20 research outputs found

    Antecedents of Teachers’ Educational Beliefs about Mathematics and Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching among In-Service Teachers in High Poverty Urban Schools

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    This paper examines the antecedents of three types of educational beliefs about mathematics among 151 teachers predominantly working in high poverty schools. Studies across various countries have found that teachers in high poverty schools are less likely to enact instructional approaches that align with mathematics reform standards set by national and international organizations. Researchers contend that for instruction to change, educational beliefs about mathematics and teaching must change. Regression analyses indicated that mathematics-teaching experience was associated with teachers’ self-efficacy for teaching mathematics at the onset of professional development and the number of mathematics college courses teachers had taken moderated their change in self-efficacy beliefs through professional development. Findings also indicated that epistemic beliefs about mathematics, which became more availing through professional development, were the strongest predictor of their mathematical knowledge for teaching. Results may inform professional development programs in promoting adaptive educational beliefs among teachers in high poverty schools

    A Multilevel Analysis of the Impact of Teachers’ Beliefs and Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching on Students’ Mathematics Achievement

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    : Teachers’ content knowledge and beliefs about teaching and learning are among the key factors for effective teaching and, in turn, for student achievement-related outcomes. This study explores the extent to which K-8 math teachers’—who teach in high-poverty urban schools—professional background, motivational beliefs, and mathematical knowledge for teaching (MKT) have an impact on students’ math achievement. Hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) results indicated that although students’ prior mathematics achievement was the most determining factor of their subsequent math achievement, teachers’ MKT and holding a bachelor’s degree in mathematics had significant positive effects on students’ math achievement. Results provide support for professional development (PD) to focus on improving mathematics teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching. Results may also have implications for education policies at both the district and state level for teacher incentives to further develop teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching, especially for urban school teachers

    The Effects of the School-Work Environment on Mathematics Teachers’ Motivation for Teaching: A Self-Determination Theoretical Perspective

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    Guided by self-determination theory, this study investigated the extent to which factors of teachers’ school-work environments predict their self-efficacy and intrinsic value for teaching. Participants were 217 mathematics teachers working in Texas public schools. Results indicated that principals’ autonomy support positively predicted teachers’ self-efficacy and intrinsic value for teaching beyond years of teaching experience, mathematics background, and grade level taught. Moreover, the negative effects of school-work environments dominated by high-stakes testing on teachers’ motivation for teaching were moderated by the level of autonomy support provided by the school principal

    20-40 yaş arası hayatın işleyişinde anomi problemi (Adapazarı örneği )

