27 research outputs found

    Identifikasi Fenotipik Sapi Peranakan Angus di Kabupaten Sragen

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    Sapi Peranakan Angus merupakan salah satu hasil pelaksanaan program IB yang mampu berkembang dan beradapatasi di daerah tropis khususnya di Kabupaten Sragen. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendapatkan data fenotipik sapi Peranakan Angus, sebagai data dasar guna menyusun konsep pelestarian, pengembangan dan pemanfaatannya. Penelitian menggunakan metode survei dengan pengamatan, pengukuran dan dokumentasi sapi, serta wawancara langsung dengan pihak terkait, yang dilakukan di lima kecamatan di kabupaten Sragen. Data yang diperoleh disajikan secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sapi Peranakan Angus memiliki Lingkar Dada (LG), Tinggi Gumba (TG) dan Panjang Badan (PB) lebih tinggi dibandingkan sapi lokal lainnya di Indonesia. Fenotipik sapi Peranakan Angus merupakan gabungan dari tetua yang diduga membentuk sapi Peranakan Angus yaitu Abeerden Angus, American Brahman dan Peranakan Ongole. Sapi Peranakan Angus mempunyai keunggulan pertumbuhan yang cepat, performa reproduksi yang baik, kemampuan memanfaatkan pakan berkualitas kurang baik dan toleran terhadap lingkungan tropis. Sapi Peranakan Angus dapat digunakan untuk program pemuliaan sebagai penghasil daging serta dapat diarahkan menjadi kandidat rumpun baru sapi potong Indonesia

    Profil dan Potensi Pejantan Sapi Peranakan Ongole Penghasil Calon Galur Baru

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    Peningkatan produktivitas sapi potong dapat dilakukan melalui pembentukan galur baru yang mempunyai sifat keunggulan spesifik, pengaturan perkawinan dan seleksi untuk menghasilkan sapi bibit dan pejantan unggul, serta pemberian pakan yang nilai nutriennya efisien. Tujuan penelitian ini mendapatkan profil dan potensi spesifik pejantan sapi PO di Lolitsapi sebagai penghasil calon galur baru sapi PO, khususnya terkait dengan kriteria baru, unggul, seragam dan stabil (BUSS). Sebanyak 11 ekor pejantan F3 terbaik di Lolitsapi, diamati profil fenotipe spesifiknya dan potensi produktivitasnya, sejak lahir sampai menjadi pejantan aktif pada pemberian ransum yang kandungan protein kasarnya rendah (8-11%) dan serat kasarnya tinggi (22-26%). Data disajikan secara deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan profil pejantan calon penghasil galur baru sapi PO telah memenuhi persyaratan BUSS, potensi produksinya unggul dalam hal berat badan dan tinggi gumba sejak lahir sampai dewasa, potensi reproduksinya unggul pada libido, kuantitas dan kualitas spermanya. Disimpulkan bahwa sapi PO pejantan di Lolitsapi yang telah dipilih dan disiapkan sebagai calon tetua pembentukan galur baru sapi PO, secara silsilah dan kriteria telah memenuhi persyaratan sebagai pejantan untuk menghasilkan F4 galur baru sapi PO

    Phenotypic Characterization of Jawa Brebes (Jabres) Cattle

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    The aim of this study was to identify the relationship among body measurements in Jabres cattle. A total of 193 cows were used. The parameters recorded were: body length (BL), withers height (WH), rump height (RH), rump length (RL), rump width (RW), heart girth (HG), shoulder width (SW), chest depth (CD), face length (FL), and face width (FW). The results showed that the mean body weight was 260,868 kg while the body measurements were 109.732; 115.572; 119.158; 31.674; 11.589; 147.169; 31.341; 55.892; 40.915; and 17.242 cm for BL, WH, RH, RL, RW, HG, SW, CD, FL, and FW respectively. The coefficients of correlation obtained were: r = 0.269 (BW - BL), r = 0.451 (BW - WH), r = 0.464 (BW - RH), r = 0.123 (BW - RL), r = 0.309 (BW - RW), r = 0.502 (BW - HG), r = 0.519 (BW - SW), r = 0.443 (BW - CD), r = 0.269 (BW - FL), and  r = 0.396 (BW - FW) respectively. The components were extracted explaining 51.544% of the total variation. The body measurements could be used as selection criteria for improving body weight of Jabres cattle

