18 research outputs found

    Chromium in postmortem material

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    Nickel content in human internal organs

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    Wpływ sposobów mineralizacji próbek biologicznych oraz metod oznaczania niektórych, podstawowych i śladowych pierwiastków w tych próbach na wyniki analityczne

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    Collection of a sample and securing, storing, preparing and determining it may have an influence on the end result of chemo-toxicological analysis. The aim o f the research was to investigate the influence of different methods o f preparing material for analysis (without mineralization, conventional heating in Bethge apparatus, microwave digestion) and also two analytical methods (F-AAS, ICP-OES) on the results o f determination of some elements in samples o f biological material (blood, urine, bile, sections of internal organs) which are commonly analysed in forensic expert examinations. The method of mineralization in Bethge apparatuses (with conventional heating) allowed us to obtain comparable results to those obtained by a more modern method - microwave digestion - regardless o f which method was used to analyse the samples (ICP-OES or F-AAS), with the exception o f Cd, for which lower results were obtained by the F-AAS method after mineralization in Bethge apparatus. Furthermore, it was ascertained that in cases where time o f analysis plays a significant role (e.g. in diagnosing acute poisonings by metal compounds), analysis o f urine can be carried out without preliminary decomposition o f the sample in acids: for most studied metals (besides Hg, Pb and Li), the sample only needs to be appropriately diluted. The influence o f the analytical method on results o f determination o f heavy metals (Zn, Mn, Cu, Cd and Cr) in samples of autopsy material (body fluids, sections o f internal organs) was observed to be insignificant. For example, concentrations of Cr in urine collected from persons who had not been poisoned, as determined by the ICP-OES method, were about 30% higher than those obtained by the F-AAS method. In samples o f NIST Bovine Liver 1577b somewhat higher concentrations o f Cu, Mn and Zn were obtained by the ICP-OES method than by the F-AAS method

    Optimization and validation of a procedure for the determination of total chromium in postmortem material by ETAAS

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    A study was conducted to optimize and validate a procedure for the determination of total chromium in wet digested samples of human blood and body tissues for forensic toxicological purposes. Five experimental setups of electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (ETAAS) using a Solaar MQZe (Thermo Electron Co.) were compared, using the following: (i) no modifier, (ii) magnesium nitrate, (iii) palladium nitrate, (iv) magnesium and palladium nitrate mixture and (v) palladium nitrate and ammonium dihydrogen phosphate mixture as chemical modifiers. Furthermore, for the mineralization process in the Ethos 1 microwave system (Milestone), it was found that the temperature program suggested by the producer should be improved, thus, four experimental setups are presented. Finally, the whole procedure was validated, obtaining a linear range of calibration from 0.22 to 12.0 µg/L, limit of detection at 0.07 µg/L, limit of quantification at 0.22 µg/L, precision (as relative standard deviation) up to 6%, and accuracy of 98.4–104.4% for the analysis of certified material (ClinChek Whole Blood Control Level III, SRM Whole Blood Level II and III and SRM 1577c Bovine Liver) and within a range from 84.5 to 103.2% for the recovery of spiked samples. It was ascertained that modified wet digestion, followed by ETAAS with magnesium nitrate as a modifier (5 µg) with 1,400/2,500°C as the pyrolysis and atomization temperatures, respectively, can be used to determine chromium at reference levels in biological materials (blood and internal organs) and levels found in chronic or acute poisonings with chromium compounds

    Influence of the direction of crossing on the expression of seed colour and yield components in DH line populations of winter oilseed rape

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    Celem prezentowanych badań było określenie wpływu kierunku krzyżowania na ekspresję koloru nasion i cechy struktury plonu oraz wyselekcjonowanie jasnonasiennych linii DH o wyższych parametrach cech struktury plonu i zawartości tłuszczu w porównaniu do żółtonasiennej linii rodzicielskiej. Materiał do badań stanowiły dwie populacje linii DH otrzymane z mieszańców F1 krzyżowania odwrotnego pomiędzy czarnonasienną linią DH H2-26 a żółtonasienną linią DH Z-114. Podwojone haploidy wysiano w doświadczeniu polowym w jednym powtórzeniu z systematycznie rozmieszczonymi wzorcami (obie linie rodzicielskie). Wykonano pomiary biometryczne dla cech struktury plonu, zmierzono zawartość tłuszczu i oceniono barwę nasion. Analiza wariancji przeprowadzona dla 6 cech, umożliwiła wyznaczenie charakterystyk statystycznych dla każdej z obu populacji linii DH i populacji rodzicielskich oraz zbadanie istotności różnic między nimi. Podział 4 badanych populacji na grupy jednorodne, istotnie różniące się między sobą, dla każdej omawianej cechy, pozwolił na dokonanie oceny wpływu kierunku krzyżowania. Dodatkowo przeprowadzona ocena kontrastu pomiędzy daną linią DH a lepszym z wzorców umożliwiła wyodrębnienie linii transgresyjnych. Na podstawie testowania porównań między jasnonasiennymi liniami DH a linią rodzicielską Z-114 wyróżniono dwie linie: DH HZ-6 i DH ZH-54 o istotnie wyższej liczbie łuszczyn na roślinie.The main goal of presented study was to determine the influence of the direction of the crossing on the expression of seed colour and yield components and as well as selection of DH lines with light colour seeds and with improved yield components as well as fat content compared to the parental yellow-seeded line. The material consisted of two populations of DH lines derived from F1 hybrids obtained from reciprocal crosses between black seeded DH H2- 26 and yellow seeded line DH Z-114. Doubled haploids were examined in an unreplicated field trial with a regularly distributed standards (both parental lines.) Biometric measurements were made for the components of seed yield, fat content was estimated and seed colour was evaluated. Analysis of variance carried out for 6 traits, has allowed the designation of the statistical characteristics for each of the two populations of DH lines and parental populations and to investigate the significance of differences between them. Division of populations into four homogeneous groups, significantly different from each other, for each of the studied traits, allowed to assess the influence of the direction of crossing. In addition, the assessment of the contrast between given DH lines and the best parental line allowed the separation of transgressive DH lines. Based on testing comparisons between light seed colour DH lines and parental line DH Z-114, it was possible to distinguish two lines: DH HZ-6 and DH ZH-54 with significantly higher number of pods per plant

