231 research outputs found

    NLSP Gluino Search at the Tevatron and early LHC

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    We investigate the collider phenomenology of gluino-bino co-annihilation scenario both at the Tevatron and 7 TeV LHC. This scenario can be realized, for example, in a class of realistic supersymmetric models with non-universal gaugino masses and t-b-\tau Yukawa unification. The NLSP gluino and LSP bino should be nearly degenerate in mass, so that the typical gluino search channels involving leptons or hard jets are not available. Consequently, the gluino can be lighter than various bounds on its mass from direct searches. We propose a new search for NLSP gluino involving multi-b final states, arising from the three-body decay \tilde{g}-> b\bar{b}\tilde{\chi}_1^0. We identify two realistic models with gluino mass of around 300 GeV for which the three-body decay is dominant, and show that a 4.5 \sigma observation sensitivity can be achieved at the Tevatron with an integrated luminosity of 10 fb^{-1}. For the 7 TeV LHC with 50 pb^{-1} of integrated luminosity, the number of signal events for the two models is O(10), to be compared with negligible SM background event.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures and 3 tables, minor modifications made and accepted for publication in JHE

    A Comparative Study of Modern Homology Modeling Algorithms for Rhodopsin Structure Prediction

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    Rhodopsins are seven α-helical membrane proteins that are of great importance in chemistry, biology, and modern biotechnology. Any in silico study on rhodopsin properties and functioning requires a high-quality three-dimensional structure. Due to particular difficulties with obtaining membrane protein structures from the experiment, in silico prediction of the three-dimensional rhodopsin structure based only on its primary sequence is an especially important task. For the last few years, significant progress was made in the field of protein structure prediction, especially for methods based on comparative modeling. However, the majority of this progress was made for soluble proteins and further investigations are needed to achieve similar progress for membrane proteins. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of modern protein structure prediction methodologies (implemented in the Medeller, I-TASSER, and Rosetta packages) for their ability to predict rhodopsin structures. Three widely used methodologies were considered: two general methodologies that are commonly applied to soluble proteins and a methodology that uses constraints that are specific for membrane proteins. The test pool consisted of 36 target-template pairs with different sequence similarities that was constructed on the basis of 24 experimental rhodopsin structures taken from the RCSB database. As a result, we showed that all three considered methodologies allow obtaining rhodopsin structures with the quality that is close to the crystallographic one (root mean square deviation (RMSD) of the predicted structure from the corresponding X-ray structure up to 1.5 Å) if the target-template sequence identity is higher than 40%. Moreover, all considered methodologies provided structures of average quality (RMSD < 4.0 Å) if the target-template sequence identity is higher than 20%. Such structures can be subsequently used for further investigation of molecular mechanisms of protein functioning and for the development of modern protein-based biotechnologies

