, the intensities of the signal estimate are reordered according to a preprocessing step when applying the constraints on the estimated solution within the iterative reconstruction. The ordering of the intensities is such that it makes the original artifact-free signal monotonic and thus minimizes the finite differences norm if the correct image is estimated; this ordering can be estimated based on the undersampled measured data. Theory and example applications of the method for accelerating myocardial perfusion imaging with respiratory motion and brain diffusion tensor imaging are presented