465 research outputs found

    Analisis Aliran Daya Sistem Tenaga Listrik Pada Bagian Texturizing Di PT Asia Pasific Fibers Tbk Kendal Menggunakan Software ETAP Power Station 4.0

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    Analisis Aliran Daya Listrik (Load Flow) adalah suatu studi untuk merencanakan dan mengetahui besarnya daya dalam suatu sistem tenaga listrik. Dalam perkembangannya, industri membutuhkan tenaga listrik yang besar dan menggunakan peralatan listrik sebagai alat produksi. Manfaat dari adanya analisis aliran daya listrik adalah untuk mengetahui besarnya daya dalam sistem tenaga listrik apakah masih memenuhi batas-batas yang telah ditentukan, serta untuk mengetahui besar Losses yang ada, dan untuk memperoleh kondisi mula pada perencanaan sistem yang baru. Studi analisis aliran beban ini mengambil contoh pada implementasi sistem tenaga listrik di PT. Asia Pasific Fibers Tbk Kendal, dengan karakteristik beban terpusat (lumped load). Analisis aliran daya diawali menghitung daya aktif dan daya reaktif pada setiap simpul (bus) terpasang, pembebanan pada transformator, pembebanan pada saluran atau penghantar, nilai rugi daya (Losses), jatuh tegangan sistem, dan aliran daya pada jaringan sistem tenaga listrik terpasang. Dari hasil perhitungan aliran daya berbantuan program ETAP (Electrical Transient Analyzer Program) dapat disimpulkan bahwa sistem jaringan listrik sudah baik. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah selisih rugi daya aktif dan rugi daya reaktif pada Bus Beban 4 terlalu besar. Sedangkan jatuh tegangan masih memenuhi standar menurut hasil Text Report pada ETAP

    Comparing the effects of acupressure at LI4 and BL32 points on intramuscular injection pain

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    Introduction The effectiveness of some acupressure techniques in relieving the acute pain of intramuscular injection pain has been assessed in previous studies. However, the effects of acupressure at LI4 point have still remained unknown. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of acupressure at LI4 and BL32 points on intramuscular injection pain. Methods This after-only interventional study was made on 90 women were who referred to the injection unit of the Central Emergency Department, Kashan, Iran, in 2015 for receiving an intramuscular injection of penicillin. The women were randomly allocated to three 30-person groups, namely control, LI4 acupressure, and BL32 acupressure groups. After intramuscular injection of penicillin, the level of intramuscular injection pain of all women was assessed by using a 0–10 visual analog scale. Data were analyzed through doing the Kruskal–Wallis, the Chi-square, and the Fisher's exact tests, and Spearman correlation coefficient. Results The means of pain intensity in the control, LI4 acupressure, and BL32 acupressure groups were 2.76 ± 1.75, 2.33 ± 1.80, and 1.76 ± 2.45, respectively. In other words, the mean pain intensity in the control group was significantly higher than the LI4 and BL32 acupressure groups by 0.43 and 1.0 points, respectively (p = 0.011). Except for educational status, intramuscular injection pain was not significantly correlated with the participants’ other demographic characteristics as well as injection time. Conclusion Acupressure can significantly relieve intramuscular injection pain. This simple, cost-effective, and easily applicable therapy can be used in all healthcare settings for relieving intramuscular injection pain

    Perancangan Buku Esai Foto Akulturasi Budaya China Dan Indonesia Dalam Barongsai Dharma Bhakti Sidoarjo

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    Kesenian Barongsai kembali muncul di Indonesia semenjak era reformasi dan tahun baru China juga telah ditetapkan sebagai hari besar nasional. Namun penerimaan masyarakat terhadap kesenian barongsai masih kurang, dikarenakan presepsi yang salah bahwa seni barongsai adalah milik dan hanya untuk kalangan tertentu. Untuk itulah dibuat sebuah perancangan buku yang dikemas dengan teknik fotografi menampilkan foto dokumentasi dari akulturasi dua budaya China dan Indonesia lewat Barongsai Dharma Bhakti

    Perancangan Buku Concept Art Adaptasi Dari Novel Ancient Realm Karya Michael Chandra

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    Di Indonesia pada saat ini sebenar nya banyak orang kreatif membuat sebuah alur cerita yang baik, hal ini bisa dilihat dari karya – karya Penulis cerita lokal disekitar kita dimana dapat menghasilkan karya yang berkualitas diluar negeri, tetapi kurang terkenal di antara kita lantaran kurang menghargai produk dalam negeri. Tujuan dari Perancangan ini untuk menarik perhatian para Developer industri entertainment lokal maupun luar untuk menggarap cerita novel yang dibuat oleh penulis novel lokal menjadi sebuah produk industri entertainment (videogames, animasi, film, dll). Membuat sebuah buku concept art yang dibuat terlebih dahulu sehingga membuat para developer tersebut tahu bahwa cerita tersebut berpotensi untuk diangkat menjadi produk merek

    Relationship between attitude to career and technology course with technological and entrepreneurship attitude of high school students in district one of Tabriz

