108 research outputs found

    Intersectional Dialogue - A Cosmopolitical Dialogue of Ethics

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    The article is based on a critical cosmopolitan outlook on dialogue as not aimed at reaching consensus, but rather keeping dialogue of difference open, with the ability to reach common understanding of human rights on conflicting grounds. Intersectional dialogue is used as a concept that opens up possibilities to study, in a pragmatic sense, the ‘cosmopolitan space’ in which different axles of power met in the historical drafting of human rights. By enacting analysis of United Nations (UN) documents from 1948 on the process of drafting the Universal Declaration on Human Rights (UDHR) the conceptualization of intersectional dialogue is put to work. The utopian foundation for deliberative democracy as dialogue in the absence of power and interest does not acknowledge the reality in which the human rights were negotiated and debated. The paper questions the dominant narrative of a western philosophical ground for the universality of human rights

    Reconciling Universality and Particularity through a Cosmopolitan Outlook on Human Rights

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    Human rights are today criticized as not compatible with different cultural values and the debate has circulated around Asian values and Islamic values as in dichotomy with human rights as universal ethics (Ignatieff, 2003). The theoretical dichotomy between universality and particularity is questioned pragmatically in this paper through a historical study. The working process of drafting the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in 1946-48, which included thousands of people, is explored as a cosmopolitan space in which individuals from different cultural contexts met to negotiate human rights through cultural narratives. The process where particular values were negotiated with universal notion on human rights resulted in a common proclamation (UDHR) without a common philosophical or ideological ground. This paper puts forth a thesis that human rights discourse can work as a cosmopolitan space, in which particular value systems meet in processes characterized by conflict and cohesion. Hence human rights can be understood as a master narrative compatible with different conflicting cultural narratives (Gibson & Somers, 1994)

    In a Man's words - the politics of female representation in the public

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    What one decides fit for appearance through writing and speech bears a political signifi cance that risk being distorted through both language, reception in the public, and through calls for gendered representations. How can work of female philosophers be interpreted as a concern for the world from that of having to respond to a male-dominated discourse through which speech becomes trapped into what one might represent as ‘other’? In this paper, I explore the public reception of two female thinkers who question, in diff erent ways, the dominant notion of the author or philosopher as a male subject; what kind of limitations does the relative notion of ‘female’ pose political action, and how can privilege constitute a hindrance to feminist solidarity

    Paideia and Cosmopolitan Education: On Subjectification, Politics and Justice

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    Can human rights in education enhance students and teachers capacity to reimagine their local community and to rethink the rules and laws that support such a social community? This paper is a political philosophical inquiry into human rights in education, drawing on the work of Hannah Arendt, Cornelius Castoriadis and Adriana Cavarero. By placing learning at the center of political philosophy through the notion of paideia, we need to ask how such an education can look like. According to Castoriadis, society exists only insofar as it is embodied in its social individuals. Society and its individuals are in a constant process of becoming toward relational autonomy that implies a moral self-limitation. At the core of my philosophical inquiry into moral subjectification is the need to re-think human rights and the pedagogical subject in relational terms that imply self-limitation and political engagement in a wider cosmopolitan communit

    The ISCIP Analyst, Volume X, Issue 7

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    This repository item contains a single issue of The ISCIP Analyst, an analytical review journal published from 1996 to 2010 by the Boston University Institute for the Study of Conflict, Ideology, and Policy

    The ISCIP Analyst, Volume X, Issue 1

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    This repository item contains a single issue of The ISCIP Analyst, an analytical review journal published from 1996 to 2010 by the Boston University Institute for the Study of Conflict, Ideology, and Policy

    The ISCIP Analyst, Volume X, Issue 5

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    This repository item contains a single issue of The ISCIP Analyst, an analytical review journal published from 1996 to 2010 by the Boston University Institute for the Study of Conflict, Ideology, and Policy

    The ISCIP Analyst, Volume X, Issue 2

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    This repository item contains a single issue of The ISCIP Analyst, an analytical review journal published from 1996 to 2010 by the Boston University Institute for the Study of Conflict, Ideology, and Policy

    Węzeł wartowniczy w raku jelita grubego

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    StreszczenieWstępW pracy dokonano przeglądu na podstawie piśemiennictwa badań na temat przydatności identyfikacji węzła wartowniczego w ocenie stanu zaawansowania klinicznego raka jelita grubego. Przeprowadzono analizę wyników badań w tym zakresie wykonanych w różnych ośrodkach chirurgicznych. Zwrócono uwagę na te elementy które mają zasadnicze znaczenie w rokowaniu u chorych na raka jelita grubego oraz na prawdopodobne przyczyny błędów jakie są popełniane przy kwalifikacji chorych do określonej grupy zaawansowania klinicznego. Potwierdzenie przerzutów w węzłach chłonnych warunkuje zastosowanie terapii uzupełniającej i daje większe szanse na osiągnięcie dobrych wyników leczenia. Dotychczas stosowane techniki badawcze nie zawsze dają pewność właściwie postawionego rozpoznania w zakresie stopnia zaawansowania choroby, stąd poszukiwanie nowych metod, które zwiększyłyby szansę na precyzyjne określenie stadium choroby i umożliwiłyby zastosowanie odpowiedniego, skutecznego leczenia.Materiał i metodyOmówiono koncepcję „węzła wartowniczego” oraz korzyści jakie może przynieść jego identyfikacja w ocenie zaawansowania choroby. Przedstawiono techniki wybarwiania węzłów chłonnych, rodzaje barwników i sposób nastrzyknięcia tkanki.WynikiUwzględniono skuteczność diagnostyczną tej metody badawczej w różnych badaniach oraz ocenę patomorfologiczną węzła wartowniczego opartą na barwieniu hemoatoksylinowo-eozynowym, metodach immunohistochemicznych, a także przy zastosowaniu technik molekularnych. Dokonano oceny wyników dodatnich oraz fałszywie ujemnych prowadzonych badań.WniosekStwierdzono przydatność nowej metody diagnostycznej w raku jelita grubego wymagającą jednakże dalszych badań oraz uwidoczniono korzyśći jakie może przynieść zastosowanie tej metody w praktyce.SummaryIntroductionIn the paper a review of the literature on the usefulness of the sentinel lymph node (SLN) identification in clinical staging of the colorectal cancer was performed. Studies conducted In different surgical departments were analyzed. Crucial elements in prognosis in patients with colorectal cancer and mistakes made in clinical staging of theses patients were pointed out. Lymph nodes metastases warrants the adjuvant therapy and improves results of treatment. The diagnostic methods used at the moment are not very accurate in clinical staging, therefore a search for the new methods, which would enable more precise staging and at the same time the suitable treatment is being made.Material and methodsThe sentinel node concept and the benefits of its identification are discussed. Techniques of the SLN dying (dyes, application) are presented.ResultsThe diagnostic efficacy of the method in different studies and the detailed pathological examination (haematoxylin-eosin, immunohistochemistry, molecular techniques) is being analyzed. Positive and false negative results in the studies are evaluated.ConclusionThe usefulness of the method and application in the clinical setting in colorectal cancer is shown, still further studies are needed