88 research outputs found

    Tadeusz Różewicz – autoportret poetycki pisany z pamięci

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    The article, which is inspired by the poem Tadeusz Różewicz homework (always section), raises the question of “poetic self-portrait” and on the basis of expression of the poet, and with reference to the specifics of the forms of personal documents (autobiography, self-portrait), tries features that it could be characterized. Structural axis of the text is the triad of concepts: “face, memory, mirror”, which lies close to the problem of identity, having to work Różewicz great importance

    Dziedzictwo kulturowe wsi Pokój (dawne Carlsruhe) w województwie opolskim. Zanikanie, ochrona, promocja

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    Pokój is a communal village located in the northern part of the Opole Province. In the 18th century Duke Karl Christian Erdmann of Württemberg-Oels erected a residential complex here in the form of a radial composition with a central square, gardens and parks. The place known as Carlsruhe became a cultural and craft center, as well as a recognized health resort since the 19th century. War damage suffered by the village in 1945 interrupted this development. The former Carlsruhe became a village Pokój. This chapter presents activities and projects implemented towards protection and promotion of preserved cultural heritage of Pokój at the background of the place’s history and its cultural specificity. The study shows, that after the period of post-war stagnation and degradation, 21st century brings a series of new opportunities and instruments not only for protection of the unique heritage of Pokój and restoration of its former values, but for sustainable use of this heritage for local and regional development as well

    The historic city parks of Opole Silesia

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    The first public parks in Opole Silesia were established in the 1st half of the 19th c. after the demolition of the city walls and the transformation of these grounds into public green areas. Other public parks were established in the 2nd half of the 19th c. along with the development of the bigger towns in the region, including planning public green areas for inhabitants’ to be able to relax. Parks in Nysa and Prudnik are among those founded in the 19th c., and at the beginning of the 20th c. parks in Brzeg, Kluczbork and Opole were established. Their landscape layouts are characterised by allées, trees and bushes, glades, ponds, and gazebos, pavilions and monuments preserved to a greater or lesser extent. In this paper selected monumental public parks in Opole Silesia are presented with an analysis of their state, historic values, contemporary functions, and the revitalization carried out

    Play of tradition and modernity. The interwar competition for the seat of the authorities of the regency of Opole

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    In this paper the architectural competition for the seat of the authorities of the Regency of Opole of 1929 is presented, its formula, participants, the jury are indicated on the background of examples of German competitions of the interwar period. Analysis of the competition entries enabled definition of their style inspired by the ideas of interwar modernism and also architectural tradition. The jury declared decisively on the side of modern architecture, guaranteeing the new edifice the required representativeness and monumentalism

    Analysis of the Genome and Mobilome of a Dissimilatory Arsenate Reducing Aeromonas sp. O23A Reveals Multiple Mechanisms for Heavy Metal Resistance and Metabolism

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    Aeromonas spp. are among the most ubiquitous microorganisms, as they have been isolated from different environmental niches including waters, soil, as well as wounds and digestive tracts of poikilothermic animals and humans. Although much attention has been paid to the pathogenicity of Aeromonads, the role of these bacteria in environmentally important processes, such as transformation of heavy metals, remains to be discovered. Therefore, the aim of this study was a detailed genomic characterization of Aeromonas sp. O23A, the first representative of this genus capable of dissimilatory arsenate reduction. The strain was isolated from microbial mats from the Zloty Stok mine (SW Poland), an environment strongly contaminated with arsenic. Previous physiological studies indicated that O23A may be involved in both mobilization and immobilization of this metalloid in the environment. To discover the molecular basis of the mechanisms behind the observed abilities, the genome of O23A (∼5.0 Mbp) was sequenced and annotated, and genes for arsenic respiration, heavy metal resistance (hmr) and other phenotypic traits, including siderophore production, were identified. The functionality of the indicated gene modules was assessed in a series of minimal inhibitory concentration analyses for various metals and metalloids, as well as mineral dissolution experiments. Interestingly, comparative analyses revealed that O23A is related to a fish pathogen Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida A449 which, however, does not carry genes for arsenic respiration. This indicates that the dissimilatory arsenate reduction ability may have been lost during genome reduction in pathogenic strains, or acquired through horizontal gene transfer. Therefore, particular emphasis was placed upon the mobilome of O23A, consisting of four plasmids, a phage, and numerous transposable elements, which may play a role in the dissemination of hmr and arsenic metabolism genes in the environment. The obtained results indicate that Aeromonas sp. O23A is well-adapted to the extreme environmental conditions occurring in the Zloty Stok mine. The analysis of genome encoded traits allowed for a better understanding of the mechanisms of adaptation of the strain, also with respect to its presumable role in colonization and remediation of arsenic-contaminated waters, which may never have been discovered based on physiological analyses alone

