24 research outputs found

    Editorial: The Cerebellum: Not Just an Anatomical Structure

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    In human, the cerebellum occupies about ten percent of the total skull. It contains numerous cells one of which is the Purkinje cell. Traditionally, the cerebellum is made up of four important types of neuronal cells namely Golgi cells, granules cells, Purkinje cells, and; stellate cells (basket cells). However, with the rapid advances in medical sciences, it is now known that the cerebellum contains many other cells, these includes; candelabrum cells, Lugaro cells, and unipolar brush cells. The fact that these neuronal cells are usually not cited in the standard basic expression of the microscopic anatomy of the cerebellum, or even in standard anatomy, physiology, or histology literatures, indicate that our knowledge of the existence of these cells is fractional (1). Recent microscopic study by Tang et al. (2016) (2) has shown that the cerebellum contains the significant number of neuronal cells and synapses compared with any other structure within the central nervous system. The functions of these wide arrays of neurons are determined by a set of biological stimulus (i.e. excitatory or inhibitory inputs). According to Heshmat (2016) (3), excitatory inputs are generated by many mossy fibers which developed from the pontine nuclei and climbing fibers originating from the inferior olivary nucleus. On the other hand, large inhibitory inputs arise from the Purkinje cells situated in the cerebellar cortex. Observations made from the neurobiology of the cerebellum showed that there is need for integration between excitatory and inhibitory inputs so as to develop the output signal required for the functional integrity of the cerebellum. The inhibitory input from a single cerebellar nucleus is usually opposed by depolarizing potentials in the recipient cerebellar nuclei cells due to spontaneous depolarization activity in the presence of such an inhibitory input (3). Evidences from cognitive studies further suggest that cerebellar pathology may be associated with alterations mainly in mental function, instead of motor processes. These pools of evidences continue to attract a sizeable number of researches into the neuroanatomy, neurobiology and neurobehavioral role of the cerebellum and the theories associated with its function

    Improving science, technology and mathematics education in Nigeria: A case study of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife

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    The study assessed the impact of a World Bank Assisted Project “STEP-B” on teaching and learning of Science,  Technology and Mathematics Education (STM) in Nigeria. It also described the contribution of Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife to the improvement of STM through research development, utilization of ICT, human resources and Educational Technology infrastructure in Post Basic Education Institutions (PBEIs) in Nigeria. A sample of 360 participants was used. They were selected from all the PBEIs through stratified sampling technique based on  gender, course, department, unit and job prescription. Data was collected using a-34 item questionnaire designed by the researcher with six sections. The data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results revealed that there was a remarkable improvement in the teaching and learning of STM in PBEIs (F(4,233) =  6.112, P<0.00). A new creative, participatory and competency based learning method that is flexible, robust that incorporate web-based instruction (F(4,235)=2.248, p<0.04) was used. There was an increase in female enrolments in STM as a result of the different motivation and sensitization workshops (F(4,231) =8.109 , p<0.01). The project was effective in building staff and students capacity to utilize WBLS (F(4,234)=5.569 , p<0.01). There was also a reduction in the drop-out and failure rates among female students (F(4,233) =7.360 ,p<0.05).Keywords: post-basic education, science, technology and mathematics, competency-based training, web-based learning, gender disparit

    Histological changes in the vital organs of male rats following short term exposure to smoke extract of Cannabis sativa

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    Introduction: Beneficial effects of cannabis intake by any route of administration has since ages been trailed with controversial reports of scientific studies. This study was designed to evaluate the effects of short term exposure to smoke of Cannabis sativa on the vital organs (heart, lungs, liver, kidney and testes) of male rats.Methods: Ten (10) male Sprague Dawley (SD) rats with average weight of 140 g were randomly divided into two (2) groups (A and B). Animals in group A (experimental group) were exposed to smoke from a completely burnt 0.74g leaves of Cannabis sativa, wrapped in 0.5g of sterilized cotton wool for 5 minutes three times daily (7am, 10am, and 1pm) while animals in group B (control group) were exposed to smoke from completely burnt 0.5g of sterilized cotton wool. All animals vg.had 5 day exposure to smoke of Cannabis and were sacrificed at least three hours after the last smoke exposure by cervical dislocation. In essence, all animals in the control and treatment groups were exposed to normal air in-between treatments. The rationale behind exposing animals in the control group to cotton wool smoke is to show that sterile cotton wool used as the vehicle for cannabis in the treatment group did not have any extra cytological/histological effect. The vital organs were carefully excised, rinsed, blotted dry and were transferred into (bouin's fluid and 10% formol saline) for at least 72 hours before further histological protocol and analysis.Discussion: different histological changes observed in these vital organs include mild edema and destruction of myocardial fibers, degeneration of the hepatocytes, slugging off of the germ cells, enlargement of the alveoli and distortion of the renal cortex.Conclusion: We inferred that short term exposure to smoke of Cannabis sativa may be associated with damage to some vital organs in SD rats.Keywords: Cannabis, vital organs, histological change