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    Background and Objectives: Developing a positive attitude toward the subject under study is one of the common educational goals today. Teachers as well as parents believe that the student's attitude toward the subject matter affects the student's success in school. High school students' perceptions regarding technology learning may influence their decision to study in a field at the university and work in the context of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics which are considered to be the basis of economic development in developed countries. During the past decades, there has been a growing gap between the scientific and technical skills offered by the schools and the economic demand in this area, and the number of the learners and those who have been trained in technology and science has decreased in some cases. Since the main objectives of the field of education and learning  of the work and technology curriculum in the Fundamental Document of Transformation of Education for the first  year of high school is obtaining  the merits and positive attitude towards technology and entrepreneurship, the aim of this study  is investigating the relationship between attitude toward  work and technology with technological attitude and entrepreneurship of high school students in destrict one of Tabriz in the academic year 2018-2019.   MethodS: This study was a correlational research using structural equation modeling method. Data were analyzed using least squares method. This method tests the pattern in two steps which include the measurement and structural pattern test. The measurement model examines the validity and reliability of measurement tools and research structures and tests the structural pattern of hypotheses and relationships of latent variables. The statistical population consisted of 15386 high school boys and girls in district one of Tabriz who were studying in the academic year 2018-2019. The sample was selected by proportional random sampling method (the seventh, eighth, and ninth grade) and since the original questionnaire had 40 components, 10 subjects were selected for each component and on the whole, 402 subjects were selected. Data were collected using the Liou and Kuo Technological Attitude Questionnaire (2014), Athayde Entrepreneurial Attitude Questionnaire (2009), and a researcher-made attitude to career and technology c­­­ourse Questionnaire. To test the hypotheses, structural equation analysis using Smart PLS 3 software was used. Findings: The findings showed that there was a very close relationship between career and technology course, attitude to technology and entrepreneurship. Hypotheses were significant at 0.001 level and t-statistic was significant as it was higher than 1.96. Attitude to career and technology course explains  self-efficacy of learning technology as 0.44, the value of earning technology as 0.56, strategies of learning technology  as 0.56, goal orientation of learning technology as 0.63, environmental stimulus of learning technology  as 0.64, self-regulation-triggering of learning technology as 0.54, self-Regulation Implementation of learning technology as  0.68, others’ leadership as 0.40, achievement as 0.56, personal control as 0.30, creativity as 0.42, and intuition as 0.38. Conclusion: Attitude to career and technology course explained the components of technological attitude and the components of attitude to entrepreneurship. The high significance of a positive attitude to the career and technology course lies in having a positive relationship with valuable components such as self-efficacy, learning value, strategies of learning, goal orientation, environment stimulus, creating self-regulation, leadership of others, achievement, self-control, creativity and intuition; therefore, it is recommended to prioritize this course. Knowing the attitude factors and their relationship to the subjects of courses can help teachers to improve the curriculum and the effectiveness of teaching methods so that students can be more successful in learning their lessons, academic performance, and career. ===================================================================================== COPYRIGHTS  ©2021 The author(s). This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, as long as the original authors and source are cited. No permission is required from the authors or the publishers.  ====================================================================================

    Towards battery-free machine learning and inference in underwater environments

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    This paper is motivated by a simple question: Can we design and build battery-free devices capable of machine learning and inference in underwater environments? An affirmative answer to this question would have significant implications for a new generation of underwater sensing and monitoring applications for environmental monitoring, scientific exploration, and climate/weather prediction. To answer this question, we explore the feasibility of bridging advances from the past decade in two fields: battery-free networking and low-power machine learning. Our exploration demonstrates that it is indeed possible to enable battery-free inference in underwater environments. We designed a device that can harvest energy from underwater sound, power up an ultra-low-power microcontroller and on-board sensor, perform local inference on sensed measurements using a lightweight Deep Neural Network, and communicate the inference result via backscatter to a receiver. We tested our prototype in an emulated marine bioacoustics application, demonstrating the potential to recognize underwater animal sounds without batteries. Through this exploration, we highlight the challenges and opportunities for making underwater battery-free inference and machine learning ubiquitous

    Desirable features of the curriculum of education along with production in vocational schools (case study: sewing field)

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    The current study has been done with the aim of determining the desirable features of the curriculum  education along with production in sewing field of vocational schools. This research is practical in purpose and  is done using a descriptive-survey method. The statistical population  includes all the sewing field trainees of vocational schools in Iran. From among a total number of 1720 sewing filed trainees, 314 people were chosen by the random stratified method  according to Cochran formula. In order to gather data, a researcher-made questionnaire was used. The questionnaire’s validity was confirmed by curriculum and educational planners as well as sewing trainees. Its reliability was obtained  by Cronbach's alpha method, 0.845. The results of the research  indicate that in determining the desirable features of the curriculum education along with production, in addition to the required properties for the curriculum elements including purposes, contents, teaching-learning methods, evaluation, time, site and groupings, some properties of the components related to this pattern  including the amount of production, the funding method, the way of buying raw materials and selling the products and non-technical competencies need to be noticed

    Interference temperature measurements and spectrum occupancy evaluation in the context of cognitive radio

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    This paper presents a refined radio spectrum measurement platform specifically designed for spectrum occupancy surveys in the context of Cognitive radio. Cognitive radio permits the opportunistic usage of licensed bands by unlicensed users without causing harmful interference to the licensed user. In this work, a study based on the measurement of the 800 MHz to 2.4 GHz frequency band at two different locations inside Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Johor Bahru campus, Malaysia is presented. Two Tektronix RSA306B spectrum analyzer are set up to conduct simultaneous measurements at different locations for a 24 hours period. The analysis conducted in this work is based on the real spectrum data acquired from environment in the experimental set up. Busy and idle channels were identified. The channels subject to adjacent-channel interference were also identified, and the impact of the detection threshold used to detect channel activities was also discussed. The consistency of the observed channel occupation over a range of thresholds and a sudden drop has good characteristics in determining an appropriate threshold needed in order to avoid interference
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