    Higher connectivity with preserved cognition in older age

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    UNLABELLED: The maintenance of wellbeing across the lifespan depends on the preservation of cognitive function. We propose that successful cognitive aging is determined by interactions both within and between large-scale functional brain networks. Such connectivity can be estimated from task-free functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), also known as resting-state fMRI (rs-fMRI). However, common correlational methods are confounded by age-related changes in the neurovascular signaling. To estimate network interactions at the neuronal rather than vascular level, we used generative models that specified both the neural interactions and a flexible neurovascular forward model. The networks' parameters were optimized to explain the spectral dynamics of rs-fMRI data in 602 healthy human adults from population-based cohorts who were approximately uniformly distributed between 18 and 88 years (www.cam-can.com). We assessed directed connectivity within and between three key large-scale networks: the salience network, dorsal attention network, and default mode network. We found that age influences connectivity both within and between these networks, over and above the effects on neurovascular coupling. Canonical correlation analysis revealed that the relationship between network connectivity and cognitive function was age-dependent: cognitive performance relied on neural dynamics more strongly in older adults. These effects were driven partly by reduced stability of neural activity within all networks, as expressed by an accelerated decay of neural information. Our findings suggest that the balance of excitatory connectivity between networks, and the stability of intrinsic neural representations within networks, changes with age. The cognitive function of older adults becomes increasingly dependent on these factors. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: Maintaining cognitive function is critical to successful aging. To study the neural basis of cognitive function across the lifespan, we studied a large population-based cohort (n = 602, 18-88 years), separating neural connectivity from vascular components of fMRI signals. Cognitive ability was influenced by the strength of connection within and between functional brain networks, and this positive relationship increased with age. In older adults, there was more rapid decay of intrinsic neuronal activity in multiple regions of the brain networks, which related to cognitive performance. Our data demonstrate increased reliance on network flexibility to maintain cognitive function, in the presence of more rapid decay of neural activity. These insights will facilitate the development of new strategies to maintain cognitive ability.The Cambridge Centre for Ageing and Neuroscience (Cam-CAN) research was supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (grant number BB/H008217/1). JBR is supported by the Wellcome Trust (103838). We are grateful to the Cam-CAN respondents and their primary care teams in Cambridge for their participation in this study. We also thank colleagues at the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit MEG and MRI facilities for their assistance. Further information about the Cam-CAN corporate authorship membership can be found at: http://www.cam-can.com/publications/Cam-CAN_Corporate_Author.html#12This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from the Society for Neuroscience via http://dx.doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2733-15.201

    Enabling trade in Gene-Edited produce in Asia and Australasia: The developing regulatory landscape and future perspectives

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    Genome- or gene-editing (abbreviated here as ‘GEd’) presents great opportunities for crop improvement. This is especially so for the countries in the Asia-Pacific region, which is home to more than half of the world’s growing population. A brief description of the science of gene-editing is provided with examples of GEd products. For the benefits of GEd technologies to be realized, international policy and regulatory environments must be clarified, otherwise non-tariff trade barriers will result. The status of regulations that relate to GEd crop products in Asian countries and Australasia are described, together with relevant definitions and responsible regulatory bodies. The regulatory landscape is changing rapidly: in some countries, the regulations are clear, in others they are developing, and some countries have yet to develop appropriate policies. There is clearly a need for the harmonization or alignment of GEd regulations in the region: this will promote the path-to-market and enable the benefits of GEd technologies to reach the end-users

    Eliciting student feedback for course development: the application of a qualitative course evaluation tool among business research students

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    Student evaluations of teaching and learning are playing an increasingly important role in the delivery of high-quality, student-centred education. Insights into student perceptions of their learning experience provide important information that can be used to inform course design and development. The majority of course evaluations take the form of quantitative surveys, but research suggests that a reliance on survey data alone can be problematic from a teaching and learning perspective. Qualitative course evaluations have been cited as a viable alternative to quantitative evaluations, but less research has been conducted into their efficacy when compared to quantitative evaluations. The study on which this article reports attempted to contribute to addressing this shortcoming by describing and assessing a novel approach to eliciting qualitative feedback from students in a research methodology course at a higher education institution in South Africa. Conventional content analysis was used to analyse the qualitative feedback received from students. The qualitative course evaluation approach was then appraised in terms of the degree to which it has the potential to overcome the shortcomings associated with quantitative course evaluations and the extent to which the information gathered could be used to improve the design and delivery of the academic programme

    CD8+ T-cells count in acute myocardial infarction in HIV disease in a predominantly male cohort.

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    Human Immunodeficiency Virus- (HIV-) infected persons have a higher risk for acute myocardial infarction (AMI) than HIV-uninfected persons. Earlier studies suggest that HIV viral load, CD4+ T-cell count, and antiretroviral therapy are associated with cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk. Whether CD8+ T-cell count is associated with CVD risk is not clear. We investigated the association between CD8+ T-cell count and incident AMI in a cohort of 73,398 people (of which 97.3% were men) enrolled in the U.S. Veterans Aging Cohort Study-Virtual Cohort (VACS-VC). Compared to uninfected people, HIV-infected people with high baseline CD8+ T-cell counts (\u3e1065 cells/mm3) had increased AMI risk (adjusted HR=1.82,