    Availability of Forage Under Oil Palm Plantation for Cattle Grazing

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    Increasing rate of oil palm plantation in Indonesia since 2008-2011 was 6.92%, that increased from 7,363,703 to 7,873,384 ha. Vegetation grown in the area of oil palm plantation is weed for its main crop. There is potential source of oil palm plantation area for livestock industry. Oil palm-cattle integration system is well known and it has been applied in many oil palm plantations, by the use of waste from oil palm plantation, oil palm by-product, the fronds for feed and feces from cattle as organic fertilizer for the plant. Management of oil palm plantation, including plant maintainance, weeding, providing organic and chemical fertilizer is costly. Grazing system under oil palm would minimize cost problem and oil palm production input can be reduced. One of the systems in oil palm-cattle integration that prospective to be developed is grazing by rotation system. Types of plants under oil palm plantation consist of grasses, legumes, other narrow and broad leaves, some are palatable and some are unpalatable or toxic for cattle. Species of vegetation under oil palm vary among the plantation depending on the age of oil palm plant. Introduction of superior forage into oil palm plantation is promising effort to increase the production and quality of feed. Carrying capacity for cattle varies among the oil palm plantation and depends on vegetation under oil palm plantation and age of oil palm. Studies showed that integration oil palm-livestock by grazing system has been proven economically feasible. Key words: Plantation, oil palm, forage, cattle, grazin


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    Sapi Aceh merupakan kekayaan sumberdaya genetrik (SDG) salah satu rumpun sapi lokal Indonesia yang telah ditetapkan berdasarkan keputusan Kementerian Pertanian nomor 2907 tahun 2011, bahwa Sapi Aceh mempunyai keseragaman bentuk, fisik dan komposisi genetik serta kemampuan adaptasi dengan baikpada keterbatasan lingkungan; sehingga perlu dilindungi, dilestarikan dan dikembangkan keunggulannya untuk kepentingan pemuliaan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik, pola pemeliharaan dan pengembangan Sapi Aceh di Propinsi Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD). Penelitian dilakukan secara survey pada beberapa kelompok atau wilayah pengembangan Sapi Aceh yaitu Kabupaten Aceh Jaya, Kabupaten Aceh Besar, Kabupaten Pidie, Kabupaten Bireuen, dan Kabupaten Lhok Semauwe. Data dianalisis secara diskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Sapi Aceh dipelihara secara turun temurun oleh masyarakat Aceh dan berkembang biak di Propinsi NAD, mempunyai pola warna yang bervariasi mulai warna merah bata, kuning langsat, putih hingga berwarna hitam, dengan warna dominan adalah merah bata. Beberapa keunggulan Sapi Aceh antara lain, tahan terhadap penyakit di wilayah tropis, mempunyai adaptasi yang baik pada iklim ekstrem dan wilayah marginal, reproduksi baik dan mempunyai nilai ekonomi tinggi bagi masyarakat Aceh. Pola pemeliharaan sebagan besar dilakukan secara tradisional yaitu dilepas atau digembalakan dan pengembangbiakan dilakukan secara kawin alam, yang dimungkinkan perkawinan antar keluarga (in breeding). Disimpulkan bahwa 1) Sapi Aceh telah berkembang biak di Propinsi NAD dan mempunyai pola warna yang bervariasi, maka untuk pemurnian dan pengembangan Sapi Aceh telah ditetapkan warna merah bata pada Sapi Aceh betina dan merah kehitaman untuk Sapi Aceh jantan; 2) Sapi Aceh dilakukan melalui pemberdayaan kelompok tani, dan pola pemeliharaan dilakukan secara intensif dan semi intensif (dilepas di dalam kandang pelumbaran/mini ranch); dan 3) sistem perkandangan untuk program pembibitan menggunakan kandang kelompok/kumunal (tanpa diikat) atau kandang komunal yang diikat secara individu. Sedangkan untuk penggemukan secara diikat secara individu dalam kandang kelompok/kumunal

    Host investment into symbiosis varies among genotypes of the legume Acmispon strigosus, but host sanctions are uniform.

