24 research outputs found

    Multiple Perturbed Collocation Tau Method for Solving Nonlinear Integro-Differential Equations

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    The purpose of the study was to investigate the numerical solution of non-linear Fredholm and Volterra integro-differential equations by the proposed method called Multiple Perturbed Collocation Tau Method (MPCTM). We assumed a perturbed approximate solution in terms of Chebyshev  polynomial basis function and then determined the derivatives of the perturbed approximate solution which are then substituted into the special classes of the problems considered. Thus, resulting into n-folds integration, the resulting equation is then collocated at equally spaced interior points and the unknown constants in the approximate solution are then obtained by Newton’s method which are then substituted back into the approximate solution.Illustrative examples are given to demonstrate the efficiency, computational cost and accuracy of the method. The results obtained with some numerical examples are compared favorable with some existing numerical methods in literature and with the exact solutions where they are known in closed form.Keywords: Nonlinear Problems, Tau Method, Integro-Differential, Newton’s method

    Removal of Pb and Zn from Soil using cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) and maize (Zea mays) Plants

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    This study investigated the potential of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) and maize (Zea mays) plants to remove Pb and Zn from soil. The crops were exposed to three concentrations (100, 150 and 200 mgkg-1) of each metal salts during the study. When the plants were treated with lead nitrate at a concentration of 150 mgkg-1, the amount and percentage of Pb removed and accumulated within plants’ tissues were 65.68 m mgkg-1g/kg (44.79%) and 78.93 mgkg-1 (53.0%) for cowpea and maize with bioconcentration factors 0.80 and 0.78 respectively. However, when the plants were assisted they had greater bioconcentration factors. Farmyard manure enhanced metal uptake by cowpea and maize significantly than EDTA. Maize extracted more Pb into its roots and translocated to shoots when assisted with EDTA than cowpea. Maize was able to translocate more Pb while cowpea translocated more Zn through the vascular system, thereby acting as phytoextractors for the different metals respectively

    Structural Exploration of Aeromagnetic Data over Part of Gwagwalada, Abuja for Potential Mineral Targets Using Derivatives Filters

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    Aeromagnetic data are consistently used for economic interest targeting and geological mapping. Besides solving problems that are concerned with the basement, the method has become a useful tool in exploring minerals,hydrocarbons occurrence,groundwater investigations, and geothermal potentials. This study analyses aeromagnetic data from the Nigerian Geological Survey Agency acquired at 100 m terrain clearance over a section of Gwagwalada in Abuja. The study area spans longitudes 7.0875° E to 7.1458° E and latitude 8.9625° N to 9.0° N (about 27 km2 ). After a reduction to the equator (RTE) transformation, the data is downward continued by 50 m. Different filters are applied to outline area of alteration associated to mineral deposit. Regional geologic structures trend NE - SW.The application of vertical derivatives (FVD and SVD) to the RTE grid enhanced shallow structures which trend NE - SW. Horizontal gradients along the X- and Y- directions enhance geological contacts attributable to blind faults. The Tilt derivative (TD) accentuated fault lines which trend NE - SW

    Numerical solution of Boundary Value Problems by Piecewise Analysis Method

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    In this paper, we use an efficient numerical algorithm for solving two point fourth-order linear  and nonlinear boundary value problems, which is based on the homotopy analysis method (HAM), namely, the piecewise – homotopy analysis method ( P-HAM).The method contains an auxiliary parameter that provides a powerful tool to analysis strongly linear and nonlinear ( without linearization ) problems directly. Numerical examples are presented to compare the results obtained with some existing results found in literatures. Results obtained by the RHAM performed better in terms of accuracy achieved. Keywords:            Piecewise-homotopy analysis, perturbation, Adomain decomposition method, Variational Iteration, Boundary Value Problems

    In-silico identification of differentially expressed genes in Type 1 diabetes mellitus