    Cholecalciferol attenuates induced Parkinson’s like-disease variation and cellular morphology of striatum and substantial Nigra

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    Parkinson’s disease is the commonest motor neurodegenerative disorder which affects the dopaminergic neurons and causes significant loss of dopamine. 1-methyl 4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) is a selective neurotoxin in the nigrostriatal pathway leading to this motor disorder. Cholecalciferol (Vitamin D3) has been described as an active neurosteriod with antioxidant properties ubiquitously present in the brain. The study hypothesized that stimulation of vitamin D receptor by cholecalciferol could reduce autophagic cell death and degeneration following a state of drug induced parkinsonism in mice. The aim of the research was to observe the cytoarchitectural, histochemical, neurobehavioural and immunohistochemical effects of cholecalciferol on striatum and substantia nigra in mice model of MPTP-induced Parkinson’s disease. Fifty adult male C57BL/6J mice weighing about 25-35g were randomly selected and assigned into 5 groups for this study. The mice were then subjected to neurobehavioural, neurochemical and neuropathological evaluations. The results obtained showed a significant reduction (*p<0.05) in the estimated markers of oxidative stress with high dose of vitamin D3 following MPTP induction. There was also statistical significant reduction (**p<0.01, ***p<0.001) in the expression of GFAP-immuno-positive cells in the substantia nigra of the experimental mice when compared with the control group. It can be inferred that the administration of Vitamin D3 was associated with significant attenuation of focal effects linked with MPTP in mice model of Parkinson’s Disease.Keywords: Aging, Neurodegeneration, Dopaminergic neuron, Vitamin D3, Environmental toxin

    Alcohol-diazepam combination: implication on the histoarchitectural profile of the hippocampus in Male Rats

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    Objective: Damage to hippocampal neurons has not been described as a constant finding in studies addressing the effects of alcohol and diazepam in laboratory based studies, the present study aimed to changes in the histoarchitectural of the hippocampus following administration in male Wistar rats.Methodology: Twenty male Wistar rats were randomly divided into control (A), 3 mg/kg diazepam (B), 30% v/v ethanol (C), and 30% v/v ethanol plus 3 mg/kg diazepam (D). All administration was done orally for 30 days.Major findings: There were no distortions in the hippocampal profile of the rats in the control group. The histoarchitectural profile of the hippocampus of the rats in group B showed less significant damage. The histoarchitectural profile of the hippocampus of the rats in group C was disrupted with evidence of enlarged cell bodies and distorted membrane. The hippocampal profile of the rats in group D were with marked neuronal necrosis and variable neuronal loss within the hippocampal subfield.Conclusion: It was observed that co-administration of ethanol and diazepam conferred neurodegenerative effects on the neuronal profile of the hippocampus in rats.Keywords: Addiction, abuse, use, dependence, dru

    Alcohol-pentazocine combination: implication on the cytoarchitectural profile of the medial prefrontal cortex and cerebellum of juvenile male rats

