67 research outputs found

    Statistical analysis of money supply at Qatar Central Bank : [absztrakt]

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    Inference in Simple Regression for the Intercept Utilizing Prior Information on the Slope

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    Shrinkage type estimators are developed for the intercept parameter of a simple linear regression model and the case when it is suspected a priori that the slope parameter is equal to some specific value is considered. Three different estimators of the intercept parameters are examined. The relative performances of the estimators are investigated based on a simulation study of the biases and mean squared errors. The associated bootstrap confidence intervals are also studied and their performance is evaluated

    Low cost options of carbon sources, gelling agents and supporting materials used for micropropagation of shoot tips of banana cultivar Grand Nain

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    The high cost of materials used for media preparation is chiefly constituted by gelling agents and sucrose. The objective of this study was to develop efficient micropropagation techniques for the newly released banana cultivar Grand Nain at a low cost by testing different alternatives of carbon sources (sucrose),gelling agents and supporting materials. Three experiments were conducted to test different carbon sources, gelling agents and support matrices.  In the first experiment, different carbon sources were tested. These included the refined imported sugar special for tissue culture from Sigma Company, Kenana (refined local sugar), Alguneid (brown local sugar) and beet crystal imported sugar from the local market. Results showed that all sources of sucrose resulted in the highest number of explants with shoots, however, Alguneid sugar induced significantly higher number of shoots per explants. There was 99.4% reduction in the medium cost compared to the standard medium of Sigma sugar. The second experiment was conducted to test different gelling agents such as corn starch at 50.0g/l plus agar at 3.0 and 4.0 g/l, corn starch at 50.0g/l plus phytagel at 1.25 and 1.5 g/l, respectively. Phytagel at 2.5 g/l and agar at 9 g/l were used as control. Gelling agents did not differ in the percentage of explants with shoots. However, corn starch at 50.0g/l and phytagel at 1.5 g/l resulted in the highest number of shoots which reduced the medium cost by 30.7%. In the third experiment, different supporting materials were used as low cost options including stone matrices, glass beads, cotton fiber and filter paper. Rock stones were the best supporting material in liquid medium for propagation of banana cv. Grand Nain. It resulted in significantly higher percentage of explants with shoots, number of shoots per explant and plant height.   ارتفاع كلفة الزراعة النسيجية النباتية هو السبب في عدم تطبيقها علي نطاق واسع. إن تكلفة المواد الجيلاتينية (الآجار والفايتاجل) والسكر تمثل أكبر تكلفة بين العناصر المكونة للوسط الغذائي. الهدف من هذه الدراسة هو تطوير خيارات اقتصادية لتقنية زراعة الأنسجة للإكثار الدقيق للموز الصنف قراند نين المجاز حديثاً وذلك باختبار بدائل للسكر والمواد الجلاتينية وايجاد مواد داعمة للزراعات النسيجية في الأوساط الغذائية السائلة. أجريت الاختبارات في هذه الدراسة بإستخدام النظام العشوائي الكامل في خمس مكررات وأربع قمم نامية في كل مكرر. تم تنفيذ ثلاث تجارب بهدف خفض تكلفة الاكثار الدقيق للموز الصنف قراندنين. فى التجربة الأولى تم اختبار أربعة مصادر الكربون وهى: سيقما (سكر نقى مستورد خاص بزراعة الأنسجة من شركة سيقما), كنانة (سكر نقى منتج محلياً من شركة سكر كنانة), الجنيد   ( سكر بنى منتج محلياً من مصنع الجنيد) والبنجر( سكر بلورى مستورد). لا توجد فروقات معنوية بين أنواع السكر التي تم اختبارها في النسبة المئوية للقمم النامية للموز التي تم تحفيز نموات جديدة منها وعدد النموات الجديدة (السيقان)، لكن عدد السيقان النامية من كل قمة نامية علي سكر الجنيد أعلي معنويا من أنواع السكر الأخرى. باستخدام هذه البدائل تم تخفيض 99.4% من تكلفة السكر في الوسط الغذائي. أجريت التجربة الثانية لاختبار مواد جلاتينية مختلفة وهى: 50.0 جرام/لتر من نشا الذرة الشامية مع3.0  جرام/لتر و4.0 جرام/لتر اجار,50.0 جرام/لتر من النشأ مع1.25  جرام/لتر و1.5 جرام/لتر فايتاجل, 2.5 جرام/لتر فايتاجل و9 جرام/لتر اجار كشواهد. أوضحت النتائج أن الاحلال الجزئي للمواد الجلاتينية (الفايتاجل والاجار) بمقدار 50.0 جرام/لتر من نشا الذرة الشامية يمكن استخدامه للإكثار الدقيق للموز صنف قراندنين، حيث لا توجد فروقات معنوية بين كل المعاملات في النسبة المئوية لأجزاء الموز التي تم تحفيز نموات جديدة منها وعدد السيقان مع تخفيض 40.7-30.7 %و65.8-54.7 % في كلفة الآجار والفايتاجل علي التوالي. فى التجربة الثالثة تمت زراعة القمم النامية فى وسط غذائي سائل باستخدام دعامات مختلفة وهى: مصفوفات من الحصى, البلى, ألياف قطنية و أوراق الترشيح. أثبتت النتائج أن مصفوفات الحصى هى أفضل الدعامات المختبرة فى الوسط الغذائي السائل.   &nbsp

