35 research outputs found


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    Description: In the Missahoe’s classified forest in the southwest of Togo, the area of Terminalia superba and Terminalia ivorensis plantations installed between 2000 and 2002, stands at 596.37 ha. More than a decade after their introduction, these plantations have had no growth assessment or receive any silvicultural treatment. Outcomes: The present study aims to characterize the structure of local populations of the two species to identify and plan silvicultural treatments necessary for the evolution of their stands. Methods: The evaluation of the growth parameters of both species was carried out in 80 plots of 20 m side, installed in managed strata of the forest reserve. The effect of density on the increments of the trees was appreciated. Dendrometric statements concerning the diameter at breast height (DBH) were performed. Results: For the two parameters studied, T. superba records a top height of 16.92 ± 3.04 m and an average diameter of 27.22 ± 9.51 cm after 12 years of growth, T. ivorensis reached a dominant amount of 17.40 ± 2.66 m, and an average diameter of 33.40 ± 4.10 cm for the same period. The annual diametric growth of both species was evaluated at 3.52 ± 0.2 cm / year. Conclusion:The different curves of heights obtained on different plots characterize even-aged stands in the seedling stage and fast growing to submit to regular treatment regime

    Analyse Des Connaissances Sur Pterocarpus Erinaceus Poir. En Afrique Occidentale Et Centrale

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    Pterocarpus erinaceus (Fabaceae) est une arbre multiusage des zones sahéliennes et soudaniennes d’Afrique. L’espèce a fait l’objet de nombreuses études scientifiques très peu coordonnées, conduisant à des biais sur les besoins réels de connaissances devant permettre une bonne gestion et valorisation. Pour pallier cette insuffisance, les publications sur cette espèce ont été recherchées à partir de Google scholar, Bielefeld Academic Search Engine et Science direct. Après un filtre des publications trop généralistes, 127 publications réalisées entre 1974 et 2019 ont été retenues et classées suivant neuf thématiques préalablement identifiées. Les résultats, issus de 49 institutions de recherche provenant de 19 pays, montrent que les propriétés pharmacologiques, la caractérisation des peuplements de P. erinaceus et le rôle socio-économique sont les thématiques les plus abordées avec respectivement 41,7 %, 29,1 % et 16,5 % des publications alors que celles relatives aux techniques de multiplication, à la régénération et au rôle alimentaire sont peu abordées avec des fréquences respectives de 6,3 %, 4,7 % et 3,9 %. Les résultats indiquent également que 9 pays de l’Afrique de l’ouest totalisent plus de 84,2 % des publications contre de 3,2 % des publications effectuées par 2 pays de l’Afrique centrale et 12,6 % pour 8 pays européens. L’analyse a montré aussi que des études complémentaires sont nécessaires pour améliorer les connaissances sur les techniques de multiplication de l’espèce pour sa sylviculture et les facteurs qui influencent sa régénération en milieu naturel. Pterocarpus erinaceus (Fabaceae) is a multipurpose tree species of Sahelian and Sudanian zones in Africa. Tough the species has been actively studied, the lack of coordination and orientation in these studies lead to some biases in the knowledge needed for the better management and valorization of this species. To overcome this insufficiency, scientific publications available on the species were collected from Google scholar, Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE) and Science direct portals. After filtering the generalist publications identified, 127 publications produced between 1974 and 2019 were classified according to nine previously identified themes. The results from 49 research institutions from 19 countries show that the pharmacological properties, the characteristics of the stands of P. erinaceus and the socioeconomic role are the most discussed themes with respectively 41.7 %, 29.1 % and 16.5 % of publications, while those relating to the propagation of the species, natural dissemination and the role of food are rarely addressed with respective frequencies of 6.3 %, 4.7 % and 3.9 %. These results also indicate that 9 West Africa countries published more than 84.2 % of the publications when 3.2 % were published by 2 countries from Central Africa and 12.6 % for 8 European countries. The analysis shows that more studies are needed to improve knowledge about techniques of the propagation of the species for silviculture and factors that influence the natural dissemination of the species in its natural habitat. &nbsp

