189 research outputs found

    Network traffic analysis for threats detection in the Internet of Things

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    As the prevalence of the Internet of Things (IoT) continues to increase, cyber criminals are quick to exploit the security gaps that many devices are inherently designed with. Users cannot be expected to tackle this threat alone, and many current solutions available for network monitoring are simply not accessible or can be difficult to implement for the average user, which is a gap that needs to be addressed. This article presents an effective signature-based solution to monitor, analyze, and detect potentially malicious traffic for IoT ecosystems in the typical home network environment by utilizing passive network sniffing techniques and a cloud application to monitor anomalous activity. The proposed solution focuses on two attack and propagation vectors leveraged by the infamous Mirai botnet, namely DNS and Telnet. Experimental evaluation demonstrates the proposed solution can detect 98.35 percent of malicious DNS traffic and 99.33 percent of Telnet traffic for an overall detection accuracy of 98.84 percent

    Medical Impacts of Anthropometric Records

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    Anthropology is now one of the inter-disciplinary scientific fields that is gaining much attention in forensic, socio-cultural, industrial and bio-medical applications. There is a need for a better awareness of some of the impacts - past and present, in the medical practice, of the records that were obtained by workers in this field in view of their proper applications. and future reference. Compilation of anthropometric works and records was conducted to evaluate the previous and current implications with the aim to highlight the importance of this seemingly old but yet evolving and dynamic subject and to elucidate its usefulness. However, despite the arduous efforts to get reliable data from anthropometric investigations, errors had most times characterized the concluding postulations of many workers in this field in the past, creating skepticism. But with better attention being given to the exercise, possible improvement in the methodology of the study with resultant authentic records and more reliable conclusion is anticipated.L' anthropologie a acqu\uecs droit de cit\ue9 en tant que domaine scientifique interdisciplinaire qui s'impose dans les applications l\ue9gales, socio-culturelles et bio-m\ue9dicales. Ainsi, \uecl est n\ue9cessaire de bien comprendre l'impact-pass\ue9 et pr\ue9sent dans la pratique m\ue9dicale_sur les registres que ceux qui travaillent dans le domaine ont obtenus en vue de leurs applications appropri\ue9es, et pour des r\ue9f\ue9rences futures. Les travaux anthropom\ue9triques et les registres ont \ue9t\ue9 compil\ue9s pour \ue9valuer les implications ant\ue9rieures et celles qui sont en cours, afin de mettre en vedette l' importance de cette discipline apparemment vieille mais qui continue \u101 se d\ue9v\ue9lopper et \u101 se dynamiser et de faire le point sur son utilit\ue9. Cependant, malgr\ue9 les efforts ardus d\ue9ploy\ue9s pour obtenir des donn\ue9es s\ufbres qu'on peut croire sur les investigations anthropom\ue9triques, des erreurs ont toujours domin\ue9, dans le pass\ue9, les r\ue9sultats de beaucoup de recherches dans le domaine, cr\ue9ant ainsi un doute. Mais, si on accorde plus de s\ue9rieux \u101 l' exercise, on anticipe une am\ue9lioration en m\ue9thodologie de recherche quand on a des registres authentiques et une conclusion plus fiable

    Incorporating Crystallographic Orientation in the Development of Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy

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    Resonant ultrasound spectroscopy (RUS) measures the mechanical resonance frequencies of solids and uses computational algorithm to extract a complete set of elastic constants. One of the advantages of the RUS method is its applicability to small single crystals. In the past two decades, the RUS technique has gained more acceptance as a nondestructive method to measure elastic properties. The goal of this project is to measure elastic properties of micro pillars without free-free boundary conditions and arbitrary crystallographic orientations. To achieve this goal we need a capability to measure elastic constants of single crystals with arbitrary crystal orientation relative to sample geometry. The inherent assumptions in conventional RUS algorithm include free boundary condition on the specimen faces and the faces of the specimens are normal/parallel to the principal crystallographic axes. To meet these requirements, a time consuming sample preparation, involving multiple inspections of x-ray Laue back reflection to check the crystallographic orientation, is followed. Such an intensive method is not suitable for many samples in engineering applications. To estimate the elastic constants of such samples, a new RUS algorithm has been developed that incorporates the sample crystallographic orientation expressed in terms of Euler angles. The power of the modified RUS algorithm is demonstrated by applying it to estimate the elastic constants of cubic and hexagonal crystal structure samples with known orientation. The results are compared with literature values. Potential application of the method include estimation of elastic constants and their use as input parameters in models that predicts the mechanical behavior of materials for engineering applications is discussed

