1,620 research outputs found

    An analysis of skewness and skewness persistence in three emerging markets

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    This paper reports an investigation into the extent and persistence of skewness in stock returns in three emerging markets, namely the Czech Republic, Kenya and Poland. The study is undertaken using the extended skew normal distribution and an asymmetric version of the generalised error distribution. The motivation for this paper is the hypothesis that skewness is a particular feature of returns in emerging markets; it may lack persistence and may decline in absolute terms as time passes and the market matures. When daily returns are considered, the majority of stocks in all three markets exhibit a significant degree of skewness. The value of the skewness parameter is often different in each of the three estimation periods considered. Little evidence has been found to support the view that skewness is an artifact of emerging or evolving markets. Over the period covered by the study, the number of stocks with a significant degree of skewness has remained more or less the same. For weekly returns, the same conclusions apply to the Czech Republic and to Kenya, but there is far less evidence of skewness in weekly returns on Polish Stocks. There is consistent evidence of short-term reversion in daily returns; increases (decreases) in mean return and volatility imply that there will be a decrease (increase) in skewness in the next month. This effect does not persist over longer time horizons

    An analysis of skewness and skewness persistence in three emerging markets

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    This paper reports an investigation into the extent and persistence of skewness in stock returns in three emerging markets, namely the Czech Republic, Kenya and Poland. The study is undertaken using the extended skew normal distribution and an asymmetric version of the generalised error distribution. The motivation for this paper is the hypothesis that skewness is a particular feature of returns in emerging markets; it may lack persistence and may decline in absolute terms as time passes and the market matures. When daily returns are considered, the majority of stocks in all three markets exhibit a significant degree of skewness. The value of the skewness parameter is often different in each of the three estimation periods considered. Little evidence has been found to support the view that skewness is an artifact of emerging or evolving markets. Over the period covered by the study, the number of stocks with a significant degree of skewness has remained more or less the same. For weekly returns, the same conclusions apply to the Czech Republic and to Kenya, but there is far less evidence of skewness in weekly returns on Polish Stocks. There is consistent evidence of short-term reversion in daily returns; increases (decreases) in mean return and volatility imply that there will be a decrease (increase) in skewness in the next month. This effect does not persist over longer time horizons

    Evolution of teaching and learning through technology

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    The profession of education has undergone many changes in teaching approaches, course assessments, roles of teachers and students, mainly through the integration of technology. Programs of Teacher Preparation, therefore, are being challenged to prepare their teacher candidates to use technology effectively. Research shows that technology has become an integral part of the teaching and learning environment making technology a stable part of the teaching and learning experience. Teacher educators must prepare teacher candidates to teach content and to use technology effectively so that all students will benefit in a world that depends on technology

    The Road to Hybrid Courses: Challenging yet Rewarding

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    Faculty who have good technology skills and are searching for a way to adapt a course into some form of a distance education course have a number of options. Faculty who have the support of a technology specialist who can share many opportunities such as collaboration technologies and digital media, enable more flexibility in how courses are delivered. The ability to reach beyond the four walls of a classroom has helped developed an attitude that faculty are looking for innovative methodology, using technology in the classroom. Online programs, hybrid courses, audio-video conferencing, and virtual office hours have the power to eliminate traditional barriers of time and space for faculty and students. Faculty adoption of technology requires time, resources, technology support, and reflection to build the confidence needed when using various technologies in the classroom. Support and practice help to develop the confidence and comfort that is needed to use technology effectively

    A Study of Nontraditional Teacher Certification in the Midwest

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    In the next 10 years, there will be a need to hire over two million teachers, due to increases in K-12 enrollment, retiring teachers, and attrition of new teachers

    Recovering piecewise smooth functions from nonuniform Fourier measurements

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    In this paper, we consider the problem of reconstructing piecewise smooth functions to high accuracy from nonuniform samples of their Fourier transform. We use the framework of nonuniform generalized sampling (NUGS) to do this, and to ensure high accuracy we employ reconstruction spaces consisting of splines or (piecewise) polynomials. We analyze the relation between the dimension of the reconstruction space and the bandwidth of the nonuniform samples, and show that it is linear for splines and piecewise polynomials of fixed degree, and quadratic for piecewise polynomials of varying degree

    School to College to Career: The Need for Seamless Transitions

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    Educators are keenly aware that high school students need guidance to prepare for college and careers. A multitude of options are available to help students, such as dual enrollment, remediation and advanced coursework, and the use of college readiness assessments to determine the desired and necessary pathway. What educators have not yet addressed is how to create successful transitions to meet the needs of each student

    Nontraditional Alternative Teacher Certification Programs: Their Purpose, Design and Participants

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    When the subject of nontraditional alternative teacher certification programs is discussed among teacher educators, there seems to be a wariness due to the way in which nontraditional alternative teacher certification has been managed in the past. However, current research seems to bear out that quality nontraditional alternative certification programs are not only helping with teacher shortages, but are producing quality teachers who know how students learn and are effective in their roles as teachers (Ducharme & Ducharme, 1998)

    Association between vitamin d deficiencies in sarcoidosis with disease activity, course of disease and stages of lung involvements

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    Background: Despite negative association between 25-hydroxy vitamin D and incidence of many chronic respiratory diseases, this feature was not well studied in sarcoidosis. Current study investigated the association between 25-hydroxy vitamin D deficiency with sarcoidosis chronicity, disease activity, extra-pulmonary skin manifestations, urine calcium level and pulmonary function status in Iranian sarcoidosis patients. Results of this study along with future studies, will supply more effective programs for sarcoidosis treatment. Methods: Eighty sarcoidosis patients in two groups of insufficient serum level and sufficient serum level of 25-hydroxy vitamin D were studied. Course of sarcoidosis was defined as acute and chronic sarcoidosis. Pulmonary function test (PFT) was assessed by spirometry. Skin involvements were defined as biopsy proven skin sarcoidosis. 24-hour urine calcium level was used to specify the disease activity. Stages of lung involvements were obtained by CT-scan and chest X-ray. The statistical analyses were evaluated using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. Results: A significant negative correlation was obtained between vitamin D deficiency in sarcoidosis patients and disease chronic course and stages two to four of lung involvements. Considering other parameters of the disease and vitamin D deficiency, no significant correlation was detected. Conclusions: In conclusion, results of the current study implies in the role of vitamin 25(OH)D deficiencies in predicting the course of chronic sarcoidosis. Furthermore, it was concluded that vitamin 25(OH)D deficiency can direct pulmonary sarcoidosis toward stage 2–4 of lung involvements

    The Value of lnformation Literacy Skills for Teaching and Learning

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    This article defines information literacy and how information literacy skills are important to education faculty and students. Education students are being prepared to assume their roles as teachers without realizing some of the important skills that are necessary for that role, such as information literacy. Teacher education students need to develop good information literacy skills so they can pass those skills on to their own students. In a qualitative study of teacher education students in a beginning-level professional education class, involving students in a hands-on activity involving information literacy resulted in teacher education student papers that were richer and better prepared
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