258 research outputs found

    Liczne przewlekłe powikłania jako rezultat niedostatecznej kontroli glikemii u pacjenta z cukrzycą typu 1 — opis przypadku

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    We present a case of a 54-year-old patient with type 1 diabetes affected by multiple microvascular and macrovascular complications. Over the course of the disease, he developed diabetic nephropathy that resulted in renal transplant, proliferative retinopathy of both eyes, and sensory polyneuropathy. He also suffered from arterial hypertension and diabetic foot syndrome, complicated by an amputation of fourth left toe. With the implementation of intensive insulin therapy (IIT), a decrease in prevalence of diabetic complications has been observed. Tight metabolic control, especially during early years of the disease, significantly reduces the risk of their development. However, there are patients who suffer from multiple complications, despite receiving IIT. One of the most important aspects of effective diabetes management is patients’ education and their active participation in the treatment.W pracy przedstawiono przypadek 54-letniego pacjenta chorującego na cukrzycę typu 1 z wieloma powikłaniami o charakterze mikroangiopatii i makroangiopatii. W przebiegu choroby u pacjenta rozwinęła się nefropatia cukrzycowa, która doprowadziła do przeszczepu nerki, retinopatia proliferacyjna obu oczu i polineuropatia czuciowa. Cierpiał też na nadciśnienie tętnicze oraz zespół stopy cukrzycowej, powikłany amputacją czwartego palca lewej stopy. Wprowadzenie intensywnej insulinoterapii (IIT) doprowadziło do zmniejszenia częstości powikłań o charakterze mikroangiopatii i makroangiopatii u pacjentów z cukrzycą typu 1. Ścisła kontrola metaboliczna, szcze­gólnie w pierwszych latach choroby, istotnie obniża ryzyko ich wystąpienia. Pomimo tego u części chorych poddanych IIT nadal rozwijają się liczne powikłania. Jednym z najistotniejszych aspektów opieki nad pacjentami z cukrzycą jest ich edukacja i aktywny udział w procesie leczenia

    Potentiometric determination of cysteine with thiol sensitive silver-mercury electrode

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    A potentiometric procedure for cysteine thiol group concentration monitoring in media generating free radicals was developed using a thiol specific silver-mercury electrode. Electrolytic deposition of mercury on a silver wire and treatment with 20 mM cysteine in 0.5 M NaOH were used to produce the electrode. A silver-chloride electrode in saturated KCl was the reference. A glass capillary with 1 M KNO3 in 1% agarose gel was the liquid junction. The electrode responded to cysteine concentration in the range from 0.01 to 20 mM yielding a perfect linear relationship for the dependence of log [cysteine] versus electrode potential [mV], with b0 (constant) = -373.43 [mV], b1 (slope) = -53.82 and correlation coefficient r2 = 0.97. The electrode potential change per decade of cysteine concentration was 57 mV. The minimal measurable signal response was at a cysteine concentration of 0.01 mM. The signal CV amounted to 4-6% for cysteine concentrations of 0.01 to 0.05 mM and to less than 1% for cysteine concentrations of 0.5 to 20 mM. The response time ranged from about 100 s for cysteine concentrations of 0.01 to 0.1 mM to 30 s at higher cysteine concentrations. The standard curve reproducibility was the best at cysteine concentrations from 0.1 to 20 mM. In a reaction medium containing cysteine and copper(II)-histidine complex ([His-Cu]2+) solution in 55 mM phosphate buffer pH 7.4 the electrode adequately responded to changes in cysteine concentration. Beside cysteine, the silver-mercury electrode responded also to thiol groups of homocysteine and glutathione, however, the Nernst equation slope was about half of that for cysteine

    Hydrogen sulfide generation from l-cysteine in the human glioblastoma-astrocytoma U-87 MG and neuroblastoma SHSY5Y cell lines

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    Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is endogenously synthesized from l-cysteine in reactions catalyzed by cystathionine beta-synthase (CBS, EC and gamma-cystathionase (CSE, EC The role of 3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase (MPST, EC in H2S generation is also considered; it could be important for tissues with low CTH activity, e.g. cells of the nervous system. The expression and activity of CBS, CTH, and MPST were detected in the human glioblastoma-astrocytoma (U-87 MG) and neuroblastoma (SHSY5Y) cell lines. In both cell lines, the expression and activity of MPST were the highest among the investigated enzymes, suggesting its possible role in the generation of H2S. The RP-HPLC method was used to determine the concentration of cystathionine and alpha-ketobutyrate, products of the CBS- and CTH-catalyzed reactions. The difference in cystathionine levels between cell homogenates treated with totally CTH-inhibiting concentrations of dl-propargylglycine and without the inhibitor was used to evaluate the activity of CBS. The higher expression and activity of CBS, CTH and MPST in the neuroblastoma cells were associated with more intensive generation of H2S in the presence of 2 mM cysteine. A threefold higher level of sulfane sulfur, a potential source of hydrogen sulfide, was detected in the astrocytoma cells in comparison to the neuroblastoma cells

