8 research outputs found

    Meat Quality of Indonesian Local Cattle and Buffalo

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    Indonesia have alot of indigenous of cattle breed that already adapted with local condition like bali cattle, madura cattle, ongole crossbred cattle, sumba ongole, aceh cattle and other. The purpose of this review was to determine the quality of meat from local cattle and buffalo in Indonesia. Livestock products in Indonesia must follow ASUH rules that are Aman (safe), Sehat (healthy), Utuh (Wholesomeness) and Halal. Halal food is food that is free from any components that Muslims are prohibited to consuming. The critical point of halal to the product of animal origin is the animal species, the slaughtering process, the distribution until the process of preparing the product for the consumer. Local beef cattle and buffalo meats were more red, tough (warner bratzler shear force > 4.6 kgcm_2), low flavor (marbling, texture and juiceness) than imported meat. Some of the circumstances causing the low quality of meat in Indonesia are most of the breeders employing cattle and buffalo, low quality of feeding, older slaughter age and handling before and at the time of slaughtering process that does not pay attention to aspects of animal welfare. Efforts to improve livestock management, selection and crosses with Bos taurus breeds

    Efektivitas Pengapuran dalam Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Tanaman Sorgum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) sebagai Hijauan Pakan Ternak

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      Sorghum is a potential crop as feed forage. The objective of the research was to obtain optimum dose of liming to improve the growth and productivity of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) biomass as feed forage. A completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 4 replications were applied for the research. The treatments were doses of dolomite lime addition i.e., 1) SD0 (dolomite lime addition at a dose of 0 ton/ha) as a control, 2) SD1 (dolomite lime addition at a dose of 1 ton/ha), 3) SD2 (dolomite lime addition at a dose of 2 ton/ha), and 4) SD3 (dolomite lime addition at a dose of 3 ton/ha). The result shows that supplementation of dolomite lime at doses of 2‒3 tons ha-1 can increase soil pH after a week of incubation. The dolomite lime addition at a dose of 3 tons ha-1 significantly increases (P<0.05) the plant height (2 weeks after planting) and the number of leaves from a week after planting until the end of the research (10 weeks after planting). In addition, this dose of dolomite addition (3 tons/ha) can increase fresh biomass productivity as well as dry biomass compared to control (SD0). In conclusion, supplementation of dolomite lime at a dose of 3 tons ha-1 was effective to increase the pH value of soil, plant height, leaves number, as well as fresh and dry biomass of sorghum plant. In addition, this dose of dolomite lime produces better green color of sorghum plant leaf compared to without liming.   Keywords: biomass production, dolomite lime, feed forage, Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moenc

    Peningkatan Produksi dan Kualitas Daging Sapi Lokal Melalui Penggemukan Berbasis Serealia pada Taraf Energi yang Berbeda

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    Local beef cattle is still the major source of domestic beef consumption, yet their productivity and quality is relatively low. This study was aimed to investigate productivity and meat quality traits of local beef cattle through fattening using cereals based concentrate containing different energy level. Nine Ongole cattle with average initial liveweight of 254.67 ± 20.7 kg and age between I1-I2 permanent incisor teeth were used in the study. They were fattened for four months and alloted into three different energy rations; they were low (ER) 57.88% TDN, medium (ES) 63.72% TDN, and high (ET) 69.67% TDN. The three rations had simmilar protein contents, between 12.42-12.96%. Observed parameters included cattle performance (ration and nutrition dry mater intake, daily gain, and feed conversion), carcass traits (carcass weight and percentage, fat thickness, and loin eye area at the 12th rib), and meat quality traits (pH, water holding capacity, tenderness, cooking loss, marbling score, and meat color). The results showed that cattle fed with high energy (ET) ration had the highest body weight and marbling score, and more efficient in feed conversion than medium (ES) and low energy (ER) rations. Local beef cattle productivity and there meat quality could be improve through fattening using high energy cereals based concentrate

    Penerapan Teknologi Pakan Flushing pada Pembiakan Sapi di Desa Pangkal Jaya, Kecamatan Nanggung, Kabupaten Bogor

