34 research outputs found

    Occurrence of Anisakids nematodes on frozen hake (Merluccius capensis) in Yenagoa market, Bayelsa State, Nigeria

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    Samples of the frozen hake (Merluccius capensis) were obtained once a week as corresponding to supply in Yenagoa Market Bayelsa State, Nigeria. From every supply of 10 cartons, 10 pieces of hake were examined for the presence of Anisakids nematodes. The incidence was concluded after sampling continuously every week for 8 weeks between September-November 2009. The highest parasite burden (13.2 ~c 2.28) was recorded in the second week and the lowest (8.5~c 2.9) in the 7th week, the highest mean weight of fish sample calculated was 134.80 ~c 19.16 gm in the 4th week and lowest in the 5th week with 118.30 ~c 3.56 g. The mean length was highest (29.10 ~c 1.90cm) in the second week and lowest (26.40 ~c 1.88 cm) in the 7th week. The percentage infection was 96.25% and very alarming since only 3 pieces were not infected as observed from all the samples examined

    Nutritional deficiency presiding to disease conditions in cultured fish

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    It is when fish are confined and fed supplemental feeds that nutritional deficiency symptoms occur. Only complete understanding requirement of cultured organisms will allow the feed manufacturer or culturist to provide adequately for the species under culture. The nutritional deficiencies are reviewed as absolute and non-absolute terms. The review concluded that deficit are interwoven and usually not limited to inadequacy or non inclusion of a certain feed ingredient especially for aquatic animals

    Environmental impact of crude oil spillage at Agoubiri community in Southern Ijaw local government area of Bayelsa State

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    Assessment of the result of crude oil spillage that occurred at Aguobiri Community in Southern Ijaw Local Government Area of Bayelsa State in 2007, is presented in this paper. The results of the laboratory analysis of water samples for Total Hydro carbon content (THC) was 1.56mg/l, 2.94mg/l and 23.96mg/l at 300m,200m and 9m respectively from the spill point. Heavy metals values in plant tissues were Vanadium-2.1 4mg/kg, Nicke-4.06mg/kg and THC of 09,309.5mg/kg at 300m from the spill point. The values of heavy metals in soil samples were Vanadium 2.14mg/kg and Nickel4.19mg/kg and THC of 133,886.20mg/kg at 300m from the spill point. This is to buttress the fact that oil spill is not limited to the site of occurrence but spreads to affect flora life far away from the spill point. Consequently, this negatively impacts farming and fisheries activities in such areas

    Prevalence and risk factors for extended-spectrum β-lactamaseproducing Gram-negative bacterial infections in hospitalized patients at a tertiary care hospital, southwest Nigeria

