21 research outputs found

    Integracija primarnih privrednih delatnosti u Srbiji

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    U radu je razmatrana opravdanost i mogućnost objedinjavanja ribarskih i lovnih prirodnih dobara Republike Srbije u cilju njihove samoodrživosti, boljeg razvoja i upravljanja. Mnogobrojne dodirne tačke ribarskih i lovnih područija su međusobno podudarne, počevši od biotičkih i abiotičkih činilaca, pa do ekonomskih, zbog čega se nameće potreba njihovog objedinjavanja

    Primjena polutrajnih i konvencionalnih cemenata s modificiranom tehnikom cementiranja u dentalnoj implantologiji

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    Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of artificial ageing on the retention force of original semipermanent cements, as well as the possibility of using conventional cements for semipermanent cementation with adequate modification of the cementing protocol. Material and methods: Forty CoCrMo alloy crowns were divided in four groups (each group n=10) and fixed with two semipermanent cements (resin-based and glass ionomer-based cements) and one conventional (zinc phosphate), using conventional and modified cementation techniques on titanium abutments. The samples were stored in humid conditions for 24 hours at 37°C and subjected to thermocycling (500 cycles) and mechanical cyclic loading (7 days, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months function simulation). The cast crowns were removed and the retention force was recorded. Results: The highest initial retention force measured was for zinc-phosphate cement - conventional cementing (198,00±61,90 N), followed in descending order by zinc-phosphate cement - modified cementing technique (152,00±45,42 N), long term temporary cement – GC Fuji Temp LT (57,70±20,40 N), and semipermanent cement - Te-lio CS Cem Implant (56,10±18,68 N). After 12 months, the highest retention force measured was for zinc-phosphate cement - conventional cementing (88, 90±14, 45 N), followed by zinc-phosphate cement – modified cementing (48, 15±14,41N), semipermanent cement GC Fuji Temp LT (16,55±3,88 N) and Telio CS Cem Implant (15,55±5,52 N). Conclusions: Zinc-phosphate cement - modified cementing technique and original semipermanent cements can be recommended for conditional permanent cementing of implant supported crowns. Clinical relevance: The use of semipermanent cements and zinc-phosphate cement - modified cementing technique provides a predictable retrievability of implant-supported crowns.Cilj: Željelo se ispitati kakav je utjecaj umjetnoga starenja na retencijsku silu originalnih (polutrajnih) semipermanentnih cemenata i mogućnost upotrebe konvencionalnih cemenata za polutrajno pričvršćivanje, uz odgovarajuću prilagodbu protokola cementiranja. Materijal i metode: U četiri skupine raspoređeno je 40 krunica izrađenih od Co-Cr-Mo legure (svaka skupina n = 10) i fiksiranih dvama polutrajnim cementima (cementi na bazi smola i staklenoionomera) i jednim konvencionalnim (cink-fosfatni cement), učvršćene konvencionalnom i prilagođenom tehnikom cementiranja na titanijevim nadogradnjama (engl. abutment). Uzorci su bili 24 sata pohranjeni u vlažnim uvjetima na temperaturi od 37 °C nakon čega su podvrgnuti termocikliranju (500 ciklusa) i mehaničkim cikličnim opterećenjima (simulacija 7 dana, 1, 3, 6, 9 i 12 mjeseci u funkciji). Krunice su uklonjene i zabilježena je retencijska sila. Rezultati: Najvišu inicijalnu retencijsku silu pokazao je cink-fosfatni cement – konvencionalno cementiranje (198,00 ± 61,90 N), a slijede ga u silaznom nizu cink-fosfatni cement – prilagođena tehnika cementiranja (152,00 ± 45,42 N), dugotrajni privremeni cement – GC Fuji LT (57,70 ± 20,40 N) i semipermanentni cement Telio CS (56,10 ± 18,68 N). Poslije 12 mjeseci najviša retencijska sila izmjerena je za cink-fosfatni cement – konvencionalno cementiranje (88, 90 ± 14,45 N), a slijede cink-fosfatni cement – prilagođena tehnika cementiranja (48,15 ± 14,41 N) te semipermanentni cementi GC Fuji Temp LT (16,55 ± 3,88 N) i Telio CS Cem Implant (15,55 ± 5,52 N). Zaključak: Cink-fosfatni cement – prilagođena tehnika cementiranja i originalni polutrajni cementi (semipermanentni) mogu se preporučiti za uvjetno trajno cementiranje krunica postavljenih na implantate jer omogućuje optimalnu mogućnost uklanjanja krunica postavljenih na implantate

