38 research outputs found

    Frustration and Multicriticality in the Antiferromagnetic Spin-1 Chain

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    We study the spin S=1S=1 Heisenberg chain, with nearest neighbor, next nearest neighbor (α\alpha) and biquadratic (β\beta) interactions using a combination of the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG), an analytic variational matrix product state wavefunction, and non-Abelian bosonization. We study the effect of frustration (α>0\alpha>0) on the Haldane phase with −1≤β<1-1\leq \beta < 1 which reveals a rich phase diagram. For −1<β<β∗-1<\beta<\beta^\ast, we establish the existence of a spontaneously dimerized phase for large α>αc\alpha>\alpha_c, separated from the Haldane phase by the critical line αc(β)\alpha_c(\beta) of second-order phase transitions connected to the Takhtajan--Babudjian integrable point αc(β=−1)=0\alpha_c(\beta=-1)=0. In the opposite regime, β>β∗\beta>\beta^\ast, the transition from the Haldane phase becomes first-order into the next nearest neighbor (NNN) AKLT phase. Based on field theoretical arguments and DMRG calculations, we conjecture that these two regimes are separated by a multicritical point (β∗,α∗\beta^\ast, \alpha^\ast) of a different universality class, described by the SU(2)4SU(2)_4 Wess--Zumino--Witten critical theory. From the DMRG calculations we estimate this multicritical point to lie in the range −0.2<β∗<−0.15-0.2<\beta^\ast<-0.15 and 0.47<α∗<0.530.47<\alpha^\ast < 0.53. We find that the dimerized and NNN-AKLT phases are separated by a line of first-order phase transitions that terminates at the multicritical point. Inside the Haldane phase, we show the existence of two incommensurate crossovers: the Lifshitz transition and the disorder transition of the first kind, marking incommensurate correlations in momentum and real space, respectively. We show these crossover lines stretch across the entire (β,α)(\beta,\alpha) phase diagram, merging into a single incommensurate-to-commensurate transition line for negative β≲β∗\beta\lesssim \beta^\ast outside the Haldane phase.Comment: 25 pages, 24 figures, updated with published versio

    Exact prefactors in static and dynamic correlation functions of 1D quantum integrable models: applications to the Calogero-Sutherland, Lieb-Liniger and XXZ models

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    In this article we demonstrate a recently developed technique which addresses the problem of obtaining non-universal prefactors of the correlation functions of 1D systems at zero temperature. Our approach combines the effective field theory description of generic 1D quantum liquids with the finite size scaling of form factors (matrix elements) which are obtained using microscopic techniques developed in the context of integrable models. We thus establish exact analytic forms for the prefactors of the long-distance behavior of equal time correlation functions as well as prefactors of singularities of dynamic response functions. In this article our focus is on three specific integrable models: the Calogero-Sutherland, Lieb-Liniger, and XXZ models.Comment: 95 pages and 8 figure

    Nonuniversal prefactors in correlation functions of 1D quantum liquids

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    We develop a general approach to calculating "nonuniversal" prefactors in static and dynamic correlation functions of 1D quantum liquids at zero temperature, by relating them to the finite size scaling of certain matrix elements (form factors). This represents a new, powerful tool for extracting data valid in the thermodynamic limit from finite-size effects. As the main application, we consider weakly interacting spinless fermions with an arbitrary pair interaction potential, for which we perturbatively calculate certain prefactors in static and dynamic correlation functions. We also non-perturbatively evaluate prefactors of the long-distance behavior of correlation functions for the exactly solvable Lieb-Liniger model of 1D bosons

    Interaction quenches in the 1D Bose gas

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    The non-equilibrium dynamics of integrable systems are special: there is substantial evidence that after a quantum quench they do not thermalize but their asymptotic steady state can be described by a Generalized Gibbs Ensemble (GGE). Most of the studies on the GGE so far have focused on models that can be mapped to quadratic systems while analytic treatment in non-quadratic systems remained elusive. We obtain results on interaction quenches in a non-quadratic continuum system, the 1D Bose gas described by the integrable Lieb-Liniger model. We compute local correlators for a non-interacting initial state and arbitrary final interactions as well as two-point functions for quenches to the Tonks-Girardeau regime. We show that in the long time limit integrability leads to significant deviations from the predictions of the grand canonical ensemble.Comment: Supersedes arXiv:1204.3889. 4+ pages + Supplementary Materia

