17,883 research outputs found

    The effect of preservation method of barley, maturity of grass silage, and type of protein supplementation on sensoric milk quality in organic farming

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    Three continuous production experiments and three short term cross over experiments were carried out in Northern Norway to investigate different feeding strategies for dairy cows in organic farming. This paper focuses on the effects on sensoric milk quality. Half of the 32 Norwegian red dairy cows in the production experiments were fed 40% (HC) concentrates (on energy basis per year) and the other half 10% (LC). Twelve cows (HC) participated in the short term cross over experiments. The experimental factors in the continuous production experiments were barley preservation method (P1), grass silage maturity (P2) and type of protein supplement (P3), and in the short term cross over experiments barley preservation method (C1), type of protein supplement (C2) and time for fishmeal feeding (C3). In all experiments the cows were offered grass silage ad libitum, restricted amounts of cereals and protein feeds, and mineral and vitamin supplements. The sensoric quality of milk was in general high. In the production experiments, milk from cows in HC had slightly higher quality than from cows in LC (significant in P2, p = 0.04). Neither the preservation method of barley (dried or ensiled with molasses), maturity of grass silage or type of protein supplement (fishmeal or peameal) influenced the sensoric milk quality significantly. Also in the cross over experiments no effect of the studied factors was found in milk flavour and odour. Early harvested grass silage gave significantly lower FFA contents than grass silage cut at normal time (P2) and FM gave significantly lower FFA concentrations than peameal (P3). These results indicate that organic farmers with different feeding regimes can produce milk of first class sensoric quality. Also the content of FFA has been low in all experiments (except C1). However, feeding regimes containing low levels of concentrates may reduce milk taste slightly

    Effect of barley preservation method on milk production and milk quality in organic farming

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    The effect of dried vs. ensiled barley (cv. Arve) on feed intake, milk yield and quality in organic production was tested in two experiments in Northern Norway. In the first experiment, two groups were given either 40% or 10% concentrated feed (barley) per cow and year, calculated on energy basis. Grass silage was fed ad. lib. Both drying and ensiling preserved barley properly and resulted in approximately the same feed intake and milk production. Cows in the group with 10% barley had lower milk protein concentration than cows in the group with 40% barley. The palatability of barley was in general low, and several cows refused parts of their allowances throughout the experiment. The second experiment had a cross over design with three treatments. The trial was designed to evaluate the effect of preservation method for barley on sensoric milk quality. The cows were fed well-preserved grass silage ad lib. and supplemented with 5.8 kg DM of either dried barley, barley ensiled with molasses, or barley ensiled with a propionic acid-containing additive. All types of barley were well preserved and no negative effect of ensiled barley was observed

    The effect of fishmeal or peameal on milk fatty acid composition in organic farming

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    Feed fatty acid (FA) composition influences the FA composition of cow milk. In a continuous production experiment with 32 Norwegian red dairy cows fishmeal (FM) was compared to peameal (PM) as protein supplement to home-grown cereals and grass silage in organic farming. The protein supplements were together with cereals formulated to be isonitrogeneous and isoenergetic (NEL) and were compared at high (HC) and low concentrate (LC) level. The concentrate rations did not affect the intake of silage. Fishmeal resulted in significantly higher milk yield (kg) with a lower fat concentration (HC) compared to PM. Lower concentrations of urea and FFA were found in milk produced with FM compared to PM. Milk flavour and odour was equal or better when FM rather than PM was fed. Fishmeal diets increased significantly the proportions of several long-chain FAs: oleic acid (C18:1c9), vaccenic acid (C18:1c11), CLA (C18:2c9,t11, not significant at HC), C20:0, C18:1t10, and DHA (C22:6 n-3) in milk fat compared to PM. DHA, which is found in high concentrations in FM (14 g/100g FAME), had the most significant increase. The proportion of C18:3 n-3 (ALA) was significantly lower when FM was fed compared to PM. The percentage of saturated FA was significantly lower and the percentage of monounsaturated FA was higher when FM rather than PM was fed. For cows on HC the n-6/n-3 ratio was lower in the FM group than in the PM group, and the ratio was lower at LC than at HC (p = 0.006, interaction p = 0.02). Fishmeal diets included higher proportions of oats than PM diets. Oats have high content of oleic acid and may therefore have influenced the composition of FAs in milk fat as well as the protein supplements. Fishmeal increased the proportion of beneficial FAs without reducing the sensoric quality of milk. It remains unclear whether this is an effect of protein source or an effect of the higher oat proportions in FM diets

