19 research outputs found


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    This study investigates the caricature representations contained in online media regarding the French government's response to the Covid-19 Pandemic. Also examined the response of citizens to government policies, including religious and other professional society. This research was conducted to try to examine aspects of Corona pandemic reporting through online media because this issue has become a worldwide concern. Pandemic has caused many victims The response of the community is directly reflected in the caricature. by using the semiotic approach, we will get the meanings of the caricatures under study. The caricature is the data in this study. Caricature as data is divided into four: caricature of the government version, caricature of the community version, caricature of the professional version and caricature which is a critique of the Chinese government scientific method used is semiotics as a theory that can interpret the explicit and implicit meaning of an image. The results of the study found that the French Government remained criticized despite trying to handle the pandemic to the maximum. Also depicted a sense of optimism and pessimism of citizens facing disaster. Also found criticism of the Chinese Government that is not open to investigations of the origin of the virus


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    Firstly, I would like to provide an overview of the important traits and underlying characteristics of pragmatism, and then discuss the existence and establishment of Richard Rorty's thought on pragmatism, which was an earlier development of pragmatism classic. Richard Rorty's thoughts are also discussed with other modern philosophical thoughts in continental Europe, particularly on principles thought to be related to the principles of pragmatism. The possibilities of language, self and society are the principles discussed. It also mentions the inevitability of reality and objectivity of various points of view, thus giving rise to the need for attitudes of solidarity, or even the need for principles of solidarity in science. It is also mentioned that there are two notions of rationality, namely, objective, factual and obedient, as it is known so far, while the second meaning of rationality is cultured or civilized. Another part shown is the role of romantic poets and revolutionaries in breaking out of the impasse of language, thought and questions about the meaning of rationality itself. The other principle of truth is that it cannot be found, but must be done.Tout d'abord, je voudrais donner un aperçu des traits importants et des caractéristiques sous-jacentes du pragmatisme, puis discuter de l'existence et de l'établissement de la pensée de Richard Rorty sur le pragmatisme, qui était un développement antérieur du pragmatisme classique. Les pensées de Richard Rorty sont également discutées avec d'autres pensées philosophiques modernes en Europe continentale, en particulier sur des principes que l'on pense être liés aux principes du pragmatisme. Les possibilités du langage, de soi et de la société sont les principes discutés. Il mentionne également l'inévitabilité de la réalité et de l'objectivité de divers points de vue, donnant ainsi lieu à la nécessité d'attitudes de solidarité, voire à la nécessité des principes de solidarité en science. Il est également mentionné qu'il existe deux notions de rationalité, à savoir, objectif, factuel et obéissant, tel qu'il est connu jusqu'à présent, tandis que le second sens de la rationalité est la culture ou civilisé. Une autre partie montrée est le rôle des poètes et des révolutionnaires romantiques pour sortir de l'impasse du langage, de la pensée et des questions sur le sens de la rationalité elle-même. L'autre principe de vérité est qu'il ne peut pas être trouvé, mais doit être fait.Em primeiro lugar, gostaria de fornecer uma visão geral dos traços importantes e das características subjacentes do pragmatismo e, em seguida, discutir a existência e o estabelecimento do pensamento de Richard Rorty sobre o pragmatismo, que foi um desenvolvimento anterior do pragmatismo clássico. Os pensamentos de Richard Rorty também são discutidos com outros pensamentos filosóficos modernos na Europa continental, particularmente sobre princípios considerados relacionados com os princípios do pragmatismo. As possibilidades da linguagem, do eu e da sociedade são os princípios discutidos. Menciona também a inevitabilidade da realidade e a objectividade dos vários pontos de vista, dando origem à necessidade de atitudes de solidariedade, ou mesmo à necessidade de princípios de solidariedade na ciência. Menciona-se também que existem duas noções de racionalidade, a saber, objetiva, factual e obediente, como se sabe até agora, enquanto o segundo significado de racionalidade é culto ou civilizado. Outra parte mostrada é o papel dos poetas românticos e revolucionários na saída do impasse da linguagem, do pensamento e das questões sobre o significado da própria racionalidade. O outro princípio da verdade é que ela não pode ser encontrada, mas deve ser feita


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    This paper aims to deconstruct the leadership of Karaeng Pattingalloang. as the center of leadership and the roles of subordinates around it. The presence of Karaeng Pattinggaloang has also undergone a process of meaning and has become the value of leadership itself. This research also uses descriptive research and then analyzes it. Data was collected from various sources of literature study. This data is managed to be analyzed to find the meaning of the drama text Karaeng Pattingalloang. The results show that there is a leader-subordinate binary opposition. This hierarchical binary opposition is then disassembled by deconstructing readings so that the angle that is considered to be the bottom position of the first binary shows that the two support each other. Leadership does not stand alone. Instead, subordinates have a central role to support leadership.  


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    This study aims to reveal the inner conflict experienced by the main character Anisa in the novel Perempuan Berkalung Sorban by Abidah El Khalieqy. This is expressed through the form of Anis' character's inner conflict which is depicted in the novel Perempuan Berkalung Turban by Abidah El Khalieqy. This research was conducted by utilizing the theory of literary psychology. This research is qualitative with the direct involvement of researchers in the entire research process starting from problem determination, literature review, data collection and processing, analysis process, and arriving at research conclusions. The results showed that there was a picture of the inner conflict experienced by the main character Anisa, whether carried out by the father, mother or husband as the head of the family and the local community. The forms of verbal violence and physical violence experienced made the psychology of Anisa's character shaken and experienced inner conflict

    Formation Rules for Indonesian Nouns Reduplication (Generative Morphology Review)

