354 research outputs found

    Economic Model-Based Calculation of Per Capita Income Level in Nigeria

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    A survey carried out revealed that socio-economic human development programme (SHDP) is a major item of United Nations development agenda. The objective of the nations` development plan had always aimed to ascertain and improve quality of living (QL) worldwide. Due to inaccuracy of available population and national income data, the existing method of calculating per capita income is inadequate and does not manifest true life situation. This paper is aimed to develop alternative method of calculating per capita income level, based on details of Nigerian workers` pay package. The Nigerian population figures were classified into three economic groups of varying capabilities. The adjustment error affecting accuracy of the calculation was subjected to H-test to facilitate relevance to true life affairs. Keywords: human development elements; pay indices; 25:75 SHDP; QL parameters; formatted figure distribution

    Growth Performance, Shank Pigmentation and Blood Profile of Broiler Chickens Fed Neem Leaf Meal-Based Diets

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    The many benefits of all parts of neem (Azadirachta indica) tree are well documented. Thus, this study was done to ascertain the effects of sundried neem leaf meal (NLM) on growth performance, shank pigmentation and blood profile of broiler chickens. One hundred and forty four day-old chicks were randomly distributed after 1 week pre-experimental period to four experimental diets which comprised NLM at 0% (control), 5% (5NLM), 10% (10NLM) and 15% (15NLM). A completely randomized design was adopted with 12 birds per replicate and 3 replicates per treatment. Feed and water were given ad-libitum and other management practices were carried out. Initial weight of chicks and final weights at the end of the starter and finisher phases were taken. Feed intake was measured weekly and feed conversion ratio (FCR) calculated. Shank pigmentation was assessed from 3 birds/ replicate at the end of the trial. Blood samples were collected from 3 birds/ replicate at the end of the starter and finisher phases. For the starter phase, final weight, total weight gain and FCR were significantly influenced by NLM inclusion. Chicks fed control and 5NLM diets had similar higher values than others. Blood parameters were not significant except basophil values. At the finisher phase, total weight gain and FCR were not significantly different although feed intake significantly reduced with inclusion of NLM in the diets. Blood parameters were not significant except lymphocyte values. There was a non-significant increase in shank pigmentation with increase in NLM inclusion. It is concluded that NLM inclusion in broiler diets at both phases should not exceed 5% based on growth performance. Neem leaf meal increased yellow colouration of shank and was not harmful to broiler blood parameters

    Polypharmacy in psychiatric outpatient practice in northern Nigeria

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    Objective:To describe and analyze patterns of polypharmacy among psychiatric outpatients in northern Nigeria and identify predictors of psychotropic polypharmacy.Method:A cross-sectional study, using chart review of new patients at out-patient clinics of two regional psychiatric hospitals in northern Nigeria,measuring rates, patterns and predictors of psychotropic polypharmacy.Results: A total of 278 patients were seen, of whom 92%were given two ormore psychotropic agents.The pattern of psychotropic polypharmacy revealed that total, multi-class and adjunctive polypharmacy rates were high, while augmentation and same class polypharmacy rates were low. Age of respondent and diagnosis were the factors associated with total polypharmacy. Conclusion: The complex interplay of factors influencing physician prescription practices requires that a more pragmatic approach be adopted in efforts to curtail polypharmacy practice, rather than a wholesale, absolute condemnation of the practice.African Journal of Psychiatry Vol. 10 (4) 2007: pp. 215-21

    The effects of etonorgestrel implant (ImplanonR) on the lipid profile of Nigerian women

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    Background: Provision of contraceptive methods with minimal side effects will enhance uptake of contraception particularly in Nigeria where contraceptive prevalence rate remains low. The safety profile of ImplanonR, a long‑acting hormonal subdermal contraceptive containing etonogestrel, has not been adequately evaluated among Nigerian women.Objective: To assess the effects of etonogestrel subdermal implant (ImplanonR) on lipid profile among Nigerian women.Materials and Methods: The study was a longitudinal follow‑up of 54 consenting women selected over a 6‑month period at the Family Planning Clinic of the University College Hospital, Ibadan. After ImplanonR insertion, each woman was followed‑up monthly for a period of 12 months. Fasting venous blood samples were collected for quantification of serum lipids prior to insertion of the implant, then at 1st, 3rd, 6th, 9th, and 12th months of follow‑up.Results: The mean age of the women was 34.4 ± 5.6 with a range of 22–47 years. The modal number of children was 2 ranging from 1 to 6. Total cholesterol (TC) levels showed a general tendency toward a rise. The rise was, however, only significant in the 3rd and 12th months of use. Serum triglycerides showed a tendency toward reduced levels, which were only significant at the 6th and 9th months of use. High‑density lipoprotein (HDL) levels were consistently and significantly elevated above baseline levels. Beyond the 3rd month, low‑density lipoprotein (LDL) levels were lower but not significantly compared with baseline levels. HDL/TC and HDL/LDL ratios were consistently and significantly elevated in comparison with baseline values.Conclusion: Etonogestrel implant seems to cause significant effects on the lipid profile of Nigerian women. The increases were mainly in the HDL fraction, which suggests that the atherogenic and cardiovascular disease risks are reduced. We recommend larger studies to confirm our findings.Keywords: Implanon; laevonorgestrel; subdermal implan

