2,686 research outputs found

    Governor's Dialogue on Health Care: Vision and Values

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    Summarizes discussions with over four hundred business, civic, nonprofit and healthcare community leaders about their vision for their healthcare system, the roles of employers, government, individuals, and the free market, and the values behind that vis

    Explaining Small-Business Development: A Small-Business Development Model Combining the Maslow and the Hayes and Wheelwright Models

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    This paper looks at small-business management from the standpoint of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and Hayes and Wheelwright’s four-stage model. The paper adapts Maslow’s hierarchy of needs model to small- business development and evolution. Additionally, Hayes and Wheelwright’s four-stage model is combined with the adapted Maslow small-business development model. The implications of the new model on the development of small businesses and future research are discussed

    The bureaucratization of war: moral challenges exemplified by the covert lethal drone

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    This article interrogates the bureaucratization of war, incarnate in the covert lethal drone. Bureaucracies are criticized typically for their complexity, inefficiency, and inflexibility. This article is concerned with their moral indifference. It explores killing, which is so highly administered, so morally remote, and of such scale, that we acknowledge a covert lethal program. This is a bureaucratized program of assassination in contravention of critical human rights. In this article, this program is seen to compromise the advance of global justice. Moreover, the bureaucratization of lethal force is seen to dissolve democratic ideals from within. The bureaucracy isolates the citizens from lethal force applied in their name. People are killed, in the name of the State, but without conspicuous justification, or judicial review, and without informed public debate. This article gives an account of the risk associated with the bureaucratization of the State’s lethal power. Exemplified by the covert drone, this is power with formidable reach. It is power as well, which requires great moral sensitivity. Considering the drone program, this article identifies challenges, which will become more prominent and pressing, as technology advances

    Nerve complexes of circular arcs

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    We show that the nerve complex of n arcs in the circle is homotopy equivalent to either a point, an odd-dimensional sphere, or a wedge sum of spheres of the same even dimension. Moreover this homotopy type can be computed in time O(n log n). For the particular case of the nerve complex of evenly-spaced arcs of the same length, we determine the dihedral group action on homology, and we relate the complex to a cyclic polytope with n vertices. We give three applications of our knowledge of the homotopy types of nerve complexes of circular arcs. First, we use the connection to cyclic polytopes to give a novel topological proof of a known upper bound on the distance between successive roots of a homogeneous trigonometric polynomial. Second, we show that the Lovasz bound on the chromatic number of a circular complete graph is either sharp or off by one. Third, we show that the Vietoris--Rips simplicial complex of n points in the circle is homotopy equivalent to either a point, an odd-dimensional sphere, or a wedge sum of spheres of the same even dimension, and furthermore this homotopy type can be computed in time O(n log n)
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