56 research outputs found

    Polysaccharides and mucin 5AC (MUC5AC) expression in gallbladder mucosa of young patients with gallstones as evaluated by spatial visualization and quantification

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    The study aimed at examination of tissue expression of polysaccharides and secretory mucin 5AC (MUC5AC)in young patients (up to 25 years of age) with a symptomatic gallstones. For comparison, patients most frequently subjectedto cholecystectomy were studied, i.e. patients of approximately 50 years of age with the same diagnosis. In quantitativestudies on tissue expression of both mucus components, the modern technique of spatial visualization was applied for thefirst time. Application of the technique permitted to demonstrate significant positive relationships between expression ofglycoproteins (immunocytochemical ABC technique for detection of MUC5AC) and expression of sugar components inmucus (PAS technique) and to confirm suitability of the technique for quantitative appraisal of both histochemical andimmunocytochemical reactions. An even higher expression of polysaccharides in the entire mucosa and of MUC5AC wasdetected in gallbladder epithelium of 50-year-old patients, as compared to young patients with symptomatic gallstones. Inthe young patients, expression of polysaccharides correlated with inflammatory activity (grading), width of gallbladder walland PLT level in peripheral blood. A significantly higher expression of polysaccharides in gallbladder epithelium wasdemonstrated in young patients admitted in the emergency mode to the hospital. These correlations in young patients maysuggest a role of both mucus components in pathogenesis of cholelithiasis in this age group. A quantitative appraisal ofmucus component expression in the two parts of gallbladder mucosa (epithelium vs. entire mucosa) using spatial visualizationtechnique permitted to more accurately compare production of glycoproteins and of polysaccharides in patients withcholelithiasis and to demonstrate additional correlations of a potential clinical significance

    Dwa synchroniczne neuroendokrynne nowotwory płuca

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    The synchronous primary lung tumors is a rare condition and presented patient is the first reported case of simultaneous two distinct neuroendocrine lung cancer lesions in the same lobe. We present the case of a 55-year-old woman with synchronous two distinct neuroendocrine lung cancer lesions in the right upper lobe. Initially she showed no signs or symptoms related to lung lesions and was admitted to Thoracic Surgery Ward for the investigation of two oval, solitary pulmonary nodules (11 and 19 mm in diameter) detected on a chest X-ray performed three months earlier. The radiological imaging showed a variability of growth of both lesions (smaller tumor has enlarged while the larger one remained unchanged). After the CT-guided lung biopsy, patient underwent right upper lobectomy. Histological examination revealed a small cell carcinoma in one of the tumors and a large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma in the other one. The patient was discharged in good condition and lung inflation in chest X-ray and qualified for adjuvant chemotherapy with a combination of cisplatin and etoposide and the prophylactic cranial irradiation. Very important issues, having impact on outcome of patients with multiple lung tumours is differentiation whether the lesions are metastases or synchronous primary lung tumors and the optimal management of these patients.Synchroniczne nowotwory płuc są rzadką chorobą, a prezentowany przypadek to pierwszy opublikowany opis jednoczesnego wystąpienia dwóch pierwotnych neuroendokrynnych raków płuca zlokalizowanych w jednym płacie. Przedstawiono przypadek 55-letniej pacjentki z dwoma pierwotnymi, odrębnymi neuroendokrynnymi rakami płata górnego płuca prawego. Pacjentka została przyjęta na oddział chirurgii klatki piersiowej w celu diagnostyki dwóch cieni okrągłych płuca prawego (o średnicy 11 i 19 mm) uwidocznionych na zdjęciu RTG klatki piersiowej wykonanym trzy miesiące wcześniej. Przy przyjęciu pacjentka nie prezentowała żadnych objawów związanych ze zmianami w płucu. Dalsze badania obrazowe wykazały zmienność wzrostu obu zmian (mniejszy guz uległ powiększeniu, natomiast średnica większego pozostała bez zmian). Po dalszej diagnostyce obejmującej biopsję płuca pod kontrolą tomografii komputerowej, pacjentkę poddano operacji usunięcia płata górnego płuca prawego. Wynik badania histopatologicznego usuniętej tkanki płucnej wykazał, że jeden z guzów jest rakiem drobnokomórkowym, drugi natomiast wielkokomórkowym rakiem neuroendokrynnym. Po kontrolnym zdjęciu RTG klatki piersiowej, które wykazało pełne upowietrznienie obu płuc, pacjentka została wypisana do domu w stanie ogólnym dobrym. Pacjentkę zakwalifikowano do adjuwantowej chemioterapii z zastosowaniem cisplatyny oraz etopozydu, a także do profilaktycznego naświetlania czaszki. Bardzo ważnym zagadnieniem mającym wpływ na wyniki leczenia pacjentów z mnogimi guzami w płucach jest różnicowanie zmian przerzutowych od nowotworów synchronicznych, a także szybkie wdrożenie właściwego leczenia

    Polysaccharides and mucin 5AC (MUC5AC) expression in gallbladder mucosa of young patients with gallstones as evaluated by spatial visualization and quantification.

