13 research outputs found

    Studi Pengaruh Lama Waktu Proses Pembakaran Terhadap Kuat Tekan Batu Bata Setelah Penambahan Bahan Additive Iss 2500 (Ionic Soil Stabilizer)

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    Brick is one of the materials of building which have been long known and used by the people bothin rural area as well as urban area. Brick is a material made of clay with or without additionalmixture through several processes. The process includes of draining in the sun and then burning inhigh temperature in order to make the brick harden and not broken if it is soaked into the water. Inthis study used clay and additional materials ISS 2500 which has a variety of levels of 0.9 ml, 1.2ml, 1.5 ml and 1.8 ml with the purpose to improving the quality of the bricks, as well as tocompare compressive strength of bricks by modifying the length of the time combustion. So thatcan be known a long time the most optimal combustion.Soil samples were tested in this study are derived from clay Nyunyai Street, District Rajabasa,Bandar Lampung. Variations of burning time is used for one day, two days and three days. Beforebrick printed, the soil sample that has been mixed with the ISS 2500 and cured for 7 days, afterthat, the soil sample is printed, then drying for 2 weeks, along with treatment without burning andburning bricks. Based on the results of physical test of originil solid, USCS classified the sampleof solid as the clay with low plasticity.Based on the results of sample\u27s physical, USCS classify soil sample as clay with low plasticity.Compressive strength test results of the four levels of post combustion, the compressive strengthmaximum average post-combustion bricks are at a level of 1.8 ml with a burning for two days.The compressive strength value of 31.86 kg/cm 2 . The compressive strength maximum averagebrick before combustion generated by the level of 1.8 ml in the amount of 7.79 kg /cm 2

    Studi Kuat Tekan Batu Bata Menggunakan Bahan Additive (Abu Sekam Padi, Abu Ampas Tebu Dan Fly Ash) Berdasarkan Spesifikasi Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI)

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    Brick is one of construction materials of building, shopping complex, real estate etc. Brick is madefrom the mixing of soil and water. In this study, the process of brick production will be tired by mixthe soil with additive materials such as rice husk ash, baggase ash and fly ash. It's to know howbig the advantage of those additive materials and to compare the compressive strength betweenconventional brick and the brick that have mixed with rice husk ash, baggase ash and fly ash toget Indonesian National Standard for the strong and durable brick.Clay was used as the soil sample in this study. The clay is from Yoso Mulyo Village, Metro. Theadditive materials such as, rice husk ash is from Yoso Mulyo Village Metro, baggase ash is fromPT Indo Lampung Perkasa and the fly ash is from PLTU Tarahan.The result of this study show that the production of brick after burned using additive materialssuch as rice husk ash, baggase ash and fly ash, increase the compressive strength value. So, thestrength of the brick is good enough fulfilled the standard of Indonesian National StandardInstitution

    Pengaruh Waktu Perendaman Terhadap Uji Kuat Tekan Paving Block Menggunakan Campuran Tanah Dan Semen Dengan Alat Pemadat Modifikasi

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    Paving Block is the product of a cement building materials that are used as an alternative groundcover of surface hardening. In general, paving block itself is usually made from a mixture ofcoarse aggregate (gravel) and fine aggregate (sand) with a mixture of cement and water areformed according to demand. So in this study, will provide another alternative to using a mixtureof soil and cement as well as soaking to know the effect of compressive strength.Soil samples were taken from Kota Baru, South Lampung. The mixture used is 20% cement and80% is soil, with a variation of immersion 7, 14, 21, and 28 days. Soaking were conducted withand without the combustion process to be seen compressive strength and water absorption.The result is that the compressive strength without burning has increased up to -28 immersion dayby 38.8%, while the compressive strength is experiencing burning decreased to 28 days amountedto 20.63%.Despite an increase in the sample without fuel, and a decrease in samples that undergocombustion, which produced the same compressive strength together to meet quality specificationD on SNI 03-0691-1996. Value of water absorption of pre-combustion meets the specification SNI03-0691-1996 which is 3%-10%. While with combustion does not meet due to exceed 10 %.Keys : paving block, cement, compressive strength,water absorptio