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    Recently, Pentazocine and alcohol have become one of the drugs abused in the developing countries. However, there is the dearth of information on the effects of these substances on the cytological profile of the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and cerebellar cortex; hence this study was aimed at evaluating the effect of these substances on the cytoarchitectural profile of the mPFC and cerebellar cortex of juvenile male rats. Twenty-four juvenile male rats were used for this study. They were randomly assigned to control (A), Alcohol-treated (B), Pentazocine-treated (C), and Pentazocine-Alcohol-treated group (D). Exposure to the various treatment paradigm was done s.c. twice daily (6hrs interval) for 14 days. It was observed that the cytological profile of the mPFC of the rats in the control groups was visible and well defined. In the B, C and D groups, there were numerous forms of neurodegeneration. There was also an increase in the density of astrocytes with the presence of glial scars. Furthermore, features of degenerative changes were also seen in the cerebellar cortex of the rats in the B, C, and D groups. It was observed from this study that exposure to Pentazocine-Alcohol combination triggers inflammatory and neurodegenerative processes in the cytoarchitectural profile of the mPFC and cerebellar cortex in juvenile male rats. These features could impair the functional integrity associated with these brain regions.Keywords: addiction, substance abuse, opioid, male, youn

    Fascioliasis in Cattle Slaughtered for Consumption at Ado Ekiti Central Abattoir in Ekiti State, Nigeria

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    The occurrence of fascioliasis among cattle slaughtered for consumption at the Ekiti central abattoir was investigated using the faecal sedimentation concentration technique, as well as gross and histological investigations of liver tissues. Three hundred and fifty cattle slaughtered for consumption at Ado Ekiti Central Abattoir in Ekiti State, Nigeria, were investigated. Fifty three (15.14%) out of the 350 cattle were diagnosed with fascioliasis. The parasite density was 5-7 flukes per liver of infected cattle. Infected liver examined showed gross fibrosis, thickening of the bile duct with severe hemorrhage and paleness of the liver tissues. Dislodged adult worms bile ducts were classified morphological features as Fasciola gigantica and F. hepatica. Histological examination of liver infested with adult flukes showed marked sinusoidal occlusions, basophilic inflammatory cells, extensive degeneration and lymphocytic infiltrations. The liver of cattle presumed not infested, with no visible adult flukes, showed a varied degree of basophilic infiltration and chronic inflammatory cells, congestion of sinusoids and partial necrotic Cells. The findings in this study underscore the importance of meat inspection in public health practice. Also, the faecal disposal of these cattle should be highly monitored as this may serve as source of contamination to the environment. Keywords: Cattle, fascioliasis, liver, rot, zoonosi

    The Ambit of Phytotherapy in Psychotic Care

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    The rate of psychosis has drastically increased in recent years and the number of prescriptions for psychiatric medications has made an even bigger jump. With the worrisome side effects of the medications, which can pose serious health risks and make medication compliance difficult, coupled with the prohibitive cost for many patients, there is an obvious need for alternative solutions. This review presents the ambit of phytotherapy in psychotic care. Interestingly, the review revealed that, plant-based medicines are rich in phytonutrients of antipsychotic importance and may be effective as stand-alone treatments or supplementary to conventional interventions. Despite the emerging interest in phytotherapy for mental disorders, the majority of the formulations are yet to be clinically certified. However, simply disregarding them for this reason might be consequential and as such, for better and improved mental health, research into phytotherapeutic care for psychosis must remain to be continuously explored as a promising niche

    COVID-19: sitting is the new smoking; the role of exercise in augmenting the immune system among the elderly

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    Introduction: Like smoking, sedentary lifestyle is an issue of great concern because of its deleterious health challenges and implications. Given the global spread of the new coronavirus (COVID-19), social isolation regulations and laws have been implemented in many countries to contain the spread of the virus and this has caused a drastic shift from the usual physically demanding life to a sedentary lifestyle characterized by significantly reduced physical activities and prolong sitting. Methods/Data Source: Human and nonhuman primate literature was examined to compare experimental and clinical modulation of inflammatory cytokines by exercised-induced myokines. Data synthesis: Experimental and clinical evidence was used to examine whether exercised-induced myokines can prime the immune system of the elderly population during the COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusion: The immune system changes with advancement in age which increases the likelihood of infectious disease morbidity and mortality in older adults. Several epidemiological studies have also shown that physical inactivity among geriatric population impacts negatively on the immune system. Evidences on the importance of exercise in priming the immune system of elderly individuals could be an effective therapeutic strategy in combating the virus as it may well be a case of \u201clet those with the best immune system win\u201d