14 research outputs found

    Deskripsi Krakteristik Hasil Tes Intelegensi Stanford-Binet Form L-M (SB L-M) pada Siswa Retardasi Mental di Tingkat Sekolah Dasar

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    This research aims to describe the characteristics of each aspect of intelligence from The Stanford-Binet Form L-M Test (SB L-M), namely General Comprehension, Visual-Motor Ability, Arithmetic-Reason, Memory and Concept, Vocab and Verbal Fluency, dan Judgement and Reasoning in students with mentally retarded at Inclusion A Elementary School. It is Hoped that the results of this research can help schools to determine the cognitive baseline as a basis for Individual Educational Program (IEP) for mentally retarded students. This research uses descriptive quantitative where the SB L-M Test result data is processed in Binetgram. The subjects were all retarded mentally students at Inclusion A Elementary School. Data analysis was carried out by interpreting the comparison of CA and MA, percentile analysis of success, and analysis of the upper age limit for success in each aspect. The results showed that the research subjects were classified as mild and moderate mentally retarded. Limitation in abilty occur in all aspects, but the aspects of visual-motor ability and memory and concept are the aspects that stand out the most and have the potential to be optimized. Meanwhile, the weakest aspects are arithmetic-reason and vocab and verbal fluency. Integration of the analysis results for aech aspect with the assessment results for each subject is needed as a baseline for creating a IEP.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan karakteristik di setiap aspek intelegensi dari Tes Stanford-Binet Form L-M (SB L-M), yaitu General Comprehension, Visual-Motor Ability, Arithmetic-Reason, Memory and Concept, Vocab and Verbal Fluency, dan Judgement and Reasoning pada siswa dengan retardasi mental di SD Inklusi A. Hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan dapat membantu pihak sekolah untuk mengetahui baseline secara kognitif sebagai dasar dalam menyusun Program Pembelajaran Individual (PPI) bagi siswanya yang mengalami retardasi mental. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan kuantitatif deskriptif dimana data hasil Tes SB L-M diolah dan disajikan dalam Binetgram. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa dengan retardasi mental di SD Inklusi A. Analisa data dilakukan dengan melakukan interpretasi perbandingan CA dan MA, analisa percentile keberhasilan, dan analisa batas atas usia keberhasilan pada setiap aspek. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa subyek penelitian masuk dalam klasifikasi retardasi mental ringan (mild) dengan dan retardasi mental sedang (moderate). Keterbatasan kemampuan terjadi di semua aspek, namun aspek visual-motor ability dan memory and concept menjadi aspek yang paling menonjol dan berpotensi untuk dioptimalkan. Sedangkan aspek paling lemah adalah arithmetic-reason dan vocab and verbal fluency. Integrasi hasil analisa setiap aspek dengan hasil asesmen tiap mata pelajaran diperlukan sebagai baseline untuk membuat PPI

    Alat Ukur Peminatan Psikologi (Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi, Psikologi Klinis, Psikologi Perkembangan, Psikologi Pendidikan, dan Psikologi Sosial) Prodi S1 Psikologi Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya

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    The Psychology Undergraduate Program at the Psychology Faculty - UKWMS has five areas of specialization consisting of Industrial and Organizational, Clinical, Developmental, Educational, and Social Psychology. Students need to adjust their interests to the five areas of specialization so that they can determine their future career orientation according to the field of work that reflects their competence in each area of interest. These specific competencies will be developed through specialization courses in each area of interest. Therefore, students need to know in advance their interests so as not to be careless in taking specialization courses later. On the other hand, measuring tools to identify areas of interest in psychology are still relatively limited, so scientific research is needed to make standardized measuring tools so that later it can help students to determine their area of interest. This interest measurement tool consists of several work situations related to each area of interest in psychology, where the subject will be asked to choose the type of task that he likes the most to the least. The assignments is based on competency standards determined by the Association of Indonesian Psychological Higher Education Providers (AP2TPI). The validity of the measuring instrument is enforced using the criterion validity method. The results of a study of participants who have completed undergraduate education show that 80% of test results are in accordance with the chosen field of interest during college.Program Sarjana Psikologi di Fakultas Psikologi - UKWMS memiliki lima bidang peminatan yang terdiri dari Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi, Psikologi Klinis, Psikologi Perkembangan, Psikologi Pendidikan, dan Psikologi Sosial. Mahasiswa perlu menyesuaikan minat yang dimilikinya dengan lima bidang peminatan tersebut, agar bisa menentukan orientasi karirnya di masa depan sesuai dengan bidang pekerjaan yang mencerminkan kompetensi di setiap bidang minat tersebut. Kompetensi-kompetensi yang spesifik tersebut akan dikembangkan melalui matakuliah peminatan yang ada di setiap bidang minat. Dengan begitu, mahasiswa perlu mengetahui terlebih dahulu minat mereka agar tidak gegabah dalam mengambil mata kuliah peminatan nantinya. Di sisi lain, alat ukur untuk mengidentifikasi bidang minat psikologi masih tergolong terbatas sehingga dibutuhkan penelitian ilmiah untuk membuat alat ukur peminatan psikologi yang terstandar sehingga nantinya bisa dijadikan landasan yang ilmiah bagi mahasiswa untuk menentukan bidang minat yang akan ditekuni. Alat ukur minat ini disusun berdasarkan tes inventory. Tes ini terdiri dari beberapa situasi kerja yang terkait dengan masing-masing bidang minat psikologi, dimana subjek akan diminta untuk memilih jenis tugas yang paling disukai sampai dengan yang paling tidak disukai. Tugas-tugas tersebut akan mengacu pada standar kompetensi lulusan masing-masing bidang minat dalam kurikulum Asosiasi Penyelenggara Pendidikan Tinggi Psikologi Indonesia (AP2TPI). Validitas alat ukur ditegakkan menggunakan metode validitas kriteria. Hasil penelitian pada partisipan yang telah menyelesaikan tingkat pendidikan sarjana menunjukkan bahwa 80% dari hasil tes sudah sesuai dengan bidang minat yang dipilih ketika di perkuliahan


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    Down Syndrome is a disorder caused by chromosome abnormalities that are associated with mental retardation, characteristic facial appearance, and poor muscle. The disorder makes a child diagnosed with this disorder has a typical characteristic such as lower intellectual capability, social capability, and healthiness than the other child with normal development. The presence of a child with Down Syndrome makes the majority of mothers experience deep sadness, stress, and depression. That's why the capability to respond and accept the presence of the child positively is needed. Resilience is an individual capability to face, deal, and respond to difficulties or challenges in life in a healthy and productive manner. This study using qualitative research method with phenomenological approach. Informant in this study were three mothers which having a child with Down Syndrome that is achieved in sport. The informant was chosen with a purposive sampling method. This study using an inductive thematic analysis data analysis technique. The results of this study indicate that mothers who have Down Syndrome child’s see her child’s is a gifts, have a sense of pride in the child’s achievements, social support from those around her makes her have an optimism to develop children’s potential, and an effort to develop children’s interests and talents

    Program Pendampingan Integrasi Bakat dan Minat dalam Memilih Mata Pelajaran sebagai Implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka Tingkat Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA)

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    The Merdeka Curriculum has quite basic differences compared to the previous curriculum. At the High School level, the change that needs to be made is the implementation of specialization in XI grade where in the Merdeka Curriculum there are no longer science and social studies majors, but students are asked to choose subjects that suit their needs. This is what makes the implementation of integrating talents and interests important to do so that X grade students can understand their needs in choosing subjects in XI grade later. Based on these needs, this community service aims to make X grade students have sufficient insight to know their talents and interests as well as how to maximize their potential to choose specialization subjects in XI grade. The method used are using interest and talent psychological assessment, and psychoeducation where participants are given psychological insight regarding talents and interests and their application in choosing subjects. This psychoeducation’s activity consisted of four sessions. The sessions are explanations regarding the elective subjects provided by the school, definitions and ways to identify talents and interests, choosing subjects based on talents and interests, and closing with a discussion session. Efectivity of the activities were measured using a questionnaire equipped with open questions. Questionnaires were given at the time before and after the activity. The results showed that the average participant knowledge score after the activity was higher than before so it can be concluded that this activity succeeded in increasing the participant’s knowledge regarding talents and interests and their confidence in choosing subjects