    Drive in Peace

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    In this paper, in order to implement a computer vision-based recognition system of driving fatigue. In addition to detecting human face in different light sources and the background conditions, and tracking eyes state combined with fuzzy logic to determine whether the driver of the physiological phenomenon of fatigue from face of detection. Driving fatigue recognition has been valued highly in recent years by many scholars and used extensively in various fields, for example, driver activity tracking, driver visual attention monitoring, and in-car camera systems.In this paper, we use the Windows operating system as the development environment, and utilize PC as the hardware platform. First, the system uses a camera to obtain the frame with a human face to detect, and then uses the frame to set the appropriate skin color scope to find face. Next, we find and mark out the eyes and the lips from the selected face area. Finally, we combine the image processing of eyes features with fuzzy logic to determine the driver's fatigue level, and make the graphical man-machine interface with MiniGUI for users to operate.Along with that we are using Arduino Uno microcontroller which is connected to MQ2-smoke sensor through which we can detect smoke which appears through issue in the car system. The results of experiment show that we achieve this system on PC platform successfully

    Celecoxib alleviates tamoxifen-instigated angiogenic effects by ROS-dependent VEGF/VEGFR2 autocrine signaling

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    Background: Tamoxifen (TAM) is widely used in the chemotherapy of breast cancer and as a preventive agent against recurrence after surgery. However, extended TAM administration for breast cancer induces increased VEGF levels in patients, promoting new blood vessel formation and thereby limiting its efficacy. Celecoxib (CXB), a selective COX-2 inhibitor, suppresses VEGF gene expression by targeting the VEGF promoter responsible for its inhibitory effect. For this study, we had selected CXB as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug in combination with TAM for suppressing VEGF expression and simultaneously reducing doses of both the drugs. Methods: The effects of CXB combined with TAM were examined in two human breast cancer cell lines in culture, MCF7 and MDA-MB-231. Assays of proliferation, apoptosis, angiogenesis, metastasis, cell cycle distribution and receptor signaling were performed. Results: Here, we elucidated how the combination of TAM and CXB at nontoxic doses exerts anti-angiogenic effects by specifically targeting VEGF/VEGFR2 autocrine signaling through ROS generation. At the molecular level, TAM-CXB suppresses VHL-mediated HIF-1&#945; activation, responsible for expression of COX-2, MMP-2 and VEGF. Besides low VEGF levels, TAM-CXB also suppresses VEGFR2 expression, confirmed through quantifying secreted VEGF levels, luciferase and RT-PCR studies. Interestingly, we observed that TAM-CXB was effective in blocking VEGFR2 promoter induced expression and further 2 fold decrease in VEGF levels was observed in combination than TAM alone in both cell lines. Secondly, TAM-CXB regulated VEGFR2 inhibits Src expression, responsible for tumor progression and metastasis. FACS and in vivo enzymatic studies showed significant increase in the reactive oxygen species upon TAM-CXB treatment. Conclusions: Taken together, our experimental results indicate that this additive combination shows promising outcome in anti-metastatic and apoptotic studies. In a line, our preclinical studies evidenced that this additive combination of TAM and CXB is a potential drug candidate for treatment of breast tumors expressing high levels of VEGF and VEGFR2. This ingenious combination might be a better tailored clinical regimen than TAM alone for breast cancer treatment

    Knowledge and treatment seeking behavior regarding malaria among the residents of tribal dominated areas of Mandla district in central India – A cross-sectional study

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    Background: Malaria is both a result and a cause of a lack of development. Dearth of information, education, and communication activities and awareness, knowledge regarding malaria is poor particularly in tribal population of Mandla. Aims and Objectives: The aim of the study was to assess the malaria knowledge and treatment-seeking behavior among the residents of the tribal dominated areas of Mandla district and to study their association with the sociodemographic characteristics. Materials and Methods: A total of eight villages were selected from which 25 households were randomly selected making a total sample size of 200 households, from these 200 households, 200 adult respondents were identified for administration of the study questionnaire. Results: The age of the respondents ranged from 18 to 80 years, with a mean age of 37 years (SD=14.7). Overall, 48.5% of respondents had correct knowledge about perceived cause of getting malaria. The treatment seeking behavior of the respondents were associated with sociodemographic profile of the participants the age of the participants, the association was found to be highly statistically significant (P=0.001). Conclusion: Malaria prevention campaigns should be tailored according to knowledge gaps, practices, environment, resources, and preferences in different areas of the Mandla District, using the health education/awareness most likely to outreach the far corners of the district where most residents were tribals