36 research outputs found

    Social Media Big Data Approach to Emotional Intelligence

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    This paper aims to research the possibility of detecting regional sentiment by analyzing Social Media Big Data (SMBD). It can be said that the vast majority of people with some form of internet access participate in one Social Media platform or the other. The importance of the insight derivable from SMBD cannot be overemphasized. Many theories have been postulated that show that human emotion is extremely powerful and drives our thought process. Noting that our communication is driven by our thoughts makes social media data a huge wealth of information from which an average regional sentiment analysis can be deduced. This sentimental knowledge becomes a valuable tool in policing (security) and marketing (commerce)

    Enhancing Business Value Creation Via Social Media Metrics Evaluation: A Machine Learning and Data Analytics Approach

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    Social Media Marketing (SMM) plays an important role in business growth and expansion. With its growing capability and impact, SMM offers a major challenge for decision makers seeking to quantify the value of emergent SMM channels in their marketing mix. The inherent risks and challenges of big data makes the return valuation more pertinent in SMM. Conventional methods used for measuring return on investment (ROI) of marketing activities do not seamlessly translate to SMM operations due to the active involvement of external participants and significant differences in the cost structure. There is no well-established approach to systematically relate organizational social media activities to various revenue streams hindering efforts to justify these investments. This study analyzes social network characteristics and typology to evaluate business performance. Social network typology is a relatively new and important research topic for business performance quantification and evaluation. Historically, performance measurements in SMM research have always been viewed in terms of numbers of followers, comments, likes, retweets and such. No organization is formed with the end goal of increasing its likes or followers. The main goal of every organization is to increase shareholder value. The contribution of this paper is multi-fold. It aims to start drawing research from these vanity and/or actionable metrics towards organizational performance metrics measurement. The research also introduces a multi-dimensional model that can be instrumental in evaluating the added value of SMM expenditures at the corporate level

    Utilitarianism and the Challenges of Insecurity in Nigeria from 2015 to 2019

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    One defining character of Nigeria federalism is the heterogeneous nature comprising of over two hundred and fifty ethnic nationalities with diverse culture, religion and values. The current population of Nigeria is 199,617,970 based on the latest United Nations estimate. The country experienced a chequered history due to incessant military intervention after independence in 1960.The military finally relinquished power on the 29th May, 1999 and since then, Nigeria has been plunged into one form of insecurity or the other. Hopes of better days ahead grow dim everyday and in 2015, insecurity was the campaign slogan against the then incumbent government and the political party that assumed power on 29th May, 1999(The Peoples Democratic Party). The need for change was hinged on insecurity in view of the spate of violence causing deaths and destruction of properties from the acts of terrorism, banditry, ethnic clashes etc. The event from 2015 to 2019 has shown a geometric rise of the level of insecurity in Nigeria while other forms of insecurity have emerged. There are laws, security outfits as well as a legitimate government in place and yet the lives and properties of people are daily in danger. The objective of this study is to proffer solutions to the challenges of insecurity. The challenges of insecurity are placed at the doorstep of the government and the process of decision-making. The study recommends the application of the utilitarian ethics as a compass to chart the path of security to avoid senseless carnage that is a threat to the corporate existence of the nation. Keywords: Utilitarianism, insecurity, terrorism, banditry, altruism etc DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/86-07 Publication date:June 30th 201

    Creation of Central National Database in Nigeria: Challenges and Prospects

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    This paper focuses on the creation of central national database based on Entity Relationship (ER) data model in order to describe each person individually and uniquely.  Also, the model establishes the use of the unique code (National Security code) as the primary key to identify each entity, entity relationship within and among public services entities.  Presently, Nigeria is critically facing security challenges because people are not uniquely identified and tagged.  The situation has led to insecurity in Nigeria with different trends and dimensions from one geopolitical zone to the other.  For instance, this has led to various faceless activities such as Islamic sect called Boko Haram in the North, rampant armed robbery in the South-West, notorious robbery and kidnapping in the South-East and South-South.  Corruption and unemployment are all over.  To curb the menace, a central national residency database must be created to solving identity challenge, loose neighboring borders, sectional terrorist, corruption, Crime and criminalities, unemployment, poverty and leadership distrust.  The paper recommends how the government can achieve central coordination of national security and attitudinal change of the country men despite the prevailing security challenge. Key-words: Central National Database, Data, National Security code, Entity Relationship (ER), Utilities, Residency code, Enforcement, National security, Attitudinal change JEL Classification: C82, M15, O3