    Pengaruh penerapan positive behaviour support terhadap pengembangan budaya inklusi

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti apakah ada pengaruh penerapan positive behavior support terhadap pengembangan budaya inklusi Surabaya. Budaya inklusi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah sekumpulan nilai dan perilaku yang mencerminkan usaha untuk mewujudkan tujuan sekolah inklusi, yaitu memberikan hak yang sama bagi seluruh anak untuk mendapatkan layanan pendidikan agar mereka bisa mengembangkan kemampuannya secara maksimal. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 243 siswa. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah cluster random sampling. Alat pengumpulan data berupa skala psikologis, yaitu skala budaya inklusi yang disusun oleh peneliti mengacu pada index for inclusion dari Booth dan Ainscow (2002). Analisis data dilakukan dengan teknik statistik Wilcoxon signed ranks test dengan bantuan program SPSS 16.0 for windows. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Positive behavior support memiliki pengaruh yang cukup signifikan untuk meningkatkan budaya inklusi (r=0.38, p<0.05)

    Intervensi keterampilan sosial pada anak berbakat pra sekolah

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    Masa pra sekolah merupakan masa dimana anak mulai memiliki ketertarikan untuk berinteraksi dengan orang di sekitarnya, khususnya dengan teman sebaya. Namun bagaimana dengan anak pra sekolah yang mengalami keberbakatan? Dengan beberapa kelebihan termasuk intelektual, kemampuan verbal, serta kebutuhan mendapatkan pengetahuan yang tinggi, membuat mereka memiliki kecenderungan untuk lebih memilih berinteraksi dengan orang yang lebih dewasa. Hal ini yang terjadi pada subjek yang ditangani oleh penulis. Subyek memiliki kebutuhan akan pengetahuan yang sangat tinggi sehingga lebih menyukai interaksi dengan orang yang lebih dewasa dan menghambat interaksinya dengan teman sebaya. Permasalahan tersebut menjadi dasar penulis untuk memberikan intervensi sederhana terkait keterampilan sosial yang akan membantu subjek untuk lebih adaptif dalam berinteraksi dengan teman di sekolahnya. Intervensi diberikan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan sosial subyek berdasarkan empat dimensi keterampilan sosial anak pra sekolah dari Broadhead (2004) yang meliputi inisiatif beraktivitas bersama teman sebaya, bergabung dalam permainan, memelihara peran selama kegiatan bermain yang dilakukan, dan mampu mengatasi permasalahan interpersonal ketika bermain. Intervensi sendiri dilakukan dengan cara melibatkan subyek dalam permainan sederhana yang diikuti juga oleh teman sebayanya. Subjek adalah anak laki-laki berusia 6 tahun 1 bulan, memiliki kapasitas intelektual yang tergolong Very Superior Skala WISC dengan skor IQ = 140

