250 research outputs found


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    The study ascertained the level of relational maintenance among unmarried postgraduate students of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife and as well as the relationship between interpersonal communication and relational maintenance among the postgraduate students of Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife. Finally, it also examined the relationship between demographic variables and relational maintenance among the postgraduate students. These were with a view to providing useful information on relational maintenance among the unmarried postgraduate students. The study adopted survey design. The sample size comprised 600 postgraduate students selected from six selected faculties out of the thirteen Faculties in Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, using multistage sampling technique. Thereafter, a total of 100 students were selected in each faculty using purposive sampling technique for those that were into dating relationship. One adapted and one self-constructed instruments were used to elicit information from the respondents. The adapted instrument was Relational Maintenance Scale (RMS) while Interpersonal Communication Inventory (ICI) was self-constructed. Percentages, frequency counts Pearson correlation and Chi-square were employed to analyze the data. The results showed that 24.8%, 52.5% and 22.7% of postgraduate students of Obafemi Awolowo Universities Ile-Ife demonstrated low, moderate and high levels of relational maintenance respectively. The study also indicated that there was a significant positive relationship between interpersonal communication and relational maintenance (r = 0.676, p > 0.05). Furthermore, the results showed significant relationship between sex of the students and relational maintenance (x2 =24.271; df = 564, p > 0.05). Finally, the results showed significant relationship between age of the students and relational maintenance (x2 = 47.837a; df = 564, p > 0.05). It was concluded that irrespective of the age of the students, most unmarried postgraduate students in the study area had moderate level of relational maintenance

    An assessment of the role of government health related policies in improving the oral health status of Nigerians

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    Achieving good oral health is now considered an important component of good health for any population and the inclusion of an oral health component in national health policies is a good strategy for promoting oral health. This paper sought to examine the existing health-related policies of the Nigerian government in order to determine the position accorded oral health within the policy framework and to determine the role of these policies in improving the oral health status of Nigerians. A detailed search of electronic sources and Nigerian government documents to identify the major health related policies of the government in the last decade was conducted. The policies identified and analysed were the Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s), Vision 20:2020, National Economic Empowerment and Development strategy (NEEDS), the seven point agenda and the primary health care policy. The analysis from this report indicates an exclusion of oral health from the framework of most of the policies designed by the Nigerian government. The most important barrier identified for excluding oral health is the inability of the oral health workforce to influence the policy process in Nigeria since policymaking is largely a political issue. Oral healthcare professionals in Nigeria need to be actively engaged in the politics of policymaking in order to promote the inclusion of oral health in the health related policies of government. This should stimulate positive action concerning oral health in the Nigerian polity

    Evaluation of Resistance Pattern and Plasmid Profile of Staphylococcus Species Isolated from Clinical and Community Samples in Ibadan South-West, Nigeria

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    Aims: Staphylococcus species have been a major human pathogen of public health importance globally. This study was designed to evaluate the resistance pattern and plasmid profile of Staphylococcus species isolated from clinical and community settings. Methodology: Staphylococcus species from clinical (55) and community (53) which were previously isolated in University of Ibadan and her teaching hospital and identified as S. epidermidis (92.6%), S. aureus (6.5%) and S. xylosus (0.9%) were used. The antibiogram and plasmid profiles were determined by standard procedures. Results: In clinical isolates of S. epidermidis, 30.9, 34.5, 40.0, 41.8, 60.0, 76.4, and 89.1% were resistant to chloramphenicol (CHL), streptomycin (STR), erythromycin (ERY), gentamycin (GEN), tetracycline (TET), cotrimoxazole (COT), and cloxacillin (CXC) respectively. Correspondingly, in community isolates of S. epidermidis, 28.3, 32.1, 50.9, 26.4, 58.5, 90.6 and 92.5% were resistant to these antibiotics. The only clinical S. xylosus isolated was resistant to all the antibiotics except CHL and STR. In the clinical isolates of S. aureus, 5.5, 5.5, 7.3, 7.3, 7.3, 9.1 and 9.1% were resistant to ERY, CHL, STR, GEN, TET, COT and CXC respectively. In community isolates, only one S. aureus was resistant to COT, CHL, ERY, GEN and STR while two were resistant to CXC. Plasmid profiling showed that 33/35 (94.3%) of clinical and 17/19 (89.5%) of community isolates had plasmid of size 23.13 kb. Conclusion: The increasing resistance and similarity of plasmid profile of the community isolates to clinical isolates call for urgent establishment of antibiotic surveillance system to minimize the emergence of drug resistance pathogens in the community

    Knowledge of spacer device, peak flow meter and inhaler technique (MDIs) among health care providers: an evaluation of doctors and nurses.