    Generation of two induced pluripotent stem cell lines from psoriatic patient with cardiovascular comorbidity

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    Psoriasis (Ps) is a chronic, inflammatory skin disease characterized by thickened, red and scaly plaques. Systemic inflammation associated with psoriasis results in an increased risk of death due to the development of psoriasis-associated comorbidities such as cardiovascular disease (CVD) and metabolic syndrome. Although the cardiometabolic features in psoriasis are clinically well described, the underlying molecular mechanisms linking these comorbidities remain poorly understood. Generation of induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and skin fibroblasts (SFs) of psoriatic patients provides a novel approach to investigate the pathway by which cutaneous inflammation promotes CV complications in this disorder

    Plasma levels of soluble tumor necrosis factor-α receptors are related to total and LDL-cholesterol in lean, but not in obese subjects

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    BACKGROUND: Tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα) is a mediator of insulin resistance. Plasma levels of soluble TNFα receptors (sTNFR1 and sTNFR2) probably reflect paracrine action of the cytokine. TNFα is also a regulator of lipid metabolism, however, data about impact of obesity on the relationships between TNFα and plasma lipids remain controversial. AIM: The purpose of the present study was to examine the associations of TNFα system with plasma lipids in lean and obese subjects with normal glucose metabolism. METHODS: We examined 63 subjects, 33 lean (BMI<25 kg × m(-2)) and 30 with marked overweight or obesity (BMI>27.8 kg × m(-2)). Anthropometric and biochemical parameters were measured. Oral glucose tolerance test and euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp were also performed. RESULTS: Obese subjects were markedly more insulin resistant and had higher levels of both TNFα receptors. Total (TC) and LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C), triglycerides (TG) and non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) were also higher in the obese group. In obese subjects, both receptors were significantly related to TG and HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C), while sTNFR2 was also associated with NEFA. All those correlations disappeared after controlling for insulin sensitivity. In lean subjects, both receptors were related to TC, HDL-C and LDL-C. In that group, sTNFR1 predicted values of all those parameters independently of BMI, plasma glucose and insulin, and insulin sensitivity. CONCLUSION: We conclude that TNFα receptors are associated with plasma lipids in different way in lean and in obese subjects. TNFα system is probably important in determining cholesterol levels in lean subjects, while in obese this effect might be masked by other metabolic abnormalities

    Efficacy of midostaurin combined with intensive chemotherapy followed by allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in a patient with NPM1 and FLT3-TKD mutated acute myeloid leukaemia with clinical high-risk features

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    Many genetic disorders occur in patients suffering from acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). The most common mutations found in such patients are in the nucleophosmin (NPM) gene and the FLT3 tyrosine kinase receptor gene. NPM1 mutation is observed in 30–35% of adult AML patients (50–60% of AML with normal karyotype), showing a favourable prognosis. The presence of point FLT3 comutations occur in the tyrosine kinase domain (TKD) are associated with even more favourable prognosis. However FLT3 comutations i.e. internal tandem duplication (ITD) in particular with high allelic ratio (ITDhigh) worsen the course of leukemia and treatment outcomes. Deploying FLT3 tyrosine kinase inhibitors thus offers a prospect for improving treatment and prolonging the survival of patients with AML, burdened with the FLT3 gene mutation. Midostaurin and gilteritinib are type I FLT3 inhibitors which are used to treat patients with AML FLT3-TKD due to their mechanism of action. This paper presents the case of a 30-year-old AML patient diagnosed with NPM1 and FLT3-TKD mutations, bone marrow reticuline fibrosis and extramedullary sites of AML. Treatment was individualized and induction chemotherapy was combined with midostaurin. After first-line treatment with midostaurin, complete remission was achieved, as confirmed by histopathological examination of the bone marrow. Subsequently, two cycles of consolidation chemotherapy were given, and allogeneic haematopoietic stem cells were transplanted from an unrelated donor after myeloablative conditioning. The patient has remained in complete leukaemia remission, 3 years after diagnosis

