20 research outputs found

    Investigating payment coping mechanisms used for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria to different socio-economic groups in Nigeria.

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    Background: Given the enormous economic burden of malaria in Nigeria and in sub-Saharan Africa, it is important to determine how different population groups cope with payment for malaria treatment. This paper provides new information about the differences in household coping mechanisms for expenditures on malaria treatment.Methods: The study was undertaken in two communities in Southeast Nigeria. A total of 200 exit interviews were conducted with patients and their care givers after consultation and treatment for malaria. The methods that were used to cope with payments for malaria treatment expenditures were determined. The coping mechanisms were disaggregated by socio- economic status (SES).Results: The average expenditure to treat malaria was $22.9, which was all incurred through out-of- pocket payments. Some households used more than one coping method but none reported using health insurance. It was found that use of household savings (79.5%) followed by reduction in other household expenses (22.5%) were the most common coping methods. The reduction of other household expenses was significantly more prevalent with the average (Q4) SES group (p<0.05).Conclusion: People used different coping strategies to take care of their malaria expenditures, which are mostly paid outof- pocket. The average socio-economic household had to forego other basic household expenditures in order to cope with malaria illness; otherwise there were no other significant differences in the coping mechanisms across the different SES groups. This could be indicative of the catastrophic nature of malaria treatment expenditures. Interventions that will reduce the burden of malaria expenditures on all households, within the context of Universal Health Coverage are needed so as to decrease the economic burden of malaria on households.Key words: malaria, coping, household, expenditures, payments, socio-economic statu

    What co-morbidities do people with malaria have and what are their patterns of health seeking in Nigeria?

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    Background: This study assessed the comorbidities associated with malaria and patterns of health seeking in southeast Nigeria.Materials and Methods: The survey was undertaken in Enugu state, Southeast Nigeria. Data were collected from 500 householders, 200 in-patient and outpatient exit surveys and data abstraction from 125 inpatient and outpatient records.Results: A total of 307 (64.2%) households had an episode of malaria within 1 month of the interview. The most common malaria comorbidities were upper respiratory tract infection and diarrhea. Most patients first sought treatment from patent medicine vendors. The average monthly cost of treating the comorbidities was 270 Naira (1.75 USD) and 601 Naira (3.89 USD) for outpatient department and inpatient department respectively.Conclusion: The economic burden of malaria is compounded by  comorbidities and inappropriate health seeking behavior. Interventions to control malaria are required to also control common comorbidities.Key words: Co.morbidity, costs, health.seeking pattern, malari

    Budget line items for immunization in 33 African countries

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    When seeking to ensure financial sustainability of a health programme, existence of a line item in the Ministry of Health (MOH) budget is often seen as an essential, first step. We used immunization as a reference point for cross-country comparison of budgeting methods in Sub-Saharan African countries. Study objectives were to (1) verify the number and types of budget line items for immunization services, (2) compare budget execution with budgeted amounts and (3) compare values with annual immunization expenditures reported to WHO and UNICEF. MOH budgets for 2016 and/or 2017 were obtained from 33 countries. Despite repeated attempts, budgets could not be retrieved from five countries (Chad, Eritrea, Guinea Bissau, Somalia and South Sudan), and we were only able to gather budget execution from eight countries. The number of immunization line items ranged between 0 and 42, with a median of eight. Immunization donor funding was included in 10 budgets. Differences between budgeted amounts and expenditures reported to WHO and UNICEF were greater than 50% in 66% of countries. Immunization budgets per child in the birth cohort ranged from US1.37(DemocraticRepublicofCongo)toUS1.37 (Democratic Republic of Congo) to US67.51 (Central African Republic), with an average of US$10.05. Out of the total Government health budget, immunization comprised between 0.04% (Madagascar) and 5.67% (Benin), with an average of 1.98% across the countries, when excluding on-budget donor funds. It was challenging to obtain MOH budgets in many countries and it was largely impossible to access budget execution reports, preventing us from assessing budget credibility. Large differences between budgets and expenditures reported to WHO and UNICEF are likely due to inconsistent interpretations of reporting requirements, diverse approaches to reporting donor funds, challenges in extracting the relevant information from public financial management systems and broader issues of public financial management capacity in MOH staff

    GAD65 antibody prevalence and association with c-peptide, HLA class II alleles in Beninese patients with type 1 diabetes