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    The Daarusa'adah farmer group had a cattle breeding program using 20 local heifers. The limited knowledge and skills in managing the farm made the breeding program did not run optimally. The community service program, therefore, aimed to conduct training of cattle production and flushing feed technology application to support breeding program at farmer. This activity was carried out in Pangkal Jaya Village, Nanggung District, Bogor Regency, West Java, through three stages: 1). Training on beef cattle production and breeding program, 2). Assessment of the reproductive organs and health status and 3). Application of flushing feed in beef cattle at farmer level. There were 15 farmers who participated in this program. The data of training questionnaire were analyzed using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test to determine statistic significant differences of their knowledge between before and after the training program. The cattle performance data due to flushing feed application were analyzed descriptively. The results of showed that farmers were increase their knowledge and skills significantly in all production aspects of production and breeding cattle (P<0.05) due to the training program. Application of flushing feed increase the body condition score (BCS) and body weight of the heifers. However, 50% of heifers have ovarian hypofunction based on rectal palpation. Therefore, it can be concluded that the training program of community service activities have succeeded increase the knowledge and skill of farmers. Furthermore, application of flushing feed increases the performance of heifers to support the cattle breeding program.The Daarusa'adah farmer group had a cattle breeding program using 20 local heifers. The limited knowledge and skills in managing the farm made the breeding program did not run optimally. The community service program, therefore, aimed to conduct training of cattle production and flushing feed technology application to support breeding program at farmer. This activity was carried out in Pangkal Jaya Village, Nanggung District, Bogor Regency, West Java, through three stages: 1). Training on beef cattle production and breeding program, 2). Assessment of the reproductive organs and health status and 3). Application of flushing feed in beef cattle at farmer level. There were 15 farmers who participated in this program. The data of training questionnaire were analyzed using the Wilcoxon signed-rank test to determine statistic significant differences of their knowledge between before and after the training program. The cattle performance data due to flushing feed application were analyzed descriptively. The results of showed that farmers were increase their knowledge and skills significantly in all production aspects of production and breeding cattle (P<0.05) due to the training program. Application of flushing feed increase the body condition score (BCS) and body weight of the heifers. However, 50% of heifers have ovarian hypofunction based on rectal palpation. Therefore, it can be concluded that the training program of community service activities have succeeded increase the knowledge and skill of farmers. Furthermore, application of flushing feed increases the performance of heifers to support the cattle breeding program

    Kualitas Fungi Mikoriza Arbuskula (FMA) yang Diproduksi dengan Teknik Fortifikasi dan Fertigasi Berbeda pada Pertumbuhan Indigofera zollingeriana

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    Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) is a fungus that has a symbiotic impact on the plant at the root system level. The research objective was to evaluate the growth of Indigofera zollingeriana produced from inoculation of AMF under different fortification and fertigation techniques at the field scale. A completely randomized design with six treatments and five replication were applied for the study. The treatments were: FD1000, FD2000, FD3000 (AMF fortified with 1000, 2000, and 3000 ppm of AB mix at flat fertigation), FB1000, FB2000, and FB3000 (AMF fortified with 1000, 2000, 3000 ppm of AB mix at graded fertigation). The result shows that the AMF colonization level at the root of was similar (P>0.05) to the upper value of colonization (80.00‒99.00%). The entire products of AMF have similar favorable symbiotic effects on the plant with major growth traits (plant high, stem diameter, number of branches and twigs). A fortification of 2000 ppm of AB mix under graded fertigation technique has produced AMF that significantly (P<0.05) increased the number of leaves with higher green color level (7.5GY 4/6) compared with other treatments. In conclusion, the AMF produced by different fortification and fertigation techniques at the field scale has a similar result on root colonization effectivity and growth performance of I. zollingeriana. In addition, the AMF produced by 2000 ppm of AB mix with graded fertigation technique effectively increased the number of leaves with higher green color intensity.    Keywords: AMF, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi quality, fertigation, fortification, Indigofera zollingerian