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    Background: Metered dose inhalers are cornerstone in effective management of bronchial asthma when correctly used. Most studies hitherto have focused on assessing patient’s knowledge of inhaler technique. We sought to assess the knowledge of inhaler technique, spacer device and peak flow meter among doctors and nurses in a tertiary healthcare institution in Nigeria.Method: A cross sectional survey of nurses and doctors from emergency department, family and internal medicine; who were attending a continuous professional development lecture, was carried out. From a total of 100 questionnaires administered, we retrieved 87 of which 75 were completed, giving a response rate of 75%. It was a selfadministered questionnaire. Data was analysed with SPSS version 21.0. Descriptive statistics were done. Associationwas examined using chi-square test.Result: Mean age of respondent was 35.8 years ± 8.7, 47(62.7%) were < 40 years, 33(44%) were male, nurses were 30(40.0%). Only 28(37.3%) had ever used a peak flow meter. Only 4(14.3%) used peak flow meter frequently, while 12(26.7%) checked patient’s inhaler technique often. Only 9 out of the 75 (12%) participants all of who are doctors knew at least 3 essential steps of the techniques in using the metered dose inhaler correctly. None of the participants got all the steps for the use of pMDI totally correct.Conclusion: Knowledge regarding the use of the metered dose inhaler and spacer device was poor. Health practitioners should have constant reminders in the form of continuous medical education to update their knowledge regarding correct inhaler technique.Funding: self-fundedKeywords: asthma, inhalers, knowledge, doctors, nurse

    Comparison of the electrochemical performances of MCDCFC using hand and ball milled biomass carbon fuels

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    The electrochemical performances of a single cell molten carbonate electrolyte direct carbon fuel cell (MCDCFC) using miscanthus and switchgrass biomass carbon fuels subjected to hand and ball milling treatments are presented in this paper. Conventional direct carbon fuel cell (DCFC) uses carbon derived from coal, a fossil fuel with adverse consequences on the environment. This paper explores a more benign carbon fuel source which is the biomass to power the DCFC. The performances of the hand milled (HM) carbon fuels were slightly higher than those of the ball milled (BM) carbon fuels. At 800oC for the open circuit voltage, miscanthus fuel (1.03 V) has higher values for the HM and switchgrass fuel (0.77 V) for the BM. Higher peak power densities were observed for switchgrass fuel (21.60 and 12.32 mW/cm2) for both the HM and BM. Switchgrass fuel (74 mA/cm2) gave the maximum current density for both the HM and BM. Miscanthus fuel (0.72 V) show higher voltage at peak power generation for the HM and switchgrass fuel (0.39 V) for the BM. The peak power efficiency evaluated show that miscanthus fuel (70%) gave higher values for the hand milled and equal values for both carbon fuels (51%) for the ball milled

    Identification of genomic regions associated with differences in fleece type in Huacaya and Suri alpacas (Vicugna pacos).

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    The difference in fleece type is the distinguishing trait between the two types of alpacas (Vicugna pacos), Huacaya and Suri. The Suri fleece type has been found to be inherited dominantly over the Huacaya type, resulting in offspring with the Suri phenotype. The aim of our study was to map genomic regions associated with the two different fleece types. In this study, 91 alpacas (54 Huacayas and 37 Suris) from Germany and Switzerland were genotyped using the 76k alpaca SNP array. Only 59k chromosome-localised markers map to the alpaca reference assembly VicPac3.1, and after quality control 49 866 SNPs, were retained for population structure assessment and to conduct a genome-wide association study. Both principal component and neighbour-joining tree analysis showed that the two fleece-type cohorts overlapped rather than forming two distinct clusters. Genome-wide significantly associated markers were observed in the scaffold region of chromosome 16 (NW_021964192.1), which contains a cluster of keratin genes. A haplotype predominantly found in Suri alpacas has been identified which supports dominant inheritance. Variant filtering of nine whole-genome sequenced alpacas from both fleece types in the critical interval of 0.4 Mb did not reveal perfect segregation of either fleece type for specific variants. To our knowledge, this is the first study to use the recently developed species-specific SNP array to identify genomic regions associated with differences in fleece type in alpacas. There are still some limitations, such as the preliminary status of the reference assembly and the incomplete annotation of the alpaca genome


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    The electrochemical performances of a single cell molten carbonate electrolyte direct carbon fuel cell (MCDCFC) using miscanthus and switchgrass biomass carbon fuels subjected to hand and ball milling treatments are presented in this paper. Conventional direct carbon fuel cell (DCFC) uses carbon derived from coal, a fossil fuel with adverse consequences on the environment. This paper explores a more benign carbon fuel source which is the biomass to power the DCFC. The performances of the hand milled (HM) carbon fuels were slightly higher than those of the ball milled (BM) carbon fuels. At 800oC for the open circuit voltage, miscanthus fuel (1.03 V) has higher values for the HM and switchgrass fuel (0.77 V) for the BM. Higher peak power densities were observed for switchgrass fuel (21.60 and 12.32 mW/cm2) for both the HM and BM. Switchgrass fuel (74 mA/cm2) gave the maximum current density for both the HM and BM. Miscanthus fuel (0.72 V) show higher voltage at peak power generation for the HM and switchgrass fuel (0.39 V) for the BM. The peak power efficiency evaluated show that miscanthus fuel (70%) gave higher values for the hand milled and equal values for both carbon fuels (51%) for the ball milled