    Sparticle mass spectra from SU(5) SUSY GUT models with bτb-\tau Yukawa coupling unification

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    Supersymmetric grand unified models based on the gauge group SU(5) often require in addition to gauge coupling unification, the unification of b-quark and τ\tau-lepton Yukawa couplings. We examine SU(5) SUSY GUT parameter space under the condition of bτb-\tau Yukawa coupling unification using 2-loop MSSM RGEs including full 1-loop threshold effects. The Yukawa-unified solutions break down into two classes. Solutions with low tan\beta ~3-11 are characterized by gluino mass ~1-4 TeV and squark mass ~1-5 TeV. Many of these solutions would be beyond LHC reach, although they contain a light Higgs scalar with mass <123 GeV and so may be excluded should the LHC Higgs hint persist. The second class of solutions occurs at large tan\beta ~35-60, and are a subset of tbτt-b-\tau unified solutions. Constraining only bτb-\tau unification to ~5% favors a rather light gluino with mass ~0.5-2 TeV, which should ultimately be accessible to LHC searches. While our bτb-\tau unified solutions can be consistent with a picture of neutralino-only cold dark matter, invoking additional moduli or Peccei-Quinn superfields can allow for all of our Yukawa-unified solutions to be consistent with the measured dark matter abundance.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, PDFLate

    White matter predicts functional connectivity in premanifest Huntington's disease

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    Objectives The distribution of pathology in neurodegenerative disease can be predicted by the organizational characteristics of white matter in healthy brains. However, we have very little evidence for the impact these pathological changes have on brain function. Understanding any such link between structure and function is critical for understanding how underlying brain pathology influences the progressive behavioral changes associated with neurodegeneration. Here, we demonstrate such a link between structure and function in individuals with premanifest Huntington's. Methods Using diffusion tractography and resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging to characterize white matter organization and functional connectivity, we investigate whether characteristic patterns of white matter organization in the healthy human brain shape the changes in functional coupling between brain regions in premanifest Huntington's disease. Results We find changes in functional connectivity in premanifest Huntington's disease that link directly to underlying patterns of white matter organization in healthy brains. Specifically, brain areas with strong structural connectivity show decreases in functional connectivity in premanifest Huntington's disease relative to controls, while regions with weak structural connectivity show increases in functional connectivity. Furthermore, we identify a pattern of dissociation in the strongest functional connections between anterior and posterior brain regions such that anterior functional connectivity increases in strength in premanifest Huntington's disease, while posterior functional connectivity decreases. Interpretation Our findings demonstrate that organizational principles of white matter underlie changes in functional connectivity in premanifest Huntington's disease. Furthermore, we demonstrate functional antero–posterior dissociation that is in keeping with the caudo–rostral gradient of striatal pathology in HD. The distribution of pathology in neurodegenerative disease can be predicted by the organizational characteristics of white matter in healthy brains. However, we have very little evidence for the impact these pathological changes have on brain function. Understanding any such link between structure and function is critical for understanding how underlying brain pathology influences the progressive behavioral changes associated with neurodegeneration. Here, we demonstrate such a link between structure and function in individuals with premanifest Huntington's. Methods Using diffusion tractography and resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging to characterize white matter organization and functional connectivity, we investigate whether characteristic patterns of white matter organization in the healthy human brain shape the changes in functional coupling between brain regions in premanifest Huntington's disease. Results We find changes in functional connectivity in premanifest Huntington's disease that link directly to underlying patterns of white matter organization in healthy brains. Specifically, brain areas with strong structural connectivity show decreases in functional connectivity in premanifest Huntington's disease relative to controls, while regions with weak structural connectivity show increases in functional connectivity. Furthermore, we identify a pattern of dissociation in the strongest functional connections between anterior and posterior brain regions such that anterior functional connectivity increases in strength in premanifest Huntington's disease, while posterior functional connectivity decreases. Interpretation Our findings demonstrate that organizational principles of white matter underlie changes in functional connectivity in premanifest Huntington's disease. Furthermore, we demonstrate functional antero–posterior dissociation that is in keeping with the caudo–rostral gradient of striatal pathology in HD

