67 research outputs found


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    Eco-literacy is one aspect that is important for students to resolve the current environmental issue and sustainable living. Eco--literacy has three dimensions of caring, practical competence, and knowledge. One of the things that can build an Eco-literacy is participation in study groups. This study aims to describe the differences in the eco-literacy of biology students based on participation in study groups. This research was conducted at Universitas Negeri Jakarta on May 2018. The research method used was Ex Post Facto. There were two different sample groups; the first group was X1 contain by students who participated in the study group, and the other group X2 contain by students who had not participated in the study group. The number of the sample from each group was 32 biology students’ year 2015. The data score of Eco literacy was taken using an eco-literacy questionnaire. Data were analyzed with t-test at significance level α = 0,05. From the results of the analysis, there were no significant differences between the eco-literacy of students participating in the study group and students who did not participate in the study group


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    Snake bite management is a stage that must be involved in dealing with snake bite problems. Attitude toward snakes is an evaluation or reaction of someone feelings toward snakes. The aim of this research was to know collage student attitude toward snakes and the effect of snake bite management training on collage student attitude toward snakes. The method used for this research was quasi experiment. The precondition test, result showed data distributed normal and homogenous. Data analysis uses gain score and hypothesis testing using the t test. The result of study showed that there was a significant different in the average score of attitude of biology students to animals in the experimental class and control class. This research showed there is an effect of snake bite management training on student attitudes towards snakes


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    Backgroud: Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a disease caused by Dengue virus infection and is carried or can be transmitted by mosquitoes, Aedes sp. Until now there has been no dengue virus vaccine, so efforts to eradicate dengue are still based on breaking the chain of transmission, especially human and vector components such as Mosquito Nest Eradication (PSN). Ovitrap (oviposition trap) is a tool that can be used to catch eggs and adult mosquitoes or it can also be used to detect the presence of mosquitoes. Method: This research was conducted in 2020 with a technical literature study. Result: Based on the research, it was found that the water storage container for laying eggs (Ovitrap) was the most preferred and many Aedes aegypti mosquitoes were found, namely the black ovitrap. Conclusion: There are several factors that support mosquitoes to lay eggs, one of which is the color and type of place / container. The most preferred water storage container for laying eggs (Ovitrap) and many Aedes aegypti mosquitoes is the black ovitrap. The number of eggs caught was significantly different for each ovitrap color


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    This study aims to analyze the diversity of fish species found in the Mangrove Ecotourism area in Pantai Indah Kapuk. This research was conducted 2 times, namely on May 26 -June 12 2020. Fish sampling in this study used a data survey method. The results obtained were 39 fish which were classified into 8 fish species and belonged to 6 families. The goldfish species (Cyprinus carpio) belonging to the Cyprinidae family is the species with the highest number found in the Pantai Indah Kapuk Mangrove Ecotourism area. From observations made at 2 stations, 9 goldfish (Cyprinus carpio) were obtained. Apart from carp (Cyprinus carpio), the most common species found in the 2 research stations was catfish (Clarias gariepinus) with a total of 7, followed by mujaer fish (Oreochromis mossambicus) and swamp sedge fish (Trichogaster trichopterus), each of which found as many as 5 tails. Then other species have a number of individuals that vary between 3-4 tails. Based on the results of research conducted at 2 stations, the Fish Species Diversity index in the Mangrove Ecotourism Area in Pantai Indah Kapuk is in the low category with a value of 1.9


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    Research on the inventory of medicinal plants at Jakarta State University Campus B was conducted from May to June 2020 at Universitas Negeri Jakarta Campus B, which is located on Jalan. Youth No.10, Rawamangun, Jakarta Timur. This study aims to determine the types of medicinal plants at Campus B. The parts of the plants used as medicine, and the types of diseases that can be treated. Research using descriptive method and literature study method. The results of the study were based on the data obtained that medicinal plants in Campus B, Jakarta State University consisted of 17 types of medicinal plants consisting of 17 families

    Pengaruh Kepedulian Lingkungan (Enviromental Concern) dan Paradigma Lingkungan Baru (New Environmental Paradigm) terhadap Intensi Perilaku Pro Lingkungan (Behavioral Intention) Siswa

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    The environment is fairly critical, and it can be said that the main cause of environmental damage is humans. Therefore concern is needed to overcome environmental problems so that it will change the new environmental paradigm and bring up the behavioral intention that will be used as behavior. This research is aimed to determine the effect of environmental concern and new environmental paradigm toward behavioral intention that students have. Research conducted at SMA Negeri 71 Jakarta on the Semester I of 2019/2020 school year. The method used is a survey method through causal studies and analyzed by path analysis. The sample were 96 students of class XII MIPA. The instrument used are environmental concern (27 items, reliability 0.773), new environmental paradigm (30 items, reliability 0.858) and behavioral intention (27 items, reliability 0.736). Based on these results, it can be concluded that new environmental paradigm cannot be a mediator of variables between environmental concern and behavioral intention on students

    Peranan Procedural Justice sebagai Mediasi antara Personality dengan Citizenship Behavior toward Environment Siswa