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    Background: Antibodies to glutamic acid decarboxylase and particularly their isoforms in 65 kDa are one of markers for the diagnosis of the type 1 diabetes (T1D). The aim of this study is to assess the prevalence of GAD65 antibodies (GAD65Ab) and investigate the association of GAD65Ab with C-peptide values, HLA Class II alleles genotyping. The diagnosis of T1D was set up according to American Diabetes Association criteria.Methods: Radioimmunoassay was used to determine the GAD65Ab and C-peptide values. Class II HLA genotyping was performed in 51 patients with T1D and 51 healthy unrelated as control by using the PCR-SSP method. The sensitivity and specificity of the tests were calculated by standard formula.Results: Result revealed that GAD65Ab were present in 74.5% (38/51) of the patients with T1D. There was no significant difference between the positivity or the negativity of GAD65Ab and gender, onset and duration of diabetes, frequencies of HLA-DR4, HLA-DR3-DR4, HLA-DQB1*0201. However, GAD65Ab values are linked to C-peptide concentration (χ2 =15.73, P=0.0001), the presence of HLA-DR3 (χ2 =9.75, P= 0.002), HLA-DQA1*0501 (χ2 =4.09, P= 0.043) alleles. The GAD65Ab test sensitivity and specificity were 74.5% and 94.1%, respectively. The C-peptide test showed a sensitivity around 82.4 % and 86.3 % for the specificity.Conclusions: GAD65Ab showed to be a valuable early predictive marker and is associated with the risk to develop of T1D

    Evaluation du risque de génotoxicité de l’eau de la rivière Okpara à Kika au Bénin

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    La pollution des eaux continentales constitue l’un des problèmes majeurs dans plusieurs régions du Bénin. La rivière Okpara et ses effluents sont soumis à de fortes pressions anthropiques liées aux intrants chimiques agricoles et aux micropolluants charriés. Cette eau de surface traverse Kika (commune de Tchaourou) où les riverains l’utilisent comme source d’eau de boisson. Afin d’évaluer les risques sanitaires encourus par cette population du fait de cette exposition, une étude cytogénétique à la recherche des dommages produits au matériel génétique (ADN) a été réalisée. Les micronoyaux (MN) ont été recherchés et l’indice de prolifération cellulaire (IP) a été calculé chez les riverains habitant Kika, personnes exposées (PE) en comparaison avec des personnes non exposées (PNE). Le taux de micronoyaux est significativement plus élevé (62,24 ± 3,88) chez les PE (Kika) par rapport aux PNE (2,92 ± 0,39). Quant à l’indice de prolifération, elle est significativement plus faible (1,50 ± 0,04) chez les PE (Kika) que chez les PNE (2,20 ± 0,06). Ces résultats attestent du risque de génotoxicité lié à la consommation de l’eau de la rivière de Kika.Mots clés: Génotoxicité, micronoyaux, pollution, indice de prolifération cellulair

    Étude cytogenetique des aberrations chromosomiques chez des travailleurs sous rayonnements ionisants X

