11 research outputs found

    Sociodemographic predictors associated with COVID-19 vaccine acceptance among veterinary professionals in Nigeria

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    Vaccines are one of the most effective and successful strategies employed to date to prevent and increase the population's immunity against several viral diseases. However, vaccine hesitancy among populations poses a potential danger to global health. This study focused on determining the vaccine acceptance rate and associated key determinants among veterinarians. A cross-sectional study using a web-based survey among veterinarians was conducted in the month of April 2021. A multivariate logistic regression model was performed to identify key predictors for vaccine acceptance among veterinarians. A total of 305 veterinarians participated in this survey, of whom 39 respondents (12.8%) had received the COVID-19 vaccine. The vaccine acceptance rate among respondents was 38.3% (excluding those that have taken the vaccine). Only 37.0 % of the respondents were confident about the safety and efficacy of the Oxford–AstraZeneca vaccine in circulation in the country. Major perceived drivers for vaccine acceptability were safety (91.8%), possible adverse reactions (85.6%) and global acceptability (75.7%). The adjusted odds ratio (aOR) of vaccine acceptance increased by 2.3 times among male veterinarians than females (95% CI: 1.358-3.900; p = 0.002) in the multivariate model. In Nigeria, little is known about COVID-19 vaccine acceptance (VA) and predictors among animal healthcare providers, including veterinarians. The study found gender as a key sociodemographic predictor for VA. There is a need to address the sociodemographic determinants of vaccine hesitancy through public health efforts and increase COVID-19 vaccine acceptance and coverage in Nigeria

    Relationship between quality attributes of backslopped fermented gari and the sensory and instrumental texture profile of the cooked dough (eba)

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    Open Access Article; Published online: 27 Oct 2021Knowledge is scarce on the drivers of textural characteristics of cooked dough prepared from gari (eba). To address this need, quality attributes of backslopped fermented gari (BFG) were correlated with the sensory texture profile analysis (STPA) and instrumental texture profile analysis (ITPA) of the eba produced from six cassava varieties. The results showed that a significant and negative correlation exists between the STPA mouldability of the eba and the sugar (p < .05, r = −0.83) and amylose (p < .05, r = −0.86) contents of the BFG. The STPA stretchability of the eba had a significant negative correlation with the bulk density (p < .05, r = −0.83) and a significant positive correlation with the setback viscosity (p < .01, r = 0.92) of the BFG. A significant and negative correlation exists between the STPA stickiness of the eba and the amylose (p < .05, r = −0.84) contents of the BFG. The ITPA adhesiveness of the eba was significant and negatively correlated with the solubility index (p < .05, r = −0.89) and the ash content (p < .05, r = −0.87) of the BFG. The correlation between the ITPA stretchability of the eba and the peak (p < .05, r = 0.83) and breakdown (p < .05, r = 0.88) viscosities of the BFG was significant and positive, while a significant negative correlation (p < .05, r = −0.83) exist between the ITPA stretchability of the eba and the starch content of the BFG. The information provided in this study may assist the breeders in developing varieties with good textural attributes for eba. Practical applications This study depicts the relationship between the quality attributes of backslopped fermented gari (BFG) and the sensory and instrumental texture profile of the cooked dough (eba). Both the sensory and the instrumental texture attributes of the eba have correlation with the quality attributes of the BFG. Apart from providing information on the drivers of the textural characteristics of eba, this study may also assist the breeders in developing varieties with good textural attributes for eba

    Haematological changes following chronic administration of aqueous extract of Enantia Chlorantha to albino rats

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    The effect of aqueous extract of Enantia chlorantha on some haematological parameters in albino rats during a twenty eight day orally administration of the doses of 50, 100 and 200mg/kg body weight was investigated. The results showed significant increases (

    Methanolic leaf extract of Azadirachta indica ameliorates gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity in male Wistar rats

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    This study investigated the possible protective effect of methanolic leaf extract of Azadirachta indica on gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity in male Wistar rats. Male Wista rrats (average weight= 184.05g) were divided into five (5) groups, with five (5) rats each receiving vehicle (normal saline, p.o), GEN (21.16 mg/kg Gentamicin,i.p), AZI (200 mg/kg methanolic leaf extract of Azadirachta indica, MEAI, p.o), GEN+AZI (Gentamicin with 200 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg of AZI), 5 minutes after administration of Gentamicin for 7 days. Serum total protein, albumin, creatinine, urea, sodium, potassium and MDA levels were assayed using standard procedures. Renal histopathological study was also conducted. All data were expressed as means ± SEM and significance were accepted at p&lt;0.05.&nbsp;Gentamicin caused impaired renal function with increased serum urea, creatinine and MDA, decreased sodium, potassium, total protein and albumin levels. Histopathology revealed altered renal histoarchitecture. However, treatment with MEAI especially the 400 mg/kg dose, improved renal function, restored total protein and decreased MDA in Gentamicin-induced Nephrotoxicity.Taken together, MEAI shows capacity to improve renal function and histology by attenuating lipid peroxidation in Nephrotoxicity induced by gentamicin

    Biochemical changes in the liver, kidney and serum of rat following chronic administration of cimetidine

