26 research outputs found

    Metakognityvinių skaitymo strategijų įtaka magistrantūros studentų anglų kaip užsienio kalbos skaitymo įgūdžiams ir akademiniams pasiekimams

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    The paper investigates correlation of learners’ academic achievements with the application of metacognitive reading strategies (MRS) by the master students in EFL academic reading activities. The study was conducted in Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University. Data was collected by means of focus groups interview and adapted scales of the MARSI questionnaire. The highlighted research is of a descriptive character; it has been completed with the aim of collecting the information at the initial stage of the experiment on master students’ usage of MRS in EFL academic reading activities.Straipsnyje nagrinėjama magistrantų akademinių pasiekimų ir metakognityvinių skaitymo strategijų (MSS) taikymo anglų kaip antrosios kalbos akademinio skaitymo užduotims koreliacija. Tyrimas atliktas Ternopilio Volodymyro Hnatiuko nacionaliniame pedagoginiame universitete. Duomenys buvo renkami tikslinių grupių interviu ir adaptuotomis MARSI klausimyno skalėmis. Straipsnyje pristatomas tyrimas yra aprašomasis, jis atliktas siekiant surinkti informaciją pradiniame eksperimento etape – eksperimentu tiriamas magistrantų MSS naudojimas atliekant anglų kaip antrosios kalbos akademinio skaitymo užduotis. Tyrimo dalyvių palankiausiai vertinamas MSS tipas buvo problemų sprendimo strategija, jos pritaikymo rodiklis didžiausias (bendras įverčio vidurkis 3,7), be to, keturios iš penkių dažniausiai pasirinktų strategijų irgi buvo problemų sprendimo tipo. Lyginamoji tyrimo rezultatų analizė atskleidė, kad aukštus ir žemus akademinius pasiekimus turintys magistrantai dažniausiai naudoja panašias MSS, skyrėsi tik šių dviejų respondentų grupių MSS taikymo dažnis anglų kaip antrosios kalbos akademinio skaitymo užduotims. Gerai besimokantys magistrantai (72 respondentai) MSS taikė vidutiniškai dažnai ir dažnai, jų įverčių vidurkis buvo nuo 3,0 iki 4,2, o prastai besimokantys studentai (58 dalyviai) strategijas taikė vidutiniškai dažnai ir retai, jų įverčių vidurkiai varijavo nuo 2,0 iki 3,2. Tyrimo teorinė nauda ta, kad pristatomi svarbūs rezultatai apie MSS taikymo poveikį Ternopilio Volodymyro Hnatiuko nacionalinio pedagoginio universiteto magistrantų skaitymo gebėjimams. Praktinė tyrimo implikacija ta, kad į magistrantams skirtas mokymo programas turėtų būtų įtraukiami pagrindinius arba pasirenkamuosius dalykus papildantys teksto supratimo kursai, ir jie turėtų būti kuriami vadovaujantis metakognityvinių strategijų naudojimo mokant anglų kaip antrosios kalbos teksto supratimo praktiniais mokymo vadovais

    Standard and quality of life of rural areas population in the view of new paradigm of development

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    One of the main tasks of modern civilization is development according to a New Paradigm, so-called sustainable development.It involves economic and social de-velopment with respect to the state of environment. Demands of sustainable development involve the notion of intergenerational justice, which provides the possibilities of meeting the requirements of humanity in the future. A man constitutes the centre of interest and is the main subject of sustainable development. Its superior aim is to fulfill the needs and aspirations of people, especially the improvement of their standard and quality of life. The work presents analysis of theoretical and empirical issues connected with the development, as well as the standard and quality of life of rural areas population in the region of Lower Silesia, taking into account its functional regions. The analysis made use of sustainable development indexes, basing on normalization method. The mentioned indexes involved housing conditions, as well as expenses connected with housing, health, culture and sport. Areas situated in the surrounding of larger urban agglomerations with higher potential of development, proved to acquire higher standards and quality of life. From the regional point of view the lowest values featured region I of rural character. Research results clearly defined the standard and quality of life of rural areas population in Lower Silesian voivodeship, as well as the changes in these two examined parameters, which confirmed the results of the research conducted in the territory of the whole country


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    The protection of the environment is a priority in all of the development activities and it bases on the concept of sustainable development which aims to improve standard and quality of living in the society taking into account the environmental conditions and possibility of using of its resources by the future generations. In the study was presented the activities that influence on the environment quality of rural areas on the example of Lower Silesia. Indicators of sustainable development for four spheres were used: ecologization of the spatial planning, protection and sustainable development of forests, trending the water proportions and the water quality. The study included 78 rural communes of Lower Silesia. The analysis was made in the period from 2008 to 2014. The results showed an increase in the value of indicators of environmental quality in rural areas of Lower Silesia