    Dynamics of reactive oxygen species generation in the presence of copper(II)-histidine complex and cysteine

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    Histidine-copper(II) complex (Cu-His2) is a form of bound copper necessary for cellular copper uptake. Due to the high affinity of histidine to copper(II) ions, the binding of copper(II) by histidine is considered a substantial part of plasma antioxidative defense. Also cysteine plays a role in the antioxidative system. However, we show here that in the presence of oxygen the histidine-copper(II) complex plus cysteine produces reactive oxygen species (ROS). Cysteine concentration was assayed using a thiol specific silver-mercury electrode. Hydrogen peroxide was assayed amperometrically using platinum electrode. ROS formation was followed by chemiluminescence of luminol-fluoresceine-enhanced system. Addition of cysteine to Cu-His2 solution at pH 7.4 in the presence of atmospheric oxygen initiates the synthesis of H2O2 and generation of ROS, which manifests as a burst of chemiluminescence. The reaction has two stages; in the first stage, cysteine is utilized for the synthesis of an unstable intermediary product which becomes a substrate for ROS formation. Anaerobic conditions inhibit ROS formation. Increased cysteine concentration enhances the lag phase of the oxidative burst without influencing the amount of ROS. The synthesis of ROS (measured by chemiluminescence) is proportional to the concentration of Cu-His2 employed. ROS production can be repetitively initiated by further additions of cysteine to the reaction medium. The study suggests that Cu-His2 catalyzes cysteine-dependent reduction of oxygen to superoxide employing an intermediary cysteine-copper(I) complex and enabling Fenton reaction with copper and hydrogen peroxide produced as a secondary product. In effect, Cu-His2 with cysteine may be a source of ROS in biological media

    Effect of S-Allyl -L-Cysteine on MCF-7 cell Line 3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase/sulfane sulfur system, viability and apoptosis

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    The S-Allyl-L-cysteine (SAC) component of aged garlic extract (AGE) is proven to have anticancer, antihepatotoxic, neuroprotective and neurotrophic properties. -Cystathionase (CTH), cystathionine -synthase (CBS) and 3-mercaptopyruvate sulfurtransferase (MPST) are involved in H2S/sulfane sulfur endogenous formation from L-cysteine. The aim of the study was to determine the e ect of SAC on MCF-7 cells survival and apoptosis, which is a widely known approach to reduce the number of cancer cells. An additional goal of this paper was to investigate the e ect of SAC on the activity and expression of enzymes involved in H2S production. The experiments were carried out in the human breast adenocarcinoma cell line MCF-7. Changes in the cell viability were determined by MTT assay. Cell survival was determined by flow cytometry (FC). Changes in enzymes expression were analyzed using Western blot. After 24 h and 48 h incubation with 2245 M SAC, induction of late apoptosis was observed. A decrease in cell viability was observed with increasing SAC concentration and incubation time. SAC had no significant cytotoxic e ect on the MCF-7 cells upon all analyzed concentrations. CTH, MPST and CBS expression were confirmed in non-treated MCF-7 cells. Significant decrease in MPST activity at 2245 M SAC after 24 h and 48 h incubation vs. 1000 M SAC was associated with decrease in sulfane sulfur levels. The presented results show promising SAC e ects regarding the deterioration of the MCF-7 cells’ condition in reducing their viability through the downregulation of MPST expression and sulfate sulfur level reduction

    A mathematical model to describe the alpha dose rate from a UO2 surface

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    A model to determine the dose rate of a planar alpha-emitting surface, has been developed. The approach presented is a computationally efficient mathematical model using stopping range data from the Stopping Ranges of Ions in Matter (SRIM) software. The alpha dose rates as a function of distance from irradiated UO2 spent fuel surfaces were produced for bench-marking with previous modelling attempts. This method is able to replicate a Monte Carlo (MCNPX) study of an irradiated UO2 fuel surface within 0.6 % of the resulting total dose rate and displays a similar dose profile