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    Background: Clinical infections caused by extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing bacteria constitute great burden to healthcare delivery with these resistant pathogens contributing largely to the magnitude and spread of antimicrobial resistance globally. Hence, knowledge of the risk factors for acquisition of infection caused by ESBL-producing bacteria is crucial to instituting prompt and appropriate treatment as well as prevention and control measures. This study investigated the risk factors associated with the prevalence of ESBL-producing Gram-negative bacteria (GNB) infections among hospitalized patients in Uniosun Teaching Hospital (UTH), Osogbo, Nigeria. Methodology: A total of 359 hospitalized patients with clinical infections from whose clinical samples we isolated non-duplicate GNB were consecutively recruited. GNB were isolated following aerobic cultures of appropriate clinical samples and MicrobactTMGNB 24E kit was used for species identification. All isolates were screened for ESBL production by the combination disc method. Relevant clinical and demographic information was obtained using a designed data collection form, and multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to identify associated risk factors. Results: Ninety-four (26.2%) of the 359 patients had ESBL-producing GNB isolated from their clinical samples, with a preponderance of Escherichia coli (26.6%, n=25/94), although the most frequent ESBL-producer was Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (100%, n=2/2) and least frequent was Pseudomonas aeruginosa (2.6%, n=1/39). The study indicated that male gender, age group >60 years and farming were socio-demographic factors associated with significantly higher prevalence of ESBL-producing GNB infection. Other independent risk factors significantly associated with high prevalence of ESBL GNB infections were; (i) admission into intensive care unit and male surgical ward, (ii) presence of invasive devices such as intravenous line, endotracheal tube and urinary catheter, (iii) underlying conditions such as diabetes mellitus and benign prostatic hyperplasia, and (iv) immunocompromised state. Conclusion: The information obtained from this study can serve as baseline data for designing strategy to prevent drug-resistant infections and transmission in our hospital.   French title: Facteurs de prévalence et de risque pour les infections de bactéries gram-négatives de la β-lactamase prolongées de la β-lactamase chez les patients hospitalisés dans un hôpital de soins tertiaires, au sud-ouest du Nigéria Contexte: Les infections cliniques causées par des bactéries de la β-lactamase de spectre prolongée (ESBL) constituent une grande charge à la livraison des soins de santé avec ces agents pathogènes résistants contribuant en grande partie à la magnitude et à la propagation de la résistance antimicrobienne mondiale. Par conséquent, la connaissance des facteurs de risque d'acquisition d'une infection causée par les bactéries produisant des ESBL est essentielle à l'institution de traitement rapide et approprié, ainsi que des mesures de prévention et de contrôle. Cette étude a enquêté sur les facteurs de risque associés à la prévalence des bactéries gram-négatives de l'ESBL (GNB) parmi les patients hospitalisés dans l'hôpital d'enseignement Uniosun (Uth), Osogbo, Nigéria. Méthodologie: Un total de 359 patients hospitalisés avec des infections cliniques de laquelle les échantillons cliniques de laquelle nous avons isolé le GNB non dupliqué ont été recrutés consécutivement. GNB ont été isolés à la suite de cultures aérobies d'échantillons cliniques appropriés et de kit MicroBactTM GNB 24E a été utilisé pour l'identification des espèces. Tous les isolats ont été criblés pour la production ESBL par la méthode des disques combinées. Des informations cliniques et démographiques pertinentes ont été obtenues à l'aide d'un formulaire de collecte de données conçu et une analyse de régression logistique multivariée a été utilisée pour identifier les facteurs de risque associés. Résultats: Quatre-vingt-quatorze (26,2%) des 359 patients avaient des GNB producteurs de BLSE isolés de leurs échantillons cliniques, avec une prépondérance d'Escherichia coli (26,6%, n=25/94), bien que le producteur de BLSE le plus fréquent soit Stenotrophomonas maltophilia (100.0%, n=2/2) et la moins fréquente était Pseudomonas aeruginosa (2,6%, n=1/39). L'étude a indiqué que le sexe masculin, le groupe d'âge > 60 ans et l'agriculture étaient des facteurs sociodémographiques associés à une prévalence significativement plus élevée d'infections à GNB productrices de BLSE. D'autres facteurs de risque indépendants significativement associés à une prévalence élevée d'infections à BLSE GNB étaient; (i) admission en unité de soins intensifs et en salle de chirurgie pour hommes, (ii) présence de dispositifs invasifs tels qu'une ligne intraveineuse, un tube endotrachéal et un cathéter urinaire, (iii) conditions sous-jacentes telles que le diabète sucré et l'hyperplasie bénigne de la prostate, et (iv) immunodéprimé Etat. Conclusion: les informations obtenues à partir de cette étude peuvent servir de données de base pour la conception de la stratégie visant à prévenir les infections et la transmission résistantes à la drogue dans notre hôpital

    Multiple antibiotic resistance indices of Aeromonas hydrophila isolates of muscle of catfish (Clarias gariepinus, Burchell 1822) from selected markets in Ibadan, Nigeria