    Predicting the academic success of architecture students by pre-enrolment requirement: using machine-learning techniques

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    In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of applicants seeking admission into architecture programmes. As expected, prior academic performance (also referred to as pre-enrolment requirement) is a major factor considered during the process of selecting applicants. In the present study, machine learning models were used to predict academic success of architecture students based on information provided in prior academic performance. Two modeling techniques, namely K-nearest neighbour (k-NN) and linear discriminant analysis were applied in the study. It was found that K-nearest neighbour (k-NN) outperforms the linear discriminant analysis model in terms of accuracy. In addition, grades obtained in mathematics (at ordinary level examinations) had a significant impact on the academic success of undergraduate architecture students. This paper makes a modest contribution to the ongoing discussion on the relationship between prior academic performance and academic success of undergraduate students by evaluating this proposition. One of the issues that emerges from these findings is that prior academic performance can be used as a predictor of academic success in undergraduate architecture programmes. Overall, the developed k-NN model can serve as a valuable tool during the process of selecting new intakes into undergraduate architecture programmes in Nigeria

    Protecting Legitimate Software Users’ Interest in Designing a Piracy Prevention Technique on Computer Network

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    This paper is an attempt to substantiate the fact that socio economic issue has to be put into consideration in any effort at preventing software piracy. A legitimate software owner must be given certain period of grace to cater for unforeseen contingencies during which re-installation is allowed without being counted against him. A mathematical equation - TUSRUC EQUATION (Time Usage of Software in Respect of Unforeseen Contingencies) is developed as an algorithmic function, which shows the way the system handles cases of unforeseen contingencies during the “first time” period of using a software product. These unforeseen contingencies can include the following and not limited to; reformatting of a system, sudden virus attack, system hardware damage. Keywords: Software Piracy, Unforeseen contingencies, TUSRU

    Evaluation of varying levels of Carica papaya leaf meal on growth, carcass, hematological parameters and its use as anticoccidial for broiler chicken

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    Medicinal plants have been traditionally used for treatments of various diseases in many countries. Carica papaya is one of potential feed supplements which have recently been reported as having a wide range of beneficial effects on production performance. A seven weeks trial was conducted to investigate the effect of graded levels of C. papaya leaf meal on broiler growth performance, carcass characteristics, hematological parameters and its anticoccidial properties. A total of one hundred and fifty day-old Marshal broiler chicks were randomly allotted to five dietary treatments with 30 birds per treatment, replicated thrice in a completely randomized design. The treatments were; diet with coccidiostat as a positive control (T1), diet without C. papaya leaf meal nor coccidiostat (T2), diet with 200 g of C. papaya leaf meal/100kg of feed (T3), diet with 400 g C. papaya leaf meal/100kg of feed (T4), and diet with 600 g of C. papaya leaf meal/100kg of feed (T5). The phytochemical component of the C. papaya leaf meal varied from positive to strongly positive. Significant differences (P<0.05) were observed in the final weight, feed intake and the mortality percentage. The best liveability and final weight gain were obtained from the birds fed diets with 400 g of C. papaya leaf meal while non significance differences were observed on the carcass characteristics except on the live weight. The blood profiles were within the normal levels. It can be concluded that C. papaya leaf meal can be used at the rate of 400 g/100kg of feed for broiler chicken without any deleterious effect on the performance and carcass characteristics. Keywords: Carica papaya, performance, coccidiostat, phytochemical, carcass, hematological

    Effects of different substrates on the morphological characteristics and proximate content of Pleurotus pulminarius