    Masywne przerzuty do skóry jako pierwszy objaw raka piersi — opis przypadku

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    Introduction: Metastases to the skin are relatively rare, but they are an important diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. In women skin metastases are the most commonly associated with breast cancer. In the men they are often associated with lung cancer. Skin metastasis most often are in form of blue-purple nodules and tumours with tendency of necrosis. Aim: The aim of this paper is to present the case of a patient with diagnosed breast cancer with skin involvement. Case report: The 48-years old female patient was admitted to The Department of Dermatology for diagnosis and treatment of dermal lesions in form of numerous blue-purple nodules and ulcerations localised on the skin of the chest. The ultrasound examination suggested a primary malignant lesion in the left breast spreading to the right side and numerous satellite nodules. A whole nodule was collected for histopathological and immunohistochemical examinations in order to make the final diagnosis. Histopathology tests confirmed the diagnosis of tumour metastases of the skin and positive immunohistochemical reactions for cytokeratin 7 (CK7) and for oestrogen receptors (ER) pointed mammary glands as the primary site. The patient was urgently referred to the Oncology Centre. Conclusions: The occurrence of skin metastasis in all tumour processes significantly worsens the prognosis of the patient. These changes should be quickly recognized by the oncologist or dermatologist. Sometimes the localization of primary tumour is not possible to determine without taking the biopsy for histopathological and immunohistochemistry assays. Rapid treatment of appropriate chemotherapy or radiotherapy can prolong life and reduce pain.Wstęp: Przerzuty nowotworów do skóry stanowią istotny problem diagnostyczy i terapeutyczny, chociaż występują stosunkowo rzadko. Przerzuty do skóry obserwowane są najczęściej w przebiegu raka sutka u kobiet i raka płuca w przypadku mężczyzn. Zazwyczaj mają one postać sinofioletowych guzków i guzów, niekiedy z tendencją do rozpadu. Cel pracy: Celem pracy jest przedstawienie przypadku pacjentki z rozpoznanym nowotworem piersi przebiegającym z zajęciem skóry. Opis przypadku: 48-letnia pacjentka została przyjęta do Kliniki Dermatologii w celu diagnostyki i leczenia zmian skórnych o charakterze licznych sinofioletowych guzków z tendencją do rozpadu oraz owrzodzeń zlokalizowanych na skórze gładkiej klatki piersiowej. W badaniu USG piersi całość obrazu przemawiała za procesem nowotworowym pierwotnie wywodzącym się z piersi lewej, z progresją zmian na stronę prawą, z licznymi guzkami satelitarnymi. Pobrano w całości guzek do badania histopatologicznego oraz immunohistochemicznego w celu ustalenia rozpoznania ostatecznego. Wynik badania histopatologicznego potwierdził rozpoznanie przerzutów nowotworowych do skóry, dodatnie odczyny immunohistochemiczne dla cytokeratyny 7 (CK 7) i receptorów estrogenowych (ER) wskazywały na sutek jako miejsce guza pierwotnego. Pacjentka została w trybie pilnym skierowana do Centrum Onkologii. Wnioski: Wystąpienie przerzutów do skóry w przypadku wszystkich procesów nowotworowych znacznie pogarsza rokowanie pacjenta. Zmiany te powinny być szybko rozpoznane przez prowadzącego onkologa lub dermatologa. Czasem punkt wyjścia nowotworu nie jest możliwy do ustalenia bez pobrania materiału do badania histopatologicznego i immunohistochemicznego. Szybkie wdrożenie odpowiedniej chemioterapii lub radioterapii pozwala przedłużyć życie chorych oraz zmniejszyć dolegliwości bólowe.

    The investigation of internal pressure development in convective drying of shrinking and non-shrinking materials using green and fired clay as an example

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    [EN] The aim of present research was to measure and analyze the dynamic changes of internal pressure in shrinking vs. non-shrinking materials during convective drying for the use as a possible process control method. Drying experiments were carried out on wet and fired clay at 50°C and 60°C. In addition, the shrinkage curve was investigated. Experimental measurements show the existence of 4 stages of the process. The comparison of the results for wet and fired clay shows differences in pressure trends. During drying the internal pressure changes from underpressure to overpressure at the level of 3÷5kPa, what correlates well with transition from the first to the second drying period.Adamska, A.; Pakowski, Z.; Adamski, R. (2018). The investigation of internal pressure development in convective drying of shrinking and non-shrinking materials using green and fired clay as an example. En IDS 2018. 21st International Drying Symposium Proceedings. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 115-122. https://doi.org/10.4995/IDS2018.2018.7470OCS11512