    Low-cost portable TRNG, implementation and evaluation

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    This paper will show one of many possible hardware implementations of random sequence generators and give a short survey on existing work related to techniques used for producing true random bits. By using cheap electronic components found in every specialized store such as 8-bit RISC microcontroler, double analogue comparator chip and USB to RS232 interface integrated circuit, we were able to produce a low cost, higly portable device that outputs random sequences with excellent statistical characteristics and high entropy. The source of randomness is a mix of techniques such as electronic noise, phase noise and oscillator jitter. The device in question has a built-in debiasing algorithm similar to [1] and a security mechanism that protects the end user by constantly monitoring the quality of digitized noise signal. Finaly, we will show the results of comparative analysis of data acquired from our device and „random.org“ online service

    The Properties Defining Teaching Materials for English Language Courses for IT Students in Serbia

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    The results presented in this paper are a part of amuch more complex mix-method research on the needs of ITstudents in ELT. The paper reports on the properties definingthe teaching materials suitable for IT students in ELT in tertiaryeducation. Since English language is an essential tool for ITstudents to gain professional knowledge and to grow intocompetent individuals in their field, a rather different approachshould be utilised in order to fully assess and question their needsin ELT. The paper discusses on the properties of teachingmaterials for IT students within the framework of Englishlanguage courses for IT students that has been defined by theresearch. The authors want to define teaching materials suitablefor IT students for mainly two reasons: to help the ones withinsufficient language knowledge to reach the satisfying one and toequip the IT students for the target situations in Englishlanguage that they may find themselves in during studies andupon finding a job. The results presented in this paper can bevaluable for all ESP teachers, especially the ones teaching to thestudents at technical faculties

    Razvoj servisa za digitalni potpis sa sopstvenim modulom za generisanje ključeva i digitalnih sertifikata

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    U ovom radu fokus je stavljen na razvoj sopstvene aplikacije za generisanje digitalnih sertifikata potrebnih za digitalno potpisivanje, na razvoj same funkcije digitalnog potpisivanja, kao i na verifikovanje digitalnog potpisa uz pomoć digitalnih sertifikata. U aplikaciji će biti implementirani moduli za generisanje skladišta ključeva, digitalnih sertifikata koji se sastoje od osnovnih informacija o vlasniku sertifikata i para asimetričnih kriptoloških ključeva (javni i privatni). Ključevi su generisani pomoću DSA1 i RSA2 algoritama, a koriste se i za digitalno potpisivanje i verifikaciju digitalnog potpisa

    Šifrovanje baze podataka sa više korisnika

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    Kerberos je protokol za autentifikaciju. Dizajniranje da omogući jaku autentifikaciju za klijet-server aplikacijekoristeći kriptografiju tajnog ključa. Kerberos je nastao kaorešenje za probleme mrežne sigurnosti i razvijen je od straneMIT-a. Kerberos protokol koristi jaku kriptografiju kako biklijent mogao da dokaže svoj identitet serveru i obrnuto prekonesigurne mreže. Nakon što su klijent i server dokazali svojeidentitete preko Kerberosa, oni takođe mogu šifrovatni njihovukompletnu komunikaciju kako bi privatnost i integritet podatakabio osiguran. U ovom radu bavili smo se simulacijom radaKerberos protokola. Detaljno su opisana podešavanja ifunkcionalnosti kao i koje sve vrste implementacija postoje zaKerberos protokol i kakvu vrstu bezbednost pruža. Takođe jeopisano koje su prednosti i mane ovog protokola. Kerberosprotokol je predstavljen kao novo rešenje za autentifikaciju išifrovanje baze podataka sa više korisnika