    Stability of combining ability for unsaturated fatty acids content in DH lines of winter oilseed rape

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    Praca zawiera wyniki badań zdolności kombinacyjnych linii DH przeprowadzonych na podstawie analizy statystycznej trzyletniej serii doświadczeń linia × tester z rzepakiem ozimym. Podstawą badań serii była analiza wariancji oparta na modelu mieszanym obserwacji. Została ona przeprowadzona dla serii doświadczeń, których obiektami były mieszańce uzyskane ze skrzyżowania 7 linii z 4 testerami. Każde z doświadczeń założone było w układzie losowanych bloków w trzech replikacjach. W pracy przedstawione są wyniki analizy efektów ogólnej (GCA) i specyficznej (SCA) zdolności kombinacyjnej linii rodzicielskich ze względu na zawartość kwasów tłuszczowych (oleinowego, linolowego i linolenowego) u mieszańców F2 linia × tester. Dla każdego z badanych kwasów wyznaczono oceny średnich efektów GCA i SCA linii DH i testerów oraz dokonano testowania ich istotności. Podstawowym celem pracy był wybór tych linii DH rzepaku ozimego, które spełniałyby wymagania dotyczące odpowiedniej zawartości kwasów tłuszczowych w oleju nasion przydatnych w produkcji biopaliw oraz farb i lakierów.The article presents the analysis of general and specific combining ability of winter oilseed rape DH lines. The various statistical methods were used to evaluate parental forms on the basis of series of experiments with F2 hybrids obtained from the line × tester crossing scheme. The experiments were carried out in a completely randomised block design with three replications and over three successive years. The article contains the results of general and specific combining ability analyses for parental lines in respect of the content of unsaturated fatty acids in F2 line × tester hybrid generation. For each fatty acid the estimates of GCA and SCA effects for DH lines and testers were obtained and tested. The interaction of these effects with years was also studied. The aim of the paper was to select the most interesting oilseed rape DH lines with regard to the requirements for fatty acids


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    Abstract. The fatty acid composition of oil of the zero erucic acid commercial Brassica napus L. is typical for this species. It is rich in oleic acid and contains moderate levels of linoleic and linolenic acid. For human nutrition, it is advantageous primarily to obtain the highest possible content of oleic acid and to maintain the 2 : 1 ratio of linoleic to linolenic acid, while preserving the average total content of saturated acids. Uni-and multivariate analyses of variance were used for evaluation of doubled haploid lines of winter oilseed rape in respect of five fatty acids: palmitic (C16:0), stearic (C18:0) oleic (C18:1), linoleic (C18:2) and linolenic (C18:3). Some proposals of studying doubled haploid (DH) lines with the use of canonical transformation were also given. In MANOVA, the five original variables (individual fatty acids) were replaced by three 'new' variables (combinations of these acids) and used to evaluate DH lines with respect to the requirements concerning the nutritional role of fatty acids. The first variable was the total content of the saturated acids (C16:0 + C18:0), the second (unchanging) was the content of the monounsaturated acid C18:1, and the third was the difference between polyunsaturated acids, i.e. between linoleic acid, and the doubled content of linolenic acid (C18:2 -2´C18:3)

    Protective effect of <i style="">Aquilegia vulgaris</i> (L.) on carbon tetrachloride-induced oxidative stress in rats

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    702-711The ethyl ether extract of A. vulgaris inhibited in vitro microsomal lipid peroxidation (IC50 58.8 µg/ml) and showed moderate ability to scavenge superoxide radicals and to chelate iron ions. The extract (100 mg/kg body weight, po) decreased uninduced and enzymatic microsomal lipid peroxidation in the liver of male rats pretreated with CCl4 (1 ml/kg body weight) by 27 and 40%, respectively. Activity of antioxidant and related enzymes (catalase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase) inhibited by CCl4 was significantly restored after administration of the extract. The extract itself significantly enhanced superoxide dismutase activity. There was no effect of the extract on hepatic glutathione level and cytochrome P450 content, both were decreased by CCl4. Neither CCl4 nor the tested extract affected activities of NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase and two monooxygenases, aniline hydroxylase and aminopyrine n-demethylase. It can be concluded that the protective effect of the A. vulgaris extract in CCl4-induced liver injury is mediated by inhibition of microsomal lipid peroxidation and restoring activity of some antioxidant and related enzymes