20 research outputs found

    Resource competitive interactions as mechanism of date palm Bayoud disease suppression

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    In Morocco, soils that are naturally suppressive to date palm Bayoud disease have long been discovered. Although suppressiveness was attributed to biological activities of indigenous microbes, our knowledge on the specific mechanisms underpinning this property remains limited. In this study, we investigated nutrient competition between Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. albedinis, the causal agent of Bayoud disease, and saprophytic Fusarium as a factor of disease suppressiveness/conduciveness in suppressive and conducive soils. Growth of pathogenic and saprophytic Fusarium isolates from one suppressive and one conducive soils on 95 carbon sources was assessed. Fusarium isolates exhibited distinct nutrient use profiles and varied significantly with soil in carbon utilization. Isolates from the suppressive soil had significantly the greatest resource use efficiency, followed by the pathogenic isolates that grew significantly faster than the isolates from the conducive soil. Data on nutrient niche overlap showed that the pathogen is outcompeted by saprophytic Fusarium populations in the suppressive soil and outcompetes those in the conducive soil. Taken together, our results provide insight into the role of competition for carbon resources among pathogenic and saprophytic Fusarium communities as a driving factor in soil suppressiveness/conduciveness. This finding may also open novel research paths and offer opportunities for the development of biocontrol techniques against Bayoud disease in Moroccan date palm groves. Keywords: Date palm, Bayoud disease, nutrient competition, disease suppressio

    Determination of Tylenchulus semipenetrans biotype in five citrus growing areas in Morocco

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    Un essai a été mené sous tunnel plastique à l’INRA de Kénitra (El Menzeh) en vue de caractériser les différents biotypes du nématode des agrumes (Tylenchulus semipenetrans) existants dans les vergers marocains. Les plantes hôtes différentielles utilisées dans ce test sont le citronnier épineux (Poncirus trifoliata), le bigaradier (Citrus aurantium), la vigne (Vitis vinifera) et l’olivier (Olea europaea). Les différentes plantes hôtes ont été inoculées par une suspension de 10.000 d’œufs et juvéniles de deuxième stade de T. semipenetrans des régions du Gharb, Loukkos, Haouz, Moulouya et Souss-Massa. Les différentes populations de T. semipenetrans ont montré une forte capacité à se multiplier sur le bigaradier et aussi sur la vigne, contrairement à l’olivier et le P. trifoliata. Le taux de reproduction (TR) des différentes populations de T. semipenetrans sur le porte-greffe P. trifoliata et l’olivier est inférieur à 1, contrairement au bigaradier et la vigne où ce taux de reproduction est supérieur à 1. Ces résultats indiquent que les cinq populations de T. semipenetrans des régions du Gharb, Loukkos, Haouz, Moulouya et Souss- Massa appartenant au biotype Méditerranéen. Mots-clés: Nématode des agrumes, régions, Plantes hôtes, Biotype Méditerranéen.The biotype of citrus nematode (Tylenchulus semipenetrans) from Morocco was determined using differential plant hosts, namely trifoliate orange (Poncirus trifoliata), bitter orange (Citrus aurantium), grape (Vitis vinifera) and olive (Olea europaea). The study was conducted under greenhouse conditions with 5 replicates. Nematodes from regions of Gharb, Souss-Masssa, Haouz, Loukkos and Moulouya were extracted from roots and inoculated to hosts with 10.000 eggs and juveniles per plant. Reproductive factors were less than one for Poncirus trifoliate and olive for all populations. Result of differential-host experiment showed that all five T. semipenetrans populations belong to the Mediterranean biotype. Keywords: Citrus nematode, regions, Differential host test, Mediterranean biotype

    Diversité des nématodes phytoparasites associés à la culture du framboisier dans la région de Souss-Massa