    Electrodiagnostic evaluation of median nerve conduction in Type II diabetes mellitus patients that were asymptomatic for peripheral neuropathy: a case control study

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    Background: Diabetic neuropathy (DN) is a potentially debilitating complication of diabetes mellitus but many of the diabetic patients are often asymptomatic of DN, thereby, placing them at high risk of developing debilitating complications like diabetic hand and foot.Aim: The study was designed to evaluate median nerve conduction of T2DM patients that were asymptomatic for neuropathy and compare their findings with age and sex-matched healthy individuals.Methods: The median motor and sensory nerve conduction study was conducted on 100 type 2 diabetic (T2DM) patients and 100 healthy volunteers, matched for age and sex-matched control. Median nerve motor and sensory proximal and Distal latency (DL), Amplitude and Conduction Velocity (CV) as well as motor f-reponse were measured using Nihoen Kohden EMG Machine and standardized techniques of measurement in the course of the study were adhered to.Results: On comparison of the median nerve motor and sensory parameters, the median nerve (motor and sensory) distal latencies and f-responses were significantly lower in the control group while the median nerve conduction velocities and amplitudes were significantly higher in the T2DM group. Conclusion: The study showed significant impairment of median nerve conduction parameters in T2DM patients who did not have any feature suggestive of peripheral neuropathy when compared with apparently healthy individuals. Thus high index of suspicion as well as early screening for peripheral neuropathy in diabetes is further emphasized.Keywords: Median nerve, diabetic neuropathy, electrodiagnostic evaluation, conduction velocity, latenc

    Agricultural Output and Economic Growth in Nigeria

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    This paper examines the long run relationship between agricultural output and economic growth in Nigeria for the period 1981 to 2014 using time series data. Results from Johansen maximum likelihood co-integration approach and Vector error correction model support evidence of long run relationship between agricultural output and economic growth in Nigeria. Granger causality test also confirms the co-integration results indicating the existence of causality between agricultural output and economic growth in Nigeria. The nature of the causality however depends on the variable used to measure Agricultural output. The paper therefore recommends that the government should further strengthen agricultural policies in the area of funding, storage facilities, and market access to enhance agricultural production. Policy Strategies that will make agriculture more profitable and attractive, less laborious with improved technology should be adopted and promoted to attract investors and the youths back to agriculture

    Vitamins A, C and Lycopene Contents of Some Varieties of Tomato and Pepper in the Southwest Region of Nigeria

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    The concentrations of vitamin A, C and lycopene were determined in some varieties of Lycopersicum esculentum (Plum tomato, Marmande tomato, Beefsteak tomato and Cherry tomato) and capsicum sp. (fresh Cayenne pepper, Bell pepper, Green pepper, Sweet pepper, Hot pepper and Dry cayenne pepper). The ethanolic extracts of the varieties of tomato and pepper were prepared and the vitamin A and lycopene contents were quantified by separating funnel technique, while the concentration of vitamin C was determined by titration technique in the aqueous extract. The concentrations of vitamin A and lycopene were significantly increased (p<0.05) in Plum and Cherry tomatoes. Vitamin A concentration in the various pepper fruits increased significantly (p<0.05) in the order: green pepper<sweet pepper=hot pepper<bell pepper< dry cayenne<cayenne. Significant increases (p<0.05) were presented only in the Vitamin C contents in the green, hot and cayenne pepper fruits with no changes (p>0.05) among these pepper. Lycopene concentrations were significant increased (p<0.05) in the order of green pepper<sweet pepper<bell pepper<cayenne pepper. The finding of the study indicated that the Plum and Cherry tomato fruits, and Bells and fresh Cayenne pepper fruits would have better anti-oxidative capabilities. Therefore, the consumption of the combination of these tomato and pepper fruits as recipes in soup or stew making may boost the endogenous anti-oxidative status. Keywords: Lycopersicum esculentum, capsicum species, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Lycopene, anti-oxidative capabilities, recipes and boost the anti-oxidative status

    Role of Psychological Capital in Effective Management of Work-stress among Tertiary Institutions' Staff in Nigeria