    Prediction of Students’ Performance with Artificial Neural network Using Demographic Traits

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    Many researchers have studied student academic performance in supervised and unsupervised learning using numerous data mining techniques. Neural networks often need a greater collection of observations to achieve enough predictive ability. Due to the increase in the rate of poor graduates, it is necessary to design a system that helps to reduce this menace as well as reduce the incidence of students having to repeat due to poor performance or having to drop out of school altogether in the middle of the pursuit of their career. It is therefore necessary to study each one as well as their advantages and disadvantages, so as to determine which is more efficient in and in what case one should be preferred over the other. The study aims to develop a system to predict student performance with Artificial Neutral Network using the student demographic traits so as to assist the university in selecting candidates (students) with a high prediction of success for admission using previous academic records of students granted admissions which will eventually lead to quality graduates of the institution. The model was developed based on certain selected variables as the input. It achieved an accuracy of over 92.3 percent, showing Artificial Neural Network potential effectiveness as a predictive tool and a selection criterion for candidates seeking admission to a university

    Morphology of GPS and DPS TEC over an equatorial station: validation of IRI and NeQuick 2 models

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    We investigated total electron content (TEC) at Ilorin (8.50°&thinsp;N 4.65°&thinsp;E, dip lat. 2.95) for the year 2010, a year of low solar activity in 2010 with Rz = 15.8. The investigation involved the use of TEC derived from GPS, estimated TEC from digisonde portable sounder data (DPS), and the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) and NeQuick 2 (NeQ) models. During the sunrise period, we found that the rate of increase in DPS TEC, IRI TEC, and NeQ TEC was higher compared with GPS TEC. One reason for this can be attributed to an overestimation of plasmaspheric electron content (PEC) contribution in modeled TEC and DPS TEC. A correction factor around the sunrise, where our finding showed a significant percentage deviation between the modeled TEC and GPS TEC, will correct the differences. Our finding revealed that during the daytime when PEC contribution is known to be absent or insignificant, GPS TEC and DPS TEC in April, September, and December predict TEC very well. The lowest discrepancies were observed in May, June, and July (June solstice) between the observed values and all the model values at all hours. There is an overestimation in DPS TEC that could be due to extrapolation error while integrating from the peak electron density of F2 (NmF2) to around  ∼ 1000&thinsp;km in the Ne profile. The underestimation observed in NeQ TEC must have come from the inadequate representation of contribution from PEC on the topside of the NeQ model profile, whereas the exaggeration of PEC contribution in IRI TEC amounts to overestimation in GPS TEC. The excess bite-out observed in DPS TEC and modeled TEC indicates over-prediction of the fountain effect in these models. Therefore, the daytime bite-out observed in these models requires a modifier that could moderate the perceived fountain effect morphology in the models accordingly. The daytime DPS TEC performs better than the daytime IRI TEC and NeQ TEC in all the months. However, the dusk period requires attention due to the highest percentage deviation recorded, especially for the models, in March, November, and December. Seasonally, we found that all the TECs maximize and minimize during the March equinox and June solstice, respectively. Therefore, GPS TEC and modeled TEC reveal the semiannual variations in TEC.</p

    The Socio-economic and Environmental Implications of Residential Buildings in Proximate Distance to Landfill Site. A Case of Olusosun Landfill, Ojota Lagos

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    Rapid population growth, urbanization and the associated increase in housing need has lead landfills to compete with residential developments, especially in peri-urban areas of developing countries, including Nigeria. This study explores extensively the socio-economic and environmental impacts of landfill sites on residential buildings, especially those in proximate distance to it, with a focus on the Olusosun landfill in Ojota, Lagos. In achieving this aim, the study examined the socio-demographic characteristics of the residents living in close proximity between 200-500 metres to the landfill site, identified the health and environmental hazards experienced by residents, examined the condition of residential buildings between 200-500 metres to the landfill site and evaluated the relationship between the distance of landfill site and condition of buildings in the study area. The purposive and stratified random sampling method was employed in carrying out the research survey, where Olusosun community was divided into three (3) strata using distance from the dumpsite and population density as criteria adopted by the researcher. Consequently, eighty-two (82) questionnaires were retrieved from the respondents, out of the total eighty-five (85) structured questionnaires administered. Descriptive statistical tool was used to analyse the perceptions of the respondents. However, the study revealed that several socio-economic, environmental and health implications arise as a result of this haphazard development, these include; thermal discomfort, diseases, low rental value of residential buildings, poor aesthetic value and water contamination. Also, the result from the Crosstab and Chi-Square test concluded that there was no enough evidence to suggest an association between distance of landfill and building conditions in the study area. The study, therefore recommends that there should be proper monitoring and robust waste management strategy, social inclusion in waste management, promote health and safety, harness other waste disposal methods, provide legal structures/institutions on waste management, climate change mitigation and safeguarding the environment for sustainability. Keywords: socio-economic, environmental, residential buildings, proximate distance, landfill DOI: 10.7176/JEES/9-6-10 Publication date:June 30th 201
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