    The effect of exercises by using VertiMax device in the development of explosive strength and defensive blocking for handball players

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    This study aims to prepare special exercises using VertiMax device and to identify the effect of these exercises on the explosive strength and defensive blocking of senior handball players. The researchers have adopted the experimental approach, and the case study is identified by the senior handball players of Al- Dagharah handball club whose number is 16, and their lengths ranged (182.4 ± 3.282 cm), weights (82 ± 4.387 kg) and ages (23 ± 1.846 years). They are divided by a simple random method into two groups by (8) players per group in which the experimental group has used exercise by VertiMax device, while the control group has used team coach exercises. The researchers have conducted the explosive strength and defensive blocking tests of the study sample. The training method has included 3 units per week for a period of 6 weeks using the method of high-intensity interval training. The results of the explosive strength and defensive blocking tests have been presented and analysed. It is concluded that the exercises by using the VertiMax as auxiliary and effective devices can be relied upon in developing the explosive strength and defensive blocking of the handball

    A Proposed Software as a Service (SaaS) Toolkit for Cloud Multi- Tenancy

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    Cloud computing is a general term for anything that involves delivering hosted services over the Internet. It is a construct that allows you to access applications that actually reside at locations other than your computer or other Internet-connected devices. Software as a Service (SaaS) is a software delivery model in which software resources are accessed remotely by users over the internet. Enterprises prefer using SaaS because of its low cost. SaaS requires sharing of application servers among multiple tenants for low operational costs. Several SaaS Toolkits are available and used to develop cloud SaaS applications. However, most of these Toolkits are very complex. This paper aims to build a new simple and easy SaaS Toolkit to develop SaaS applications and to avoid the difficulties and complexity in the current cloud SaaS Toolkits. The proposed Toolkit is based on java virtual machine and the popular web programming languages HTML and PHP. To evaluate the proposed Toolkit an empirical study has been conducted. The result of the empirical study revealed that the proposed Toolkit outperforms the current Toolkits in terms of complexity, understandability and learnability

    Study the Level and the Fluctuation of Induced Nitric Oxide Synthase in Iraqi Patients with Hypertension

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    The known NOS enzymes are generally alluded to as 'dimeric'in their dynamic shape, disregarding the required calmodulins (CaMs) which, entirely, mean they are tetramers (of two NOS) monomers related with two CaMs). This review included 56 subjects coordinated ages and sex separated into two groups; 28 hypertensive subjects and 28 healthy subjects as control group. The accompanying investigation was done: INOS was fundamentally higher in patients contrasted with controls while there were no noteworthy contrasts found in egg whites amongst patient and control gathering. Also, the expansion in iNOS in light of the fact that iNOS creates a lot of NO as a guard component because of cytokines and is an essential consider the reaction of the body to assault by parasites, bacterial contamination, and tumor development. It has been reasoned that is critical nappy on perfect weight, since heftiness considered principle variables for coronary illness and solidifying of the veins. There is a positive connection between oxidation comes about because of hypertension and their advancements. The point of this review was to examine the connection between of some oxidative anxiety markers and cardiovascular infections

    A taxonomy of grid resource selection mechanism

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    Resources in grid systems are heterogeneous, geographically distributed, belong to different administrative domains and apply different management policies. The roles of resource selection mechanisms are to identify, select and allocate the most suitable resources for a given set of tasks. This paper presents a taxonomy that facilitates identifying and classifying the mechanisms used in the implementation of grid resource selection process, as well as describing the most significant features of grid resource selection mechanisms. The benefit of this taxonomy is to highlight the main aspects of the selection mechanisms, which can help researchers and developers of grid resource management systems