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    The incidence of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus T1DM varies markedly in different geographical populations but seems to be increasing globally. The focus of this research is to screen for T1D-associated differentially expressed genes (DEGs). A meta-analysis was conducted using the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) datasets. The datasets included samples from T1DM and normal patients. The Robust Multichip Averaging (RMA) procedure was used for background correction, normalization and summarization to obtain expression level data and to discover differentially expressed genes. Box plots, Density plots, RNA degradation plots and recommended procedures from Affymetrix for quality control were implemented. The DEGs were screened and the exclusively expressed genes were uncovered through the Venn diagrams and heat maps functions in R language. 3,824 genes were classified, as DEGs of which 2,030 were upregulated and 1,794 were downregulated. Seven key genes (TLN1, ANPEP, F13A1, SPARC, SPTBN1, IGHA2 and IGHA1) were exclusively expressed in the whole progression. 58 DEGs were revealed through the Venn diagrams while the Heatmaps showed the differential expression data for 35 genes. IGHA1, IGHA2, IGKV4-1 were significantly expressed and upregulated. Although some of these genes have been previously associated with T1D, many other genes were identified for further studies

    Effects of Egg Yolks from Different Avian Species on Boar Sperm Motility and Livability

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    Egg yolk is one of the most widely used components for freezing and cold storage of semen and its action on sperm motility, fertilizing ability and viability are influenced by a large number of factors. This experiment was conducted to determine the effect of egg yolk from different avian species, namely the domestic chicken (Gallus domesticus), the turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) and Japanese quail (Cortinux japonica) on spermatozoa quality following refrigeration of boar semen. at 80C for 0 hour, 24 and 48 hours. Ejaculate was collected using gloved-hand technique from a mature boar and spermatological parameters were assessed. Beltsville thawing solution (BTS) was used as the experimental extender. The experimental extenders consisted of BTS only as the control, while others consisted of BTS and egg yolk from domestic chicken, turkey and quail respectively. Extended semen samples were assessed for motility and livability after refrigeration at 8 0 C for 0 hour, 24 and 48 hours respectively. Results showed quail yolk to have the best protective effect with respect to the highest sperm motility ( 66.67 % and 63 % ) at both 24 and 48 hours, compared to control, turkey and Japanese quail egg yolk (p < 0.05). Sperm stored in quail egg yolk had the higher livable sperm cells (83 % and 77 %) at 24 and 48 hours compared with control, turkey and quail egg yolk (p < 0.05). This study suggested that quail egg yolk can potentially replace chicken egg yolk in semen extender in refrigeration, but it warrants further evaluation in fertility trials. Keywords: Egg yolk, Spermatozoa, Extender, Beltsville thawing solution, Refrigeratio

    Assessment of the Leachate Contamination Level of Groundwater Resource at a Dumpsite, In Minna, North Central, Nigeria Using Resistivity Method

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    This research work focused on the use of direct current resistivity method to analyse data collected from refuse dumpsite at eastern bye pass Minna. The study area lies approximately on longitude 60 36’19.84”E to 6036’23.15”E and latitude 90 38’04.97”N to 9038’08.25”N, with a dimension of 100m x 100m within the basement complex of north central Nigeria. Vertical Electrical Sounding was carried out on the dumpsite with the aim of delineating the leachate contaminant plumes using resistivity method. Nine electrical resistivity profiles were measured on the site. Six transverse profiles were conducted on the dumpsite with thirty-six vertical electrical sounding (VES) point, three transverse profiles was also conducted on the control site which is 100 meters away from the dumpsite having nine vertical electrical sounding (VES) point and a dimension of 40m x 40m. The resistivity data obtained was analyzed using winresist software. The data obtained from the study area revealed three underlain layer they are the topsoil, fractured basement and fresh basement. The dumpsite was typified by A-types and H-types of curve and the control site was typified by H-type of curves. Iso–resistivity maps at various depths were observed, at the surface, 3m, 5m,7m, and 10m for the dumpsite and the control site. It can therefore be inferred from this study that the depth of contamination is 7 meter and aquifer found within this depth are most likely to be contaminated by leachate and water bearing formation beyond the depth of 7m is safe from contamination. The rate of contamination of the study area is approximately 1.0 meter per year

    Modelling and Evaluation of the Potential for Cable Car System in Idanre Hill: A Road Map to Tourism Revival in Ondo State, South-western, Nigeria