    Protective Policy Index (PPI) global dataset of origins and stringency of COVID 19 mitigation policies

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    This the final version. Available on open access from Nature Research via the DOI in this recordData Records: We have created a Github repository (https://github.com/COVID-policy-response-lab/PPI-data) to store the datasets with the Public Health Protective Policy Index and its components. A copy of the included datafiles, as described below, was deposited with openICPSR15. It presently requires creating an account with the depository. Data access is free. Data location is at https://www.openicpsr.org/openicpsr/project/123401. The datasets are stored as csv files with five types of layouts. “PPI_country_m1.csv” is a file with country-level aggregates of region-level PPIs, computed using method 1, and their components. Each row corresponds to a country-date. The rows are identified using the country name (cname), numeric and 2-letter ISO 3166-1 codes (isocode and isoabbr respectively), as well as a date variable. The names of the policy variables contain four components: the name of the broader category, the name of the category, the level of issuing government (“nat” refers to the national policies, “reg” refers to the subnational policies, and “tot” refers to the combination of national and subnational policies), as well as suffix “ave”. For example, the average Total PPI is denoted as “ppi.all.tot.ave”, and the average stringency of the closures of air borders by the national government is denoted as “borders.air_bord.nat.ave”. See the codebook for the complete list of variables. “PPI_country_m2.csv” is a file with country-level aggregates of region-level PPIs, computed using method 2, and their components. The identifying variables and the naming convention for the policy variables is the same as in “PPI_country_m1.csv”, with the addition of suffix “0.2” at the end of the policy variable names. “PPI_regions_XX_m1.csv” (replace XX with the 2-letter ISO 3166-1 country codes) are country-specific files with region-specific PPIs, computed using method 1, and their components. The identifying variables include the numeric and 2-letter ISO 3166-1 codes of the country (isocode and isoabbr respectively), the name of the region (state_province), its ISO 3166-2 code (iso_state), as well as a date variable. The names of the policy variables contain three components: the name of the broader category, the name of the category, and the level of issuing government (“nat” refers to the national policies, “reg” refers to the subnational policies, and “tot” refers to the combination of national and subnational policies). For example, the average Total PPI is denoted as “ppi.all.tot”, and the stringency of the closures of air borders by the national government is denoted as “borders.air_bord.nat”. “PPI_regions_XX_m2.csv” (replace XX with the 2-letter ISO 3166-1 country codes are country-specific files with region-specific PPIs, computed using method 2, and their components. The identifying variables and the naming convention for the policy variables is the same as in “PPI_regions_XX_m1.csv”, with the addition of the suffix “0.2” at the end of the policy variable names. “changes_regions_m1.csv” is an auxiliary file that describes the changes in the policy states, as recorded in the “PPI_regions_XX_m1.csv” files. Each row in this file corresponds to a change in a value of a policy state variable in a region and of a specific government level. The case identifying variables include the name of the country (cname), the numeric and 2-letter ISO 3166-1 code of the country (isocode and isoabbr, respectively), the name of the region (state_province) and its ISO 3166-2 code, date, policy dimension, and a marker of policies issued by a regional government (subnational). Among others, the attributes included in this file include the branch of the government (branch) and the date when the change was announced (report_date).Code availability; The code used to produce our calculations is available at https://github.com/COVID-policy-response-lab/PPI-dataWe have developed and made accessible for multidisciplinary audience a unique global dataset of the behavior of political actors during the COVID-19 pandemic as measured by their policy-making efforts to protect their publics. The dataset presents consistently coded cross-national data at subnational and national levels on the daily level of stringency of public health policies by level of government overall and within specific policy categories, and reports branches of government that adopted these policies. The data on these public mandates of protective behaviors is collected from media announcements and government publications. The dataset allows comparisons of governments’ policy efforts and timing across the world and can serve as a source of information on policy determinants of pandemic outcomes–both societal and possibly medical