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    The extensive use and misuse of antimicrobials for treatment and prophylaxis in livestock production generally and aquaculture in particular is of great concern to environmental and public health. In Nigeria, regulation and monitoring of aquaculture and other livestock production activities at best is lax. Drug resistance pathogens have therefore been consistently reported in Nigeria.Ninety-eight adult live fishes weighing an average of 684.88±141.73g were purchased at random from different live-fish selling points fortnightly over a fourteen-week period. Fish were anaesthetized using Tricaine Methane Sulfonate (MS222 and 15g of muscle excised and processed according to standard methods. Growth, isolation and characterization of Aeromonas hydrophila was accomplished using Rimler-Shotts agar medium which had been infused with ampicillin supplement for 24 hours and incubated at 37oC and appropriate biochemical tests.Ten positive isolates (AH1-AH10) were subjected to culture and sensitivity test using the disc diffusion method on nutrient agar. Zones of growth inhibition around the colonies were observed, measured and characterized as sensitive, intermediate and resistant based on the Manual of Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing method. All the isolates had MAR >0.2. Isolate AH9 had the highest MAR index (1). Three of the isolates (AH3, AH5 and AH8) had MAR indices of 0.89, while AH2, AH4 and AH7 had MAR indices of 0.67. This study established the resistance of Aeromonas hydrophila isolates from fish muscle to a wide range of antibiotic. The detection of high MAR A. hydrophila in muscle of fish intended for consumption is significant and could act as a potential source of resistant bacteria for humans. Further investigation into antimicrobial resistance is recommended

    Challenges of developing the fisheries resources in Bayelsa State, Nigeria

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    Theoil boom that almost spelt doom for agricultural development also affected the development of fisheriesprojects in many parts of the country including the growing Bayelsa State. The National FisheriesDevelopment Policies adopted by the state, geared towards increased fish production are attendedwith several challenges. Bayelsa State has great potentials in fisheries activities with more thanthree quarters of the land area occupied by a network of several natural lakes, rivers, creeks, swampsand marshy land stretching into the Atlantic Ocean. The challenge to develop this vast expanseof fisheries resource is the focus of this paper. It carefully reviewed the planning of the developmentefforts, the evaluation of the resources, the development of necessary management andtechnical personnel, introduction of appropriate technology and identification of priorities and needs of the fisheries industry in the state. It recommended the active participation of private investorsin the developmental efforts

    Reproductive potential of male catfish treated with gel extract of Aloe vera plant

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    The reproductive potential of male catfish treated with gel extract of Aloe vera plant was studied using twelve male fish weighing 500-560g.The fish were divided into 3 groups; A, B and C with four fish in each group. Group A was treated with 2% Aloe vera gel while group B was treated with 3% and Group C the control was treated with distil water. Blood and semen samples were collected for analysis and histology of the testis was done. Spermiogram revealed that as the concentration of the gel increased, the motility and sperm count decreased. Although the decrease in sperm motility was significant (p<0.05), the decrease in the sperm count was not significant (p>0.05) across the groups. Percentage liveability of sperm cells was significantly lower (p<0.05) in treated groups than control. The control group had higher semen volume, this volume was however not significantly different (p>0.05) from other treatments. Morphological studies showed that group B (3% group) had a significantly higher value (p<0.05) of total sperm abnormalities than the other groups. The best histological integrity of the testes was observed in group C (control).This study concludes that exposure of male C. gariepinus to all treatment levels of Aloe vera gel is detrimental to the reproductive potential of the catfish and could be a cause of infertility in the catfish.Keywords: Clarias gariepinus, Aloe vera, spermiogram and histolog

    An observation on the acquisition or loss of trematode (Clinostomum tilapiae) by Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in culture systems