    Design of Pre-Dumping Ring Spin Rotator with a Possibility of Helicity Switching for Polarized Positrons at the ILC

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    The use of polarized beams enhance the possibility of the precision measurements at the International Linear Collider (ILC). In order to preserve the degree of polarization during beam transport spin rotators are included in the current TDR ILC Lattice. In this report some advantages of using a combined spin rotator/spin flipper are discussed. A few possible lattice designs of spin flipper developed at DESY in 2012 are presented.Comment: Talk presented at the International Workshop on Future Linear Colliders (LCWS15), Whistler, Canada, 2-6 November 201


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     In this work, the Nigerian-grown Eucalyptus camaldulensis timber specie was characterized based on the NCP 2 (1973) and EN 338 (2009) code. The specie was obtained from timber markets in Sabon Gari, Zaria and Fanteka, Kaduna, North-western Nigeria. The elastic modulus, bending strength (using four-point flexural test) and density of the timber as stated in EN 384 (2004) were determined at their various moisture contents with which other respective derived properties were obtained. The experiments were carried out using a 500 kN capacity Universal Testing Machine at the Department of Civil Engineering laboratory, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. Results obtained indicate that the mean density of Eucalyptus camaldulensis timber is 975.9 kg/m3 at an adjusted moisture content of 18%. The flexural strength of Eucalyptus camaldulensis timber species was determined to be 69.02 N/mm2 and the mean Modulus of Elasticity of 5409.4 N/mm2. With these results, Eucalyptus camaldulensis was allocated to strength class D60 based on EN 338 (2009) and strength class N1 based on NCP 2 (1973) classification systems which makes it suitable for bridge construction, railway sleepers, pier construction as well as heavy duty flooring


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    A 35- day feeding trial was conducted to study the effects of inclusion of Asystasia gangetica leaf meal (AGLM) on the growth response of broiler chickens. Samples of Asystasia gangetica leaves were sourced from the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta environment. The leaves were chopped and wilted, sun dried to reduce the moisture level to the minimal level. The dried leaves were milled to produce leaf meal. Asystasia gangetica leaf meal contain 19.38% crude protein, 15.30% crude fibre, 12.70% ether extract, 1.70% ash and 36.34% NFE.  A total number of 120 day old Marshal Strain of broiler chicks was used. A standard starter diet was fed to the birds prior to the commencement of the experiment. At the end of the 3rd week, birds were allotted into four treatments having three replicates of 10 birds each. Four experimental diets were formulated with varying levels of A. gangetica leaf meal (0, 2.5, 5.0 and 7.5 %) respectively.  Final live weight and daily weight gain varied significantly (P<0.05) among treatment groups. The feed intake and feed conversion ratio were not significantly influenced (P>0.05) by dietary treatments. Final weight and weight gain values were found to decrease across the dietary treatments with increasing level of A. gangetica leaf meal. The results of the experiment show that the use of A. gangetica as feed ingredient in broiler production significantly depressed growth.Â


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    This study makes an attempt at determining suitable landfill sites in Ado-Odo, Local Government Area, Ota, Ogun State, Nigeria. A multi-criteria evaluation method is applied based on Geographical Information System to identify potentially favourable landfill sites in the study area. The landfill siting process requires the evaluation of several criteria such as land use, vegetation classification, road networks, water bodies and so on based on complex operations on databases containing spatial data of these criteria. The model chosen for site selection involved four (4) stages viz: preliminary analysis, creation of constraint maps, creation of final constraint overlay maps, and creation of final suitability maps depicting suitable areas. The first stage involves the creation of various maps for the study area to input the data layers. The second stage involves the creation of constraint maps using available spatial data which implies the creation of buffered distances according to stipulated criteria. The final constraint map overlay is created by merging all the data layers from the constraint maps. In addition, the final suitability map is created via the use of spatial analysis tools. This final map can be used by the state, local government and its policymakers on their choices of suitable and unsuitable sites that pose no threat to the health of its citizens, as well as minimal damages to the environment
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