17 research outputs found

    Balita pada Rumahatangga Miskin di Kabupaten Prioritas Kerawanan Pangan di Indonesia Lebih Rentan Mengalami Gangguan Gizi

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    Latar belakang. Risiko ketidaktahanan pangan rumahtangga timbul karena rendahnya pendapatan, rendahnya ketersediaan pangan maupun faktor gegrafis. Proporsi penduduk dengan asupan kalori di bawah tingkat konsumsi minimum (<1400 kkal/hari) sebesar 14,47% dan (<2000 kkal/hr) sebesar 64,21%, hampir dua kali lipat dari target MDGs (35,32%) menunjukkan adanya gangguan ketahanan pangan rumah tangga di Indonesia, yang dapat berdampak pada gangguan status gizi kelompok rentan, diantaranya Balita. Tujuan. Menilai status gizi dan menganalisis risiko gangguan gizi Balita pada rumahtangga miskin di daerah prioritas dan non prioritas kerawanan pangan di Indonesia Metode. Analisis lanjut data Riskesdas tahun 2010 untuk 99 kabupaten: diantaranya 71 kabupaten prioritas masalah kerawanan pangan (prioritas I:11, prioritas II: 25 dan prioritas III: 35) dan 28 kabupaten non prioritas di Indonesia, dengan unit analisis rumahtangga yaitu 11084 rumahtangga dan 2464 rumahtangga diantaranya tergolong miskin dan memiliki Balita Hasil. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan risiko terjadinya masalah gizi Balita di wilayah prioritas rawan pangan yaitu gizi buruk dan kurang 2,172 kali lebih besar dan risiko sangat pendek dan pendek 1,669 kali besar dibandingkan di wilayah non prioritas. Balita pada rumahtangga miskin di kabupaten prioritas rawan pangan berisiko terjadi gizi buruk dan kurang 1,445 kali lebih besar serta berisiko sangat pendek/pendek lebih besar 1,406 kali dibandingkan Balita pada rumahtangga tidak miskin. Berdasarkan kelompok usia, Balita berusia 1-3 tahun pada rumahtangga miskin didaerah prioritas kerawanan pangan berisiko terjadi gizi buruk dan kurang 1,535 lebih besar serta berisiko terjadi sangat pendek dan pendek 1,608 kali dibandingkan Balita usia 0-6 bulan. Simpulan. Balita pada rumahtangga miskin di daerah kabupaten prioritas kerawanan pangan (I,II dan III) lebih rentan mengalami gangguan gizi (sangat pendek/pendek dan gizi buruk/kurang) dibandingkan di kabupaten non prioritas. Saran. Balita berusia 1-3 tahun pada rumahtangga miskin di kabupaten prioritas rawan pangan di Indonesia perlu mendapat prioritas utama percepatan perbaikan gizi

    Daya Terima Dan Zat Gizi Permen Jeli Dengan Penambahan Bubuk Daun Kelor (Moringa Oleifera)

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    Moringa oleifera is local plant rich in nutrients, unfortunately its utilization as a foodstuff is limited. In order to maximize the absorbtion of nutrients inside moringa, it should be made as favor food enjoyed by the people such as jelly candy. This research was conducted to evaluate organoleptic properties and nutritional value (energy and â-caroten) of jelly candy formulated with Moringa leaves powder. Using Comlpetely Randomized Design with 6 times repetition in 4 formulas which are 1 controlled formula and 3 modifi ed formulas (F1, F2, and F3), jelly candy then tested to 32untrained panels. Treatment given in this study was by adding 2%, 4%, and 6% moringa leaves powder into jelly candy formula. Data was analyzed descriptively and statistically using Kruskal Wallis and Mann Whitney test to fi nd out the difference pair. Recommended formula was chosen by counting the highest mean score of the sensory evaluationtest. The result of sensory evaluation showed that Moringa Jelly Candy was generally accepted with category “like”. However, jelly candy with lowest level of Moringa leaves powder (F1) was most acceptable in terms of color, odor, texture, and fl avor. Statistical analysis showed that the scores of color, odor, and texture were not signifi cantly different (p > 0.05) and fl avor was (p < 0.005) which means that by adding moringa leaves powder into jelly candy formula only infl uence the fl avor of jelly candy. Recommended jelly candy formula is F1 with nutritional analysis showed that per 100 g of jelly candy contains 205,8 kcal and 0.178 mcg of B -caroten