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    The effect of repeated administration of cimetidine, an antiulcer agent, twice daily for 7days on the phosphatase (acid and alkaline) and some function indices of rat liver and kidney was investigated. Sixty-four white albino rats were randomly grouped into two, A and B. Group A which consisted of 32 rats served as the control and were administered twice daily with 1ml of distilled water (the vehicle) for 7days while group B which served as the test group were also administered twice daily with 1ml of cimetidine (2.8mg.kg -1 body wt) for 7days. Cimetidine administration (2.8mg.kg -1 body wt) resulted in significant increases (P<0.05) in the activities of liver and kidney alkaline phosphatase while there was no significant change (P>0.05) in the serum alkaline phosphatase activities. Acid phosphatase showed a decreased activity (P<0.05) in the liver but an increase (P<0.05) in activity in the kidney following the administration of cimetidine. Serum albumin content exhibited significant reduction (P<0.05) throughout the experimental period. There was a decrease (P<0.05) in the concentration of serum bilirubin from after the third day which was accompanied by a significant increase (P<0.05) in creatinine concentration and these pattern of changes were sustained as long as the administration of the agent lasted. The results indicated alterations in the biochemical parameters investigated with a more pronounced effect on the liver function than the renal function tests. It can be inferred that chronic administration of cimetidine repeatedly apart from altering the activities of the phosphatase enzymes, will also adversely affect the functional capabilities of the liver and kidneys

    Biochemical changes in the Liver, Kidney and Serum of rat following chronic administration of cimetidine

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    The effect of repeated administration of cimetidine, an antiulcer agent, twice daily for 7days on the phosphatase (acid and alkaline) and some function indices of rat liver and kidney was investigated. Sixty-four white albino rats were randomly grouped into two, A and B. Group A which consisted of 32 rats served as the control and were administered twice daily with 1ml of distilled water (the vehicle) for 7days while group B which served as the test group were also administered twice daily with 1ml of cimetidine (2.8mg.kg -1 body wt) for 7days. Cimetidine administration (2.8mg.kg -1 body wt) resulted in significant increases (P<0.05) in the activities of liver and kidney alkaline phosphatase while there was no significant change (P>0.05) in the serum alkaline phosphatase activities. Acid phosphatase showed a decreased activity (P<0.05) in the liver but an increase (P<0.05) in activity in the kidney following the administration of cimetidine. Serum albumin content exhibited significant reduction (P<0.05) throughout the experimental period. There was a decrease (P<0.05) in the concentration of serum bilirubin from after the third day which was accompanied by a significant increase (P<0.05) in creatinine concentration and these pattern of changes were sustained as long as the administration of the agent lasted. The results indicated alterations in the biochemical parameters investigated with a more pronounced effect on the liver function than the renal function tests. It can be inferred that chronic administration of cimetidine repeatedly apart from altering the activities of the phosphatase enzymes, will also adversely affect the functional capabilities of the liver and kidneys

    Correlation of the quality attributes of fufu flour and the sensory and instrumental texture profiles of the cooked dough produced from different cassava varieties

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    Open Access Journal; Published online: 17 Feb 2022There is little or no information on the relationship between the quality of fufu flour and the textural attributes of cooked dough. Quality attributes of flour were therefore correlated with the sensory texture profile analysis (STPA) and instrumental texture profile analysis (ITPA) of the dough produced from six varieties of cassava. Results showed that the water absorption capacity (WAC) of flour had a positive correlation (p < .05, r = 0.90) with the STPA moldability of the cooked dough and a significant negative correlation (p < 0 .05, r = −0.94) with its STPA. The correlation between the STPA hardness of cooked dough and the bulk density of flour was positive and significant (p < .01, r = 0.94) but not significant between the ITPA of cooked dough and the quality attributes of flour. The textural attributes of the eba produced from the TMEB419 variety were hardness and moldability, those for TMS13F1020P0001 were stretchability, gumminess, hardness, and adhesiveness, and those for NR14B-218, TMS13F1153P0001, NR1741, and IITA-TMS-IBA30572 were moldability and stretchability. The information provided in this study might help in the breeding of cassava varieties that would be acceptable to end-users in terms of the quality characteristics of flour and the textural attributes of cooked dough

    Genome-wide dissection of the genetic factors underlying food quality in boiled and pounded white Guinea yam

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    BACKGROUND Food quality traits related to the genetics of yam influence the acceptability for its consumption. This study aimed at identifying genetic factors underlying sensory and textural quality attributes of boiled and pounded yam, the two dominant food products from white Guinea yam. RESULTS A genome-wide association study (GWAS) of a panel of 184 genotypes derived from five multi-parent crosses population was conducted. The panel was phenotyped for the qualities of boiled and pounded yam using sensory quality and instrument-based textural profile assays. The genotypes displayed significant variation for most of the attributes. Population differentiation and structure analysis using principal component analysis (PCA) and population structure-based Bayesian information criteria revealed the presence of four well-defined clusters. The GWAS results from a multi-random mixed linear model with kinship and PCA used as covariate identified 13 single-nucleotide polymorphic (SNP) markers significantly associated with the boiled and pounded yam food qualities. The associated SNP markers explained 7.51–13.04% of the total phenotypic variance with a limit of detection exceeding 4. CONCLUSION Regions on chromosomes 7 and 15 were found to be associated with boiled and pounded yam quality attributes from sensory and instrument-based assays. Gene annotation analysis for the regions of associated SNPs revealed co-localization of several known putative genes involved in glucose export, hydrolysis and glycerol metabolism. Our study is one of the first reports of genetic factors underlying the boiled and pounded yam food quality to pave the way for marker-assisted selection in white Guinea yam. © 2023 Society of Chemical Industry