307 research outputs found

    Microvascularisation of the pineal gland in the rat

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    The authors investigated the pineal blood supply in the rat, including microvascularisation, using different methods of vascular corrosion cast technique and two methods of inspection: scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and light microscope (LM). The animals were divided into three groups and injected with two types of casting media. It was found that the pineal gland is highly vascularised. Arterial supply is from the branches of the medial posterior choroidal artery which originates from the posterior cerebral artery. All veins drain into the great cerebral vein directly without forming the pineal vein. However, we noticed a short venous trunk between the great cerebral vein and the confluence of the sinuses. This venous trunk had not been described in literature till now and does not have a name in anatomical nomenclature. The authors showed the relationship of the pineal gland to adjacent venous vessels

    Tourism attractiveness of the landscape of Mazovia in Poland ‒ an untapped potential for bicycle tourism development

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    The region of Mazovia in Poland helps meet the growing demand for recreational areas, which is related to the existence of large urban centres in the region and the ever-increasing trend towards an active lifestyle. This paper demonstrates the potential of Mazovia in terms of bicycle tourism, discusses the state of the existing bicycle infrastructure and outlines prospects for its development. For that purpose the authors: 1) summarised the spatial distribution of natural values important for cycling and the condition of cycling infrastructure; 2) examined the relation between the values of the Mazovia region and their use for cycling; 3) checked the state of the bicycle routes network in the Mazowieckie voivodeship in relation to other voivodeships. This study shows that Mazovia has a considerable potential for cycling tourism and recreation on both a regional and local scale for short-term and short-distance trips. On a supra-regional scale, the Mazovia area offers excellent conditions for establishing transit routes between regions of the highest tourist attractiveness in Poland. However, the above-mentioned potential is at present partially untapped, the likely reasons for which have been indicated in this paper

    Different types of maltreatment and health-related quality of life in older age

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    Diff erent types of maltreatment against older people, perpetrated by those within their close social network, stand in contrast to well-known theories of intergenerational solidarity. Th e aim of this study was to examine the relationships between diff erent types of maltreatment reported by Polish older people and their health-related quality of life. A cross-sectional study was carried out in a simple random sample of 631 older (i.e., aged 65 years and over) citizens of Cracow (36.6% males and 63.4% females). Th e study was based on face to face interviews. Structured questionnaire consisting of questions meant to recognize diff erent types of maltreatment and the perpetrators of such maltreatment. Health-related quality of life was evaluated with scales included in the SF-36. Th e infl uence of a particular dimension of quality of life on the risk of being a victim of violence was explored in multivariate logistic regression models which showed that risk of poor perception of the health status was higher in both, older women (ExpB = 2.04; 95% CI = (1.21; 3.44)) and older men (ExpB = 2.01; 95% CI = (1.00; 4.06)), who presented belief that older people in Poland are poorly treated by younger parts of the society. Risk of high limitation in functional status was higher in men confi rmed that older people in Poland are poorly treated by rest of the society (ExpB = 2.40; 95% CI = (1.23; 4.71)). Risk of low psychological well-being was higher in women confi rmed self-defi ning themselves as a victim of psychological abuse (ExpB = 2.60; 95% CI = (1.27; 5.34)) and those who defi ned themselves as a victim of neglect by family members (ExpB = 2.73; 95% CI = (1.22; 6.08)). Men who believed that older people are poorly treated in Poland also had higher risk of low psychological well-being (ExpB = 2.30; 95% CI = (1.18; 4.46)). Presented data show that in self-defi nition older people perceived themselves as a victim of maltreatment. Coping with these negative beliefs and opinion should be taken into account as a challenge to develop the social capital based on mutual trust and intergenerational solidarity

    Bezpośrednie i odległe wyniki leczenia chirurgicznego oponiaków przyśrodkowej części skrzydła mniejszego kości klinowej z wykorzystaniem dostępu czołowo-skroniowo-oczodołowo-jarzmowego