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    Several surveys were conducted in Souss-Massa region in order to assess the diversity and incidence of the main nematodes associated with raspberry grown in greenhouses. Soil samples were collected from raspberry greenhouses located in the provinces of Biogra, Khmis Ait Amira and Belfaa. Twelve nematode genera were identified on raspberry. In terms of abundance and frequency, three plant-parasitic nematodes (Meloidogyne spp., Pratylenchus spp., and Helicotylenchus spp.) were dominant in all the surveyed provinces. The following species were identified from randomly selected specimens: Pratylenchus penetrans, P. thornei, Meloidogyne incognita, M. javanica, and Ditylenchus dipsaci. The average density of Meloidogyne and Pratylenchus does not exceed 4 nematodes per 100 cm3 of soil in the three surveyed provinces. Ectoparasitic nematodes, Xiphinema spp., Longidorus spp. and Trichodorus spp. were very poorly represented, with average densities not exceeding 2 nematodes per 100 cm3 of soil. These results provide basic information to develop control strategy against the main plant-parasitic nematodes on raspberry. Keywords: Nematode, Raspberry, Souss-Massa, MoroccoDes prospections ont été réalisées dans la région de Souss-Massa en vue d’évaluer la diversité et l’incidence des principaux nématodes associés à la culture du framboisier. Des échantillons de sol ont été prélevés au niveau des serre de framboise situées dans les provinces de Biogra, Khmis Ait Amira et Belfaa. Douze genres de nématodes phytoparasites ont été identifiés sur framboisier. Les trois genres, Meloidogyne, Pratylenchus et Helicotylenchus sont les plus fréquents dans la totalité des échantillons analysés. Les espèces suivantes ont été identifiées parmi des spécimens choisis au hasard: Meloidogyne javanica, Meloidogyne incognita, Pratylenchus penetrans, Pratylenchus thornei et ditylenchus dipsaci. La densité moyenne des Meloidogyne et Pratylenchus ne dépasse pas les 4 nématodes par 100 cm3 de sol dans les trois provinces. Cette densité reste sous le seuil de nuisibilité. Les nématodes ectoparasites, Xiphinema spp., Longidorus spp. et Trichodorus spp. ont été très faiblement représentés, avec des densités moyennes ne dépassant pas 2 nématodes par 100 cm3 de sol. Ces données fournissent des informations utiles pour orienter les programmes de prévention et de lutte contre ces bio-agresseurs de framboise. Mots clés: Nématode, framboise, Souss-Massa, Maro

    Study of the agro-morphological and technological genetic variability of the Mediterranean populations of durum wheat

