10 research outputs found

    Physicochemical, microbial and sensory properties of milk, butter and garlic butter

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    A study on the physicochemical, microbial load and sensory properties of milk, butter with or without garlic was carried out using fresh milk from white Fulani cow for eight weeks of the lactation. The milk used was milked manually by the Fulanis early in the  morning. Fat content was highest in milk (4.13±0.16) and least in garlic butter (2.50±0.46). There was no observed significant (P>0.05) difference in the protein, lactose, total solid, ash and pH of the milk, butter and garlic butter. Lactose content of the  products differs with milk having highest (2.82%) while butter had the least (1.26%). Fat content in milk, butter and garlic butter varies in value from 4.13%, 3.25% and 2.50% respectively. Total solid obtained in this study was 9.22% for milk, butter 8.21% and garlic butter 7.69%. Ash content of milk and butter were 0.72% and 0.64% respectively. Garlic had a significant effect on all the microorganisms present in the butter. The taste panel ratings for butter and garlic butter shows that the taste, aroma, flavour and acceptability of ordinary butter were more preferred by the panellist.Keywords: Physicochemical, Microbial, Sensory, Milk, Butter, Garlic butte

    Sugar and alkaloid profiles of serendipity berry (Dioscoreophyllum cumminsii)

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    The study evaluates the chemical and physico-chemical composition of serendipity berry (Dioscoreophyllum cumminsii). The berries were separated into seed coat, gel and seed. The sugar and alkaloid profiles of the three components of these berries were analyzed. The predominant sugars were fructose and glucose. Fructose and glucose ranged from 0.61 to 3.47 mg/100g and 0.35 to 3.15 mg/100g respectively. The gel had higher sugar contents than the seed and the peel. Soladulcine was the predominant alkaloid in the seed and peel. Total alkaloids were 1.09 mg/100g in seed, 0.18 mg/100g in peel and traces of emetine in the gel. The alkaloid contents of the seeds were higher than the peels and the gel. Generally, the alkaloid contents in the three components of the berry were very low and could not cause any health problem when consumed. Serendipity berry is a promising fruit which could find its use in the production of juice and wine in the food industry. Keywords: Alkaloid, Fructose, Glucose, Serendipity berry, Suga

    Morphological, Chemical and Mineralogical Properties of the Soils of Abugi, Nigeria, and their Agricultural Potential

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    Three soil profiles at Abugi in the flood plains of River Niger, Kogi State, Nigeria were studied. The soils are moderately acidic (PH 4.7 to 6.0) in the suiface horizons. Exchangeable cations are low with the exception of calcium which is moderate and is the dominant exchangeable cation with values ranging from 0.50 to 7.00 cmol(+)/kg of soil. The dominant clay minerals are kaolinite, degraded-mica and quartz, while traces of smectite and feldspar were also detected. Abugi profile one was classified as Eutric Planosol (FAD 1988) or Fluvaquentic Humaquept (Soil Survey Staff 1992) while profiles two and three were both classifzed as Eutric Gleysol (FAD 1988) or Aeric Tropaquept (Soil Survey Staff 1992). The soils of Abugi area offer great potential for rice and sugarcane production if excessive flooding and increasing acidity can be controlled

    Biomass yield of maize fodder at different plant density, its preference and digestibility by Sokoto Gudali heifers

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    This study was conducted to investigate the effect of plant density on biomass yield of maize fodder, its acceptability and digestibility by Sokoto  Gudali heifers. Treatments P1, P2, P3 and P4 correspond to different plant densities of 53,333, 106,666, 210,526 and 421,072 plants/ha, respectively. Each treatment was replicated three times on 4m x 10m plots and fertilizer was applied as100 kg N/ha. Fodder was harvested at 6weeks of age (42  days after planting) and weighed to determine the biomass yield. Samples were also taken for chemical analysis. Harvested fodder were fed to Sokoto Gudali heifers to determine its preference and digestibility. Biomass yield increased significantly (P<0.05) within plant population with P4 (3.55 tons/ha) having the highest yield and P1 (1.61 tons/ha) having the least. Dry matter (DM, 23.64 – 27.22%) and crude protein (CP, 19.75 –  27.50%) of fodder increased as plant population increased while fibre components (ADF, NDF AND ADL) decreased. In this study, an increase in plant density produced more forage yield of very good quality with high dry Matter digestibility and no variation (P>0.05) in the preference by the animal. Keywords: Plant Density, Maize Fodder, Preference, Digestibility, Sokoto Gudali Heifers

    Rice Production in the Flood Plains of River Benue, Nigeria: Prospects and Challenges

