366 research outputs found

    Assessing Pathogen Presence in an Intensively Tile Drained, Agricultural Watershed

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    Increases in swine production and concomitant manure application provide beneficial nutrients for crops but also include the potential to spread pathogenic bacteria in the environment. While manure is known to contain a variety of pathogens, little is known regarding the long-term effect of manure application on fate and transport of this diverse set of pathogens into surrounding waterways. We report on the use of 16S-rRNA gene sequencing to detect pathogen-containing genera in the agriculturally dominated South Fork Iowa River watershed, home to approximately 840,000 swine in the 76,000-ha basin. DNA was extracted from monthly grab samples collected from three surface water sites and two main artificial drainage outlets. DNA sequences from water samples were matched with sequences from genera known to contain pathogens using targeted 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing. The specific genera known to contain pathogens were quantified by combining percentage of genera sequence matches with 16S rRNA gene quantitative polymerase chain reaction results. Specifically, abundances of Bacteroides, Clostridium sensu stricto, and Acinetobactersignificantly increased in surface water after typical fall manure application. Additionally, the likely transport pathways for specific genera known to contain pathogens were identified. Surface water Enterobacter concentrations were influenced mainly by artificial drainage, whereas Clostridium sensu stricto was primarily transported to surface waters by runoff events. The results of this study will help us to understand environmental pathways that may be useful for mitigation of the diverse set of pathogenic genera transported in agroecosystems and the capability of manure application to alter existing microbial community structures

    Laparoscopic re-interventions for bile duct injuries

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    Clinica Chirurgie II, Timișoara, România, Al XI-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova și cea de-a XXXIII-a Reuniune a Chirurgilor din Moldova „Iacomi-Răzeșu” 27-30 septembrie 2011Lucrarea prezintă 2 cazuri exemplificate cu filme video în care intervenţia chirurgicală laparoscopică a fost indicată pentru rezolvarea unor suferinţe biliare postcolecistectomie pe cale clasică. Primul caz a fost o pacientă cu colecistectomie clasică incompletă la care s-a efectuat totalizarea colecistectomiei pe cale laparoscopică la două luni după intervenţia clasică. Acest caz susţine ideea din literatura actuală conform căreia vechiul termen de neocolecist corespundea unor colecistectomii incomplete. Abordul laparoscopic este posibil, dar recomandabil în centre cu multă experienţă în chirurgia laparoscopică. Al doilea caz a fost o pacientă cu o leziune de coledoc după o colecistectomie clasică. Această leziune a fost reparată laparoscopic în urgenţă la 8 zile după prima intervenţie. Evoluţia ambelor paciente a fost simplă, dovedind că în unele cazuri reintervenţia pe cale laparoscopică este fezabilă, sigură şi benefică pentru pacient.This paper presents 2 case reports illustrated by surgical video. In both cases laparoscopic intervention was indicated for repair of bile duct injuries produced during open cholecystectomy. The first case describes a female patient who underwent an incomplete open cholecystectomy. Two months after the first intervention cholecystectomy was completed by the laparoscopic approach. This case supports the idea circulating in the actual medical literature that postoperative dilatation of cystic duct (neocholecyst) is the consequence of the incomplete cholecystectomy. Laparoscopic approach is possible but can be recommended only in centers with experience in minimally invasive surgery. The second case was a patient with bile duct injury after classic cholecystectomy. This lesion was repaired in emergency by laparoscopic approach 8 days after the first operation. The evolution of both patients was uneventful, therefore proving that in selected cases laparoscopic re- intervention is a safe and feasible treatment option

    Morfometri Dan Komposisi Isi Lambung Ikan Tuna Sirip Kuning (Thunnus Albacares) Yang Didaratkan Di Pantai Prigi Jawa Timur

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    Ikan tuna sirip kuning mempunyai panjang cagak (fork-length) sepanjang 70 cm, 90 cm, 155 cm hingga yang terpanjang yang pernah tercatat 210 cm. Ikan tuna yang ditemukan di PPN Prigi memiliki ukuran yang beragam. Penelitian ini dapat memberikan informasi kondisi morfometri ikan tuna sirip kuning dari kelas panjang yang ditemukan di perairan pantai Prigi dan kebiasaan makan (food habits) ikan tuna sirip kuning (Thunnus albacares) di pantai Prigi, Kabupaten Trenggalek. 71 ekor sampel ikan tuna sirip kuning diambil pada bulan September – November 2013 dari pengepul di pantai Prigi, untuk selanjutnya di lakukan pengukuran panjang total, berat tubuh dan analisis hubungan panjang-berat serta analisis isi lambung dengan metode frekuensi kejadian, metode volumetrik dan indeks preponderance. Kisaran panjang ikan tuna sirip kuning terdiri atas kisaran panjang kelas kecil 17 cm – 37 cm dengan komposisi organisme dalam lambung yang banyak ditemukan adalah udang dan ikan kecil, sedangkan kisaran panjang kelas sedang 38 cm – 58 cm komposisi organisme dalam lambung adalah ikan dan kisaran panjang kelas besar 59 cm – 78 cm dengan komposisi organisme yang banyak adalah ikan. Penelitian yang telah dilakukan dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa nilai dari perhitungan regresi sederhana hubungan panjang dan berat ikan tuna sirip kuning di perairan pantai Prigi bersifat allometrik negatif dengan nilai slope b sebesar 2,9518

    A multi-scale area-interaction model for spatio-temporal point patterns

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    Models for fitting spatio-temporal point processes should incorporate spatio-temporal inhomogeneity and allow for different types of interaction between points (clustering or regularity). This paper proposes an extension of the spatial multi-scale area-interaction model to a spatio-temporal framework. This model allows for interactionbetween points at different spatio-temporal scales and for the inclusion of covariates. We present a simulation study and fit the new model to varicella cases registered during 2013 in Valencia, Spain

    A multi-scale area-interaction model for spatio-temporal point patterns

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    Models for fitting spatio-temporal point processes should incorporate spatio-temporal inhomogeneity and allow for different types of interaction between points (clustering or regularity). This paper proposes an extension of the spatial multi-scale area-interaction model to a spatio-temporal framework. This model allows for interactionbetween points at different spatio-temporal scales and for the inclusion of covariates. We present a simulation study and fit the new model to varicella cases registered during 2013 in Valencia, Spain

    Sewage sludge - a possible fertilizing resource in agriculture

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    Continuum approximation of dyking with a theory for poro-viscoelastic–viscoplastic deformation

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    To reach Earth’s surface, magma must ascend from the hot, ductile asthenosphere through cold and brittle rock in the lithosphere. It does so via fluid-filled fractures called dykes. While the continuum mechanics of ductile asthenosphere is well established, there has been little theoretical work on the cold and brittle regime where dyking and faulting occurs. Geodynamic models use plasticity to model fault-like behaviour; plasticity also shows promise for modelling dykes. Here we build on an existing model to develop a poro-viscoelastic–viscoplastic theory for two-phase flow across the lithosphere. Our theory addresses the deficiencies of previous work by incorporating (i) a hyperbolic yield surface, (ii) a plastic potential with control of dilatancy and (iii) a viscous regularization of plastic failure. We use analytical and numerical solutions to investigate the behaviour of this theory. Through idealized models and a comparison to linear elastic fracture mechanics, we demonstrate that this behaviour includes a continuum representation of dyking. Finally, we consider a model scenario reminiscent of continental rifting and demonstrate the consequences of dyke injection into the cold, upper lithosphere: a sharp reduction in the force required to rift