47 research outputs found

    EPR identification of defects responsible for thermoluminescence in Cu-doped lithium tetraborate (Li2B4O7) crystals

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    Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) is used to identify the electron and hole traps responsible for thermoluminescence (TL) peaks occurring near 100 and 200 ◦C in copper-doped lithium tetraborate (Li2B4O7) crystals. As-grown crystals have Cu+ and Cu2+ ions substituting for lithium and have Cu+ ions at interstitial sites. All of the substitutional Cu2+ ions in the as-grown crystals have an adjacent lithium vacancy and give rise to a distinct EPR spectrum. Exposure to ionizing radiation at room temperature produces a second and different Cu2+ EPR spectrum when a hole is trapped by substitutional Cu+ ions that have no nearby defects. These two Cu2+ trapped-hole centers are referred to as Cu2+-VLi and Cu2+active, respectively. Also during the irradiation, two trapped-electron centers in the form of interstitial Cu0 atoms are produced when interstitial Cu+ ions trap electrons. They are observed with EPR and are labeled Cu0A and Cu0B. When an irradiated crystal is warmed from 25 to 150 ◦C, the Cu2+active centers have a partial decay step that correlates with the TL peak near 100 ◦C. The concentrations of Cu0A and Cu0B centers, however, increase as the crystal is heated through this range. As the crystal is futher warmed between 150 and 250 ◦C, the EPR signals from the Cu2+active hole centers and Cu0A and Cu0B electron centers decay simultaneously. This decay step correlates with the intense TL peak near 200 ◦C

    EPR identification of defects responsible for thermoluminescence in Cu-doped lithium tetraborate (Li2B4O7) crystals

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    Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) is used to identify the electron and hole traps responsible for thermoluminescence (TL) peaks occurring near 100 and 200 ◦C in copper-doped lithium tetraborate (Li2B4O7) crystals. As-grown crystals have Cu+ and Cu2+ ions substituting for lithium and have Cu+ ions at interstitial sites. All of the substitutional Cu2+ ions in the as-grown crystals have an adjacent lithium vacancy and give rise to a distinct EPR spectrum. Exposure to ionizing radiation at room temperature produces a second and different Cu2+ EPR spectrum when a hole is trapped by substitutional Cu+ ions that have no nearby defects. These two Cu2+ trapped-hole centers are referred to as Cu2+-VLi and Cu2+active, respectively. Also during the irradiation, two trapped-electron centers in the form of interstitial Cu0 atoms are produced when interstitial Cu+ ions trap electrons. They are observed with EPR and are labeled Cu0A and Cu0B. When an irradiated crystal is warmed from 25 to 150 ◦C, the Cu2+active centers have a partial decay step that correlates with the TL peak near 100 ◦C. The concentrations of Cu0A and Cu0B centers, however, increase as the crystal is heated through this range. As the crystal is futher warmed between 150 and 250 ◦C, the EPR signals from the Cu2+active hole centers and Cu0A and Cu0B electron centers decay simultaneously. This decay step correlates with the intense TL peak near 200 ◦C

    KH2PO4 + Host Matrix (Alumina / SiO2_2) Nanocomposite: Raman Scattering Insight

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    We report on the synthesis and Raman scattering characterization of composite materials based on the hostnanoporous matrices filled with nanostructured KH2PO4 (KDP) crystal. Silica (SiO2) and anodized aluminium oxide (AAO) were used as host matrices with various pore diameters, inter-pore spacing and morphology. The structure of the nanocomposites was investigated by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. Raman scattering reveals the creation of one-dimensional nanostructured KDP inside the SiO2 matrix. We clearly observed the stretching {\nu}1, {\nu}3 and bending {\nu}2 vibrations of PO4 tetrahedral groups in the Raman spectrum of SiO2 + KDP. In Raman scattering spectra of AAO + KDP nanocomposite, the broad fluorescence background of AAO matrix dominates to a great extent, hindering thus the detecting of the KDP compound spectral response.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures; 21st International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON) 201