    Ocena stanu jakości środowiska jako głównego czynnika zrównoważonego rozwoju obszarów wiejskich – studium przypadku

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    The protection of the environment is a priority in all development activities. It is based on the concept of sustainable development which aims to improve standards and quality of living in societies taking into account the environmental conditions and the possibility of using its resources by future generations. Presented in this study are the activities that have influence on the environment quality of rural areas such as the Dolny Slask. Indicators of sustainable development for four spheres were used: ecologization of the spatial planning, protection and sustainable development of forests, trending the water proportions and the water quality. The study included 78 rural communes of Dolny Śląsk. The analysis was made in the period from 2008 to 2014. The results showed an increase in the value of indicators of environmental quality in rural areas of Dolny Śląsk.Ochrona środowiska przyrodniczego jest priorytetem we wszystkich działaniach rozwojowych. Jej podstawą jest koncepcja zrównoważonego rozwoju, której cel stanowi poprawa poziomu i jakości życia społeczeństwa, ze szczególną troską o stan środowiska oraz o możliwość korzystania z niego przez przyszłe pokolenia. W pracy dokonano oceny stanu jakości środowiska obszarów wiejskich na przykładzie województwa dolnośląskiego. Wykorzystano wskaźniki zrównoważonego rozwoju w ramach czterech dziedzin: ekologizacji planowania przestrzennego, ochrony i zrównoważonego rozwoju lasów, kształtowania stosunków wodnych oraz jakości wód. Badaniami objęto 78 gmin wiejskich województwa dolnośląskiego. Analizy przeprowadzano w latach 2008–2014. Uzyskane wyniki wykazały wzrost wartości wskaźników oceniających jakość środowiska na obszarach wiejskich


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    The protection of the environment is a priority in all of the development activities and it bases on the concept of sustainable development which aims to improve standard and quality of living in the society taking into account the environmental conditions and possibility of using of its resources by the future generations. In the study was presented the activities that influence on the environment quality of rural areas on the example of Lower Silesia. Indicators of sustainable development for four spheres were used: ecologization of the spatial planning, protection and sustainable development of forests, trending the water proportions and the water quality. The study included 78 rural communes of Lower Silesia. The analysis was made in the period from 2008 to 2014. The results showed an increase in the value of indicators of environmental quality in rural areas of Lower Silesia


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    The aim of the study was to assess the intellectual potential of rural society in the context of sustainable development. Author hypothesized that knowledge and skills are one of the fundamental factors to implement the concept of sustainable development, which is reflected in the documents of a strategic relevance. The study included Poland’s rural areas and the region of Lower Silesia. In the years 2002-2011 shown an increase in the share of rural population having an university degree or high school graduates. However, in the borough of Długołęka (year 2013) local community does not know what the concept of sustainable development is

    Evaluation of sustainable development of rural areas of the średzki district

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    The article discussed the aspects connected with sustainable development of rural areas. The evaluation of the of the Średzki District communes utilizes the selected coefficients in agreement with the social order. In the analysis six fields relating to the level and the quality of life, public health, demography, economic activity, poverty and exclusion were considered. The method of the reduction of the multifunction space was used for the interpretation of results


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    The main element of sustainable development paradigm are three orders: social, economic and environmental. The social order, due to including the categories of the quality of life in sustainable development, is regarded as a primary objective, i.e. the state of functioning and behaviour of individuals which enables the existence, duration and development of the society as a whole. The study presents spatial variability of social order for rural communities of Lower Silesia voivodeship situated in south-western part of our country. Sustainable development index, which characterises social order, was used in the work. Synthetic index of social order, combining all the analysed indices, was determined for particular communities. In 2000-2010 its value decreased, indicating lack of realisation of sustainable development concept


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    Support for organic farming after 2004 till now includes two programming periods. Surcharges from the EU budget are the main source of financing in agricultural sector. Founds from PROW allocated between 2004 and 2011 grew over 135.42k EUR and all transfers grew over 408.19k EUR. The aim of the research was to analyse changes regarding support for organic farming, taking into account its features including an area of agricultural crops, permanent grasslands, vegetables and orchards. Diversification of the amount of aid for organic farming in Poland is big and depends on the structure of ecological land use and organic farms’ surface

    Przestrzenne zróżnicowanie ładu społecznego gmin wiejskich południowo-zachodniego regionu Polski

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    The main element of sustainable development paradigm are three orders: social, economic and environmental. The social order, due to including the categories of the quality of life in sustainable development, is regarded as a primary objective, i.e. the state of functioning and behaviour of individuals which enables the existence, duration and development of the society as a whole. The study presents spatial variability of social order for rural communities of Lower Silesia voivodeship situated in south-western part of our country. Sustainable development index, which characterises social order, was used in the work. Synthetic index of social order, combining all the analysed indices, was determined for particular communities. In 2000-2010 its value decreased, indicating lack of realisation of sustainable development concept