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    The acquisition or loss of Clinostomum tilapiae parasites by Oreochromis niloticus was studied. Four groups of 25 healthy fishes were stocked in the upper part of serial experimental ponds, while another four groups of 25 infected fishes were also stocked at the rear part of the serial experimental ponds. All the groups were fed at 3% body weight with the same compounded fish feed. Acquisition or loss of parasites and growth was monitored for a period of six months. The mean relative growth rate was 11.04kg/month for the healthy fishes and 5.62g/month for the infected fishes. The mean specific growth rate was 38.75% and 31.25% for the healthy and infected groups respectively. However the results were not statistically significant (p > 0.05). The parasite did not multiply on the host body rather the infection rate reduced from 100% to between 44 and 78%, parasite burden was reduced from an average of 3 per fish to 2.25 while the healthy fish acquired the parasite and the average burden was 2.15. The mean values of the prevailing water quality parameters were within the optimum range acceptable in fish culture systems in the tropics

    Bone fractures among adult Nigerians with hyperthyroidism: risk factors, pattern and frequency

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    Background: Hyperthyroidism is a common endocrine disorder with multi-systemic effects, the least reported of which is bone loss and fractures.Objective: The aim was to evaluate the risk factors, pattern and frequency of bone fractures among Nigerians with hyperthyroidism.Methodology: An analytical study was undertaken of 40 patients with hyperthyroidism aged between 21 and 50 years. They were seen at the outpatient Endocrine, Diabetic and Metabolism (EDM) clinic of Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH). Using an interviewer-administered questionnaire, information on sociodemographics, medical history, clinical and biochemical parameters and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) scan was obtained. Risk of fracture was assessed using WHO and ISCD risk calculators. During statistical analysis, quantitative and qualitative data were expressed as mean (SD) and percentages.Results: In all, 40 patients with hyperthyroidism were studied with a mean age of 36.16 (8.43) years. There were 32 females (80%, female:male ratio 4:1) and mean body mass index was 24.14 (4.3) kg/m. Hyperthyroidism was defined by Waynes’ scoring index greater than 19 and confirmed by elevated thyroid hormones (FT4 39.44 (24.11) (pmol/l), FT3 12.13 (7.83) (pmol/l)) and suppressed TSH 0.26 (0.03) (u/U/ml). Increased bone turnover was documented by elevated bone formation markers (osteocalcin 45.7 (19.9) ng/ml and alkaline phosphatase 221.1 (143.46 IU/l)), bone resorption markers (24-hour calcium excretion 590.95 (506.1) mg/day). The mean BMD T- and Z-scores were reduced –2.0 (1.2). Bone loss was observed in 31 (72.5%) hyperthyroid subjects, but only three (7.5%) had fractures due to minor trauma.Conclusion: Bone fractures may not be uncommon in hyperthyroidism. Early screening for bone diseases should be encouraged to improve treatment outcome

    Radial and axial variation in ring width of Caribbean pine (Pinus caribaea Morelet) in Afaka Plantation, Kaduna State, Nigeria

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    This paper examines the within tree variation (radial and axial) in Ring Width of Caribbean Pine (Pinus caribaea Morelet) Plantation Grown in Afaka plantation, Kaduna State, Nigeria. Samples of wood used in this study were obtained from different age series of P. caribaea. Fifteen trees were randomly harvested with their total tree height and diameter at breast height (DBH) measured. Discs of 5 cm in thickness were obtained at breast height. Additional bolts of 20 cm for pulping materials were obtained at the base, middle and top of trees sampled among the age series. Each disc was cut at the pith, smoothened and the numbers of rings were counted. Each disc was then divided into sections based on the ring numbers and the ring width were measured and recorded. The result showed that there was radial variation in the ring widths where the rings closest to the pith had the highest mean value of 8.4580±0.24608 mm, 8.3920±0.32679 mm, 6.5560±0.14006 mm at Diameter at Breast Height (DBH), 25% Total Height of Tree (THT) and 50% THT, respectively while the ring width decreases from pith to bark with rings closest to the bark having a mean value of 1.0580±0.10514 mm, 1.0100±0.09187 mm, 1.1940±0.13743 mm at DBH, 25% THT and 50% THT respectively which are significantly different (p < 0.05). Axially, there is no variation in the ring width of the growth rings (p > 0.05).Keywords: Silviculture, dendrochronology, growth rate, wood property, wood qualit