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    Objectifs : Déterminer les types d’aberrations chromosomiques résultant des lésions portées à l’ADN des lymphocytes circulants et rechercher la corrélation possible entre l’exposition et les aberrations chromosomiques observées.Population et méthodes : 22 techniciens en imagerie médicale dont 17 hommes (77%) et 5 femmes (23%) âgés de 23 à 57 ans ainsi qu’à titre comparatif, 7 autres témoins dont 3 femmes et 4 hommes âgés de 25 à 42 ans, ont constitué la population d’étude. Ces techniciens et volontaires témoins ont été soumis à l’épreuve de prélèvement de 5 ml de sang veineux au pli du coude dans des tubes d’héparine sodique. Après 48 heures de culture en présence du BrdU, les échantillons ont subi toute la procédure de la technique cytogénétique d’analyse des métaphases.Résultats : Les 22 techniciens ont totalisé 4856 métaphases contenant 421 aberrations chromosomiques et 28 échanges de chromatides soeurs. Il a été remarqué les aberrations complexes (échanges symétriques et les triradials), les anneaux, les échanges de chromatides soeurs (SCE), les dicentriques, les délétions, les Gaps, les acentriques et enfin les cassures chromatidiennes.Conclusion : Les différents types d’aberrations chromosomiques observés chez les travailleurs ont montré qu’ils ont été exposés aux rayons-X. Au terme des analyses, statistiques et tests de comparaison réalisés, la fréquence de ces aberrations chromosomiques dépend non seulement de la durée d’exposition aux rayonnements-X mais aussi des conditions de travail prescrites par les règles de radioprotection.Mots clés : métaphases, aberrations chromosomiques, doses, travailleurs sous rayonnements, Rayons-X. Study cytogenetics aberrations chromosome in workers under x-raysPurpose: To determine the types of chromosomal aberrations resulting damage brought to the DNA of circulating lymphocytes and investigate the possible correlation between exposure and chromosomal aberrations observed.Population and methods: 22 technicians working under X-rays, included 17 men (77%) and 5 women (23%) aged between 23-57 years and 7 other witnesses, including 3 women and 4 men aged between 25-42 years were the study population. These technicians and Volunteers (controls) were subjected to the test sample of 5 ml of venous blood to the elbow crease in sodium heparin tubes. After 48 hours of culture in the presence of BrdU, the samples underwent the whole procedure of the metaphase cytogenetic analysis technique.Results: The 22 technicians totaled 4856 metaphases containing 421 chromosomal aberrations and 28 sister chromatid exchanges. It was noted the complex aberrations (balanced trade and triradials) rings, sister chromatid exchange (SCE), dicentrics, deletions, Gaps , and finally acentric chromatid breaks .Conclusion : The various types of chromosomal aberrations observed in workers showed that they were exposed to X-rays at the end of the  analysis, and statistical comparison test , the frequency of chromosome aberrations depends not only on the duration of exposure X- rays but also working conditions. So in their majority, the technicians didn’t observe the rules of radioprotection.Keywords: metaphase, chromosomal aberrations doses, radiation workers, X-rays. 

    Melorheostosis with bilateral involvement in a black African patient

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    Melorheostosis is a rare chronic bone disease of unknown etiology that often affects a single limb. Onset usually occurs in childhood or early adolescence. A flowing wax appearance along the surface of the bone and multiple areas of bone sclerosis produce a typical radiographic picture. We describe the first case reported in a black African, in whom an exceedingly rare feature was a bilateral distribution of the lesions. (C) 2003 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved

    Fiche technique du spermogramme et du spermocytogramme

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    En Afrique la stérilité du couple constitue un drame social. Selon l’OMS, environ 8 à 12 % des couples africains sont touchés par une infertilité. La responsabilité masculine dans la stérilité est comprise entre 30 à 40%. Les causes de l’infertilité masculine peuvent être l’impuissance et/ ou l’altération du sperme. L’étude de l’altération du sperme est appréciée par le spermogramme et le spermocytogramme. Ces analyses doivent être réalisées par des laboratoires de biologie de la reproduction. Vu la rareté ou l’absence des laboratoires de biologie de la reproduction dans la plupart des pays en voie de développement notamment au Togo, ces analyses pourront être réalisées par les laboratoires d’analyses médicales courantes. Or les techniciens des laboratoires d’analyses médicales courantes ne sont initiés à la pratique de réalisation du spermogramme et du spermogramme et du spermocytogramme et pourtant font face à une demande de ces analyses. L’objectif de ce travail est de fournir aux techniciens des laboratoires d’analyses médicales courantes du Togo et des pays en voie de développement un outil simple sur les pratiques de réalisation du spermogramme et du spermocytogramme.Mots clés: Spermogramme, spermocytogramme, fiche technique.Data sheet of realization and interpretation of the spermogram and the spermocytogram. In Africa the sterility of the couple constitutes a social drama. According to the WHO, about 8 to 12% of the African couples are touched by an infertility. Of the masculine responsibility in the sterility isconsisted between 30 to 40%. The reasons of the masculine infertility can be the impotence and / or the impairment of the semen. The study of the impairment of the semen is appreciated by the spermogram and the spermocytogram. These analyses must be achieved by laboratories of reproduction biology. Seen the rarity or the absence of the laboratories of reproduction biology notably in most developing countries to Togo, these analyses will be able to be achieved by the laboratories of current medical analyses. However the technicians of the laboratories of current medical analyses didn't start learning the practice of realization of the spermogram and the spermocytogram and yet makes facing a demand of theseanalyses. The objective of this work is to provide to the technicians of the laboratories of medical analyses current of Togo and developing countries a simple tool on the practices of realization of the record of semen and the spermocytogramme.Key words: Spermogram, spermocytogram, data sheet