25 research outputs found

    Gi2MO: Interoperability, Linking and Filtering in Idea Management Systems

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    This thesis proposes how to apply the Semantic Web tech- nologies for the Idea Management Systems to deliver a solution to knowl- edge management and information over ow problems. Firstly, the aim is to present a model that introduces rich metadata annotations and their usage in the domain of Idea Management Systems. Furthermore, the the- sis shall investigate how to link innovation data with information from other systems and use it to categorize and lter out the most valuable elements. In addition, the thesis presents a Generic Idea and Innovation Management Ontology (Gi2MO) and aims to back its creation with a set of case studies followed by evaluations that prove how Semantic Web can work as tool to create new opportunities and leverage the contemporary Idea Management legacy systems into the next level

    The road from community ideas to organisational innovation: A life cycle survey of idea management systems

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    This paper introduces a new emerging software component, the idea management system, which helps to gather, organise, select and manage the innovative ideas provided by the communities gathered around organisations or enterprises. We define the notion of the idea life cycle, which provides a framework for characterising tools and techniques that drive the evolution of community submitted data inside idea management systems. Furthermore, we show the dependencies between the community-created information and the enterprise processes that are a result of using idea management systems and point out the possible benefits

    Linked Opinions: Describing Sentiments on the Structured Web of Data

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    In the paper we report on the results of our experiments on the construction of the opinion ontology. Our aim is to show the benefits of publishing in the open, on the Web, the results of the opinion mining process in a structured form. On the road to achieving this, we attempt to answer the research question to what extent opinion information can be formalized in a unified way. Furthermore, as part of the evaluation, we experiment with the usage of Semantic Web technologies and show particular use cases that support our claims

    IKHarvester - Informal eLearning with semantic web harvesting

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    Only recently, researchers and practitioners alike have begun to fully understand the potential of eLearning and have concentrated on new tools and technologies for creating, capturing and distributing knowledge. In order to support and extend those solutions we propose the idea of incorporating the informal knowledge into Learning Management Systems. Contributing to the body of research, problems of existing eLearning technologies are documented highlighting areas of definite improvement. Finally, semantic Web harvesting technology as a solution is explored in the form of the knowledge acquisition tool called IKHarvester

    Semantic technologies in idea management systems: a model for interoperability, linking and filtering

