143 research outputs found

    Linear, diatomic crystal: single-electron states and large-radius excitons

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    The large-radius exciton spectrum in a linear crystal with two atoms in the unit cell was obtained using the single-electron eigenfunctions and the band structure, which were found by the zero-range potential (ZRP) method. The ground-state exciton binding energies for the crystal in vacuum appeared to be larger than the corresponding energy gaps for any set of the crystal parameters.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, 1 tabl

    Large radius exciton in single-walled carbon nanotubes

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    The spectrum of large radius exciton in an individual semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) is described within the framework of elementary potential model, in which exciton is modeled as bound state of two oppositely charged quasi-particles confined on the tube surface. Due to the parity of the interaction potential the exciton states split into the odd and even series. It is shown that for the bare and screened Coulomb electron-hole (e-h) potentials the binding energy of even excitons in the ground state well exceeds the energy gap. The factors preventing the collapse of single-electron states in isolated semiconducting SWCNTs are discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figure, 5 table

    Fast projectile stopping power of quantal multi-component strongly coupled plasmas

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    The Bethe-Larkin formula for the fast projectile stopping power is extended to multi-component plasmas. The results are to contribute to the correct interpretation of the experimental data, which could permit to test the existing and future models of thermodynamic, static, and dynamic characteristics of strongly coupled Coulomb systems.Comment: 4 pages, to appear in PR

    Collective and static properties of model two-component plasmas

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    Classical MD data on the charge-charge dynamic structure factor of two-component plasmas (TCP) modeled in Phys. Rev. A 23, 2041 (1981) are analyzed using the sum rules and other exact relations. The convergent power moments of the imaginary part of the model system dielectric function are expressed in terms of its partial static structure factors, which are computed by the method of hypernetted chains using the Deutsch effective potential. High-frequency asymptotic behavior of the dielectric function is specified to include the effects of inverse bremsstrahlung. The agreement with the MD data is improved, and important statistical characteristics of the model TCP, such as the probability to find both electron and ion at one point, are determined.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figures, 5 tables. Published in Physical Review E http://link.aps.org/abstract/PRE/v76/e02640

    Effects of quasiparticle tunneling in a circuit-QED realization of a strongly driven two-level system

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    We experimentally and theoretically study the frequency shift of a driven cavity coupled to a superconducting charge qubit. In addition to previous studies, we here also consider drive strengths large enough to energetically allow for quasiparticle creation. Quasiparticle tunneling leads to the inclusion of more than two charge states in the dynamics. To explain the observed effects, we develop a master equation for the microwave dressed charge states, including quasiparticle tunneling. A bimodal behavior of the frequency shift as a function of gate voltage can be used for sensitive charge detection. However, at weak drives the charge sensitivity is significantly reduced by non-equilibrium quasiparticles, which induce transitions to a non-sensitive state. Unexpectedly, at high enough drives, quasiparticle tunneling enables a very fast relaxation channel to the sensitive state. In this regime, the charge sensitivity is thus robust against externally injected quasiparticles and the desired dynamics prevail over a broad range of temperatures. We find very good agreement between theory and experiment over a wide range of drive strengths and temperatures.Comment: 25 pages, 7 figure

    Electrical conductivity of plasmas of DB white dwarf atmospheres

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    The static electrical conductivity of non-ideal, dense, partially ionized helium plasma was calculated over a wide range of plasma parameters: temperatures 1104KT1105K1\cdot 10^{4}\textrm{K} \lesssim T \lesssim 1\cdot 10^{5}\textrm{K} and mass density 1×106g/cm3ρ2g/cm31 \times 10^{-6} \textrm{g}/\textrm{cm}^{3} \lesssim \rho \lesssim 2 \textrm{g}/\textrm{cm}^{3}. Calculations of electrical conductivity of plasma for the considered range of plasma parameters are of interest for DB white dwarf atmospheres with effective temperatures 1104KTeff3104K1\cdot 10^{4}\textrm{K} \lesssim T_{eff} \lesssim 3\cdot 10^{4}\textrm{K}. Electrical conductivity of plasma was calculated by using the modified random phase approximation and semiclassical method, adapted for the case of dense, partially ionized plasma. The results were compared with the unique existing experimental data, including the results related to the region of dense plasmas. In spite of low accuracy of the experimental data, the existing agreement with them indicates that results obtained in this paper are correct

    Dynamic parity recovery in a strongly driven Cooper-pair box

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    We study a superconducting charge qubit coupled to an intensive electromagnetic field and probe changes in the resonance frequency of the formed dressed states. At large driving strengths, exceeding the qubit energy-level splitting, this reveals the well known Landau-Zener-Stuckelberg (LZS) interference structure of a longitudinally driven two-level system. For even stronger drives we observe a significant change in the LZS pattern and contrast. We attribute this to photon-assisted quasiparticle tunneling in the qubit. This results in the recovery of the qubit parity, eliminating effects of quasiparticle poisoning and leads to an enhanced interferometric response. The interference pattern becomes robust to quasiparticle poisoning and has a good potential for accurate charge sensing.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Phonons in graphene with point defects

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    The phonon density of states (DOS) of graphene with different types of point defects (carbon isotopes, substitution atoms, vacancies) is considered. Using a solvable model which is based on the harmonic approximation and the assumption that the elastic forces act only between nearest neighboring ions we calculate corrections to graphene DOS dependent on type and concentration of defects. In particular the correction due to isotopic dimers is determined. It is shown that a relatively small concentration of defects may lead to significant and specific changes in the DOS, especially at low frequencies, near the Van Hove points and in the vicinity of the K-points of the Brillouin zone. In some cases defects generate one or several narrow gaps near the critical points of the phonon DOS as well as resonance states in the Brillouin zone regular points. All types of defects are characterized by the appearance of one or more additional Van Hove peaks near the (Dirac) K points and their singular contribution may be comparable with the effect of electron-phonon interaction. Besides, for low frequencies and near the critical points the relative change in density of states may be many times higher than the concentration of defects.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure

    One-electron states and interband optical absorption in single-wall carbon nanotubes

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    Explicit expressions for the wave functions and dispersion equation for the band p - electrons in single-wall carbon nanotubes are obtained within the method of zero-range potentials. They are then used to investigate the absorption spectrum of polarized light caused by direct interband transitions in isolated nanotubes. It is shown that, at least, under the above approximations, the circular dichroism is absent in chiral nanotubes for the light wave propagating along the tube axis. The results obtained are compared with those calculated in a similar way for a graphite plane.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl

    Weakly coupled states on branching graphs

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    We consider a Schr\"odinger particle on a graph consisting of N\,N\, links joined at a single point. Each link supports a real locally integrable potential Vj\,V_j\,; the self--adjointness is ensured by the δ\,\delta\, type boundary condition at the vertex. If all the links are semiinfinite and ideally coupled, the potential decays as x1ϵ\,x^{-1-\epsilon} along each of them, is non--repulsive in the mean and weak enough, the corresponding Schr\"odinger operator has a single negative eigenvalue; we find its asymptotic behavior. We also derive a bound on the number of bound states and explain how the δ\,\delta\, coupling constant may be interpreted in terms of a family of squeezed potentials.Comment: LaTeX file, 7 pages, no figure