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    le blĂ© dur (Triticum turgidum var. durum) est la troisième espèce la plus cultivĂ©e au monde et la deuxième au Maroc. Ce travail a pour objectif d’étudier l’influence de l’environnement et du fond gĂ©nĂ©tique sur l’adaptation, le rendement et ses composantes ainsi que sur la qualitĂ© technologique de deux populations de blĂ© dur (76 accessions et 120 lignĂ©es recombinĂ©es). Deux essais de gĂ©notypes blĂ© dur ont Ă©tĂ© installĂ©s dans deux stations expĂ©rimentales de l’INRA Ă  savoir Sidi El Aidi et Merchouch. Des observations concernant la croissance, le rendement et la qualitĂ© technologique du grain rĂ©coltĂ© ont Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©es et analysĂ©es. L’analyse en composantes principales (ACP) a permis de faire des groupes homogènes et des associations des caractères de diffĂ©rentes accessions et RILs. L’analyse de certains aspects de qualitĂ© (Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS), Taux de VitrositĂ© (TV), Indice de Jaune (IJ) et Taux de Cendres (TC)) a permis de dĂ©celer une variabilitĂ© importante et similaire pour les deux populations. L’analyse Ă©lectro-phorĂ©tique a montrĂ©e que 58 % des accessions et 62 % des LR  prĂ©sentent une bonne force de gluten. En plus, il y avait des corrĂ©lations entre ces caractères d’une part, et entre ces mĂŞmes caractères et les caractères agro-morphologiques d’autre part. La constitution des deux populations a montrĂ©e une grande variabilitĂ© multi-axe, ce qui dĂ©montre une grande possibilitĂ© de combinaison de gènes et d’adaptation. Ce matĂ©riel contient une grande part d’ingrĂ©dients gĂ©nĂ©tiques nĂ©cessaires pour un programme d’amĂ©lioration gĂ©nĂ©tique mĂ©diterranĂ©en.    Mots clĂ©s: BlĂ© dur, accessions, lignĂ©es recombinantes, variabilitĂ© gĂ©nĂ©tique, caractères agro-morphologiques, caractères technologiques.  Durum wheat (Triticum turgidum var. Durum) is the third mostly grown crop in the world and second in Morocco. This work aims to study the influence the genetic and the environmental effect on the adaptation, the yield and its components and on the grain quality of two durum wheat populations (76 durum accessions and 120 Recombinant Inbred Lines (RILs)). Two trials were installed in two INRA experimental stations, namely Sidi El Aidi (Settat) and Merchouch (Rabat). Several measurements on growth and phenological stages were carried out and analyzed and quality traits were measured in laboratory after harvest. The Principal Components Analysis (ACP) was performed to relate phenological traits and grain quality traits among RILs and accessions. Analysis of certain aspects of quality (Dodecyl Sodium Sulphates (SDS), Vitreousness Rate (TV), Yellow Index (IJ) and Ash content (TC) also allowed to detect an important and similar variability for the two populations. The electrophoresis analysis showed that 58% from the accessions and 62% of RILs present a good gluten force. Moreover, there were correlations between these characters on the one hand, and these characters and the agromorphologic characters on the other hand. A great multi-axis variability was observed which can serve as a base for new variation. This variation is controlled by many useful genes which can be used in durum wheat programs to release new varieties adapted to Moroccan environment and presenting good quality genes for durum wheat. Keywords: Durum wheat, accessions, recombinant inbred lines (RILs), genetic variability, agro-morphologic traits and grain quality

    Addressing the Challenge of Cultivars Identification and Authentication in Mediterranean Olive Collections: A Case Study in Morocco

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    Conservation and use of well-characterized olive (Olea europaea L.) genetic resources are the key to future olive improvement and sustainable production. Yet, authentication of plant materials in ex-situ olive collections throughout the world has received little attention. Here we characterized 95 accessions, from a collection maintained in the experimental station of INRAMeknes, Morocco, by comparing their SSR (14 markers) and morphological (11 endocarp traits) profiles to an international reference dataset with 672 distinct genotypes corresponding to 535 well-described olive cultivars from the two Worldwide Olive Germplasm Banks of Marrakech, Morocco, and Cordoba, Spain (WOGB-M/C). Results revealed 122 alleles in the Meknes collection versus 265 in the reference database, but the difference was not significant. Additionally, forty cultivars were identified in Meknes collection, among which 33 were present in the reference database. Principal Coordinates Analysis revealed that these varieties span the range of all of the 535 varieties in the international database, indicating important genetic diversity within the investigated plant materials. Finally, cases of mislabeling errors, synonyms, and redundant genotypes pertaining mainly to “Picholine marocaine” and â€śFrantoio” varieties have been encountered in Meknes collection. Overall, our work highlights the power of coupling modern genetic and morphological tools along with exploring reference databases for authenticating genetic cultivars in olive tree collections. &nbsp

    Management of plant parasitic nematodes by means of organic amendment

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    Plant parasitic nematodes (PPN) are one of the major biological constraints in various economically important crops across the world. The use of nematicides as an effective means for the control of PPN can be environmentally hazardous. Alternatively, the utilization of organic amendments has been proposed as a suitable and economically feasible method for managing plant parasitic nematodes. In this review we provide information from across multiple studies on the use of soil organic amendment as a promising approach for suppressing plant parasitic nematodes, enhancing plant productivity, and promoting global food security

    Plant-driven selection of microbes in the rhizosphere and plant-microbe feedbacks