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    Abstract Idea Management Systems are web applications that implement the notion of open innovation though crowdsourcing. Typically, organizations use those kind of systems to connect to large communities in order to gather ideas for improvement of products or services. Originating from simple suggestion boxes, Idea Management Systems advanced beyond collecting ideas and aspire to be a knowledge management solution capable to select best ideas via collaborative as well as expert assessment methods. In practice, however, the contemporary systems still face a number of problems usually related to information overflow and recognizing questionable quality of submissions with reasonable time and effort allocation. This thesis focuses on idea assessment problem area and contributes a number of solutions that allow to filter, compare and evaluate ideas submitted into an Idea Management System. With respect to Idea Management System interoperability the thesis proposes theoretical model of Idea Life Cycle and formalizes it as the Gi2MO ontology which enables to go beyond the boundaries of a single system to compare and assess innovation in an organization wide or market wide context. Furthermore, based on the ontology, the thesis builds a number of solutions for improving idea assessment via: community opinion analysis (MARL), annotation of idea characteristics (Gi2MO Types) and study of idea relationships (Gi2MO Links). The main achievements of the thesis are: application of theoretical innovation models for practice of Idea Management to successfully recognize the differentiation between communities, opinion metrics and their recognition as a new tool for idea assessment, discovery of new relationship types between ideas and their impact on idea clustering. Finally, the thesis outcome is establishment of Gi2MO Project that serves as an incubator for Idea Management solutions and mature open-source software alternatives for the widely available commercial suites. From the academic point of view the project delivers resources to undertake experiments in the Idea Management Systems area and managed to become a forum that gathered a number of academic and industrial partners. Resumen Los Sistemas de Gesti贸n de Ideas son aplicaciones Web que implementan el concepto de innovaci贸n abierta con t茅cnicas de crowdsourcing. T铆picamente, las organizaciones utilizan ese tipo de sistemas para conectar con comunidades grandes y as铆 recoger ideas sobre c贸mo mejorar productos o servicios. Los Sistemas de Gesti贸n de Ideas lian avanzado m谩s all谩 de recoger simplemente ideas de buzones de sugerencias y ahora aspiran ser una soluci贸n de gesti贸n de conocimiento capaz de seleccionar las mejores ideas por medio de t茅cnicas colaborativas, as铆 como m茅todos de evaluaci贸n llevados a cabo por expertos. Sin embargo, en la pr谩ctica, los sistemas contempor谩neos todav铆a se enfrentan a una serie de problemas, que, por lo general, est谩n relacionados con la sobrecarga de informaci贸n y el reconocimiento de las ideas de dudosa calidad con la asignaci贸n de un tiempo y un esfuerzo razonables. Esta tesis se centra en el 谩rea de la evaluaci贸n de ideas y aporta una serie de soluciones que permiten filtrar, comparar y evaluar las ideas publicadas en un Sistema de Gesti贸n de Ideas. Con respecto a la interoperabilidad de los Sistemas de Gesti贸n de Ideas, la tesis propone un modelo te贸rico del Ciclo de Vida de la Idea y lo formaliza como la ontolog铆a Gi2MO que permite ir m谩s all谩 de los l铆mites de un sistema 煤nico para comparar y evaluar la innovaci贸n en un contexto amplio dentro de cualquier organizaci贸n o mercado. Por otra parte, basado en la ontolog铆a, la tesis desarrolla una serie de soluciones para mejorar la evaluaci贸n de las ideas a trav茅s de: an谩lisis de las opiniones de la comunidad (MARL), la anotaci贸n de las caracter铆sticas de las ideas (Gi2MO Types) y el estudio de las relaciones de las ideas (Gi2MO Links). Los logros principales de la tesis son: la aplicaci贸n de los modelos te贸ricos de innovaci贸n para la pr谩ctica de Sistemas de Gesti贸n de Ideas para reconocer las diferenciasentre comu卢nidades, m茅tricas de opiniones de comunidad y su reconocimiento como una nueva herramienta para la evaluaci贸n de ideas, el descubrimiento de nuevos tipos de relaciones entre ideas y su impacto en la agrupaci贸n de estas. Por 煤ltimo, el resultado de tesis es el establecimiento de proyecto Gi2MO que sirve como incubadora de soluciones para Gesti贸n de Ideas y herramientas de c贸digo abierto ya maduras como alternativas a otros sistemas comerciales. Desde el punto de vista acad茅mico, el proyecto ha provisto de recursos a ciertos experimentos en el 谩rea de Sistemas de Gesti贸n de Ideas y logr贸 convertirse en un foro que reuni贸n para un n煤mero de socios tanto acad茅micos como industriales

    The Road from Community Ideas to Organisational Innovation: A Life Cycle Survey of Idea Management Systems

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    This paper introduces a new emerging software component, the idea management system, which helps to gather, organise, select and manage the innovative ideas provided by the communities gathered around organisations or enterprises. We define the notion of the idea life cycle, which provides a framework for characterising tools and techniques that drive the evolution of community submitted data inside idea management systems. Furthermore, we show the dependencies between the community-created information and the enterprise processes that are a result of using idea management systems and point out the possible benefits

    The road from community ideas to organisational innovation: A life cycle survey of idea management systems

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    This paper introduces a new emerging software component, the idea management system, which helps to gather, organise, select and manage the innovative ideas provided by the communities gathered around organisations or enterprises. We define the notion of the idea life cycle, which provides a framework for characterising tools and techniques that drive the evolution of community submitted data inside idea management systems. Furthermore, we show the dependencies between the community-created information and the enterprise processes that are a result of using idea management systems and point out the possible benefits