    Studi Evaluasi Perparkiran Di Dermaga I Sampai V Akibat Penambahan Dermaga VI Di Pelabuhan Bakauheni Lampung Selatan

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    Bakauheni South Lampung port is the port that developed under the auspices of PT. Angkatan Sungai Danau dan Penyebrangan (PT. ASDP). Main Branch of Bakauheni is a ferry port in Lampung province. At this time Bakauheni Port has six docks. Based on the addition the docks into 6 docks then the parking area of the port should be reviewed again. A review of the parking area must be done to get the state in accordance with the needs of the motor vehicle capacity will climb the leaning ship, so there is no traffic jam when the queue is too long. Data obtained from the following calculation parking duration on July 22, 2015 amounted to 240 minutes. This affects the capacity of the vehicle can be at capacity. The capacity of the truck as many as 1450 vehicles / day, parking index gained by 42%. Parking index value is still below 100% indicates that the number of available parking lots are still able to accommodate vehicles to be parked in the port of Bakauheni.Forecasting the number of trucks of 2018 was as much as 1,504 trucks, by 2019 as many as 1,577 trucks and by 2020 as many as 1,651. The number of growing up from 2015. Forecasting is done because of the toll road operation Sumatera in 2018 whereas in 2016 and 2017 is not the development of transportation facilities in the port of Bakauheni so that the number of the truck is considered stable by 2015

    Studi Pengaruh Penambahan Bahan Additive TX-300 Terhadap Kuat Tekan Batu Bata Pasca Pembakaran

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    Along with the rise of civil construction such as housing or settlements, also increase the demandfor bricks. To be able to meet the needs of these bricks, brick production must be increased. Notonly an increase in production should be done, but the increase in terms of quantity and in termsof quality also needs to be done. One way to do is to add an additional mixture to the compositionof the brickyardIn this study used clay and additional materials TX-300 which has a variety of levels of 0.6 ml, 0.9ml, 1.2 ml and 1.5 ml with the purpose to improving the quality of the bricks, as well as comparingstrong press bricks by modifying the combustion time. Soil samples tested in this study is claywhich derived from Nyunyai street, Rajabasa, Bandar Lampung. Variations of burning time is usedfor one day, two days and three days.After doing research, from the fourth level, the compressive strength maximum average post-combustion bricks are at a level of 1.5 ml with a burning for two days. The compressive strengthvalue of 46.01 kg / cm2. This is due to the greater levels of TX-300, the greater the compressivestrength value, besides the most optimum burning time is for 2 days, this was due to theevaporation of water contained in the most optimum bricks are burning for two days

    Perencanaan Dinding Penahan sebagai Alternatif Pencegah Bahaya Longsor pada Konstruksi Pangkal Jembatan

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    Jembatan adalah prasarana sipil yang membentang di atas aliran sungai dan secara topografi tidak rata. Perbedaan elavasi dari daratan yang dilewati sungai ini membentuk suatu lereng. Bencana yang sering terjadi pada permukaan tanah yang tidak rata atau curam adalah longsor. Kondisi lereng dengan kemiringan yang curam dan menahan beban yang besar dapat mengakibatkan longsor. Oleh karena itu diperlukan dinding penahan untuk menjaga kestabilan lereng agar tidak terjadi penurunan sehingga jembatan tetp aman dari bahaya longsor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merencanakan dinding penahan dalam perlindungan pangkal jembatan dari bahaya longsor.Dalam penelitian ini letak dinding penahan sesuai dengan data gambar rencana. Kemudian dilakukan analisis geoteknik dengan dimensi dinding yang direncakan, dari data tanah dan data beban dapat diperoleh tekanan tanah yang terjdai. Melalui analisis geoteknik didapatkan nilai stabilitas dinding penahan tanah berupa nilai keamanan terhadap guling,geser dan daya dukung tanah hingga dimensi yang dipakai aman. Selanjutnya dilakukan perhitungan struktur penulangan dinding penahan tanah dan diperoleh gambar rencana dari dinding penahan tanah. Dimensi dinding penahan tanah yang direncakan adalah sebesar 0,3 m untuk lebar mercu, panjang kaki 2,4 m, tebal kaki 0,5 m dengan tinggi dinding 5 m. Berdasarkan analisis stabilitas dinding yang dilakukan, disimpulkan dinding aman dari bahaya guling, geser, serta aman dalam perhitungan daya dukung tanah sehingga dinding mampu menjadi salah satu alternatif upaya pencegah bahaya longsor

