3,344 research outputs found

    The Influence of Federal Laboratory R&D on Industrial Research

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    Over the past 60 years the United States has created the world's largest system of government laboratories. The impact of the laboratories on the private economy has been little studied though their research accounts for 14% of total U.S. R&D, more than the R&D of all colleges and universities combined. In this paper we study the influence of federal laboratory R&D on industrial research using a sample of industrial laboratories. In head-to-head comparisons with alternative measures, we find that Cooperative Research and Development Agreements or CRADAs, are the primary channel by which federal laboratories increase the patenting and R&D of industrial laboratories. With a CRADA industrial laboratories patent more, spend more on company-financed R&D and spend more of their own money on federal laboratories. Without a CRADA patenting stays about the same and only federally funded R&D increases, mostly because of direct subsidies by government. These results are consistent with the literature on endogenous R&D spillovers, which emphasizes that knowledge spills over when recipients work at making it spill over. CRADAs are legal agreements between federal laboratories and firms to work together on joint research. They are backed by real budgets and accompanied by cost sharing that could bind the parties together in joint research. Moreover, the CRADA instrument is the main form of such agreements. Thus, both in theory and in fact CRADAs may be more beneficial to firms than other public- private interactions, precisely because of the mutual effort that they require of firms and government laboratories.

    The Influence of Federal Laboratory R&D on Industrial Research

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    This paper studies the influence of R&D in the federal laboratory system, the world's largest, on firm research. Our results are based on a sample of 220 industrial research laboratories that work with a variety of federal laboratories and agencies and are owned by 115 firms in the chemicals, machinery, electrical equipment, and motor vehicles industries. Using an indicator of their importance to R&D managers, we find that Cooperative Research and Development Agreements or CRADAs dominate other channels of technology transfer from federal laboratories to firms. With a CRADA industry laboratories patent more, spend more on company-financed R&D, and devote more resources to their federal counterparts. Without this influence patenting stays about the same, and only federally funded R&D increases, mostly because of government support. The Stevenson-Wydler Act and amendments during the 1980s introduced CRADAs, which legally bind federal laboratories and firms together in joint research. In theory the agreements could capitalize on complementarities between public and private research. Our results support this perspective and suggest that CRADAs may be more beneficial to firms than other interactions with federal laboratories, precisely because of the mutual effort that they demand from both parties.

    Income and Price Effects in an Alternate Exposition of the Theory of Clubs

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    As Buchanan noted in his original paper, the economic theory of clubs allows us to move one step forward in closing the awesome Samuelson gap between the purely private and the purely public good. [3, p.l]. Although the theory applies only to goods from which nonpayers can be excluded, the step forward his analysis permits is large. An alternate exposition of the theory is presented in Richard and Peggy Musgrave\u27s textbook [6, pp. 615-622]; and a graphic conden sation of their exposition was developed by Allen, Amacher, and Tollison [1, pp. 386-91]

    Approximate Inference for Constructing Astronomical Catalogs from Images

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    We present a new, fully generative model for constructing astronomical catalogs from optical telescope image sets. Each pixel intensity is treated as a random variable with parameters that depend on the latent properties of stars and galaxies. These latent properties are themselves modeled as random. We compare two procedures for posterior inference. One procedure is based on Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) while the other is based on variational inference (VI). The MCMC procedure excels at quantifying uncertainty, while the VI procedure is 1000 times faster. On a supercomputer, the VI procedure efficiently uses 665,000 CPU cores to construct an astronomical catalog from 50 terabytes of images in 14.6 minutes, demonstrating the scaling characteristics necessary to construct catalogs for upcoming astronomical surveys.Comment: accepted to the Annals of Applied Statistic

    Multigene analyses identify the three earliest lineages of extant flowering plants

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    AbstractFlowering plants (angiosperms) are by far the largest, most diverse, and most important group of land plants, with over 250,000 species and a dominating presence in most terrestrial ecosystems. Understanding the origin and early diversification of angiosperms has posed a long-standing botanical challenge [1]. Numerous morphological and molecular systematic studies have attempted to reconstruct the early history of this group, including identifying the root of the angiosperm tree. There is considerable disagreement among these studies, with various groups of putatively basal angiosperms from the subclass Magnoliidae having been placed at the root of the angiosperm tree (reviewed in [2–4]). We investigated the early evolution of angiosperms by conducting combined phylogenetic analyses of five genes that represent all three plant genomes from a broad sampling of angiosperms. Amborella, a monotypic, vesselless dioecious shrub from New Caledonia, was clearly identified as the first branch of angiosperm evolution, followed by the Nymphaeales (water lilies), and then a clade of woody vines comprising Schisandraceae and Austrobaileyaceae. These findings are remarkably congruent with those from several concurrent molecular studies [5–7] and have important implications for whether or not the first angiosperms were woody and contained vessels, for interpreting the evolution of other key characteristics of basal angiosperms, and for understanding the timing and pattern of angiosperm origin and diversification