    Early or Normal Cut Grass Silage for Dairy Cows in Organic Farming

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    Early cut organic grass silage (roundbales) was compared with silage harvested 17 days (180 daydegrees) later in a continuous production experiment with 32 Norwegian Red dairy cows in early lactation. The experiment was carried out in Bodø, Norway. A half of the cows received a feed ration with 40% concentrates (H), and the other half 10% (L) on an annual energy basis. Feeding early cut silage of an organic ley increased feed intake, milk yield and milk protein concentration compared with normal cut. Left-overs of concentrates were a problem in the experiment and ways to improve the palatability of on farm produced cereals have to be developed. Early cut crop yields were only about half of the crop yield at normal cut. Therefore early cut may only be recommended to farmers in northern Norway when acerage is not a limiting factor

    Femtoscopic results in Au+Au and p+p from PHENIX at RHIC

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    Ultra-relativistic gold-gold and proton-proton collisions are investigated in the experiments of the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). In the last several years large amount of results were revealed about the matter created in these collisions. The latest PHENIX results for femtoscopy and correlations are reviewed in this paper. Bose-Einstein correlations of charged kaons in 200 GeV Au+Au collisions and of charged pions in 200 GeV p+p collisions are shown. They are both compatible with previous measurements of charged pions in gold-gold collisions, with respect to transverse mass or number of participants scaling.Comment: Talk given at the VI Workshop on Particle Correlations and Femtoscopy, Kiev, September 14-18, 2010. 6 pages, 4 figures. This work was supported by the OTKA grant NK73143 and M. Csanad's Bolyai scholarshi

    Safety in Processing Plants

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    A preliminary phylogeographic study of Flavopunctelia and Punctelia inferred from rDNA ITS-sequences

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    A preliminary phylogeny of the genera Flavopunctelia and Punctelia is presented. Genus and species delimitations have been investigated using ITS rDNA-sequencing of populations from different continents. Current genus delimitations of Flavopunctelia, Punctelia and Parmelia are confirmed and the species status of recently resurrected Punctelia ulophylla is confirmed. The status of three cryptic species, Flavopunctelia soredica, Punctelia perreticulata and P. stictica is discussed. Flavopunctelia borrerioides and Punctelia perreticulata are reported from China for the first time.Esitatakse perekondade Flavopunctelia ja Punctelia esialgne fülogeneesi rekonstruktsioon. Perekondade ja liikide eraldamist on uuritud erinevatelt kontinentidelt pärinevate populatsioonide ITS rDNA sekventside alusel. Senine perekondade Flavopunctelia, Punctelia ja Parmelia piiritlemine on leidnud kinnitust, samuti liigi Punctelia ulophylla staatus. Arutletakse kolme krüptilise liigi, Flavopunctelia soredica, Punctelia perreticulata ja P. stictica staatuse üle. Teatatakse liikide Flavopunctelia borrerioides ja Punctelia perreticulata esmasleidudest HiinasFil: Thell, Arne. Lund University; SueciaFil: Herber, B.. Universitat Hamburg; AlemaniaFil: Aptroot, A.. Centraalbureau voor Schimmelcultures; Países BajosFil: Adler, Monica Teresa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Micología y Botánica. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Micología y Botánica; ArgentinaFil: Feuerer, T.. Universitat Hamburg; AlemaniaFil: Kärnefelt, Ingvar. Lund University; Sueci

    Cluster variation - Pade` approximants method for the simple cubic Ising model

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    The cluster variation - Pade` approximant method is a recently proposed tool, based on the extrapolation of low/high temperature results obtained with the cluster variation method, for the determination of critical parameters in Ising-like models. Here the method is applied to the three-dimensional simple cubic Ising model, and new results, obtained with an 18-site basic cluster, are reported. Other techniques for extracting non-classical critical exponents are also applied and their results compared with those by the cluster variation - Pade` approximant method.Comment: 8 RevTeX pages, 3 PostScript figure

    The Attractor and the Quantum States

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    The dissipative dynamics anticipated in the proof of 't Hooft's existence theorem -- "For any quantum system there exists at least one deterministic model that reproduces all its dynamics after prequantization" -- is constructed here explicitly. We propose a generalization of Liouville's classical phase space equation, incorporating dissipation and diffusion, and demonstrate that it describes the emergence of quantum states and their dynamics in the Schroedinger picture. Asymptotically, there is a stable ground state and two decoupled sets of degrees of freedom, which transform into each other under the energy-parity symmetry of Kaplan and Sundrum. They recover the familiar Hilbert space and its dual. Expectations of observables are shown to agree with the Born rule, which is not imposed a priori. This attractor mechanism is applicable in the presence of interactions, to few-body or field theories in particular.Comment: 14 pages; based on invited talk at 4th Workshop ad memoriam of Carlo Novero "Advances in Foundations of Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information with Atoms and Photons", Torino, May 2008; submitted to Int J Qu Inf
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