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    The study aimed at examination of tissue expression of polysaccharides and secretory mucin 5AC (MUC5AC) in young patients (up to 25 years of age) with a symptomatic gallstones. For comparison, patients most frequently subjected to cholecystectomy were studied, i.e. patients of approximately 50 years of age with the same diagnosis. In quantitative studies on tissue expression of both mucus components, the modern technique of spatial visualization was applied for the first time. Application of the technique permitted to demonstrate significant positive relationships between expression of glycoproteins (immunocytochemical ABC technique for detection of MUC5AC) and expression of sugar components in mucus (PAS technique) and to confirm suitability of the technique for quantitative appraisal of both histochemical and immunocytochemical reactions. An even higher expression of polysaccharides in the entire mucosa and of MUC5AC was detected in gallbladder epithelium of 50-year-old patients, as compared to young patients with symptomatic gallstones. In the young patients, expression of polysaccharides correlated with inflammatory activity (grading), width of gallbladder wall and PLT level in peripheral blood. A significantly higher expression of polysaccharides in gallbladder epithelium was demonstrated in young patients admitted in the emergency mode to the hospital. These correlations in young patients may suggest a role of both mucus components in pathogenesis of cholelithiasis in this age group. A quantitative appraisal of mucus component expression in the two parts of gallbladder mucosa (epithelium vs. entire mucosa) using spatial visualization technique permitted to more accurately compare production of glycoproteins and of polysaccharides in patients with cholelithiasis and to demonstrate additional correlations of a potential clinical significance

    Cross tolerance in beet armyworm : long-term selection by cadmium broadens tolerance to other stressors

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    Long lasting exposure of animals to stressing factor may lead to the selection of population able to cope with the stressor at lower cost than unexposed individuals. The aim of this study was to assess whether 130- generational selection of a beet armyworm to cadmium in food might have induced tolerance also to other stressors. The potential tolerance was assessed by means of unspecific stress markers: HSP70 concentration, DNA damage level, and energy budget indices in L5 larval instars of beet armyworm. The animals originated from Cd-exposed and control strains exposed additionally in a short-term experiment to high/low temperature or pesticide—spinosad. The application of the additional stressors caused, in general, an increase in the levels of studied parameters, in a straindependent manner. The most significant increase was found in HSP70 level in the individuals from the Cd-strain exposed to various spinosad concentration. Therefore, multigenerational contact with cadmium caused several changes that enable the insect to survive under a chronić stress, preparing the organism to the contact with an additional, new stressor. This relationship may be described as a sort of cross tolerance. This may, possibly, increase the probability of population survivorship and, at the same time, decrease the efficiency of pesticide-based plant protection efforts

    Giant schwannoma of the cheek : a comprehensive histological and immunohistochemical description of a rare tumour

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    Schwannoma is a benign tumour originating from Schwann cells forming sheaths of peripheral nerves. Its location in the oral cavity, and particularly in the cheek, is very rare. A large tumour (5 cm) was surgically removed from the left cheek of a fifty-five-year-old man and pathological examination revealed schwannoma with Antoni A and B patterns. The tumour was investigated using immunofluorescence and histochemical stainings. It showed positive immunostaining for S-100, PGP 9.5, NSE, collagen IV, laminin, merosin and vimentin. No immunofluorescence for GFAP, NPY and CGRP was observed. Cells of the macrophage family (CD68-immunopositive) were scattered in the connective tissue. Neither B (CD20+) nor T (CD3+, CD8+) lymphocytes were found. The capillary network was revealed by CD34 immunostaining. SMA immunoreactivity was observed in walls of larger blood vessels but not in tumour cells. The tumour contained numerous mast cells visualized by thionin staining and an abundance of collagen fibres revealed by picrosirius red

    Morphological Lesions Detected by Light and Electron Microscopies in Chronic Type C Hepatitis

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    HCV infection results in chronic hepatitis in most patients. The mechanisms determining liver damage and the events that lead to a high rate of chronic hepatitis remain unclear. In present study, an attempt was made to sum up data on lesions in the liver in the course of chronic type C hepatitis including those of our own cases, because that pattern is still a matter of debate. Cell lesions detected by light microscopy are characteristic but not specific and included inflammatory lesions of low or moderate intensity and a mild extent of fibrosis in the liver. The common and most characteristic trait of chronic HCV infection involves lesions in hepatocyte nuclei. These changes involved swelling, altered shape, hyperchromasia, disturbed nuclear chromatin structure, enlarged and frequently multiple nucleoli and lesions of nuclear envelope. Complexes of tubules or branching fibrils of 20 -30nm in diameter were present in cell nuclei at electron microscope level. The nuclear lesions were accompanied in the same cells by changes in rough endoplasmic reticulum with long tubular structures or branching fibrills inside. Other cytoplasmic changes included mitochondrial lesions, numerous lipid vacuoles and free tubular structure of a highly osmophilic character. Cellular localisation of HCV proteins using immunocytochemical techniques remains to be a matter of studies. In most studies HCV proteins have been detected in the cytoplasm although some reports indicate nuclear localisation, especially of C protein. All our observations on morphological lesions in chronic type C hepatitis can generally confirm most of data of other authors, but the criteria of nuclear lesions defined at the ultrastructural level represent the original input of our studies. The studies using molecular biology techniques should be continued at the electron microscope level

