2,345 research outputs found


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    in this paper, genetic algorithm (GA) solution to the economic dispatch problem at Khartoum North Power Station is presented. The study uses GA to perfectly fix the fuel consumption problem. GA is a highly nominated way to solve such complicated system. The fuel-cost equations for each generator in the station have been formulated to satisfy specific constrains. The implementation of the algorithm involves two modules: knowledge module; holds decision making elements and genetic module, holds the optimization components such as selection, crossover, mutation and number of generation. The algorithm works through designed procedure from which the global optima solution reached. The results of the study revealed that the fuel cost reduced by 64005.12 €/year compared with those obtained from the station

    Chest Wall Tumors: A Spectrum of Different Pathologies and Outcomes of Reconstruction Techniques

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    Background: Chest wall resection and further reconstruction for tumors represent a challenging concept for surgeons. Thanks to the evolving reconstruction techniques, good results were obtained after extensive resection and reconstruction. Patients and methods: This prospective cohort study was conducted at our University Hospitals throughout 5 years. A total of 43 eligible cases with chest wall tumors were included. All cases were subjected to a multidisciplinary team approach, complete history taking, physical examination, radiological evaluation, and biopsy. The details of surgical techniques, complications, and follow up parameters were included. Results: The mean age of the included cases was 29.45 years. We included a total of 24 males (55.8%). Fibromatosis was the commonest encountered pathology (27.9%), followed by chondrosarcoma (25.5%), and osteosarcoma (21%). Regarding the method of reconstruction, polypropylene mesh was used in 46.5% of cases, followed by direct closure (30.2%). Ten cases were managed by Methyl Methacrylate within the proline mesh (23.3%), while superimposed muscle flap was performed in only 2 cases (4.6%). Post-operatively, bleeding was encountered in 5 cases collectively (11.6%), while wound infection occurred in 11.6% of cases. Pulmonary complications included pneumonia (2.3%) and atelectasis (11.6%). Furthermore, chest wall instability was present in (11.6%) of cases. On follow up, recurrence was diagnosed in (9.3%) of cases (n = 4). Conclusion: Surgical intervention is very effective if tailored to every patient as per team paln. A multidisciplinary team approach is extremely important especially if an extensive demolition is required. Indeed, radical wide en-bloc resection can achieve satisfactory results provided that the extent of resection is not influenced by any anticipated reconstruction problems

    Depósitos de hierro al norte de la Depresión de Bahariya, Desierto Occidental, Egipto: Geología, mineralogía, geoquímica y génesis

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    Tesis presentada en la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Geológicas, Departamento de Petrología y Geoquímica, leída el 29/11/2016The PhD thesis deals with two different ironstone rock types encountered in two sedimentary successions (Upper Cretaceous and Lower Cenozoic) in the northern Bahariya, Egypt. Occurrence of the two iron-bearing rock types in a same area offers an opportunity to better understanding the origin of ironstone deposits. The ironstones occur as thin crusts within Cenomanian clastic rocks (Bahariya Formation) and as big ore bodies at three mine areas, associated to Eocene carbonate units. Analysis of the two ironstone types was carried out by means of field, petrographic, mineralogical and geochemical investigations. The ironstones contain similar iron-bearing minerals, mainly goethite and hematite, which display a variety of fabrics, i.e. concretionary, massive, stromatolitic-like, pisolithic, colloidal, reiniform aggregates, boxwork, leisegang, geode-like and brecciated. They show preferential replacement and cementation of carbonates by iron-rich minerals. Thus, the two ironstone types replaced both depositional and diagenetic carbonates (dolomites) with preservation of the structures, fabrics and thickness of their precursors. However, they exhibit some differences in textures, morphology and bed geometries but marked distinction in which refers to origin, mechanisms and timing of formation. The main mineral paragenesis in the Upper Cretaceous ironstones includes goethite, hematite, Fe-dolomite/ankerite and subordinate amounts of siderite, pyrolusite, todorokite, psilomelane and barite. In contrast, the Eocene ironstones show a more complex mineral paragenesis including goethite, hematite, quartz and subordinate amount of jarosite, alunite, barite, pyrolusite, jacobsite, romanechite, psilomelane, todorokite, apatite, palygorskite and kaolinite...El sector Norte de la Depresión de Bahariya (Desierto Occidental de Egipto) ofrece la oportunidad única de estudiar dos tipos de depósitos de hierro formados en distintos contextos geotectónicos. Uno de los tipos se dispone intercalado entre rocas detríticas del Cenomaniense que se sedimentaron en ambientes fluvio-deltaicos (Fm. Bahariya). El segundo tipo de depósitos de hierro, que se explota en minas a cielo abierto, aparece asociado a las formaciones carbonáticas suprayacentes (Fms. Naqb, Qazzum y Hamra) que se depositaron durante el Eoceno en distintos ambientes marinos de plataforma continental. En la Fm. Bahariya, los depósitos de hierro se presentan como concreciones (nódulos, rizolitos, etc.) y costras de hasta 1 m de espesor siguiendo principalmente las discontinuidades sedimentarias. Las rocas ferruginosas superiores se concentran en las inmediaciones de dos grandes sistemas de falla, donde se muestran como mineralizaciones masivas y voluminosas que pasan lateralmente a carbonatos. El estudio de los depósitos se ha realizado mediante la combinación de técnicas de campo con análisis sedimentológicos, petrográficos, mineralógicos y geoquímicos. Estos análisis muestran que las rocas ferruginosas están mayoritariamente constituidas por óxidos y oxihidróxidos de hierro (hematites y goethita) que adoptan distintas morfologías: masiva, boxwork, brechoide, concreciones, laminada, leisegang, pisolítica, coloidal, etc. Ambos tipos de depósitos de hierro se encuentran reemplazando y/o cementando selectivamente a carbonatos (calizas y dolomías) tanto deposicionales como diagenéticos, mientras que los componentes siliciclásticos asociados se muestran inalterados. En las rocas ferruginosas se pueden reconocer las estructuras, las fábricas, la secuencialidad y el espesor de los precursores carbonáticos...Depto. de Mineralogía y PetrologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEunpu

    Mobile Translator Guide for Tourism Destination in Langkawi (MTGTDL)

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    Mobile devices can be used anywhere and anytime. Relying on this characteristic, this search aims to introduce mobile electronic translator guide for tourism destination in Langkawi in order to ease the communication between the who are talking in different languages to have easy access to places of interest in Langkawi and facilitate the user to use this application without internet. Facilitating or enhancing the communication leads to convergence of cultures. As long as the research deals with Malaysians and tourists who talk Arabic language, the prototype created will be useful for both sides where. Learning common phrases will urge users to have information about a specific languag

    Construction Of An Intelligence Scale For Secondary School Students In Sana’a, Yemen

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    Minat tentang keupayaan mental telah meningkat kerana pembangunan negara. Setiap negara bersaing dalam menggalakkan bakat dan merangsang penduduk yang berbakat untuk bersaing di peringkat global Interest in mental aptitude has increased because of national development. Nations compete in encouraging talent and stimulating their gifted population so as to be competitive globall


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    Stress is a ubiquitous phenomenon that has several fiscal and practical consequences on both the employees and the employers. Implementing stress management strategy in the workplace is a critical issue for leaders and managers. Studying stress and reducing its impact on employees is very helpful for organizations. The aim of this paper is to present an applicable and reliable evaluation method to assess decision makers in Kahramaa Customer Service Department to prioritize and select the most appropriate stress reduction strategy. To meet the aims and objectives of the study, the Analytical Network Process (ANP) method is used to determine the best possible strategy to reduce stress based on reliable assessment criteria that are designed to suit the case of Kahramaa Customer Service Department. The research compared the best strategy out of four different stress reduction strategies which are problem-focused strategy, emotional focused strategy, job characteristics and role ambiguity strategy, and corporate wellness program. The study focused on the prioritization of those strategies by assessing the criteria and sub-criteria of each of the dimensions used for the assessment. The criteria importance and relativity were driven by a comprehensive literature review to support the pairwise comparisons using and utilizing experts’ and scholars’ opinions. The research concluded that the most effective strategies for stress reduction are social support strategies, problem-solving strategies, HR strategies, and environmental strategies. The ANP analysis shows that the corporate wellness program is the most effective and optimal strategy for stress reduction for Kahramaa Customer Service Department employees. The corporate wellness program received the highest scores among other strategies based on the criteria selection and prioritization. The assessment criteria, the sub-criteria, and the alternatives can be altered and customized to outfit any government or semi-government organization in Qatar. This study is focused and aims to assess decision makers. Such studies are not common in the Qatari market. Qatar market is rapidly growing. The government and semi-government organizations in Qatar are racing against time to cope with modern business strategies to fulfil their role in the growing eco-system of the country. Such studies can be a simple, straightforward, and reliable approach to assess managers in government and semi-government organizations on how to improve the working conditions of their employees and reduce stress. Reducing stress is an urging matter to organizations such as Kahramaa. Employees perform better when they are not stressed. Their productivity grows, as well as their commitment, dedication, and loyalty. On the other hand, stressed employees will not be creative enough and will not be effective members in the organization. Accordingly, all organizations in Qatar that have the same problem of Kahrama can highly benefit from this study

    Percutaneous drainage of delayed post-cardiac surgery pericardial effusion

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    Background: Pericardial effusion and tamponade are common following valve surgery. The optimal treatment of symptomatic pericardial effusions remains controversial. The objective of this study was to present our experience in non-surgical management of delayed postoperative pericardial effusion. Methods: This retrospective study was conducted on 64 patients who had delayed pericardial effusion after cardiac surgery from 2016 to 2020. Eight patients were excluded due to the presence of inaccessible posterior or clotted pericardial effusion and were managed surgically, and 56 patients had percutaneous drainage of the pericardial fluid and were included in the analysis. Results: The mean age was 46.84±11.67 years (range: 22- 68 years), and 46.43% were females. The patients had coronary artery bypass grafting (n= 9), Aortic valve replacements  (n= 13), Mitral valve surgery (n= 21), double valve replacements (n= 8) and  combined procedures (n= 5).  All patients complained of varying degrees of exertional dyspnea. There were statistically significant differences between INR in different cardiac surgeries. Mean INR following mitral valve replacement (4.72±0.63) was significantly higher than in aortic valve replacement patients (3.32±0.34; p<0.001) and aortic valve patients (1.76±0.24; p<0.001). Fifteen patients (26.78%) had a large pericardial effusion. Successful drainage was achieved in all cases. Complications were pneumothorax (n= 2, 3.57%), recurrent effusions (n= 4, 7.14%), arrhythmias (n= 7, 12.5%), myocardial punctures (n= 2, 3.57%) and no mortality was reported. Conclusions: percutaneous drainage of postoperative pericardial effusion under radiological guidance is generally safe. Pericardial effusion is common after mitral valve surgery, which could be related to higher INR in these patients