    Studi Kolam Retensi sebagai Upaya Pengendalian Banjir Sungai Way Simpur Kelurahan Palapa Kecamatan Tanjung Karang Pusat

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    Flood is one of the natural phenomena that cause huge losses. Population growth led to the needor increased settlements and land use changes. Rain water infiltration is reduced not only causingfloods but also droughts. Therefore, it is necessary to do environmental insightful flood control,such as retention pond. This research aims to plan and analyze the effect of making retention pondfor flood control.This research was conducted in Duana Street, Palapa Urban Village, Tanjung Karang PusatDistrict which is flowed by Way Simpur River. In this research, the hydrological analysis made ofrainfall data PH 001 Pahoman Station from 1995 to 2009. After having planned rain discharge,hydraulics analysis was executed to analyze the discharge capacity of the existing and planvolume of the storage pond. Calculations of infiltration rate were performed to calculate theabsorbed discharge. Furthermore, storage pond design plan and budget plan were made.In the analysis made, the value of planned rain discharge for 5 years return period is 5.0617m 3 /sec. Total capacity of the storage pond is 12,074.1058 m 3 . The time needed by pool fromvacant until full is 29.0202 minutes. Budget plan required in making this retention pond is Rp1,838,436,742.69. Based on the analysis performed, it was concluded that the retention pond iseffective enough to be used as one of the alternative flood control measures in urban areas

    The Effect of Soil Particles Diameter by Passing the Sieve Analysis to Soil Compaction Using the Standard Method

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    Improving the Infrastructure development needs the soil that capable to support the load. It because soil is a material that major the role to support every construction. To identify a good soil is by doing physical and mechanical soil test. Soil compaction is process of increasing the soil density by reducing the particles proximity so it can reduce the air volume. Soil type is influencing to the maximum dry volume weight and optimum water content of that soil. Based on the soil type, compaction is divided into four types. In this research is using two types of compactions that are type A and Type C with purpose to find out the effect of soil particles diameter by passing sieve analysis to soil compaction using standard method.Compaction is done based on blow method and pressure method. In pressure method is using modification compaction tool with 5 Mpa, 10 Mpa, and 15 Mpa pressures.The result of this research is the blow method compaction type A has a higher water content than type C, but the value of maximum dry volume weight Type C higher than type A. In pressure method it can be concluded that as the higher pressure so the water content and the maximum dry volume weight are also getting higher

    Pengaruh Penambahan Pasir dan Semen terhadap Kuat Tekan Paving Block Material Tanah Menggunakan Alat Pemadat Modifikasi

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    Paving blocks made from mixture of portland cement or other hydrolysis adhesive, water, and ag- gregates with or without other materials. In this study, paving blocks are made by using a mixture of soil, portland cement and sand. In the manufacture of paving blocks used compactor modifica- tion that are expected to increase the strength of paving blocks that according to SNI 03-0691- 1996. Soil samples tested were from Kota Baru, South Lampung. The variation of mixture that used in this study is by adding sand as much as 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, and 10% and add cement as much as 3%, 6%, 9%, 12%, dan 15% as well as with the treatment of pre-combustion and post- combustion of the sample of paving blocks. Results of testing the compressive strength of the paving blocks with a mixture of soil , cement and sand has meet the standard of SNI 03-0691-1996 for the classification of paving blocks quality D which can be used for garden. The combustion process of paving blocks is giving only slightly against the increase in paving blocks without the process of combustion. The highest compressive strength value generated by post-combustion of paving blocks on the variation of mixture 10 % sand + 15 % cement + 75 % soil amounted to 10.05 MPa . While the value of the water absorp- tion test ranged from 16.6 % - 23.8 % so it does not meet the standard of SNI 03-0691-1996