    The chromium site in doped glassy lithium tetraborate

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    Using extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy, we find that Cr substitutes primarily in the Liþ site as a dopant in lithium tetraborate Li2B4O7 glasses, in this case 98.4Li2B4O7e1.6Cr2O3 or nominally Li1.98Cr0.025B4O7. This strong preference for a single site is nonetheless accompanied by site distortions and some site disorder, helping explain the optical properties of chromium doped Li2B4O7 glasses. The resulting O coordination shell has a contraction of the Cr-O bond lengths as compared to the Li-O bond lengths. There is also an increase in the O coordination number

    The chromium site in doped glassy lithium tetraborate

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    Using extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy, we find that Cr substitutes primarily in the Liþ site as a dopant in lithium tetraborate Li2B4O7 glasses, in this case 98.4Li2B4O7e1.6Cr2O3 or nominally Li1.98Cr0.025B4O7. This strong preference for a single site is nonetheless accompanied by site distortions and some site disorder, helping explain the optical properties of chromium doped Li2B4O7 glasses. The resulting O coordination shell has a contraction of the Cr-O bond lengths as compared to the Li-O bond lengths. There is also an increase in the O coordination number

    The surface core level shift for lithium at the surface of lithium borate

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    The shallow Li 1s core level exhibits a surface-to-bulk core level shift for the stoichiometric Li2B4O7(110) surface. Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy was used to indentify Li 1s bulk and surface core level components at binding energies -56.5 ± 0.4 and -53.7 ± 0.5 eV, respectively.We find photoemission evidence for surface states of Li2B4O7(110) that exist in the gap of the projected bulk density of states. The existence of surface states is consistent with the large surface-to-bulk core level shift for the Li 1s core

    The off-axis pyroelectric effect observed for lithium tetraborate

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    We find a pyroelectric current along the {110} direction of stoichiometric Li2B4O7 so that the pyroelectric coefficient is nonzero but roughly 10−3 smaller than along the {001} direction of spontaneous polarization. Abrupt decreases in the pyroelectric coefficient along the {110} direction can be correlated with anomalies in the elastic stiffness C_33^D contributing to concept that the pyroelectric coefficient is not simply a vector but has qualities of a tensor, as expected. The time dependent surface photovoltaic charging suggests that an inverse piezoelectric effect occurs at the (110) surface but not the (100) surface. Both effects along the {110} direction or at the (110) surface are distinct the conventional as a bulk pyroelectric effect

    Identification of electron and hole traps in lithium tetraborate (Li2B4O7) crystals: Oxygen vacancies and lithium vacancies

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    Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) are used to identify and characterize electrons trapped by oxygen vacancies and holes trapped by lithium vacancies in lithium tetraborate (Li2B4O7) crystals. Our study includes a crystal with the natural abundances of 10B and 11B and a crystal highly enriched with 10B. The as-grown crystals contain isolated oxygen vacancies, lithium vacancies, and copper impurities, all in nonparamagnetic charge states. During an irradiation at 77 K with 60 kV x-rays, doubly ionized oxygen vacancies trap electrons while singly ionized lithium vacancies and monovalent copper impurities trap holes. The vacancies return to their preirradiation charge states when the temperature of the sample is increased to approximately 90 K. Hyperfine interactions with 10B and 11B nuclei, observed between 13 and 40 K in the radiation-induced EPR and ENDOR spectra, provide models for the two vacancy-related defects. The electron trapped by an oxygen vacancy is localized primarily on only one of the two neighboring boron ions while the hole stabilized by a lithium vacancy is localized on a neighboring oxygen ion with nearly equal interactions with the two boron ions adjacent to the oxygen ion

    The electronic structure of Li2B4O7(110) and Li2B4O7(100)

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    The band structure of Li2B4O7(100) and Li2B4O7(110) was experimentally determined using a combination of angle-resolved photoemission and angle-resolved inverse photoemission spectroscopies. The experimental band gap depends on crystallographic direction but exceeds 8.8 eV, while the bulk band gap is believed to be in the vicinity of 9.8 eV, in qualitative agreement with expectations. The occupied bulk band structure indicates relatively large values for the hole mass; with the hole mass as significantly larger than that of the electron mass derived from the unoccupied band structure. The Li2B4O7(110) surface is characterized by a very light mass image potential state and a surface state that falls within the band gap of the projected bulk band structure