    Peningkatan Daya Terima Dan Kadar Protein Nugget Substitusi Ikan Lele (Clarias Batrachus) Dan Kacang Merah (Vigna Angularis)

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    Catfi sh and red beans are high in protein and essential amino acid than can be processed into nuggets and used as high-protein snack alternative. This research aimed to determine the effect of catfi sh and red beans toward the acceptance and protein content, as well as determine the best composition to produce a good quality nuggets. Type of research in the development formula using true experimental with a completely randomized design. There were four (4) types of treatment (combination of catfi sh, catfi sh bones, and red beans) with three (3) times replication. Panelist used was 35 untrained panelists. Product acceptance was tested using statistical analysis Kruskal Wallis and Mann Whitney (ƒ¿ . 0.05). The result of organoleptic tests showed the most preferred nugget is F1 (combination of catfi sh and red beans). Highest increased protein per 100g nugget is F1 (combination of catfi sh and red beans) with 14.5 gcompare to F0 (catfi sh) with 11,5 g, there was signifi cant difference between F0 and F1, F2, F3, F4 to the characteristic of odour (p = 0.000), texture (p = 0.008), fl avor (p = 0.000), and form (p = 0.000). The best composition formula is F1 (combination of catfi sh and red beans).The best formula in terms of its composition, acceptability, and nutritionalvalue was F1 (combination of catfi sh and red beans)

    Pengaruh Substitusi Rumput Laut (Eucheuma Cottonii) Dan Jamur Tiram (Pleurotus Ostreatus) Terhadap Daya Terima Dan Kandungan Serat Pada Biskuit

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    Biscuit is a food product made from the basic ingredient fl our that baked until moisture content less than 5%. Commercial biscuits are generally rich in energy and high in sugars derive from carbohydrates and fats, but low infi ber. Seaweed (Eucheuma cottonii) and arrowroot fl our are high-fi ber food, while oyster mushroom contains high protein so it can be a potential ingredients to be substituted in biscuits. The addition of seaweed and oyster mushroom was expected to increase the fi ber content of biscuits compared to other biscuits. This study aimed to determine the acceptability and improve fi ber content in biscuits with the substitution of seaweed and oyster mushrooms. This study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 3 treatments and 4 repetitions. Arrowroot fl our substitution treatment,seaweed, and oyster mushrooms were applied as F1 (25%: 50% to 25%), F2 (25%: 45%: 30%), and F3 (25%: 40%: 35%). Acceptability of biscuits based on organoleptic test and fi ber content from calculation based on Indonesia Food Composition Database and also laboratory analysis using proximate test. This research showed that formula 3 had the highest score based on organoleptic test with score 2.86. The highest fi ber content per serving (50 g) was found in formula 1 with 10.59 g of fi ber. The conclusion of this research is that the biscuit with substitution of seaweed andoyster mushroom has a good acceptability and higher fi ber content compared to commercial biscuits

    Daya Terima Dan Kadar Betakaroten Donat Substitusi Labu Kuning

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    Vitamin A defi ciency in Indonesia is still unresolved, especially in children. Pumpkin is a type of tubers and a local food product that contains high beta-carotene. It is also potential to be used as a substitution for snacks which favored by children such as donuts. The purpose of this study was to determine the acceptability and beta-carotene level of pumpkin donut substitution. This research was true experimental for product development and quasi experimental for acceptability with a completely randomized design, 6 repetitions on one control formula (F0) and 3 modifi cation formula (F1, F2, F3) with additional of pumpkin. Panelist consists of 4 people as limited panelists and 30 people as non trained panelists. The difference of acceptability was analyze using Friedman test and continued with Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test if it shows a signifi cant difference. The level of beta-carotene was analyze using spectrophotometer. The result of this study showed the best acceptability found in formula 3 (with 40% addition of pumpkin) with an average value of 2,28 and beta-carotene level of was 0,139 ppms. Formula 3 donut have a good acceptability and also contains higherbeta-carotene than commercial donuts, so it is potential as an alternative healthy snack for schoolchildren