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    Background and purpose The fronto-temporo-orbito-zygomatic approach (FTOZA) is an alternative to the pterional approach in surgical resection of meningiomas of the medial part of the lesser wing of the sphenoid bone. The purpose of this study is to present our results of treatment of these meningiomas using the FTOZA. Material and methods Thirty patients (19 women, 11 men) with a central skull base tumour were included in the study. The neurological status of the patients was assessed before and after surgery as well as at the conclusion of treatment. The approximate volume of the operated tumour, its relation to large blood vessels, cranial nerves and brainstem, as well as consistency and vascularisation were assessed. Results The symptom duration ranged from 1 to 36 months (median: 6 months). Impaired visual acuity was the predominant symptom in 27.5% of patients. Less frequent symptoms included paresis/paralysis of the third cranial nerve, headache, psychoorganic syndrome and epilepsy. Approximate volume of the tumours ranged from 5 to 212 mL (median: 63 mL). Total or subtotal resection was achieved in 77% of patients. The postoperative performance status improved in 16.5%, did not change in 52.8% and deteriorated in 26.4% of patients. One (3.3%) patient died after the surgery. Conclusions The FTOZA is a useful technique for removal of tumours expanding superiorly to the middle cranial fossa base without significant compression of the brain. Ability to remove tumours through the described approach decreases as the degree of infiltration of the clivus increases.Wstęp i cel pracy Dostęp czołowo-skroniowo-oczodołowo-jarzmowy (DCSOJ) jest alternatywą dla dostępu pterionalnego w operacyjnym leczeniu oponiaków przyśrodkowej części skrzydła mniejszego kości klinowej. Celem niniejszej pracy jest przedstawienie własnych wyników leczenia powyższych oponiaków z wykorzystaniem DCSOJ. Materiał i metody Analizie poddano grupę 30 chorych z guzami centralnej części podstawy czaszki, wśród których było 19 kobiet i 11 mężczyzn. Ocenie podlegał stan neurologiczny chorych przed rozpoczęciem leczenia, po operacji i po zakończeniu leczenia oraz zmiany ich aktywności życiowej. Określano przybliżoną objętość operowanych guzów, ich stosunek do dużych naczyń, nerwów czaszkowych i pnia mózgu, jak również konsystencję i stopień unaczynienia. Wyniki Długość wywiadu wahała się od 1 do 36 miesięcy (mediana: 6 miesięcy). W 27,5% przypadków wiodącym objawem były zaburzenia ostrości wzroku. Rzadziej występowały niedowład lub porażenie nerwu okoruchowego, bóle głowy, zespół psychoorganiczny i padaczka. Przybliżona objętość usuniętych guzów wahała się od 5 do 212 cm3 (mediana: 63 cm3). W 77% przypadków przeprowadzone resekcje były doszczętne lub z niewielkimi pozostałościami guzów. Aktywność życiowa leczonych w 16,5% uległa poprawie, w 52,8% nie zmieniła się, w 26,4% nastąpił jej spadek, 3,3% leczonych zmarło. Wnioski Dostęp czołowo-skroniowo-oczodołowo-jarzmowy stanowi dogodną drogę usuwania guzów nowotworowych rozrastających się ku górze z centralnej części podstawy środkowego dołu czaszki i obszarów sąsiadujących, bez konieczności wywierania znacznego ucisku na mózg. Możliwości usuwania guzów z omawianego dostępu maleją wraz z ich rozrostem wzdłuż stoku

    Humor perception in schizophrenia appears to be related to disorganization syndrome

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    Perception of humor seems to be often disturbed in schizophrenia, yet current literature is limited and ambiguous on its relationship to psychopathology. A sample of 40 schizophrenia-diagnosed subjects provided humor comprehension and funniness ratings for 60 cartoons and 60 stories with funny, neutral and absurd punchlines. Disorganization syndrome was found to associate with deficits in humor comprehension and experienced funniness in non-humorous stimuli after controlling for cognitive performance, age, sex and medication. The findings are discussed in relation to previous studies on the topic

    Surgical treatment of adult patients with thalamic tumors with the aid of tractography, fMRI, transcranial electrical stimulation and direct electrical stimulation of the subcortical white matter

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    The aim of investigation was to assess treatment outcomes in adult patients with thalamic tumors, operated on with the aid of tractography (DTI) and monitoring of motor evoked potentials (MEPs) generated due to transcranial electrical stimulation (TES) and direct electrical stimulation (DES) of the subcortical white matter.38 subsequent patients with thalamic tumors were operated on using tractography (DTI)- integrated neuronavigation, transcranial electrical stimulation (TES) and direct electrical stimulation (DES). The volumetric method was used to calculate pre- and postoperative tumor volume.Total tumor resection (100%) was performed in 18 (47%) patients, subtotal in 9 (24%)(mean extent of resection 89.4%) and partial in 11 (29%) patients (mean extent of resection 77.18%). The mean extent of resection for all surgical patients was 86.5%.Two (5.2%) patients died postoperatively. Preoperative hemiparesis was present in 18(47%) patients. Postoperative hemiparesis was observed in 11 (29%) patients of whom only in 5 (13%) new paresis was noted due to surgical intervention. In patients with hemiparesis significantly more frequently larger tumor volume was detected preoperatively. Low mean normal fractional anisotropy (nFA) values in the internal capsule were observed statistically significantly more frequently in patients with preoperative hemiparesis as compared to the internal capsule of the unaffected hemisphere. Transcranial electrical stimulation helps to predict postoperative paresis of extremities. Direct electrical stimulation is an effective tool for intraoperative localization of the internal capsule thus helping to avoid postoperative deficit.In patients with tumor grade I and II the median time to tumor progression was 36months. In the case of patients with grades III and IV it was 14 months. The median survival time in patients with grades I and II it was 60 months. In patients with grades III and IV it was 18 months. Basing on our results, patients with glioma grade I/II according to WHO classification are the best candidates for surgical treatment of thalamic tumors. In this group of the patients more often resection is radical, median time to progression and survival time are longer than in patients with gliomas grade III and IV. Within a 7-year follow-up none of the patients with GI/GII grade glioma died

