18 research outputs found

    Open Access

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    “Would you like to open a subscription to this journal?” “Download this article for $35.00.” “Sign up to receive access to this article.” During my summer research I saw a lot of these windows pop up on my computer screen. One dead end followed by another. I grew weary of not having access to the studies that were highly pertinent to my area of research. Although my frustrations were never abated, I accepted this as my reality. I’ve acquiesced to the idea that my future as a researcher will be filled with endless hours of staring at a computer screen constantly telling me “No you may not read this article.” [excerpt

    Freeing Nemo

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    Floating on the surface of the water, I observe the life teeming below me. The waves were carrying my body further and further into the beautiful reef; but all I was conscious of was the cleaner wrasse below bouncing from fish to fish, the parrotfish scraping algae from the coral, and the anemone protecting the ornate clownfish living within. [excerpt

    Rape Culture Ruined My Favorite 80s Movie

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    I will admit that I wish my best friend was Duckie, I want to attend just one Saturday detention with Emilio Estevez, and I listen to an unhealthy amount of music from the Smiths and the Psychedelic Furs. Yes, I am a child of the nineties, but I spent many high school nights watching John Hughes films and attempting to dye my hair the perfect shade of Molly Ringwald red. [excerpt

    What It\u27s Like to be a Radical Conservative

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    “What is your major?” “Environmental Science.” The snarky retort, “Don’t go joining GreenPeace now, you’re becoming a radical.” I know there are many uses of the word “radical,” but in this context, I know that it is not meant as a compliment. Because I study environmental science and global climate change, this person associates me with radicals – those utilizing extreme methods to bring about extreme changes. [excerpt

    The F-Word

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    I’m thinking of a word. Can you guess it? This word is considered negative and harsh. It’s generally avoided in everyday conversations. You wouldn’t normally hear this word spoken by professors or sophisticated celebrities. It starts with an F… Do you know it? That’s right folks! It’s “feminist”. [excerpt

    Fearless: Steph Adamczak

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    Steph Adamczak ’15 has been shaking things up on campus by having some fearless conversations about the current investments Gettysburg College is making in fossil fuels. Steph hopes that by opening these important conversations, the college will consider divesting from these specific investments, especially with increased support from the Gettysburg College student body. [excerpt

    Culture Shock

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    Take one week living in our culture: Monday: A student quotes other students on Overheard at Gettysburg. “In the commons at 8:50am. Two girls. Completely serious. Girl 1: Have you been outside? Girl 2: Yea! It’s rape weather. Girl 1: I know. A girl could totally get raped out there.” [excerpt

    Fearless: The Next Wave of Insurgents

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    As we close out on another school year, the Surge staff is looking back on an awesome semester and preparing for a new year with new leadership. Katie Patterson ’15, Rashida Aluko-Roberts ’15,Steph Adamczak ’15, and Kathryn Bucolo ’14 are fearlessly taking the reigns and will continue bringing thought-provoking, challenging, and creative articles each week to Surge, and we can’t wait to see what they will do! [excerpt