    Intervensi keterampilan sosial pada anak berbakat pra sekolah

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    Masa pra sekolah merupakan masa dimana anak mulai memiliki ketertarikan untuk berinteraksi dengan orang di sekitarnya, khususnya dengan teman sebaya. Namun bagaimana dengan anak pra sekolah yang mengalami keberbakatan? Dengan beberapa kelebihan termasuk intelektual, kemampuan verbal, serta kebutuhan mendapatkan pengetahuan yang tinggi, membuat mereka memiliki kecenderungan untuk lebih memilih berinteraksi dengan orang yang lebih dewasa. Hal ini yang terjadi pada subjek yang ditangani oleh penulis. Subyek memiliki kebutuhan akan pengetahuan yang sangat tinggi sehingga lebih menyukai interaksi dengan orang yang lebih dewasa dan menghambat interaksinya dengan teman sebaya. Permasalahan tersebut menjadi dasar penulis untuk memberikan intervensi sederhana terkait keterampilan sosial yang akan membantu subjek untuk lebih adaptif dalam berinteraksi dengan teman di sekolahnya. Intervensi diberikan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan sosial subyek berdasarkan empat dimensi keterampilan sosial anak pra sekolah dari Broadhead (2004) yang meliputi inisiatif beraktivitas bersama teman sebaya, bergabung dalam permainan, memelihara peran selama kegiatan bermain yang dilakukan, dan mampu mengatasi permasalahan interpersonal ketika bermain. Intervensi sendiri dilakukan dengan cara melibatkan subyek dalam permainan sederhana yang diikuti juga oleh teman sebayanya. Subjek adalah anak laki-laki berusia 6 tahun 1 bulan, memiliki kapasitas intelektual yang tergolong Very Superior Skala WISC dengan skor IQ = 140

    Gambaran resiliensi perempuan penyintas kekerasan saat pacaran

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    Resilience is the ability that a person uses to develop and adapt to the problems that arise in his life. Resilience can be possessed by individuals who have experienced dating violence and is considered a person's ability to bounching back and be able to return to living their life well. The purpose of this research is describe how resilience is portrayed in woman who are survivors of dating violence and describe the sources of support they obtain to achieve resilience. The method used is a qualitative research method using a phenomenological approach. Methods of data collection using semi-structured interviews with an interview guide that uses open questions. The data analysis technique used is a deductive analysis. The sampling technique used is snowball sampling. The informants in this study were two women who had experienced violence during dating. The results show that the aspects of resilience in the two informants have been fulfilled properly. Concrete forms of behavior that can help achieve a resilient condition are good stress coping habits, positive self-talk habits, successful experiences, good relationships with people other than partner, sharing with people who have the same violence experienced, having hobbies activities, and having career orientation

    Gambaran Resiliensi Perempuan Penyintas Kekerasan Saat Pacaran

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    Resilience is the ability that a person uses to develop and adapt to the problems that arise in his/her life. Resilience can be possessed by individuals who have experienced dating violence and is considered a person's ability to bouncing back and be able to return to living their life well. The purpose of this research is described how resilience is portrayed in woman who are survivors of dating violence and describe the sources of support they obtain to achieve resilience. The method used is a qualitative research method using a phenomenological approach. Methods of data collection using semi-structured interviews with an interview guide that uses open questions. The data analysis technique used is a deductive analysis. The sampling technique used is snowball sampling. The informants in this study were two women who had experienced violence during dating. The results show that the aspects of resilience in the two informants have been fulfilled properly. Concrete forms of behavior that can help achieve a resilient condition are good stress coping habits, positive self-talk habits, successful experiences, good relationships with people other than partners, sharing with people who have the same violence experienced, having hobbies activities, and having career orientation

    Hubungan Kecenderungan Social Media Addiction dengan Empati pada Remaja di Surabaya

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    Adolescent is impotant to build a teenager’s personality, because their social-emotional-physical development starts and ends at adolescent phase. One of the important factor that can build teenager is empathy. Empathy is a response of understanding feelings and know the reason behind the feelings, empathy consists of affective and cognitive component. Right now, empathy on teenagers is stunted because of social media that can influence them into having low empathy, seeing news that’s full with hoax and teenage violence. This study’s purpose is to know the correlation between social media addiction tendency and empathy on teenagers in Surabaya. The participants were chosen using purposive sampling technique. The normality test was not fulfilled, so researcher use non-parametric statistical technique (Kendall’s Tau-b). The result shows significancy score = 0,000 (p &lt; 0.05) and correlation score (r) = 0,106. With that, it can be concluded that there is a positive correlation between social media addiction tendency and empathy on teenagers in Surabaya