    Produktivitas dan Nilai Ternak Sapi Lokal serta Kerbau di Pasar Tradisional

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    ABSTRACT. Kebutuhan domestik daging sapi dan kerbau sebagian besar disuplai dari ternak lokal. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah karakterisasi produktivitas sapi Bali, sapi PO, dan kerbau serta nilai ternak di pasar tradisional berdasarkan kondisi ternak hidup, karkas dan non karkas serta komponen karkas dan non karkas. Penelitian ini menggunakan 17 ekor sapi lokal dan kerbau jantan, meliputi sapi Bali 6 ekor, sapi PO 6 ekor, dan kerbau 5 ekor dengan umur I2-I4. Data dianalisis menggunakan analysis of covariance dengan prosedur general linear model dan least square mean. Peubah yang diamati meliputi bobot potong, bobot dan persentase karkas, bobot komponen karkas, bobot dan persentase non karkas, bobot komponen non karkas, serta nilai ternak di pasar tradisional di daerah Bogor. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ternak lokal dengan produktivitas karkas dan daging tertinggi yaitu sapi Bali, diikuti sapi PO dan kerbau. Persentase karkas sapi Bali 50,39%, sapi PO 49,96%, dan kerbau 46,41%. Sapi Bali memiliki persentase total daging tertinggi yaitu 72,23%, diikuti sapi PO 69,54%, dan kerbau 67,61%. Namun, kerbau memiliki hasil non karkas tertinggi, diikuti sapi PO dan sapi Bali. Berdasarkan bobot karkas dan komponen karkas, sapi Bali memiliki nilai ternak tertinggi, sedangkan sapi PO memiliki nilai ternak yang tinggi pada non karkas. Sapi Bali dan sapi PO memiliki nilai ternak lebih tinggi dari kerbau. Sapi dan kerbau akan mempunyai nilai tambah tertinggi pada saat diolah menjadi komponen karkas dan komponen non karkas.    (Productivity and economic value of local cattle and buffalo in traditional markets)  ABSTRAK. Domestic beef and buffalo supply mainly comes from local livestock. The purpose of this study was to compare the productivity of Bali cattle, PO cattle, and buffaloes, and their economic values for traditional markets based on live weight, carcass weight, and carcass and non-carcass component weights. This study used 17 heads of local bull and male buffaloes, comprising 6 Bali cattle, 6 PO cattle and 5 local buffaloes aged I2-I4. Data were analyzed using Analysis of Covariance, with the general linear model and least square mean procedures. Parameters observed included slaughter weight, weight and percentages of carcass, carcass components, non-carcass, non-carcass components, and their prices according to Bogor traditional market. The results showed that the local cattle with the highest productivity and meat yield were Bali cattle, followed by PO cattle and buffalo. The carcass percentage of Bali cattle were 50.39%, PO cattle were 49.96%, and buffalo were 46.41%. Bali cattle produced the highest meat yield 72.23%, followed by PO cattle 69.54%, and buffalo 67.61%. However, buffalo had the highest non-carcass productivity, followed by PO and Bali cattle. Based on carcass and its component weights, Bali cattle had the highest economic value, whereas PO cattle had the highest value on non-carcass weights. Bali cattle and PO cattle had higher economic value than buffalo. The ruminant animal had its highest added value when processed into carcass and non-carcass components

    Tingkat Produksi dan Keragaman Vegetasi Hijauan Pakan di Padang Penggembalaan Berdasarkan Sistem Penanaman Berbeda

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    ABSTRACT. Padang penggembalaan yang berkualitas baik akan menghasilkan produktivitas ternak yang optimal. Sistem penanaman hijauan pakan secara monokultur dan polikultur berperanan penting dalam menciptakan padang penggembalaan yang berkualitas baik. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengukur tingkat produksi dan keragaman vegetasi hijauan pakan di padang penggembalaan Balai Pembibitan Ternak Unggul dan Hijauan Pakan Ternak (BPTUHPT) Padang Mengatas berdasarkan sistem penanaman berbeda. Penelitian didesain menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan dua perlakuan berdasarkan perbedaan sistem penanaman (monokultur dan polikultur) dan 4 ulangan. Data penelitian dianalisis menggunakan T-test paired sample berdasarkan perbedaan sistem penanaman. Peubah yang diamati adalah karakteristik warna dan pH tanah, tingkat keragaman vegetasi, dan tingkat produksi tanaman pakan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perbedaan sistem penanaman monokultur dan polikultur menghasilkan hasil yang sama baik dan tidak berbeda nyata (P0,05) terhadap pH tanah, produksi biomassa tanaman dan kapasitas tampung. Visualisasi warna tanah adalah cenderung gelap dan pedok didominasi tanaman pakan sesuai desain penanaman, yakni Brachiaria decumbens pada sistem monokultur, Brachiaria decumbens, Panicum maximum, dan Cynodon plectostachyus untuk sistem penanaman polikultur. Kesimpulan dari penelitian bahwa tingkat produksi hijauan dan kapasitas tampung padang penggembalaan tidak berbeda nyata (P0,05) antara perlakuan monokultur dan polikultur, tetapi cenderung lebih tinggi pada perlakuan sistem penanaman polikultur, yakni 4,86 ± 0,88 ST/ha/th dan 5,26 ± 2,42 ST/ha/th. Keragaman vegetasi dari rumput yang dikembangkan berdasarkan indeks nilai penting (INP) adalah tinggi dan dominan Brachiaria decumbens pada sistem monokultur. Begitu juga INP yang tinggi dan dominan dari tanaman Brachiaria decumbens, Panicum maximum, dan Cynodon plectostachyus untuk sistem penanaman polikultur.    (Production rate and diversity of forage vegetation at pasture base on planting system)  ABSTRAK. Good quality pasture will produce optimum livestock productivity. Forage planting system both monoculture and polyculture have important role to provide good quality pasture. The objective of the research was to evaluate production rate and forage diversity at Center of Animal Breeding and Forage (BPTUHPT) Padang Mengatas based on different planting system. A completely randomized design with 2 treatments based on planting system (monoculture and polyculture) and 4 replication were applied for the research. Data was analyzed by T-test paired sample based on planting system. Parameters observed were color characteristics and soil pH, vegetation diversity rate, and forage productivity. Research shows that planting system by monoculture and polyculture provide similar result (P0,05) for soil pH, biomass production and carrying capacity. Soil color visualization tend to be darker and paddock was dominated by Brachiaria decumbens for monoculture system, meanwhile Brachiaria decumbens, Panicum maximum, dan Cynodon plectostachyus were dominant for polyculture system. Production rate and carrying capacity of pasture were not significantly different (P0,05) for both monoculture and polyculture system, but tend to be higher on polyculture system. The average production rate were 4,86±0,88 AU/ha/yr for monoculture system and 5,26±2,42 AU/ha/yr for polyculture system. Diversity of forage vegetation according to the Importance Value Index (IVI) was high and dominance for Brachiaria decumbens at monoculture system. In addition, it was similar result for Brachiaria decumbens, Panicum maximum, dan Cynodon plectostachyus with polyculture system