    Putting Humans Back in the Loop: A Study in Human-Machine Cooperative Learning

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    This paper introduces a novel approach to human-machine collaborative learning that allows for the chronically missing human learnability in the context of supervised machine learning. The basic tenet of this approach is the refinement of a human designed software model through the iterative learning loop. Each iteration of the loop consists of two phases: (i) automatic data-driven parameter adjustment, performed by means of stochastic greedy local search, and (ii) human-driven model adjustment based on insights gained in the previous phase. The proposed approach is demonstrated through a real-life study of automatic electricity meter reading in the presence of noise. Thus, a cognitively-inspired non-connectionist approach to digit detection and recognition is introduced, which is subject to refinement through the iterative process of human-machine cooperation. The prototype system is evaluated with respect to the recognition accuracy (with the highest digit recognition accuracy of 94%), and also discussed with respect to the storage requirements, generalizability, utilized contextual information, and efficiency

    Implementation theoretical information protocol for public distribution cryptology keys

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    This paper presents the design and implementation of a key distribution protocol over public channels. This protocol has its own source of randomness, based on data from civil air traffic. An equivalent protocol scheme has been developed according to the theoretical protocol, “satellite scenario”. Both parties to generate symmetric keys without preshared secrets have been allowed. Keys generated in this way can be used with symmetric encryption (AES, DES). The performance of the proposed protocol has been conducted with rigorous theoretical information analysis. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. TR32054

    Moderne tehnologije u funkciji pametnih gradova

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    Sve gradove koji teže ka razvoju i ulažu uimplementiranje modernih i novih tehnologija možemo nazvatipametnim gradovima. Pametni gradovi koriste digitalnetehnologije i imaju za cilj da poboljšaju kvalitet ljudskog života ida omoguće zaštitu životne sredine. Takođe jedan od ključnihciljeva pametnih gradova jeste da privuku veliki broj novihstanovnika i posetioca koji će investirati u grad što dalje vodi katome da se poboljšava kvalitet života i razvija dobro ekonomskookruženje. Kao moderne tehnologije pametni gradovi nastoje daomoguće pametnu mobilnost u kojoj postoji jaka ICT(Information and Communication Technologies) infrastruktura idobra usluga prevoza, takođe nastoje da internetom povežu sveobjekte IoT (Internet of Things), pružaju usluge koje su baziranena oblaku (engl. cloud based services), praktikuju korištenjepametnih telefona i drugih načina koji mogu da pomognu urešavanju problema. Kompletan koncept pametnog gradazasniva se na tome da se izgradi jedan primer savremenog gradačija će struktura kasnije moći da se prenese i na ostale gradove.Korištenje savremenih tehnologija kao što su bežične mreže imnoge aplikacije koje su bazirane na internetu promenile sunačin života urbane sredine na koju su ljudi već navikli, upravotakve tehnologije čine da pametni gradovi postanu realnost

    Texture analysis of iris biometrics based on adaptive size neighborhood entropy and linear discriminant analysis

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    Novel method for personal identification, based on adaptive size neighborhood entropy of iris images, was proposed. Through the process of segmentation, iris was extracted from other regions of the human eye, geometrically transformed and normalized. Entropy calculations performed for different neighborhood sizes allows simultaneous distinguishing of fine and global iris texture. Described method also allows recognition of images which contain artifacts and their removal from further analysis after application of principal component analysis (PCA). In the last analytical step, linear discriminant analysis (LDA) with training vector set was applied, allowing rigorous classification. Described procedure is suitable for the application in security systems with small number of authorized persons and a high degree of safety