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.ÖZETAnahtar Kelimeler: Psikoloji, Kuralsızlık, Din, Toplum, Kuralİlk defa E. DURKHEİM tarafından kullanılan anomi kavramı sosyoloji mahreçliolmasına rağmen birçok bilim dalında farklı anlam ve içerikle kullanılmıştır. Bunedenle genel bir anomi tanımlamasına ulaşmak zordur. ?Anomi kavramının fevkaladeyoğun, karmaşık ve çok anlamlı bir biçimde kullanılmış olması, anomi kavramınınanomik bir özellik göstermesine neden olmuştur.Anomi kelimesi kuralsızlık anlamına gelmektedir. Kurallar, anominin baskın olduğudönemlerde ya az işler veya hiç işlememektedir. Toplum içindeki insanlar sankipusulalarını kaybetmiş gibidirler ve yollarını bulmakta zorlanmaktadırlar.Toplumuniçine düşmüş olduğu anominin boyutlarını, niteliklerini ve bunların din eksenindekiyerini tespit etmek amacıyla bu çalışma yapılmıştır. Çalışmanın birinci bölümündeanominin tanımları, anominin nedenleri ve sonuçları üzerinde durulmuştur. Ayrıcaanomi ile ilgili otorite kabul edilen başta Emil DURKHEİM, Robert K. MERTONolmak üzere görüş bildiren aydınların görüşlerine yer verilmiştir.II. bölümde din konusu ele alınmıştır. Dinin yapısı ve fonksiyonları, anomik birdurumda, dini düşünce, tutum, tavır ve kuralların nasıl etkilendiğini, birey ve toplumüzerindeki etkilerini tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca tarikatlerin, cemaatlerin, batıl inançların,birbirinden nasıl etkilendikleri tespit edilmiştir.Son bölümde ise; tezin ana konusunuoluşturan ve anominin Sakarya ilindeki etkilerini ortaya koymaya çalışan anketçalışmasına yer verilmiştir. Anket soruları Leo SROLE tarafından oluşturulan BireyselAnomi ve Yabancılaşma ölçeği ile Sosyal Anomi ve Yabancılaşma Ölçeğikullanılmıştır. Ayrıca deneklerin dindarlık düzeyini ölçmek için Ahmet ONAY'ınoluşturduğu Dini Yönelim Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Yapılan anket sonucunda ortaya çıkansonuçlar tablolaştırılmış ve yorumlanmıştır.Bu tez çalışmasında anomi her yönüyle ele alınmaya çalışılmış ve başta birey olmaküzere, toplum üzerindeki etkileri ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Yapılan anketvi çalışmaları ile de Adapazarı?ndaki etkileri ortaya konulmuştur. Bütün bunların ışığındayapılan çalışmalar değerlendirilerek ortak bir sonuca ulaşılmaya çalışılmıştır

    The Impact of Teacher Quality on Student Motivation, Achievement, and Persistence in Science and Mathematics

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    Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields occupy a significant role in human prosperity and advancement. This study explores the factors affecting student STEM outcomes. Traditionally, the associations of students’ own motivational or cognitive inputs to their STEM career outcomes have been investigated before. Similarly, association of teacher quality to student achievement outcomes have been made before. This paper presents a novel approach by introducing teacher quality as the contextual factor within the social cognitive career theoretical (SCCT) model using a comprehensive and robust model for teacher quality including teachers’ motivation, qualifications, and self-reported practices. This study examines the extent to which high school students’ mathematics and science teachers’ beliefs, professional background, and instructional practices relate to students’ motivation, achievement, and future career plans in STEM using a nationally representative, large dataset: High School Longitudinal Study 2009. The results indicate that science and mathematics teachers’ professional background, motivational beliefs, and self-reported instructional practices have significant impact on students’ motivation, persistence, and achievement outcomes in science and mathematics. No direct impact of teacher factors on STEM career plans are found; however, students motivational and achievement outcomes (impacted by teacher factors) do have significant impact on students’ career plans in STEM

    The Impact of Teacher Quality on Student Motivation, Achievement, and Persistence in Science and Mathematics

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    Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields occupy a significant role in human prosperity and advancement. This study explores the factors affecting student STEM outcomes. Traditionally, the associations of students’ own motivational or cognitive inputs to their STEM career outcomes have been investigated before. Similarly, association of teacher quality to student achievement outcomes have been made before. This paper presents a novel approach by introducing teacher quality as the contextual factor within the social cognitive career theoretical (SCCT) model using a comprehensive and robust model for teacher quality including teachers’ motivation, qualifications, and self-reported practices. This study examines the extent to which high school students’ mathematics and science teachers’ beliefs, professional background, and instructional practices relate to students’ motivation, achievement, and future career plans in STEM using a nationally representative, large dataset: High School Longitudinal Study 2009. The results indicate that science and mathematics teachers’ professional background, motivational beliefs, and self-reported instructional practices have significant impact on students’ motivation, persistence, and achievement outcomes in science and mathematics. No direct impact of teacher factors on STEM career plans are found; however, students motivational and achievement outcomes (impacted by teacher factors) do have significant impact on students’ career plans in STEM

    Trichogram findings in pemphigus patients

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    Trichogram findings in pemphigus patients

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