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    The recent decline in oil price as the major source of revenue in Nigeria has posed significant negative impact on the national economy intensifying problems of unemployment, food insecurity and poverty. In a bid to seek alternative source of revenue, maximise the exploitation of available resources in wealth creation and provide possible solution through tourism sector, this paper argues the need to promote tourism in Idanre.  It therefore modelled the potential for modern ropeway (cable car) system, amusement park and resort in Idanre Hill. The study made used of secondary and primary data. Secondary data were published information, Google Earth (software) images and Geographic Information System (GIS). These were used for spatial modelling of the landscape. Primary data involved site direct field observation and reconnaissance survey to investigate the feasibility of ropeway system on the landscape. Modern cable car system (ropeway), amusement park and resort were thus identified as viable source of centripetal (pull) force that can be accommodated in the study area and capable to draw tourists across the world. Keywords: Resort; landscape; amusement park; tourism; economic; cable car syste

    Curie point Depth and Heat Flow Analyses over Part of Bida Basin, North Central Nigeria using Aeromagnetic Data

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    This study attempt to estimate the Curie point depth and heat flow using high resolution aeromagnetic data over part of Bida basin bounded with longitude 5o00’E – 6o30’E and Latitude 8o30’N – 9o30’N   with an estimated total area of 18,150 km2. We subjected the total magnetic intensity field of the study area to regional/residual separation using polynomial fitting. We divided the residual map into sixteen overlapping spectral blocks. We obtained centroid depths and depth to top of basement got from the plot of log of power spectrum against wave number; the centroid depth ranges from 6.61 km to 20.30 km while the depth to top of basement ranges from 1.59 km to 6.38 km. input parameter to calculate the curie depth. The CPD range from 10.88 km to 35.51 km with an average value of 23.22km. The CPD is deeper at the centre of the southern and eastern part of the study area which correspond to part of Pategi and part of Baro; and shallow at the northeastern and Northwestern part of the study area correspond to part of Mokwa and part of Bida. The geothermal gradients for the sixteen blocks range from 16.33 oCkm-1 at the centre of the southern region of the area to 53.30 oCkm-1 at the northeastern and north western region of the study area with an average of 28.98 oCkm-1. While the heat flow to range from 40.99 mWm-1 to 133.80 mWm-1 with an average value of 76.19 mWm-2. It can be deduced from this study that the Southeastern, southwestern, and the northwestern part of the study area might be a good indicator of geothermal energy potential with minimum CPD, maximum geothermal gradient and heat flow since demagnetized rocks confirm a hot rock quantity in the crust that can be harnessed for geothermal energy exploitation

    Assessment of Geothermal Potentials In Some Parts of Upper Benue Trough Northeast Nigeria Using Aeromagnetic Data

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    The assessment of geothermal potentials over part of the upper Benue trough corresponding to Kaltungo, Guyok, Lau and Dong areas, North Eastern Nigeria using spectral depth analysis of aeromagnetic data has been carried out. The study area is bounded by latitudes 9o00’N and 10o00’N and longitudes 11o00’E and 12o00’E. This research work is necessitated by the need for renewable and alternative sources of energy for use in Nigeria. Regional/residual separation was carried out on the total magnetic field using polynomial fitting method of order one. The residual map was divided into nine overlapping blocks for the spectral analysis. The centroid depths and depth to top of basement were obtained from the plot of log of power spectrum against wavenumber. These two parameters were used to estimate the Curie point depth using , where    and  are Curie depth, centroid depth and depth to top of basement respectively. The results from the spectral analysis suggested that in the parts of the Upper Benue trough, the basement is deepest at the south western portion towards the Lau area and varies between 0.55 and 3.8 km, while the centroid depth varies from 7.26 to 18.00 km. From the same portion of the trough, the Curie-point depths vary between 12.43 and 33.91 km and the corresponding geothermal gradient and heat flow values varying from 17.10 to 46.66 0C/km with an average of 30.75 0C/km and 42.75 to 116.65 mW/m2 with an average of 75.91 mW/m2 respectively. The maximum heat flow is found around the south western portion of the study area (Lau). The entire study area with high heat flow values might probably be good sources for geothermal and thereby recommended for both geothermal exploration and exploitation