    Total anomalous pulmonary vein drainage in a 60-year-old woman diagnosed in an ECG-gated multidetector computed tomography : a case report and review of literature

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    Purpose: Total anomalous pulmonary vein drainage (TAPVD) is a congenital cardiac defect in which there is no connection between pulmonary veins and the left atrium. Pulmonary veins form a confluence independent of the left atrium and drain to a systemic vein. TAPVD types are: supracardiac, cardiac, infracardiac, and mixed. TAPVD accounts for approximately 1.5-2.2% of all congenital heart diseases. This anomaly is usually diagnosed in the neonatal period, and it coexists with atrial septal defect. Adult cases of TAPVD are rarely reported. Case report: We report a rare case of a 60-year-old woman with incidentally found, uncorrected TAPVD in ECG-gated multidetector computed tomography. In previous echocardiographic examinations partial anomalous pulmonary venous return and atrial septal defect were diagnosed. Conclusions: ECG-gated multidetector computed tomography is a valuable diagnostic method for adults with congenital heart disease. It enables evaluation of coronary arteries and simultaneously provides detailed anatomy of great vessels

    Bezpośrednie i odległe wyniki leczenia oponiaków przedniej części pogranicza czaszkowo-szyjnego z wykorzystaniem dostępu przezkłykciowego częściowego

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    Background and purpose The partial transcondylar approach (PTA) is an alternative to the suboccipital approach in the surgical treatment of meningiomas of the anterior portion of the craniovertebral junction (APCVJ). The purpose of this study is to present our results of treatment of these meningiomas using PTA. Material and methods Fourteen patients (11 women, 3 men) with meningioma of the APCVJ were included in the study. Neurological status of the patients was assessed before and after surgery as well as at the conclusion of the treatment. The approximate volume of the operated tumour, its relation to large blood vessels, cranial nerves and brainstem, along with its consistency and vascularisation were assessed. Results The symptom duration ranged from 1 to 36 months (median: 11 months). In 79% of patients, motor deficits of the extremities were predominant symptoms. Less frequent symptoms included headache, cervical pain and sensory deficits of cervical nerves C2 to C5. Approximate volume of the tumours ranged from 2.5 mL to 22.1 mL (mean: 11.7 mL). Gross total or subtotal resection was achieved in 86% of patients. The postoperative performance status improved in 57%, did not change in 36% and deteriorated in 7% of the patients. Conclusions The PTA is a useful technique for removal of meningiomas expanding intradurally of the APCVJ without significant compression of the medulla. The results of treatment were good in most patients.Wstęp i cel pracy Dostęp przezkłykciowy częściowy (DPC) jest alternatywą dla dostępu podpotylicznego w operacyjnym leczeniu oponiaków przedniej części pogranicza czaszkowo–szyjnego (PCPCS). Celem niniejszej pracy jest przedstawienie własnych wyników leczenia powyższych oponiaków z wykorzystaniem DPC. Materiał i metody Analizie poddano grupę 14 chorych z oponiakami PCPCS, wśród których było 11 kobiet i 3 mężczyzn. Ocenie podlegał stan neurologiczny chorych przed rozpoczęciem leczenia, po operacji i po zakończeniu leczenia oraz zmiany ich aktywności życiowej. Określano przybliżoną objętość operowanych guzów, ich stosunek do dużych naczyń, nerwów czaszkowych i pnia mózgu, jak również konsystencję i stopień unaczynienia. Wyniki Długość wywiadu wahała się od 4 miesięcy do 36 miesięcy (mediana: 11 miesięcy). W 79% przypadków wiodącym objawem był niedowład kończyn. Rzadziej występowały bóle głowy i karku oraz zaburzenia czucia korzeniowego C2 do C5. Przybliżona objętość usuniętych guzów wahała się od 2,5 cm3 do 22,1 cm3 (średnia: 11,7 cm3). W 86% przypadków przeprowadzone wycięcia były doszczętne lub z niewielkimi pozostałościami guzów. Aktywność życiowa leczonych w 57% się poprawiła, w 36% nie zmieniła się, w 7% nastąpił jej spadek. Wnioski Dostęp przezkłykciowy częściowy stanowi dogodną drogę usuwania oponiaków rozrastających się wewnątrzoponowo w PCPCS, bez konieczności wywierania znacznego ucisku na rdzeń przedłużony i rdzeń kręgowy. Wyniki leczenia są u większości chorych dobre