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    Morphological characteristics and proximate content of Pleurotus pulminarius cultivated on different substrates were investigated. The substrates used are cotton waste, sawdust, palm fruit waste, paper, mixture of sawdust and palm fruit waste and mixture of cotton waste and paper (1:1) were sterilized and inoculated with Pleurotus pulminarius spawn (sorghum-produced) aseptically, incubated under controlled temperature and humidity before exposure to sunlight. Length and, diameter of stalk and pileus were measured during stages of harvest. Protein, fat, carbohydrate, crude fibre, ash and moisture content were determined by standard methods. Pleurotus pulminarius appeared on saw dust and cotton waste; paper, combination of saw dust and palm fruit waste, mixture of paper and cotton waste; and palm fruit waste after 2 days, 3 days and 5 days respectively. For the first stage of harvest, Saw dust had the highest length of stalk (cm) of 5.40 ± 0.63 and the lowest value of 2.70 ± 0.14 was obtained from palm fruit waste only. Mixture of paper waste and cotton waste has the highest diameter of stalk (3.25 ± 0.61 cm) (second harvest), the lowest diameter of stalk (0.4 ± 0.1 cm) was recorded for palm fruit (third harvest). Cotton waste had the highest diameter of pileus (7.88 ± 1.29 cm) (first harvest) while the lowest value (1.78 ± 0.63 cm) was obtained from mushroom harvested on the mixture of paper and cotton waste (second harvest). Pleurotus pulminarius harvested on mixture of paper and cotton waste has the highest percentage protein of 40.54% while the least value 28.79% protein was obtained from mushroom harvested on saw dust. Mushroom harvested on saw dust has the highest percentage fat content of 0.99% and palm fruit waste gave the lowest percentage fat of 0.74%. Palm fruit waste displayed the highest percentage ash and crude fibre contents of 4.38% and 4.81% respectively while cotton and paper wastes had the least ash and crude fibre content of 1.81% and 0.47% respectively. Saw dust gave the highest percentage carbohydrate of 62.54%s. Moisture content of 0.51% was obtained for mushrooms harvested on Palm fruit waste, Sawdust and mixture of sawdust and palm fruit waste as the least value while the mixture of paper and cotton waste has the highest moisture content of 3.49%. The study concluded that mushroom can serve as cheap source of food supplements such as protein, crude fibre, ash (micro and macro nutrients), fat, carbohydrate and moisture with beneficial bioconversion of agricultural and other wastes materials in the environment. Key words: Pleurotus pulminarius, cotton, sawdust, palm fruit, paper, wast


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    The leaf extract of Chrysophyllum albidum was studied for hepatoprotective activity against rats with induced liver damage by carbon tetrachloride (CCl4). The rats were divided into five groups of eight rats per group. Animals of group A served as normal and were given only vehicle (distilled water) for 7 days. Animals of group B (positive control) were administered with vehicle on the first four days, and with the vehicle and CCl4 on the fifth, sixth and seventh day. The animals of groups C, D and E were respectively administered with 500, 1000 and 1500 mg/kg of extract & distilled water for the first four days, and with distilled water, extract and CCl4 on the last three days. Animals were subsequently anaesthetized and blood samples were collected for alanine amino transferase (ALT), aspartate amino transferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), total bilirubin, total protein and albumin assays; liver organ was isolated and processed for histopathological studies. The results showed that the levels of AST, ALT, ALP and total bilirubin were significantly higher in rats treated with CCl4 indicating liver injury, while these parameters were reduced significantly (p < 0.05) after treatment of rats with the extract. The hepatoprotective activity of C. albidum was also supported by histopathological studies of liver tissue. The liver tissue of rats in the group treated with CCl4 showed marked centrilobular fatty degeneration and necrosis while the groups treated with plant extract showed signs of protection against this toxicant as evidenced by the absence of necrosis

    A maximum entropy classification scheme for phishing detection using parsimonious features

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    Over the years, electronic mail (e-mail) has been the target of several malicious attacks. Phishing is one of the most recognizable forms of manipulation aimed at e-mail users and usually, employs social engineering to trick innocent users into supplying sensitive information into an imposter website. Attacks from phishing emails can result in the exposure of confidential information, financial loss, data misuse, and others. This paper presents the implementation of a maximum entropy (ME) classification method for an efficient approach to the identification of phishing emails. Our result showed that maximum entropy with parsimonious feature space gives a better classification precision than both the Naïve Bayes and support vector machine (SVM)