6 research outputs found

    Facial Anthropometry of Adult Tiv and Idoma Tribes of Nigeria

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    The facial indices are among the most important cephalometric parameters for ethnic morphological classification and categorization. This study was carried out to determine the facial index in the target population and compare it in both sexes and with result of other similar studies. The sample consisted of 600 youths aged 18-32 years. Data were collected through self-administered questionnaire to establish ethnic background. Facial length and facial breadth were measured using spreading calipers and facial index calculated according to standard formula. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS for windows version 20 (IBM Corporation, New York, USA). Statistical significance was considered at p ≤0.05. The mean facial length of Tiv was 10.3±0.63 cm and the mean facial breadth was 12.3±0.79 cm. The mean facial length of Idoma was 10.6±0.60 cm and the mean facial breadth was 12.5±0.76 cm. There was statistically significant mean difference in facial length and facial index between the two ethnic groups with Idoma having higher mean values (p<0.05). In addition, both ethnic groups exhibited sexual dimorphism with males having significantly higher mean values than females (p<0.05). The mean facial index of Tiv was 83.9±4.79 while that of Idoma was 85.2±5.66. Based on facial index, it was concluded that the face type in Tiv was mesoproscopic while the face type in Idoma was leptoproscopic

    Evaluation of asymmetry using thumbprint minutiae among Hausa population of Kano State, Nigeria

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    The present study was aimed at determining the existence of FA in Hausa populations using thumbprint minutiae. The participants included 112 males and 105 females of Hausa Ethnic descent, aged between 18-25 years. The minutiae of the plain thumbprints were determined from a circle with radius that cut across the nucleus of the fingerprints. The result showed that in signed asymmetry bifurcation, crossbar, break, point/dot into ridges and point/dot between ridges exhibited sexual dimorphism. The left ward asymmetry in male was exhibited in bifurcation, cross bar, trifurcation bifurcation, break, bridge, opposite bifurcation, in "M" convergence, in "M" bifurcation and Point/Dot into ridges. Similarly, in female bifurcation, trifurcation bifurcation, enclosure big, opposite bifurcation, convergence, in "M" bifurcation and return exhibit left ward asymmetry. For absolute and composite asymmetry the significant differences was observed in end, enclosure (small), bridge and return. In the entire minutiae types only ridge bifurcation exhibited directional asymmetry in males and six other minutiae types in females. In conclusion, the presence of sexual dimorphism in thumbprint ridge minutiae was demonstrated in the present study. The leftward asymmetry was observed in both sexes in different types minutiae. Females were observed to exhibit directional type of asymmetry more than the males in this population.Keywords: Asymmetry, Environmental stress, Hausa population, Ridge minutiae, Sexual dimorphis

    The effect of early administration of glucocorticoids on learning and spatial memory

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    Synthetic Glucocorticoids are commonly administered to early low-birth weight infants to prevent the onset of chronic lung disease. During this period, the brain is undergoing significant structural and functional changes and is therefore particularly vulnerable to external influences. It has been observed that steroids administered postnatally may have transient retarding effect on learning and memory functions, and that animal age and sex may modify such effects. This study aims to illustrate the effect of early administration of glucocorticoids on learning and spatial memory. Wistar rat pups were grouped into two (control and treatment) of six pups each. 0.5mg/kg of dexamethasone was administered to four day old pups for a period of three days. At 35 days the pups were subjected to spatial memory testing. Spatial memory was assessed using a Y- Maze. It was observed that the animals in the treatment group preferred to return to the start arm or explore the other arm. This is indicative of impaired spatial memory. Steroids administered postnatally may have transient retarding effect on learning and memory functions.Keywords: Glucocorticoids, learning, memory, brain, ra

    COVID-19 and its impacts: the situation in Niger republic

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    COVID-19 being a public health emergency of international concern has emerged in most African countries including Niger. Niger, a landlocked country, is tasked with controlling the pandemic. However, of the big challenges the country faced is the fragility of healthcare system which posed limitations to the fight against the virus. The virus overwhelmed the fragile healthcare system which led to inaccessibility of quality healthcare to the citizens coupled with issues of flooding and economic recession that happened during the pandemic. The healthcare sectored has further been crippled by exposure and infection of the already insufficient healthcare workers. In addition to this, there was the burden of NTDs and other communicable and non-communicable diseases that subverted the country in the depths of difficulties. As per the predictions of World Bank, the poverty curve is likely to escalate due to the outrageous impacts of COVID-19. Adding on to this, the occurrence of natural disasters such as flooding has further stretched the country. It's no coincidence that the country would confront plethora of challenges amidst the second wave. Therefore, timely decision and necessary interventions are needed to strengthen the country's fight against the pandemic. However, this is only feasible when Nigerien government, international allies and other wealthy nations work closely to ensure that the challenges faced by the healthcare system are tackled

    Effects of Mercury Chloride on the Cerebral Cortex of Adult Wistar Rats

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    Mercury is among the heavy metals that have been reported to cause devastating health problem worldwide. The primary site of action of mercury chloride is the central nervous system. This study investigated the effect of mercury chloride on the cerebral cortex of adult wistar rats. Twenty-four (24) adult wistar rats were used for this study. Following four (4) weeks of acclimatization, the rats were randomly divided into five groups of five animals per group. The animals were allowed free access to food and water throughout the period of experment. Group 1 was the control group and was administered distilled water, while groups 2, 3, 4 and 5 were administer 6.6mg/kg, 13.2mg/kg, 26.3mg/kg and 52.2mg/kg body weight of mercury chloride solution orally respectively for eight (8) days. After the period of mercury chloride administration, the animals were anaesthetized using chloroform and where sacrificed. The brain was fixed in Bouin's fluid and the tissue processed and stained with haematoxylin and eocin stains and were studied under the microscope. The photomicrographs reveal distortion and diffusion of cells and a widespread necrosis of the cortical neurons.Keywords: Mercury chloride, Cerebral cortex, Degenerative change