    State of Knowledge on Beekeeping in Côte d'Ivoire: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Productivity of the Sector in the Context of Climate Change

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    The beekeeping sector in Côte d'Ivoire is developing. Honey gathering, traditional beekeeping and modern beekeeping are widespread in the centre and north of the country. They enable the populations of these areas to diversify and increase their income, and to cure certain benign diseases. Côte d'Ivoire honeys are of good quality and very rich in nutrients: pollen grains and minerals. Despite favourable climatic and floristic conditions, beekeeping in Côte d'Ivoire is still in its infancy, with the aim of increasing honey production. The population of Côte d'Ivoire does not keep bees and is more interested in cash crops than beekeeping. The aim of this study is to take stock of the Ivorian beekeeping sector and its melliferous potential on the basis of available scientific data. The aim is to gain a better understanding of the difficulties facing the sector in terms of sustainable development.&nbsp

    State of Knowledge on Beekeeping in Côte d'Ivoire: Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Productivity of the Sector in the Context of Climate Change

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    The beekeeping sector in Côte d'Ivoire is developing. Honey gathering, traditional beekeeping and modern beekeeping are widespread in the centre and north of the country. They enable the populations of these areas to diversify and increase their income, and to cure certain benign diseases. Côte d'Ivoire honeys are of good quality and very rich in nutrients: pollen grains and minerals. Despite favourable climatic and floristic conditions, beekeeping in Côte d'Ivoire is still in its infancy, with the aim of increasing honey production. The population of Côte d'Ivoire does not keep bees and is more interested in cash crops than beekeeping. The aim of this study is to take stock of the Ivorian beekeeping sector and its melliferous potential on the basis of available scientific data. The aim is to gain a better understanding of the difficulties facing the sector in terms of sustainable development.&nbsp

    State of Knowledge on Beekeeping Practices in Côte d'Ivoire in the Face of Challenges and Opportunities in the Context of Climate Change

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    Beekeeping plays an important role in socio-economic development and environmental conservation. This sector is developing in Côte d'Ivoire even if it is an ancient practice. Based on available scientific data, this study aims to take stock of the Ivorian beekeeping sector and its melliferous potential. The aim is to gain a better understanding of the difficulties faced by this sector and to contribute to its sustainable development in the current context of climate change. Côte d'Ivoire’s honey is of good quality and very rich in nutrients: pollen grains, minerals, etc. A part Apis mellifera, other species of bees are present and could be used in keeping. Despite favorable climatic and floristic conditions, beekeeping in Côte d'Ivoire is still in its infancy caused by several challenges: Environmental conditions, lack of training of beekeepers, and weak commitment of stakeholders. To modernize the sector, we need to combine the efforts of the authorities, take into account the recommendations of scientific publications, and encourage the population to understand the importance of preserving plants and bees by practicing modern beekeeping


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    Pterocarpus erinaceus Poir. (Fabaceae) is an spontaneous, highly exploited and threatened plant species to guineo-sudanese and sudanosahelian regions in Togo. This study examines the level of knowledge of the species, the different uses of the species in order to assess the impacts of human activities on the development of that resource. To achieve these objectives, the methodological approach was to collect quantitative and qualitative data on a sample of 2339 respondents. Three different types of questionnaires, an interview guide and an observation grid were used as data collection tools. The results show that the species is very well known by 100% of respondents of different socio-professional and socio-linguistic groups. Approximately 46 uses distributed in 8 use categories have been identified by the different socio-cultural and socio-professional groups. Close to 33 evils are healed by the organs of P. erinaceus.The results also showed that the wood of P. erinaceus is exported as finished parquet, pallets and Bastings. Between 2011 and 2012, the Togo exported respectively 18 8064 units or 70 m3, 10 5038 units or 9440 m3, 59 86 970 unit or 70 m3 and 239 m3 or 10 units of these products. Severe forms of exploitation have contributed to amplify the effects of human action on the degradation of the resource. The different uses of the species therefore testify to the urgency and the need for the implementation management plans of areas colonized by P. erinaceus for the conservation of the species