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     Work-stress is synonymous to occupational stress. It is a common form of strain that is usually experienced by employees, in the course of performing their official duties and responsibilities. In the contemporary world of work, including the Nigerian work environment, work-stress is identified as a ‘corporate epidemic’. Its symptoms are mostly observed physically, psychologically and socially in the lives of affected employees, while the negative effect of occupational stress is specifically, measured on employee performance and organizational effectiveness. It is for the above-described nature and effect of work-stress that this study examined the role of psychological capital in effective management of work-stress among the staff of tertiary institutions in Nigeria. It adopted the explanatory survey research design, purposive and convenience sampling techniques in sampling a total number of 202 (male = 116, 57.4% and female = 86, 42.6%) academic and administrative staff of five (5) public and private tertiary institutions, in the western region of Nigeria, who served as participants in the study. All participants were Nigerians English speakers. Research participation eligibility was strictly based on the current enlistment of employees on the pay-roll of the institutions as at the time of the study. A structured validated questionnaire was used as an instrument. Hypotheses were stated and analyzed based on the data collected. Results revealed that the four psychological capital states jointly influenced work-stress management F(4,197) = 8.375; R2= 0.128; p<.05; resilience (β=0.145; t=1.983; p<.05) and optimism (β=0.294; t=3.756; p<.05) independently influenced workstress management; optimism (r=.224, P(.001)<.01), resilience (r=.350, P(.000)<.01) and hope (r=.247,P(.000)<.01) significantly correlated with work-stress management. The study concluded that psychological capital is one of the important factors that effectively helps in managing work-stress, and suggested that the management of institutions or organizations should sensitize employees on the importance of psychological capital in effective management of work-stress through seminars, trainings and conferences


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    Biodiesel is becoming prominent among the alternatives to conventional petro-diesel due to economic,environmental and social factors. The quality of biodiesel is influenced by the nature of feedstock and theproduction processes employed. High amounts of free fatty acids (FFA) in the feedstock are known to bedetrimental to the quality of biodiesel. In addition, oils with compounds containing hydroxyl groups possesshigh viscosity due to hydrogen bonding. American Standards and Testing Materials, (ASTM D 6751)recommends FFA content of not more than 0.5% in biodiesel and a viscosity of less than 6 mm2/s. Thephysico-chemical properties of palm kernel oil and coconut oil were assessed for their potentials in biodiesel.The properties of palm kernel oil and coconut oil were compared with those of palm from literature whilethat of biodiesel were compared with petro-diesel, ASTM and European Standards (EN14214). Resultsshowed that high amounts of FFA in oils produced low quality biodiesel while neutralized oils with lowamounts of FFA produced high quality biodiesel. The quality of biodiesel from palm kernel oil and coconutoils was improved greatly by neutralising the crude oil

    Fatigue Behaviour of Medium Carbon Steel of Different Grain Structures

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    This paper investigated the effect of heat treatment operations on the fatigue resistance of low carbon steel. Specimens after preparation for fatigue testing were subjected to annealing, normalizing and quenching heat treatment. Results show that the annealed specimen had the largest number of cycles to failure, indicating a high fatigue resistance. The microstructure of the specimens was examined in other to corroborate the obtained property with the microstructure. When compared with the untreated specimen, the annealed specimen (with optimum fatigue resistance) shows a large grains size of pearlite which was distributed across the entire surface of the microstructure. Generally, it was found that the size and distribution of specimens’ grains affect the resistance of the low carbon steel to fatigue failure. Keywords: fatigue, low carbon steel, heat treatment, microstructur

    Evaluation of Escherichia coli as indicator of point-of-use chlorination efficiency of drinking water

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    In this study, the relevance of the presence of Escherichia coli in drinking water as an indicator of point-of-use chlorination efficiency is examined. The survival of clinical isolates of human enteric pathogenic bacteria (Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella typhi, Shigella dysenteriae, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus faecalis and Vibrio cholerae) as well as E. coli was monitored as a function of effective germicidal concentration and contact time. The  inactivation kinetics indicated that the minimum effective dose for three-log units (99.9%) inactivation of E. coli (C·T99.9% = 10 mgl-1-min) can sufficiently  eliminate the other pathogens (C·T99.9% ranged from 5.6–10.5 mgl-1-min); the exception being K. pneumoniae, which required more than 1.4-times higher dose. In general, the results implied that the branded hypochlorite solution should effectively inactivate almost all vegetative  bacteria in household drinking water at the manufacturer’s recommended dosage of 0.5 mgl-1 after at least 30 minutes contact time. The application of point-of-use chemical disinfectants to drinking water in households will significantly reduce the incidence of water-borne infections  particularly in rural communities where central treatment of water is mostly unavailable.Keywords: Effective dose; Point-of-use disinfectants; Indicator bacteria; Pathogen; Escherichia coli; Chlorinatio
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