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      L’effet des plantes sur les microorganismes du sol et les rĂ©troactions entre les microbes et les plantes sont devenus le focus de beaucoup de recherche. Les dernières avancĂ©es dans le domaine des interactions plantes-microbes montrent que les plantes sont capables de façonner le microbiome de leur rhizosphère via des mĂ©canismes divers. Dans cette revue, nous rassemblons des rĂ©sultats de multiples Ă©tudes sur le rĂ´le des plantes dans l’altĂ©ration de la structure et des fonctions des microorganismes au niveau de la rhizosphère. En outre, nous discutons les rĂ´les de diffĂ©rentes substances phytochimiques dans la mĂ©diation de ces effets. Finalement, nous soulignons que l’enrichissement sĂ©lectif de microorganismes spĂ©cifiques a aussi bien des rĂ©troactions nĂ©gatives, avec l’accumulation de pathogènes dans la rhizosphère, que positives, suite au recrutement de microflore bĂ©nĂ©fique. Une meilleure comprĂ©hension des mĂ©canismes qui rĂ©gissent la sĂ©lection de microorganismes ayant des rĂ©troactions positives ouvrira de nouvelles possibilitĂ©s pour l’amĂ©lioration de la production agricole. Mots-clĂ©s: Plantes, microorganismes, rhizosphère, rĂ©troactions.Plant impacts on soil microbial communities and plant-microbe feedbacks have become the focus of much research. Recent advances in plant-microbe interactions investigations show that plants are able to shape their rhizosphere microbiome through diverse mechanisms. In this review, we gather findings from across multiple studies on the role of plants in altering the structure and functions of microbes in the rhizosphere. In addition, we discuss the roles of diverse phytochemicals in mediating these effects. Finally, we highlight that selective enrichment of specific microorganisms in the rhizosphere has either negative feedbacks, with pathogen accumulation in the rhizosphere; or, perhaps most importantly, positive feedbacks as a result of the recruitment of a beneficial microflora. Insights into the mechanisms that underpin plant selection of microbial communities with positive feedbacks will provide new opportunities to increase crop production. Keywords: Plants, microbes, rhizosphere, feedbacks

    Molecular characterization of Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV) infecting sugar beet in Tadla

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    Sugar beet is the most important sugar crop in Morocco. The main production areas of sugar beet are Doukkala, Tadla, Gharb, and Moulouya. Rhizomania, caused by Beet necrotic yellow vein virus (BNYVV, genus Benyvirus), was first described in Italy and has spread in most sugar beet-growing areas of the world within a few decades. In the Tadla region, Rhizomania is one of the major phytosanitary problems for the sugar-beet industry. In 2010, five isolates from different locations in the Tadla region were collected for molecular characterization studies by sequencing the coat protein gene (CPg). The obtained results showed that all the sequenced isolates were in the B type of BNYVV and revealed the highest nucleotide similarity with the Belgian isolate B2 (AY696077), with a sequence homology of 100%. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first molecular characterization of BNYVV isolates in Morocco

    Plant-driven selection of microbes in the rhizosphere and plant-microbe feedbacks