    Proteomic analysis of mitochondria-enriched fraction isolated from the frontal cortex and hippocampus of apolipoprotein E knockout mice treated with alda-1, an activator of mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH2)

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    The role of different genotypes of apolipoprotein E (apoE) in the etiology of Alzheimer’s disease is widely recognized. It has been shown that altered functioning of apoE may promote 4-hydroxynonenal modification of mitochondrial proteins, which may result in mitochondrial dysfunction, aggravation of oxidative stress, and neurodegeneration. Mitochondrial aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH2) is an enzyme considered to perform protective function in mitochondria by the detoxification of the end products of lipid peroxidation, such as 4-hydroxynonenal and other reactive aldehydes. The goal of our study was to apply a differential proteomics approach in concert with molecular and morphological techniques to elucidate the changes in the frontal cortex and hippocampus of apolipoprotein E knockout (apoE−/−) mice upon treatment with Alda-1—a small molecular weight activator of ALDH2. Despite the lack of significant morphological changes in the brain of apoE−/− mice as compared to age-matched wild type animals, the proteomic and molecular approach revealed many changes in the expression of genes and proteins, indicating the impairment of energy metabolism, neuroplasticity, and neurogenesis in brains of apoE−/− mice. Importantly, prolonged treatment of apoE−/− mice with Alda-1 led to the beneficial changes in the expression of genes and proteins related to neuroplasticity and mitochondrial function. The pattern of alterations implies mitoprotective action of Alda-1, however, the accurate functional consequences of the revealed changes require further research

    p21/Wafl/Cipl cellular expression in chronic long-lasting hepatitis C: correlation with HCV proteins (C, NS3, NS5A), other cell-cycle related proteins and selected clinical data.

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    Studies indicate that proteins of hepatitis C virus (HCV) disturb expression of cell-cycle-related proteins. A disturbed cell-cycle control is a hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) risk factor in patients with HCV-related liver damage. The present study aimed to analyse the cellular expression of p21/Wafl/Cipl (p21) in long-lasting chronic hepatitis C (CH-C), its correlation with the key oncogenic HCV proteins (C, NS3, NS5A), other cell-cycle-related proteins (PCNA, Ki-67, cyclin D1, p53) and selected clinical data. Archival liver biopsies, obtained from patients with CH-C, normal livers, and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) specimens were analysed by immunocytochemistry and ImmunoMax technique. In CH-C overexpression of p21 protein was demonstrated. Positive correlations of p21 protein expression in CH-C involved age of the patients, grading, and liver steatosis. Moreover, expression of p21 correlated significantly with expression of p53 protein, of D1 cyclin and Ki-67. Although Ki-67 antigen was related to p21 expression, only Ki-67 expression proved to be directly related to liver staging. Expression of the NS3 protein, which prevailed in CH-C patients, manifested correlation with p21 expression, and that of cyclin D1. In presence of preserved potential for regeneration, overexpression of p21 indicates inhibition of cell cycle in hepatocytes, which probably plays a protective role for the chronically damaged cells. Out of the three HCV proteins only NS3 seems to affect control of p21 protein expression in in vivo infection. Nevertheless, the studies indicate that neither expression of p21 protein nor that of viral NS3 protein can serve as a marker of progression of CH-C to HCC in vivo

    Interleukin-2 (IL-2) expression in livers of patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection.

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    The studies performed till now have pointed to an increased serum levels of interleukin 2 (IL-2) in infection with hepatitis C virus (HCV). The present study was aimed at examining intrahepatic expression of IL-2 in children (n=15) and in adults (n=11) with chronic hepatitis C as well as its correlations with histological lesions and selected clinical data. The immunocytochemical techniques and in situ hybridization method were applied at light and electron microscopy level. Under the light microscope, expression of IL-2 was analysed semiquantitatively. As compared to the control material, in livers of both groups of chronic hepatitis C patients augmented expression of IL-2 was demonstrated. The reaction product was localized mainly in the cytoplasm of hepatocytes which was confirmed by hybridocytochemistry. The mean proportion of cells with positive reaction for IL-2 mRNA was significantly lower than the proportion of cells positive for the respective protein. No correlation was disclosed between IL-2 expression on one hand and grading or staging, alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and HCV RNA levels in serum on the other. At the ultrastructural level, IL-2 in hepatocytes was present mainly in the endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria. Our studies have confirmed augmented expression of IL-2 in livers of patients with chronic hepatitis C and have demonstrated that hepatocytes represent the principal source of the cytokine in HCV in vivo infection. Moreover, expression of IL-2 in the infection was examined for the first time at the ultrastructural level. Mitochondrial localization of IL-2 suggests a direct involvement of the cytokine in disturbed function of the organelles