63 research outputs found

    Selecton 2007: advanced models for detecting positive and purifying selection using a Bayesian inference approach

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    Biologically significant sites in a protein may be identified by contrasting the rates of synonymous (Ks) and non-synonymous (Ka) substitutions. This enables the inference of site-specific positive Darwinian selection and purifying selection. We present here Selecton version 2.2 (http://selecton.bioinfo.tau.ac.il), a web server which automatically calculates the ratio between Ka and Ks (ω) at each site of the protein. This ratio is graphically displayed on each site using a color-coding scheme, indicating either positive selection, purifying selection or lack of selection. Selecton implements an assembly of different evolutionary models, which allow for statistical testing of the hypothesis that a protein has undergone positive selection. Specifically, the recently developed mechanistic-empirical model is introduced, which takes into account the physicochemical properties of amino acids. Advanced options were introduced to allow maximal fine tuning of the server to the user's specific needs, including calculation of statistical support of the ω values, an advanced graphic display of the protein's 3-dimensional structure, use of different genetic codes and inputting of a pre-built phylogenetic tree. Selecton version 2.2 is an effective, user-friendly and freely available web server which implements up-to-date methods for computing site-specific selection forces, and the visualization of these forces on the protein's sequence and structure

    FastML: a web server for probabilistic reconstruction of ancestral sequences

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    Ancestral sequence reconstruction is essential to a variety of evolutionary studies. Here, we present the FastML web server, a user-friendly tool for the reconstruction of ancestral sequences. FastML implements various novel features that differentiate it from existing tools: (i) FastML uses an indel-coding method, in which each gap, possibly spanning multiples sites, is coded as binary data. FastML then reconstructs ancestral indel states assuming a continuous time Markov process. FastML provides the most likely ancestral sequences, integrating both indels and characters; (ii) FastML accounts for uncertainty in ancestral states: it provides not only the posterior probabilities for each character and indel at each sequence position, but also a sample of ancestral sequences from this posterior distribution, and a list of the k-most likely ancestral sequences; (iii) FastML implements a large array of evolutionary models, which makes it generic and applicable for nucleotide, protein and codon sequences; and (iv) a graphical representation of the results is provided, including, for example, a graphical logo of the inferred ancestral sequences. The utility of FastML is demonstrated by reconstructing ancestral sequences of the Env protein from various HIV-1 subtypes. FastML is freely available for all academic users and is available online at http://fastml.tau.ac.i

    The Alternative Choice of Constitutive Exons throughout Evolution

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    Alternative cassette exons are known to originate from two processes exonization of intronic sequences and exon shuffling. Herein, we suggest an additional mechanism by which constitutively spliced exons become alternative cassette exons during evolution. We compiled a dataset of orthologous exons from human and mouse that are constitutively spliced in one species but alternatively spliced in the other. Examination of these exons suggests that the common ancestors were constitutively spliced. We show that relaxation of the 59 splice site during evolution is one of the molecular mechanisms by which exons shift from constitutive to alternative splicing. This shift is associated with the fixation of exonic splicing regulatory sequences (ESRs) that are essential for exon definition and control the inclusion level only after the transition to alternative splicing. The effect of each ESR on splicing and the combinatorial effects between two ESRs are conserved from fish to human. Our results uncover an evolutionary pathway that increases transcriptome diversity by shifting exons from constitutive to alternative splicin

    Different transcriptional response between susceptible and resistant common carp (Cyprinus carpio) fish hints on the mechanism of CyHV-3 disease resistance

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    Infectious disease outbreaks form major setbacks to aquaculture production and to further development of this important sector. Cyprinid herpes virus-3 (CyHV-3) is a dsDNA virus widely hampering production of common carp (Cyprinus carpio), one of the most farmed fish species worldwide. Genetically disease resistant strains are highly sought after as a sustainable solution to this problem. To study the genetic basis and cellular pathways underlying disease resistance, RNA-Seq was used to characterize transcriptional responses of susceptible and resistant fish at day 4 after CyHV-3 infection

    Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Common and Differential Response to Low Temperature Exposure Between Tolerant and Sensitive Blue Tilapia (Oreochromis aureus)

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    Tilapias are very important to the world's aquaculture. As befitting fish of their tropical origin, their distribution, and culture practices are highly affected by low temperatures. In this study, we used genetic and genomic methodologies to reveal pathways involved in the response and tolerance of blue tilapia (Oreochromis aureus) to low temperature stress. Cold tolerance was characterized in 66 families of blue tilapia. Fish from cold-tolerant and cold-sensitive families were sampled at 24 and 12°C, and the transcriptional responses to low-temperature exposure were measured in the gills and liver by high-throughput mRNA sequencing. Four hundred and ninety four genes displayed a similar temperature-dependent expression in both tolerant and sensitive fish and in the two tissues, representing the core molecular response to low temperature exposure. KEGG pathway analysis of these genes revealed down-regulation of focal-adhesion and other cell-extracellular matrix (ECM) interactions, and up-regulation of proteasome and various intra-cellular proteolytic activities. Differential responses between cold-tolerant and cold-sensitive fish were found with genes and pathways that were up-regulated in one group and down-regulated in the other. This reverse response was characterized by genes involved in metabolic pathways such as glycolysis/gluconeogenesis in the gills and biosynthesis of amino-acids in the liver, with low temperature down-regulation in tolerant fish and up-regulation in sensitive fish

    An alternative pathway to plant cold tolerance in the absence of vacuolar invertase activity

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    To cope with cold stress, plants have developed antioxidation strategies combined with osmoprotection by sugars. In potato (Solanum tuberosum) tubers, which are swollen stems, exposure to cold stress induces starch degradation and sucrose synthesis. Vacuolar acid invertase (VInv) activity is a significant part of the cold-induced sweetening (CIS) response, by rapidly cleaving sucrose into hexoses and increasing osmoprotection. To discover alternative plant tissue pathways for coping with cold stress, we produced VInv-knockout lines in two cultivars. Genome editing of VInv in 'Desiree' and 'Brooke' was done using stable and transient expression of CRISPR/Cas9 components, respectively. After storage at 4 degrees C, sugar analysis indicated that the knockout lines showed low levels of CIS and maintained low acid invertase activity in storage. Surprisingly, the tuber parenchyma of vinv lines exhibited significantly reduced lipid peroxidation and reduced H2O2 levels. Furthermore, whole plants of vinv lines exposed to cold stress without irrigation showed normal vigor, in contrast to WT plants, which wilted. Transcriptome analysis of vinv lines revealed upregulation of an osmoprotectant pathway and ethylene-related genes during cold temperature exposure. Accordingly, higher expression of antioxidant-related genes was detected after exposure to short and long cold storage. Sugar measurements showed an elevation of an alternative pathway in the absence of VInv activity, raising the raffinose pathway with increasing levels of myo-inositol content as a cold tolerance response

    Selecton: a server for detecting evolutionary forces at a single amino-acid site

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    † These authors contributed equally Keywords: positive selection; purifying selection; evolutionary conservation; HIV-1 protease. Bioinformatics Advance Access published January 12, 2005 Bioinfor matics © Oxford University Press 2005; all rights reserved. Summary: We present an algorithmic tool for the identification of biologically significant amino acids in proteins of known three dimensional structure. We estimate the degree of purifying selection and positive Darwinian selection at each site and project these estimates onto the molecular surface of the protein. Thus, patches of functional residues (undergoing either positive or purifying selection), which may be discontinuous in the linear sequence, are revealed. We test for the statistical significance of the site-specific scores in order to obtain reliable and valid estimates. Availability: The Selecton web server is available at