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    There exist opportunities to increase rice production in Nigeria as currently rice production is low and consumption level is high. The floodplains of river Benue offer great potential for sustainable large scale rice production. Twentyfive thousand hectares of land bordering river Benue were selected to assess the fertility, texture and drainage status of the soil for rice production, and to suggest possible soil management practices for optimising rice production. Standard field sampling methodologies and soil laboratory procedures were employed. The soils of the area were found suitable for rice production but with certain identified constraints. Apart from the low soil nutrient status of the floodplain, which could be easily mediated with fertiliser application, the most critical limitation related to poor drainage and flooding. To avert this problem, it is recommended that a proper drainage network be designed and executed along with the construction of strategic embankments to prevent flooding of the river Benue. Keywords: Food security, land evaluation, Nigeria, rice


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    A 3×3 factorial experiment was carried out to determine carcass yield and pork quality of pigs in humid tropics to feed withdrawal periods and ascorbic acid supplementation. Fifty-four mixed breed weaner pigs with mean weight of 5.5±0.3 kg were grouped on weight equalization into 9 treatments with 6 pigs per treatment and 2 pigs per replicate. Treatments 1,4 and 7 were fed ad libitum with ration containing ascorbic acid at the rates of 0, 1500 and 2500 mg/kg feed, respectively. Treatments 2, 5 and 8 were subjected to two hours feed withdrawal period and ascorbic acid supplementation of 0, 1500 and 2500 mg/kg feed, respectively. While those on treatments 3, 6 and 9 were on 4 hours feed withdrawal period with ascorbic acid levels of 0, 1500 and 2500 mg/kg feed, respectively. Carcass yield, meat quality and proximate composition were assessed on twentieth week. Carcass yields were significantly (P< 0.05) influenced by feed withdrawal period and ascorbic acid supplementation. Pigs on two hours withdrawal period and ascorbic acid supplementation at 1500 mg/kg feed had the highest values for carcass parameters. Two-hours feed withdrawal period and ascorbic acid supplementation of 1500 mg/kg feed influenced carcass yield, pork quality and proximate composition of growing pigs.   &nbsp

    Comparación de la composición de la carne y valores sensoriales en dos líneas de pollos para carne.

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    This study was designed to compare chemical composition and quality of carcass parts of 99 broiler chickens of Arbor acre and Marshal MY strains, respectively at the Teaching and Research Farm, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. At the 56th day of the experiment, 6 birds per replicate were slaughtered after euthanization for carcass analysis and evaluation. The meat samples from the breast and thigh muscles were analyzed for proximate composition. The data obtained were subjected to a t-test at 5% significant level. The results on the proximate composition (pEste studio fue diseñado para comparar la composición química y calidad de las piezas de la canal de 99 broilers de las líneas Arbor Acre y Marshal MY respectivamente, en la Teaching and Research Farm, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. En el día 56 del experimento, 6 aves por tratamiento fueron sacrificadas humanitariamente para el análisis y evaluación de la canal. Las muestras de carne de los músculos de la pechuga y muslos fueron analizadas para determinar la composición proximal. Los datos obtenidos fueron sometidos a la prueba t, a nivel de 5% de significación. Los resultados de la composición proximal (

    Growth, yield, fruit mineral and Vitamin C content of Cucurbita pepo. L as affected by Organic and NPK fertilizer

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    The nutrients requirement for Cucurbita pepo L. (summer squash) for optimal yield and quality fruits production can be achieved through adequate nutrient supply. A field experiment was carried out during the cropping season of 2015 and 2016 at Landmark University Teaching and Research Farm, Omu-Aran, Nigeria to investigate the impact of Tithonia diversifolia, poultry manure and NPK fertilizer on the growth, yield, mineral and vitamin C content in the fruit of C. pepo. The experiment consisted of T. diversifolia at 30 tons ha−1, poultry manure at 10 tons ha−1, T. diversifolia at 30 tons ha−1 + Poultry manure 10 tons ha−1, T. diversifolia at 30 tons ha−1 + NPK (20:10:10), NPK (20:10:10) and control (no amendment of any kind) arranged in a randomized complete block design with four replications. The growth and fruit yield of C. pepo using the mean of the two years was increased by 68% and 2% respectively by T. diversifolia + poultry manure as compared to control due to an increase in nutrient availability in the soil with the amendment used. Also, Vitamin C content and Mg value of the fruit was increased by application of T. diversifolia as soil amendments as compared to the control. While the application of NPK fertilizer alone significantly increased the Ca, Mn and Fe contents of fruits. Fruit content of K was increased by 39 % by the application of T. diversifolia + NPK. Therefore, for the purpose of growing squash for the quality of fruits (vitamin C), the use of T. diversifolia at 30 tons ha−1 as organic fertilizer is sufficient for the cultivation, while for growing the crop with interest in quantity, application of T. diversifolia at 30 tons ha−1 + poultry manure at 10 tons ha−1 is recommended

    The Language Planning Situation in Algeria

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