    Improving Medication Safety in an Independent Community Pharmacy

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    Medication errors are often times thought of as a patient receiving a medication that belongs to another patient, but many to do not understand the other areas that are constituted as “medication errors” are much broader. These errors include, but are not limited to, patient receiving the incorrect medication, improper dosing (too large or too small), wrong drug dispensed, incorrect methods of administration, mislabeling, and etc. Medication errors are such an important issue in the United State because it is the most medicated society in history

    The Fan Observatory Bench Optical Spectrograph (FOBOS)

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    The Fan Observatory Bench Optical Spectrograph (FOBOS) is intended for single-object optical spectroscopy at moderate resolution (R~1500-3000) using a fiber-fed, bench-mounted design to maintain stability. Whenever possible, the instrument uses off-the-shelf components to maintain a modest cost. FOBOS supports Galactic astronomy projects that require consistently well-measured (~5 km/sec) radial velocities for large numbers of broadly distributed and relatively bright (V<14) stars. The spectrograph provides wavelength coverage throughout the optical spectrum, although the instrument design was optimized for use in the range 470-670 nm. Test data indicate that the instrument is stable and capable of measuring radial velocities with precision better than 3 km/sec at a resolution of R~1500 with minimal calibration overhead.Comment: Accepted for publication in the May 2005 issue of the PAS

    Structural and Functional Analysis of a β2-Adrenergic Receptor Complex with GRK5.

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    The phosphorylation of agonist-occupied G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) by GPCR kinases (GRKs) functions to turn off G-protein signaling and turn on arrestin-mediated signaling. While a structural understanding of GPCR/G-protein and GPCR/arrestin complexes has emerged in recent years, the molecular architecture of a GPCR/GRK complex remains poorly defined. We used a comprehensive integrated approach of cross-linking, hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (MS), electron microscopy, mutagenesis, molecular dynamics simulations, and computational docking to analyze GRK5 interaction with the β2-adrenergic receptor (β2AR). These studies revealed a dynamic mechanism of complex formation that involves large conformational changes in the GRK5 RH/catalytic domain interface upon receptor binding. These changes facilitate contacts between intracellular loops 2 and 3 and the C terminus of the β2AR with the GRK5 RH bundle subdomain, membrane-binding surface, and kinase catalytic cleft, respectively. These studies significantly contribute to our understanding of the mechanism by which GRKs regulate the function of activated GPCRs. PAPERCLIP

    Quantifying the effectiveness of shoreline armoring removal on coastal biota of Puget Sound

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    Shoreline armoring is prevalent around the world with unprecedented human population growth and urbanization along coastal habitats. Armoring structures, such as riprap and bulkheads, that are built to prevent beach erosion and protect coastal infrastructure from storms and flooding can cause deterioration of habitats for migratory fish species, disrupt aquatic–terrestrial connectivity, and reduce overall coastal ecosystem health. Relative to armored shorelines, natural shorelines retain valuable habitats for macroinvertebrates and other coastal biota. One question is whether the impacts of armoring are reversible, allowing restoration via armoring removal and related actions of sediment nourishment and replanting of native riparian vegetation. Armoring removal is targeted as a viable option for restoring some habitat functions, but few assessments of coastal biota response exist. Here, we use opportunistic sampling of pre- and post-restoration data for five biotic measures (wrack % cover, saltmarsh % cover, number of logs, and macroinvertebrate abundance and richness) from a set of six restored sites in Puget Sound, WA, USA. This broad suite of ecosystem metrics responded strongly and positively to armor removal, and these results were evident after less than one year. Restoration responses remained positive and statistically significant across different shoreline elevations and temporal trajectories. This analysis shows that removing shoreline armoring is effective for restoration projects aimed at improving the health and productivity of coastal ecosystems, and these results may be widely applicable

    Orbital Instabilities in a Triaxial Cusp Potential

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    This paper constructs an analytic form for a triaxial potential that describes the dynamics of a wide variety of astrophysical systems, including the inner portions of dark matter halos, the central regions of galactic bulges, and young embedded star clusters. Specifically, this potential results from a density profile of the form ρ(m)m1\rho (m) \propto m^{-1}, where the radial coordinate is generalized to triaxial form so that m2=x2/a2+y2/b2+z2/c2m^2 = x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 + z^2/c^2 . Using the resulting analytic form of the potential, and the corresponding force laws, we construct orbit solutions and show that a robust orbit instability exists in these systems. For orbits initially confined to any of the three principal planes, the motion in the perpendicular direction can be unstable. We discuss the range of parameter space for which these orbits are unstable, find the growth rates and saturation levels of the instability, and develop a set of analytic model equations that elucidate the essential physics of the instability mechanism. This orbit instability has a large number of astrophysical implications and applications, including understanding the formation of dark matter halos, the structure of galactic bulges, the survival of tidal streams, and the early evolution of embedded star clusters.Comment: 50 pages, accepted for publication in Ap