1,173 research outputs found

    Flavor symmetry breaking effects on SU(3) Skyrmion

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    We study the massive SU(3) Skyrmion model to investigate the flavor symmetry breaking (FSB) effects on the static properties of the strange baryons in the framework of the rigid rotator quantization scheme combined with the improved Dirac quantization one. Both the chiral symmetry breaking pion mass and FSB kinetic terms are shown to improve cc the ratio of the strange-light to light-light interaction strengths and cˉ\bar{c} that of the strange-strange to light-light.Comment: 12 pages, latex, no figure

    The Effect of low Momentum Quantum Fluctuations on a Coherent Field Structure

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    In the present work the evolution of a coherent field structure of the Sine-Gordon equation under quantum fluctuations is studied. The basic equations are derived from the coherent state approximation to the functional Schr\"odinger equation for the field. These equations are solved asymptotically and numerically for three physical situations. The first is the study of the nonlinear mechanism responsible for the quantum stability of the soliton in the presence of low momentum fluctuations. The second considers the scattering of a wave by the Soliton. Finally the third problem considered is the collision of Solitons and the stability of a breather. It is shown that the complete integrability of the Sine-Gordon equation precludes fusion and splitting processes in this simplified model. The approximate results obtained are non-perturbative in nature, and are valid for the full nonlinear interaction in the limit of low momentum fluctuations. It is also found that these approximate results are in good agreement with full numerical solutions of the governing equations. This suggests that a similar approach could be used for the baby Skyrme model, which is not completely integrable. In this case the higher space dimensionality and the internal degrees of freedom which prevent the integrability will be responsable for fusion and splitting processes. This work provides a starting point in the numerical solution of the full quantum problem of the interaction of the field with a fluctuation.Comment: 15 pages, 9 (ps) figures, Revtex file. Some discussion expanded but conclusions unchanged. Final version to appear in PR

    Multibaryons as Symmetric Multiskyrmions

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    We study non-adiabatic corrections to multibaryon systems within the bound state approach to the SU(3) Skyrme model. We use approximate ansatze for the static background fields based on rational maps which have the same symmetries of the exact solutions. To determine the explicit form of the collective Hamiltonians and wave functions we only make use of these symmetries. Thus, the expressions obtained are also valid in the exact case. On the other hand, the inertia parameters and hyperfine splitting constants we calculate do depend on the detailed form of the ansatze and are, therefore, approximate. Using these values we compute the low lying spectra of multibaryons with B <= 9 and strangeness 0, -1 and -B. Finally, we show that the non-adiabatic corrections do not affect the stability of the tetralambda and heptalambda found in a previous work.Comment: 17 pages, RevTeX, no figure

    Low-Energy Compton Scattering of Polarized Photons on Polarized Nucleons

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    The general structure of the cross section of ÎłN\gamma N scattering with polarized photon and/or nucleon in initial and/or final state is systematically described and exposed through invariant amplitudes. A low-energy expansion of the cross section up to and including terms of order ω4\omega^4 is given which involves ten structure parameters of the nucleon (dipole, quadrupole, dispersion, and spin polarizabilities). Their physical meaning is discussed in detail. Using fixed-t dispersion relations, predictions for these parameters are obtained and compared with results of chiral perturbation theory. It is emphasized that Compton scattering experiments at large angles can fix the most uncertain of these structure parameters. Predictions for the cross section and double-polarization asymmetries are given and the convergence of the expansion is investigated. The feasibility of the experimental determination of some of the struture parameters is discussed.Comment: 41 pages of text, 9 figures; minor revisions prior to publication in Phys. Rev.

    Baryonic Popcorn

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    In the large N limit cold dense nuclear matter must be in a lattice phase. This applies also to holographic models of hadron physics. In a class of such models, like the generalized Sakai-Sugimoto model, baryons take the form of instantons of the effective flavor gauge theory that resides on probe flavor branes. In this paper we study the phase structure of baryonic crystals by analyzing discrete periodic configurations of such instantons. We find that instanton configurations exhibit a series of "popcorn" transitions upon increasing the density. Through these transitions normal (3D) lattices expand into the transverse dimension, eventually becoming a higher dimensional (4D) multi-layer lattice at large densities. We consider 3D lattices of zero size instantons as well as 1D periodic chains of finite size instantons, which serve as toy models of the full holographic systems. In particular, for the finite-size case we determine solutions of the corresponding ADHM equations for both a straight chain and for a 2D zigzag configuration where instantons pop up into the holographic dimension. At low density the system takes the form of an "abelian anti-ferromagnetic" straight periodic chain. Above a critical density there is a second order phase transition into a zigzag structure. An even higher density yields a rich phase space characterized by the formation of multi-layer zigzag structures. The finite size of the lattices in the transverse dimension is a signal of an emerging Fermi sea of quarks. We thus propose that the popcorn transitions indicate the onset of the "quarkyonic" phase of the cold dense nuclear matter.Comment: v3, 80 pages, 18 figures, footnotes 5 and 7 added, version to appear in the JHE

    Orbit structure and (reversing) symmetries of toral endomorphisms on rational lattices

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    We study various aspects of the dynamics induced by integer matrices on the invariant rational lattices of the torus in dimension 2 and greater. Firstly, we investigate the orbit structure when the toral endomorphism is not invertible on the lattice, characterising the pretails of eventually periodic orbits. Next we study the nature of the symmetries and reversing symmetries of toral automorphisms on a given lattice, which has particular relevance to (quantum) cat maps.Comment: 29 pages, 3 figure

    Transversity distributions in the nucleon in the large-N_c limit

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    We compute the quark and antiquark transversity distributions in the nucleon at a low normalization point of 600 MeV in the large-NcN_c limit, where the nucleon can be described as a soliton of an effective chiral theory (chiral quark-soliton model). The flavor-nonsinglet distributions, ÎŽu(x)−ήd(x)\delta u(x) - \delta d(x) and ÎŽuˉ(x)−ήdˉ(x)\delta\bar u(x) - \delta\bar d(x), appear in leading order of the 1/Nc1/N_c-expansion, while the flavor-singlet distributions, ÎŽu(x)+ÎŽd(x)\delta u(x) + \delta d(x) and ÎŽuˉ(x)+ÎŽdˉ(x)\delta\bar u(x) + \delta\bar d(x), are non-zero only in next-to-leading order. The transversity quark and antiquark distributions are found to be significantly different from the longitudinally polarized distributions Δu(x)±Δd(x)\Delta u (x) \pm \Delta d (x) and Δuˉ(x)±Δdˉ(x)\Delta\bar u (x) \pm \Delta\bar d (x), respectively, in contrast to the prediction of the naive non-relativistic quark model. We show that this affects the predictions for the spin asymmetries in Drell-Yan pair production in transversely polarized pp and ppbar collisions.Comment: 45 pages, 16 figure