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    This research was aimed at finding out the effect of Personality on students’ Citizenship Behavior Toward Environment mediated by Procedural Justice. The method used is causal survey by selecting 74 junior high school students in Jakarta randomly. There were four instruments measured, Personality (25 items with a reliability coefficient .859), Procedural Justice (24 items with a reliability coefficient .866), and Citizenship Behavior Toward Environment (26 items with a reliability coefficient .875). Data analyzed by path analysis. The research results showed that Personality and Procedural Justice directly and significantly affected Citizenship Behavior Toward Environment, Personality directly and significantly affected Procedural Justice, then Personality indirectly and significantly affected on Citizenship Behavior Toward Environment mediated by Procedural Justice. Therefore, it can be interpreted that Procedural Justice was a good mediator. Based on those results, it could be concluded that if students’ Citizenship Behavior Toward Environment would like to be improved positively, it’s should be minimized the variations factors such as personality and procedural justice by introducing and implementing procedurally fair environmental education, especially during the pandemic

    Persiapan Siswa dalam Menghadapi Kompetensi Sains Nasional melalui Pembinaan Kompetensi Guru Pendamping

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    Kompetisi Sains Nasional tingkat SD/MI (KSN-SD)  dan atau yang sederajat telah dirintis sejak tahun 2003 merupakan salah satu wadah strategis untuk mewujudkan paradigma pendidikan yang mengedepankan peningkatan daya nalar, kreativitas, kemampuan berpikir kritis dan sadar terhadap lingkungan harus diaplikasikan dalam setiap langkah pengembangan ke depan. Oleh karena itu, perlu dilakukan suatu strategi pembinaan yang efektif dan efisien agar mampu mewujudkan paradigma pendidikan yang berimbas pada pembangunan nasional. Kegiatan pengabdian ini didasari kenyataan sangat minim keterwakilannya dalam KSN-SD tingkat nasional dari sekolah-sekolah Islam, pada umumnya kondisi seperti ini terjadi karena guru pembimbing sains masih memiliki keterbatasan dalam memahami silibus, karakteristik soal serta strategi pembinaan KSN-SD. Tujuan umum kegiatan ini adalah meningkatkan kemampuan guru dalam mendampingi siswa pada kegiatan dan pembinaan KSN-SD Di sekolah. Pelatihan ini menggunakan Metode experiential learning dengan pendekatan participant-centered melalui teknik case study, dan simulasi,  dilanjutkan dengan proses pembuatan media pembelajaran sederhana. Target luaran yang dihasilkan adalah  didapatinya kesepakatan kerjasama pembinaan KSN-SD bagi guru dan siswa antara sekolah terkait dengan prodi Biologi dan pendidikan Biologi FMIPA UNJ, peningkatan pemahaman dan pengetahuan guru-guru pembimbing Sains terkait Filosofi dan Silabus KSN-SD, peningkatan kemampuan pengorganisasian pembelajaran, penggunaan pendekatan dan metode pembelajaran dalam pembinaan dan pendampingan siswa peserta KSN-SD, pengenalan materi dan ketrampilan membuat soal setara soal-soal KSN-SD dan pada akhirnya terjadi peningkatan prestasi peserta KSN-SD

    The development of ecosystem misconception diagnostic test

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    Misconception is a problem that is often found in learning biology concepts. Ecosystem concept is one of the biology concepts in which misconceptions are found a lot. As a learning problem, misconceptions need to be addressed as soon as possible. The purpose of this research is to produce a valid and reliable diagnostic test instrument for misconceptions in the form of a three-tier multiple choice test which is presented through Google Form platform. This development research applied the research and development method with a 4D development model. The developed diagnostic test instrument was validated by two expert validators and obtained a mean score of 3.27 (very feasible). Through the results of item validation, from 40 questions there are 30 valid items with an average correlation coefficient value of 0.67 and 10 invalid items with an average correlation coefficient value of 0.10. The diagnostic test instrument was also tested for readability to students and got an average value of 3.41 (very feasible) and was tested for readability to teachers and got an average value of 3.74 (very feasible). This shows that the developed product is very valid and reliable to be used as a diagnostic test instrument for misconceptions

    Pemahaman dan Perspektif Mahasiswa Mengenai Manfaat Air Tebu (Saccharum officinarum) dalam Prospek Kesehatan

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    Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) is a plant that stores food reserves in the stem. Reserve food is in the form of water. Sugarcane water (Saccharum officinarum) can be consumed by humans. Sugarcane water (Saccharum officinarum) has many benefits, one of which is that it can lower cholesterol, control blood pressure, strengthen endurance, and much more. The purpose of this study was to determine the understanding and perspective of students regarding the benefits of sugarcane water (Saccharum officinarum) in health prospects. The type of research used is descriptive quantitative research with data collection techniques, namely the distribution of questionnaires through the help of the Google Form application. The results obtained are 92% of students already know about sugarcane plants and 96% of students think that sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) is a plant that is rich in benefits. The conclusion of this study based on the results of the study showed that the understanding and perspective of students regarding the benefits of sugarcane water (Saccharum officinarum) in health prospects was classified as good.Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) is a plant that stores food reserves in the stem. Reserve food is in the form of water. Sugarcane water (Saccharum officinarum) can be consumed by humans. Sugarcane water (Saccharum officinarum) has many benefits, one of which is that it can lower cholesterol, control blood pressure, strengthen endurance, and much more. The purpose of this study was to determine the understanding and perspective of students regarding the benefits of sugarcane water (Saccharum officinarum) in health prospects. The type of research used is descriptive quantitative research with data collection techniques, namely the distribution of questionnaires through the help of the Google Form application. The results obtained are 92% of students already know about sugarcane plants and 96% of students think that sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) is a plant that is rich in benefits. The conclusion of this study based on the results of the study showed that the understanding and perspective of students regarding the benefits of sugarcane water (Saccharum officinarum) in health prospects was classified as good
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