    Daya Terima Dan Indeks Glikemik Makanan Brownies Yang Diperkaya Tepung Beras Merah Dan Kurma

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    People with diabetes mellitus need low glycemic index snack to support their nutritional requirement and to control blood glucose levels. The research objective was to analyze the acceptability (color, flavor, texture, and taste) and the glycemic index of brownies enriched with red rice flour (Oryza nivara) and dates (Phoenix dactylivera). Completely randomized factorial design with 5 repetitions was used on 5 formulas, one control formula (F0) and 4 modification formulas; F1 (25% red rice flour and 24% dates), F2 (75% red rice flour and 24% dates), F3 (25% red rice flour and 40% dates), and F4 (75% red rice flour and 40% dates). Four professional panelist and 30 non skilled panelists were recruited. Friedman test and Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test at α=0.05 was used to test the difference between group. Formula F2 has the highest acceptability (color, flavor, texture, and taste) with an average value of 2.83, while the lowest acceptability was found in F3 (25% brown rice flour and 40% of dates) with an average value of 2.40. The glycemic index of brownies formula F2 is 41.97. Brownies F2 which substitute wheat flour with red rice flour (25%:75%) and enriched with dates (24%) was the best modification brownies formula for its color, flavor, and texture with glycemic index of 41.97. Adding other ingredients to brownies can be done to improve the taste and lower glycemic index at the best formula (F2)

    Daya Terima Dan Total Cost Kombinasi Sari Kulit Buah Naga Merah Dan Sari Buah Jambu Biji Merah

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    Antioxidant plays a role as the free radical savaging. The red guava and the red dragon fruit peel contain high antioxidants so it is potentially to be a functional product. The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of red guava juice and red dragon fruit peel essence addition on yoghurt acceptability and total cost. The research used a factorial design of 5 repetitions on 5 formulas. There are 1 control formula (F0) and 4 modifi cation formulas (F1, F2, F4, F5) with the addition of red guava juice and red dragon fruit peel. The panelist on this research consist of 30 untrainedpanelists. Descriptive analysis and inferential statistic using Friedman and Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test with α = 0,05 were used to analyze the difference of acceptability between the formulas. Panelists showed that the best treatment was F4 yoghurt formula (44% addition of fruit juice with the ratio of guava juice and red dragon fruit peel 50:50) and it has the most preferred acceptability (color, aroma, texture, and taste) with the average value was 2.91 and food cost per serving (100 ml) was Rp 2.900,00. Formula F4 has a good acceptability and lower total cost than commercialyoghurt. This formula has a potential to be an alternative functional drink. The aroma of yoghurt can be increased by eliminate cooking process on the red dragon fruit peel juice

    Kebiasaan Makan Balita Stunting Pada Masyarakat Suku Sasak: Tinjauan 1000 Hari Pertama Kehidupan (HPK)

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    The first 1000 days of a child's life is the most crucial period for child's cognitive and mental development. The lack of nutrition in the period would cause inter-generation shortness, known as stunting. Moreover, stunting could lead to brain cells development and increase the risk of degenerative disease. The phenomena was mostly found in Central Lombok with high pervelance of stunting in toddler. This research uses qualitative approach with phenomenology research design; conducted in Community Health Center (Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat/Puskesmas) in Sengkol, District of Central Lombok. This article concludes that there are diatery habit in Sasak people which became predisposing factors to the occurrence of stunting to the children in Sasak. Those are the lack of animal protein intake, mistreatment of breast milk pattern giving which causes failure to fulfill nutrition standard, and there are myth-related belief that opposes the principal of nutrition fulfillment in children