    Skuteczność skojarzonego leczenia midostauryną i standardową chemioterapią oraz wysokodawkowaną chemioterapią i przeszczepieniem alogenicznych macierzystych komórek krwiotwórczych u chorego na ostrą białaczkę szpikową wysokiego ryzyka z towarzyszącymi mutacjami FLT3-TKD oraz NPM1

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    Many genetic disorders occur in patients suffering from acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). The most common mutations found in such patients are in the nucleophosmin (NPM) gene and the FLT3 tyrosine kinase receptor gene. NPM1 mutation is observed in over half of AML patients, showing a favourable prognosis, however FLT3 mutations worsen the course of leukaemia and treatment outcomes; ie. when internal tandem duplication (ITD) and point mutations occur in the tyrosine kinase (TKD) domain. Deploying FLT3 tyrosine kinase inhibitors thus offers a prospect for improving treatment and prolonging the survival of patients with AML, burdened with the FLT3 gene mutation. Midostaurin and gilteritinib are first type FLT3 inhibitors which are used to treat patients with AML FLT3-TKD due to their mechanism of action. This paper presents the case of a 30-year-old AML patient diagnosed with NPM1 and FLT3-TKD mutations, reticulin bone marrow fibrosis and extramedullary sites of AML. Treatment was individualised and induction chemotherapy was combined with midostaurin. After first-line treatment with midostaurin, complete remission was achieved, as confirmed by histopathological examination of the bone marrow. Subsequently, two cycles of consolidation chemotherapy were given and allogeneic haematopoietic stem cells were transplanted from an unrelated donor after myeloablative conditioning. The patient has remained in complete leukaemia remission, 22 months after diagnosis.W przebiegu ostrej białaczki szpikowej obserwuje się wiele zaburzeń genetycznych. Mutacje genu nukleofosminy (NPM) oraz genu receptora kinazy tyrozynowej FLT3 są najczęściej stwierdzanymi mutacjami somatycznymi u chorych na AML. Mutacja NPM1 występuje u ponad połowy chorych i wiąże się z korzystnym rokowaniem, natomiast mutacje FLT3, to jest wewnętrzna tandemowa duplikacja (ITD) pogarszają przebieg białaczki i wyniki leczenia, a w przypadku mutacji punktowych domeny kinazy tyrozynowej (TKD) znaczenie rokownicze nie jest do końca jasne. Perspektywą dla poprawy wyników leczenia i wydłużenia przeżycia chorych na AML, obciążonych mutacją genu FLT3 jest zastosowanie inhibitorów kinazy tyrozynowej FLT3. U chorych na AML FLT3-TKD, z uwagi na mechanizm działania, znajdują zastosowanie inhibitory FLT3 pierwszego typu, w tym midostauryna i gilterytynib. W pracy przedstawiono przypadek 30-letniego chorego na AML z obecnością mutacji NPM1 oraz FLT3-TKD, włóknieniem retikulinowym szpiku oraz lokalizacjami pozaszpikowymi AML przy rozpoznaniu. W leczeniu chorego zastosowano chemioterapię indukującą według schematu DA „3 + 7” skojarzonego z midostauryną, osiągnięto całkowitą remisję potwierdzoną badaniem histopatologicznym szpiku. Następnie zastosowano dwa cykle chemioterapii konsolidującej i przeprowadzono przeszczepienie alogenicznych krwiotwórczych komórek macierzystych od dawcy niespokrewnionego po zastosowaniu kondycjonowania mieloablacyjnego. Pacjent pozostaje w remisji całkowitej białaczki 22 miesiące od rozpoznania.