    Utilization of Social Mapping as A Database for Community Development Sumberejo Village, batur District, Banjarnegara Regency, Central Java

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    Desa Sumberejo merupakan salah satu desa yang terletak di Kecamatan Batur, Kabupaten Banjarnegara, Jawa Tengah. Desa Sumberejo memiliki kondisi geografis berupa perbukitan dan dekat dengan beberapa gunung. Sebagian besar masyarakat Desa Sumberejo bermata pencaharian sebagai petani dengan komoditas utama yaitu kentang. Selain kondisi geografis, terdapat pula kondisi sosial masyarakat yang penting untuk diperhatikan karena menyangkut kehidupan masyarakat. Kondisi sosial masyarakat Desa Sumberejo mengalami perubahan seiring berjalannya waktu mulai dari pekerjaan, pendidikan, kepemilikan lahan, dan lain sebagainya. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan pemetaan sosial mengenai kondisi sosial masyarakat di Desa Sumberejo. Hal ini bertujuan untuk mengumpulkan data terbaru yang dapat digunakan sebagai basis data desa guna melakukan kebijakan ke depannya. Pemetaan sosial ini diharapkan mampu mempercepat pembangunan di Desa Sumberejo karena pemetaan sosial dapat memberikan gambaran secara utuh dan menyeluruh mengenai kondisi suatu wilayah. Pemetaan dilakukan menggunakan sampel wilayah, yaitu wilayah Dusun Simbar khususnya RT 01 yang mencakup sekitar 78 rumah tangga. Sebagai upaya untuk menjaga keberlanjutan program dilaksanakan sosialisasi dan tutorial pemetaan sosial kepada pemuda masing-masing dusun di Desa Sumberejo. Selain itu, juga diberikan buku panduan mengenai penggunaan website Google My Maps.Sumberejo Village is located in Batur District, Banjarnegara Regency, Central Java. Sumberejo Village has geographical conditions in the form of hills and is close to several mountains. Most of the people of Sumberejo Village live as farmers, with the main commodity being potatoes. Apart from geographical conditions, there are also social conditions in society which are essential to pay attention to because they involve people's lives. The social conditions of the Sumberejo Village community have changed over time, starting from work, education, land ownership, and others. Therefore, social mapping is needed regarding the social conditions of the community in Sumberejo Village. Social mapping aims to collect the latest data, which can be used as a village database for implementing future policies. This social mapping will accelerate development in Sumberejo Village because social mapping can provide a complete and comprehensive picture of the conditions of an area. The mapping was carried out using a sample area, namely the Simbar Hamlet area, especially RT 01, which includes around 78 households. As an effort to maintain the sustainability of the program, socialization and social mapping tutorials were carried out to youth from each hamlet in Sumberejo Village. Apart from that, a guidebook was also provided regarding using the Google My Maps website