7 research outputs found

    Aneuploidy screening of embryonic stem cell clones by metaphase karyotyping and droplet digital polymerase chain reaction

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    DNA input in ddPCR reaction. The figure shows copy number of Chr 8 (crosses) and Y (squares) measured by ddPCR with various input quantities of genomic DNA template. Vertical bars are Standard Errors. The experiment demonstrates linearity across the range of concentrations relevant to the DNA preparations assayed. This is a key point for the robustness of the screen, as gDNA preparations are challenging to standardize due to the disparity of growth rates between ES cell clones. (PDF 26 kb

    Amphibians and reptiles of the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, México, with new records

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    We provide a list of amphibians and reptiles of the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve in the southern half of the Mexican Yucatan, in the state of Campeche. The study area was sampled through opportunistic, transect and pitfall trap surveys conducted for three successive years. These surveys resulted in a total of 2,359 amphibian and reptile encounters, belonging to 20 amphibian and 69 reptile species from 24 total families. We present herein the records for one snake, one chelonian and two salamander species not previously recorded in the area

    Amphibians and reptiles of the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, México, with new records

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    We provide a list of amphibians and reptiles of the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve in the southern half of the Mexican Yucatan, in the state of Campeche. The study area was sampled through opportunistic, transect and pitfall trap surveys conducted for three successive years. These surveys resulted in a total of 2,359 amphibian and reptile encounters, belonging to 20 amphibian and 69 reptile species from 24 total families. We present herein the records for one snake, one chelonian and two salamander species not previously recorded in the area

    Amphibians and reptiles of the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, México, with new records

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    We provide a list of amphibians and reptiles of the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve in the southern half of the Mexican Yucatan, in the state of Campeche. The study area was sampled through opportunistic, transect and pitfall trap surveys conducted for three successive years. These surveys resulted in a total of 2,359 amphibian and reptile encounters, belonging to 20 amphibian and 69 reptile species from 24 total families. We present herein the records for one snake, one chelonian and two salamander species not previously recorded in the area

    Additional file 2: Figure S2. of Aneuploidy screening of embryonic stem cell clones by metaphase karyotyping and droplet digital polymerase chain reaction

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    Quality of karyotype of JM8-derived clones is equivalent among distributing repositories. The figure shows the percentages of euploid clones sourced from the two main distributors of JM8-derived cells and GLT rate obtained with them. The numbers of clones in each instance is shown. These numbers illustrate that materials obtained from different distributors are of similar quality in terms of karyotype and GLT ability. Data was analysed using the Fisher Exact test that and showed no evidence of difference of quality between the two distributors. (PDF 77 kb

    Additional file 6: Figure S5. of Aneuploidy screening of embryonic stem cell clones by metaphase karyotyping and droplet digital polymerase chain reaction

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    Outcome of chromosome counting by ddPCR with genomic DNA extracted from ear biopsies. The figure shows copy numbers obtained using the karyotype screen assay panel on DNA extracted from euploid ES cells (C), trisomic ES cells (Ts), X0 ES cells (Ns Y) and female mouse ear clip (E), using the same lysis method. Vertical bars are Standard Errors. The data illustrate that the assays are able detect the expected copy numbers on gDNA extracted from tisssues (2 Chr 1, 8 and 11) and that the number of these chromosomes is lower in genomes extracted from tissue cultures. (PDF 63 kb