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      L’effet des plantes sur les microorganismes du sol et les rĂ©troactions entre les microbes et les plantes sont devenus le focus de beaucoup de recherche. Les dernières avancĂ©es dans le domaine des interactions plantes-microbes montrent que les plantes sont capables de façonner le microbiome de leur rhizosphère via des mĂ©canismes divers. Dans cette revue, nous rassemblons des rĂ©sultats de multiples Ă©tudes sur le rĂ´le des plantes dans l’altĂ©ration de la structure et des fonctions des microorganismes au niveau de la rhizosphère. En outre, nous discutons les rĂ´les de diffĂ©rentes substances phytochimiques dans la mĂ©diation de ces effets. Finalement, nous soulignons que l’enrichissement sĂ©lectif de microorganismes spĂ©cifiques a aussi bien des rĂ©troactions nĂ©gatives, avec l’accumulation de pathogènes dans la rhizosphère, que positives, suite au recrutement de microflore bĂ©nĂ©fique. Une meilleure comprĂ©hension des mĂ©canismes qui rĂ©gissent la sĂ©lection de microorganismes ayant des rĂ©troactions positives ouvrira de nouvelles possibilitĂ©s pour l’amĂ©lioration de la production agricole. Mots-clĂ©s: Plantes, microorganismes, rhizosphère, rĂ©troactions.Plant impacts on soil microbial communities and plant-microbe feedbacks have become the focus of much research. Recent advances in plant-microbe interactions investigations show that plants are able to shape their rhizosphere microbiome through diverse mechanisms. In this review, we gather findings from across multiple studies on the role of plants in altering the structure and functions of microbes in the rhizosphere. In addition, we discuss the roles of diverse phytochemicals in mediating these effects. Finally, we highlight that selective enrichment of specific microorganisms in the rhizosphere has either negative feedbacks, with pathogen accumulation in the rhizosphere; or, perhaps most importantly, positive feedbacks as a result of the recruitment of a beneficial microflora. Insights into the mechanisms that underpin plant selection of microbial communities with positive feedbacks will provide new opportunities to increase crop production. Keywords: Plants, microbes, rhizosphere, feedbacks

    Importance et répartition des principaux nématodes phytoparasites des agrumes au Maroc

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    A survey was conducted to determine the frequency of occurrence and population densities of plant-parasitic nematodes associated with citrus in six various regions of Morocco viz., Gharb, Loukkous, Moulouia, Haouz, Tadla et Souss-Massa. The citrus nematode Tylenchulus semipenetrans was found in all surveyed citrus orchards. The greatest infestation was found in the Loukkous region of Morocco on the valancia-late variety grafted on the sour-orange. Two species of root-lesion nematodes Pratylenchus coffeae and P. vulnus were identified in all prospected regions except Tadla region. Results indicate that the percentage of soil and root samples infested by Pratylenchus spp. ranged from 15 % in the Gharb to 66 % in the Souss-Massa region. The genus Xiphinema was found in all surveyed regions except the Haouz region. The highest percentage of infestation was found in the Loukkos region. Other plant-parasitic nematodes including: Tylenchus, Helicotylenchus, Paratylenchus and Tylenchorhynchus were identified on citrus.  Keywords : Survey, Citrus, Nematodes, MoroccoDes prospections ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es dans les diffĂ©rentes rĂ©gions agrumicoles du Maroc (Gharb, Loukkous, Moulouia, Haouz, Tadla et Souss-Massa) en vue d’identifier les principaux nĂ©matodes phytoparasites associĂ©s aux agrumes. Le nĂ©matode de dĂ©pĂ©rissement lent Tylenchulus semipenetrans des agrumes est prĂ©sent dans la totalitĂ© des vergers prospectĂ©s et le degrĂ© d’infestation le plus Ă©levĂ© a Ă©tĂ© enregistrĂ© dans la rĂ©gion de Loukkous sur la variĂ©tĂ© Valancia-late greffĂ© sur le bigaradier. Deux espèces de nĂ©matodes des lĂ©sions racinaires, Pratylenchus coffeae et P. vulnus, ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©es dans toutes les zones prospectĂ©es sauf la rĂ©gion du Tadla. Les pourcentages d’échantillons de sols et de racines infestĂ©s par les Pratylenchus spp. varient de 15 % dans le Gharb Ă  66 % dans la rĂ©gion de Souss-Massa. Les nĂ©matodes du genre Xiphinema ont Ă©tĂ© trouvĂ©s dans toutes les rĂ©gions prospectĂ©es Ă  l’exception la rĂ©gion du Haouz. Le pourcentage d’infestation le plus Ă©levĂ© a Ă©tĂ© enregistrĂ© dans la rĂ©gion du Loukkos. D’autres nĂ©matodes ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©s sur agrumes notamment: Tylenchus, Helicotylenchus, Paratylenchus et Tylenchorhynchus. Mots clĂ©s : Prospections, Agrumes, nĂ©matodes, Maroc. &nbsp