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    Morphology is a branch of linguistics that deals with the internal structure of words, and how it formed. This branch of linguistics has a very wide reach so that many aspects can be traced to obtain accurate information. Among these aspects is the aspect of forming Indonesian nouns. Although this aspect has been researched, there is still room for more interesting research. The aspect of formation of Indonesian nouns can still be further investigated by looking at a more specific aspect, namely the rules for forming reduplication nouns using a generative morphology review. This research aims to describe: (1) The process of forming Indonesian reduplicated nouns, (2) The rules for forming Indonesian reduplicated nouns, (3) The morphological and morphophonemic processes that occur in the formation of Indonesian reduplicated nouns, and (4) the original representation and birth representation in the formation of Indonesian reduplication nouns. So, this research attempts to formulate rules for forming reduplication nouns without being designed using statistical procedures. Therefore, this research used qualitative method. The population of this research is the competence of native Indonesian speakers as a whole. The analysis is carried out with a structured work step, which starts with identifying all duplicate Indonesian nouns. The identified reduplication nouns are then classified. The next work step is to formulate a set of rules for forming reduplication nouns. Through the results of the formulation, the original representation is obtained. After the initial representation has gone through a morphological or morphophonemic process as a filter, it arrives at the birth representation. The results of this research show that not all processes of forming reduplication nouns have to go through a filter. Reduplicated nouns that must pass through the filter are only those that are repeated in their entirety. This noun repeated in its entirety expresses the meaning of 'a lot of X'. The reduplication nouns that are not repeated in full must go through a filter to arrive at an acceptable form of reduplication nouns. The filter can be a morphomorphic process or a morphological process. In terms of meaning, apart from showing a plural meaning, there are also reduplication noun constructions that show a single meaning even though they have gone through a reduplication process


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    The objective of this research is to find out the type of satire language style used by users of the social network Twitter and the intentions behind the tweets and comments they address to presidential candidates in the context of the 2022 French presidential election. To answer the problems of this research, a qualitative descriptive method with a semantic approach was used. In this research, three types of satirical language styles were found: irony, cynicism, and sarcasm. The types of the ironic style used by Twitter users are contradiction and parable. Cynicism comes in three styles: comparison, rhetorical interrogative sentences, and contradictions. Profanity, accusations, criticisms, and insults are all examples of sarcastic language. The intentions found behind the insinuations towards the 12 presidential candidates relate to political opinions, poll results, leadership results, alliances, character, work programs, controversial cases, internal conflicts, and problems of racism


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    The title of this research is The Representation L'Oreal in the Advertising of the Language of the French and the Language of the Indonesian (a Coomparative Lesson) which examines the process of the sign and the representation of meaning in the Advertising of L'Oreal which is the Language of the French and the Language of the Indonesian. The purpose of the research is to explain how the trial of the sign in advertising L'Oreal which is the Language of the French and the Language of the Indonesian and to know the representation of the meaning that is in the advertising of L 'Oreal which is the Language of the French and the Language of the Indonesian being based on the trial of the sign. The theory that is used in this research is the theory of semiotics by Charles Sanders Peirce who deviating from the reference to identify the process of the sign and the theory of representation to explain the meaning of the sign that is found in the advertisement that is analyzed. The data that is used comes from the website. The type of advertising that is analyzed as sampo, revitalift and hair color. The result of the analysis of this research shows that the sign in the advertisement is based on icon, india and symbol and the transmission of meaning in advertising can be passed by the representation being based on the text, Image and color in advertising. Key words: advertising, representation, semiotic, beauty, productA. Latar BelakangDi zaman globalisasi ini media massa sudah menjadi kebutuhan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, baik itu media cetak maupun media elektronik. Ini dikarenakan kebutuhan masyarakat yang selalu ingin memperoleh ataupun mengetahui informasi terbaru dari berbagai aspek kehidupan, salah satunya melalui media Iklan.Iklan merupakan salah satu media yang pada dasarnya mempromosikan suatu produk dengan menggunakan bahasa atau gambar sebagai unsur yang membangunnya. Dengan kata lain, iklan diciptakan melalui suatu cerita yang membawa pesan tertentu. Maka, dalam pembuatan sebuah iklan dimunculkan tokoh yang sentral melalui pemilihan model iklan yang menampilkan identitas tertentu. Selain pemilihan model iklan, penggunaan bahasa melalui tagline yang digunakan sangat memiliki peran penting dalam menarik perhatian para konsumen.Iklan juga harus menampilkan keunggulan dar


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    This article is the result of a study on "French Language Guide in Tana Toraja". This study aims to analyze the mistakes made by tour guides in Tana Toraja in French. The subjects in this study were 3 French-speaking tour guides, and the object in this study was a mistake in French. This study uses descriptive qualitative and quantitative analysis methods with a theory approach to analyzing language errors in the Tarigan model that divides language errors into misformation, omission, addition, and misorder which will then be searched for factors causing language errors by tour guides in Tana Toraja. After conducting research, the results of the analysis show that all tour guides make mistakes in French, and the most dominant tour guide makes mistakes is the tour guide 1. The error is caused by performance factors such as experience and communication goals and competency factors, namely education

    Islam & Tradisi Budaya di Sulawesi-Selatan

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    Islam cannot be separated from the influence of local cultural, either in antithesis or synthesis. There is aculturation process between religion in one hand and culture in other hand. Therefore, the term purification is likely suitable to this case and become interesting discourse along the time. There have been terms Jawa Islam, Iran Islam, Europe Islam, Sunni Islam, etc. In some notes, one of social organization which cannot be tolerant to bid’ah, khurafat, tahayyul practices is Muhammadiyah. By this organization, it is acknowlegded that some element of community began to throw away such this rites. In another perspective, such traditions actually can enrich the local geniun. The national and local culture are parts of Indonesian cultural life