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    Efficient host control predicts the extirpation of ineffective symbionts, but they are nonetheless widespread in nature. We tested three hypotheses for the maintenance of symbiotic variation in rhizobia that associate with a native legume: partner mismatch between host and symbiont, such that symbiont effectiveness varies with host genotype; resource satiation, whereby extrinsic sources of nutrients relax host control; and variation in host control among host genotypes. We inoculated Acmispon strigosus from six populations with three Bradyrhizobium strains that vary in symbiotic effectiveness on sympatric hosts. We measured proxies of host and symbiont fitness in single- and co-inoculations under fertilization treatments of zero added nitrogen (N) and near-growth-saturating N. We examined two components of host control: 'host investment' into nodule size during single- and co-inoculations, and 'host sanctions' against less effective strains during co-inoculations. The Bradyrhizobium strains displayed conserved growth effects on hosts, and host control did not decline under experimental fertilization. Host sanctions were robust in all hosts, but host lines from different populations varied significantly in measures of host investment in both single- and co-inoculation experiments. Variation in host investment could promote variation in symbiotic effectiveness and prevent the extinction of ineffective Bradyrhizobium from natural populations

    Karakteristik Fisikokimia dan Aktifitas Antioksidan Daging Itik yang Dilapisi Ekstrak Propolis Selama Penyimpanan Suhu Ruang

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    Duck meat is a perishable food that has a short shelf-life. Therefore, packaging is needed to be used tomaintain duck meat quality during storage, one of the ways to extend shelf-life of duck meat is usingpropolis extract as edible coating which is contained antioxidant substances which can be used to extendduring storage. The aim of this research was to analyze the effect of propolis extract as an edible coatingmaterial on duck meat to maintain the quality and extend shelf-life of duck meat at room temperature.The research was used a completely randomized design (CRD) factorial 4x3 with 3 replications,consisting of 4 propolis concentrations (0.0%, 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5%) and 3 storage times (0 hours, 6 hoursand 24 hours). Duck meats coated with propolis extracts had a significant effect on the water content andantioxidant activity of duck meat (P < 0.05). The storage time had a significant effect on the pH valueand the cooking loss of duck meat (P <0.05). The addition of propolis extract and storage time had asignificant effect on the pH value, cooking loss and antioxidant activity of duck meat (P <0.05)

    Respon Sinkronisasi Berahi Induk pada Induk Sapi Potong dengan Skor Kondisi Tubuh Berbeda pada Peternakan Rakyat

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    Respon Sinkronisasi Berahi Induk pada Induk Sapi Potong dengan Skor Kondisi Tubuh Berbeda pada Peternakan Rakya

    Adsorption capacities of carbon dioxide, oxygen, nitrogen and methane on carbon molecular basket derived from polyethyleneimine impregnation on microporous palm shell activated carbon

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    In this study, palm shell-based activated carbon (AC) was used as precursor in the production of carbon molecular basket (CMB) via impregnation of polyethyleneimine (PEI). The effects of amount of PEI impregnated on AC on carbon dioxide (CO2), oxygen (O2), nitrogen (N2), and methane (CH4) adsorption capacities of CMB were investigated. Molecular basket was produced at PEI weight percentages of 0.06, 0.11, 0.13, 0.26, 0.27 and 0.28 wt%. Adsorption capacities of CO2, O2, N2 and CH4 were enhanced with increasing PEI impregnation from virgin AC to 0.26 wt% PEI/AC before the capacities decreased onwards for 0.28 and 0.29 wt% PEI/AC. The amount of PEI impregnation determined for optimum uptake of gas adsorption was 0.26 wt% PEI/AC. The maximum adsorption capacity for the gases follows the sequence: CO2 ≫ CH4 > O2 > N2 for all the CMB samples